Assessment of the adaptability of spring film oats in terms of yield and grain quality in the conditions of the Kirov region

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Studies were carried out in order to assess the varieties and lines of spring covered oats by the ability to form stable high quality grain yields in the conditions of the Kirov region; to identify promising highly adaptive, plastic genotypes that most fully realize their yield potential in changing environmental conditions. The results of the study of 11 varieties and promising lines of spring covered oats in the nursery of competitive variety testing in the Kirov region in the period from 2020 to 2022 are presented. The Krechet varieties were used as standards generally accepted in the Volga-Vyatka region (during the research period), which are included in the State Register. The most optimal conditions for the growth and development of oats were in 2022 and 2020 when the duration of the period from seedlings to heading averaged 52 and 46 days, and the average yield in varieties was 6.21 and 6.18 t/ha, respectively. Promising lines 91h18 (6.14 t/hа) and 41h18 (5.78 t/hа), which is 0.95 and 0.59 t/ha higher than the Krechet standard. Were characterized by the highest yield while line 91h18 had a high level of plasticity (bi =1.13) and stability (Si2=0.00) based on «yield» parameter. A fairly high plasticity (bi= 1.12) and stability (Si2= 0.01) in terms of yield and grain quality indicators (for protein - bi= 1.12, Si2= 0.20, fat - bi= 1.11, Si2 = 0.00) is characterized by an intensive ‘Medved’ type variety. High indices of plasticity (bi = 1.42) and stability (Si2 = 0.00) on the basis of the parameter «grain protein content» were noted at line 162h15. The highest grain fat content was characterized for lines 178h13 (5.3 %), 4h14 (5.4 %), and 41h18 (5.6 %). Almost all the studied varieties have a high stability (Si2=0,00…0,21) of the sign. When increasing the plasticity and stability of varieties in terms of yield, a decrease in these grain quality indicators was observed, as well as a close negative relationship of the grain protein content with yield (r = -0.83). A high degree of positive dependence of the duration of the germination-heading period with HTC (r = 0.97) and yield (r = 0.79) has been established.

About the authors

E. N Vologzhanina

Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky

610007, Kirov, ul. Lenina, 166 A

G. A Batalova

Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky

610007, Kirov, ul. Lenina, 166 A


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