Заражение сои в условиях in vivo грибами Diaporthe eres

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Studies were carried out to assess the pathogenicity of the Diaporthe eres species in relation to soybeans using artificial infection methods to clarify the phylogenetic specialization of Diaporthe fungi. The work was carried out in 2021–2023 in the Amur region under conditions of pot experiment. The objects were soybean plants of the early-ripening variety Sentyabrinka and mid-ripening Kitrossa, as well as two strains of microscopic fungi Diaporthe eres. Identification of Diaporthe fungi was carried out by molecular genetic methods and according to cultural and morphological characteristics. Infection of soybean was carried out at different stages development, agar blocks with inoculum were placed on artificially created mechanical damage on the stems. To confirm the penetration of D. eres through natural routes, soybean leaves were inoculated of the studied strains spores suspension. The appearance of disease symptoms and repeated isolation of D. eres from the tissue of an infected plant indicate the manifestation of pathogenicity of the species towards the soybean. Two studied strains of D. eres, previously isolated from apricot shoots, exhibit low aggressiveness towards soybean (the infection rate did not exceed 10 %) as compared with a strain of Diaporthe sp. isolated from a soybean plant (the infection rate was 100 %). The D. eres MF-Pm-4a strain turned out to be more aggressive than D. eres MF-Pm-5a, since the frequency of its repeated isolation from inoculation sites was 20 % higher, and in 10 % of cases it was isolated from non-inoculation sites. Younger soybean plants in the R-1 development phase turned out to be more resistant, they had a longer incubation period, and no visible symptoms of the disease were noted on the 40th day after inoculation. Soybean infection in the R-3 development phase is characterized by a very short incubation period – 15 days. The mid-ripening soybean variety Kitrossa was found to be more resistant than the early-ripening variety Sentyabrinka.

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About the authors

L. P. Shumilova

Institute of Geology and Nature Management, Far Eastern branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: Shumilova.85@mail.ru

кандидат биологических наук

Russian Federation, 675000, Blagoveshchensk, per. Relochnyi, 1

E. E. Kabotov

Amur branch of the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: Shumilova.85@mail.ru
Russian Federation, 675000, Blagoveshchensk, Ignat’evskoe shosse, 2-i km


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Morphological characters of Diaporthe sp.-1: a) sporulating pycnidia on the soybean stem; b) colony/reverse on Czapek’s medium, day 21; c) colony/reverse on PDA medium, day 21; d) colony with pycnidia on Czapek’s medium after UV irradiation, day 35 / α-conidia.

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3. Fig. 2. Appearance of soybean stems after inoculation on the 40th day: a) infected with the Diaporthe sp.-1 strain; b) control; c) infected with D. eres strain MF-Pm-5a; d) infected with D. eres strain MF-Pm-4a.

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