The effectiveness of applying various doses of nitrogen fertilizer on spring triticale in the conditions of the Moscow region




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Nitrogen is a key element in achieving high yields of grain crops. The study of the reaction of new varieties to the use of nitrogen fertilizers in eld experiments allows us to identify the most e ective techniques for realizing potential yields in speci c soil and climatic conditions. The research was carried out in 2020-2021 in the conditions of the Moscow region on sod-podzolic heavy loamy soils with a low humus content (1.3…1.7 %), high phosphorus content, average potassium content. The scheme of the experiment involved studying the e ect of increasing and fractional doses of nitrogen fertilizer from 30 to 150 kg of active substance per hectare, introduced in the form of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Fertilization was carried out manually by seedlings, in variants with fractional application, the second dose was introduced into the exit phase into the tube. The objects of research were the varieties of spring triticale Timiryazevskaya 42 and Botanicheskaya 4, registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2022. Nitrogen fertilizers increase the height of plants of the Timiryazevskaya 42 variety by 4.7…10.2 cm, and the Botanicheskaya 4 variety by 8.7…10.1 cm. At the same time, the lodging of crops in the prevailing meteorological conditions was not noted in all variants of the experiment. When applying nitrogen fertilizers in doses from 90 to 120 kg / ha, the increase in grain yield on the Timiryazevskaya 42 variety was 3.61…5.10 t/ha to control (without fertilizers), on the Botanicheskaya 4 variety - 2.71…2.42 t/ha. The highest yield in the experiment was obtained when applying nitrogen fertilizers on the Timiryazevskaya 42 variety at a dose of 120 kg/ha - 9.99 t/ha, on the Botanicheskaya variety at a dose of 90 kg/ha - 7.16 t/ ha. The removal of batteries without fertilizers and high yields, when applying high doses of nitrogen fertilizers, indicate a higher yield potential of the Timiryazevskaya 42 variety, compared with the Botanicheskaya 4 variety.


A. Alenicheva

Tsytsyn Main Botanic Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences

127276, Moskva, ul. Botanicheskaya, 4

O. Shchukina

Tsytsyn Main Botanic Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences

127276, Moskva, ul. Botanicheskaya, 4


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