Optimization of technological operations in the cultivation of field crops in arid conditions of the Volga Region

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The research was carried out in order to identify the possibility and prospects of using resource-saving technologies in six-field grain-and-crop rotation on ordinary chernozem in 2019-2022. Four technologies of growing field crops were tested: traditional, two with differentiated processing and direct sowing. During the research period, the prospects of resource- saving technologies with a complex of means of intensification were revealed. Compared with the traditional one, the yield increase here was 0.30…0.57 t/ha (11.0…21.0 %). The maximum productivity of crop rotation is established in technology with differentiated tillage and with the use of intensification means - 2.40 thousand grain units/ha, which is 0.20 thousand grain units/ha (9.1 %) more than the technology with direct sowing and 0.38…0.61 thousand grain units/ha traditional and resource-saving (extensive background). According to the research results, technological operations are proposed for growing field crops using the AUP-18.05 unit for direct sowing of cereals, sunflower - Kuhn seeder: differentiated tillage in crop rotation (including loosening by 25-27 cm of bee-4.5 for sunflower and soy; for pure steam - without autumn processing; for barley and spring wheat - direct sowing) or direct sowing for the purpose of maximum cost recovery; application of ammonium nitrate in a dose of N40 (before sowing spring wheat and barley, spring fertilizing of winter wheat); the main application of azofoski (N15P15K15) in the cultivation of sunflower and soybeans; treatment of grain crops with the agrochemicals Bionex Kemi, biofungicide Phytosporin, fungicide Soligor, sunflower - agrochemicals Borogum.

About the authors

O. I Goryanin

Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS

Email: gorjanin.oleg@mail.ru
3a, Studencheskiy pereulok, Samara, 443001

B. Zh. Dzhangabaev

Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS

3a, Studencheskiy pereulok, Samara, 443001

E. V Shcherbinina

Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS

3a, Studencheskiy pereulok, Samara, 443001

L. V Pronovich

Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS

3a, Studencheskiy pereulok, Samara, 443001


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