Amino acid content in spring common wheat grain

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The aim of the study was to determine the differences in the content of amino acids in wheat grains of the world collection of VIR in the agro-climatic conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan and to search for sources of increased content of essential amino acids for the use of these data in breeding. The study was conducted in 2021-2022 at the experimental base of the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located 15 km away from Kazan, the soil of the experimental site is gray forest. 354 samples of spring wheat were studied. The determination of the content of seventeen amino acids and protein in wheat grain was carried out using the near-infrared spectroscopy method on the DS 2500F device from FOSS. The protein content in the grain has a significant effect on the amount of essential acids. The correlation between the protein content and the amount of essential acids in wheat grain is high in 2021. r = 0.91 ± 0.02 and average in 2022. r = 0.69± 0.04. The highest content of glutamine in wheat grain was noted - up to 2.22 % and proline - up to 1.55 %. The source of high grain content of histidine 0.38- 0.40 %, isoleucine 0.53-0.54 %, lysine 0.61-0.62 %, methionine 0.28-0.30 %, phenylalanine 0.66-0.67 %, threonine 0.52-0.56 % and tyrosine 0.31-0.36 % was the Ranee sample (k-26982). The Panifor sample was a source of high grain content of cysteine 0.58-0.63 %, histidine 0.39 % and threonine 0.51-0.58 %. The Arrino sample (k-65995) is a source of high grain content of leucine 0.82-0.91 %, tyrosine 0.31-0.34 % and valine 0.75-0.78 %. According to the lysine content in protein (grams of amino acid per 100 grams of protein), samples Ranee (k-26982) - 3.63-3.66 and NIL Avocet Yr15 (k-66241) - 2.86-4.52 were isolated. According to the content of methionine in the protein, samples of Uffo (k- 66798) - 1.80-1.8 and Fiorina (k-66034) - 1.70-1.91 were isolated. According to the threonine content, three samples Ranee (k-26982) - 3.04-3.36, Panifor (k-66039) - 3.09-3.20 and Cub (k- 62510) - 3.07-3.20 were distinguished. The source of the high tryptophan content in the protein were samples Ethos (k- 65002) - 2.00-2.27, Tulaykovskaya 108 (k- 65452) - 2.01-2.26 and Ekada 109 (k-66239) - 2.07-2.14.

About the authors

Damir F. Ashadullin

Tatarian Agricultural Research Institute - autonomous structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center of the Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

420059, Kazan, Orenburgskii tr., 48

Danil F. Ashadullin

Tatarian Agricultural Research Institute - autonomous structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center of the Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

420059, Kazan, Orenburgskii tr., 48

N. Z Vasilova

Tatarian Agricultural Research Institute - autonomous structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center of the Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

420059, Kazan, Orenburgskii tr., 48

E. V Zuev

Federal Research Center the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR)

190031, Sankt-Peterburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 42-44

A. R Hajrullina

Tatarian Agricultural Research Institute - autonomous structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center of the Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

420059, Kazan, Orenburgskii tr., 48


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