Carrying out an index assessment of the live weight of cattle of the kazakh white-headed and hereford breed




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The research was carried out to study the dynamics of the live weight of young cattle of the Kazakh white--headed and Hereford breeds (at birth, at weaning, at 12 months, adjusted for 210 and 365 days). An index assessment of live weight (at birth, weaning and at 12 months) was carried out for the formation of a breeding herd in basic farms. The index evaluation of the genetic breeding value by breeding characteristics was carried out using the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) method. The method of calculating the index score by statistical method with the construction of a genetic model of the animal has been worked out and the predicted indices of breeding value for 3 productive indicators have been calculated: live weight at birth, at weaning, at 12 months of age. In total, 9,503 farms for breeding Kazakh white--headed cattle and 2,766 farms for breeding Hereford cattle were analyzed. The accuracy of the evaluation of the breeding value index by the BLUP AM method is in cattle of the Kazakh white-headed breed: at birth 0.509-0.557 in bulls and 0.534-0.573 in heifers; at weaning 0.274-0.319 in bulls, 0.354-0.368 heifers; at 12 months 0.336-0.418 and 0.388-0.415, respectively. The accuracy of the evaluation of the breeding value index by the BLUP AM method is in Hereford cattle: at birth 0.531-0.810 in bulls and 0.511-0.565 in heifers; at weaning 0.330-0.608 in bulls, 0.257-0.366 heifers; at 12 months 0.386-0.498 and 0.342-0.414, respectively. The index estimation by the BLUP AM method makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the estimation of cattle of the Kazakh white--headed and Hereford breeds by live weight at birth, at weaning and one-year-old age.


A. Bissembayev

Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary

010000 (Z10P6B8), Astana, ul. Kenesary, 40, of. 1419

Kh. Amerkhanov

Russian State University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev

127434, Moskva, ul. Timiryazevskaya, 49

Yu. Yuldashbayev

Russian State University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev

127434, Moskva, ul. Timiryazevskaya, 49

J. Kasenov

Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary

010000 (Z10P6B8), Astana, ul. Kenesary, 40, of. 1419

S. Zhali

Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary

010000 (Z10P6B8), Astana, ul. Kenesary, 40, of. 1419

A. Chindaliev

Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary

010000 (Z10P6B8), Astana, ul. Kenesary, 40, of. 1419

D. Baimukanov

Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary

010000 (Z10P6B8), Astana, ul. Kenesary, 40, of. 1419

V. Demin

Russian State University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev

127434, Moskva, ul. Timiryazevskaya, 49


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