
标题 文件
编号 2 (2023) Amphimonhystrella tropica sp. n. and Oncholaimus mekongis sp. n. (Nematoda) from the Mouth of the Mekong River, Vietnam
Gagarin V., Gusakov V.
编号 2 (2023) Brevilinea kevei (Bacillariophyta)—a New Genus and Species for the Flora of Russia
Genkal S., Eremkina T.
编号 3 (2023) Daptonema brzeskii sp. n. and D. rivale sp. n. (Nematoda, Monhysterida, Xyalidae) from Mekong River Mouth, Vietnam
Gusakov V., Gagarin V., Dinh C.
编号 4 (2023) Hofmaenneria baikalensis sp. n. and Paratrilobus longisomus sp. n. (Nematoda) from Lake Baikal
Naumova T., Gagarin V.
编号 6 (2023) Najas marina (Hydrocharitaceae) in Southern Middle Siberia, Refinds after a Century-Old Recess1
Efimov D., Pimenov A., Bobrov A.
编号 1 (2023) Abiotic Factors and Their Role in the Development of Phytoplankton in the Lower Volga
Mineeva N., Poddubny S., Stepanova I., Tsvetkov A.
编号 1 (2024) Ambivalence of planktonic invaders and transformation of communities
Telesh I., Naumenko E.
编号 3 (2023) Protein Profile of the Incubation Medium and Cestode Extract from the Intestines of Various Fish Species
Frolova T., Izvekova G.
编号 4 (2023) Biological Indicators of Water Quality of Drenova Reservoir (Bosnia and Herzegovina)1
Golub D., Dmitrović D., Lolić S., Šukalo G., Dekić R., Tošić R.
编号 3 (2023) Biological Characteristics of Taimen Hucho taimen from Left Tributaries of Lower Lena River
Karpova L., Mikodina E., Ruban G.
编号 2 (2023) Otolith Biometry of Pikeperch Sander lucioperca from the Lakes Region of Turkey
Koca H., Küçükköse A.
编号 1 (2023) The Species Composition and Distribution of Free-Living Nematodes (Nematoda) in the Area of the Methane Seep Posolskaya Bank of Lake Baikal
Naumova T., Gagarin V., Cherbakov D., Sitnikova T.
编号 2 (2024) Taxonomic Status of the Far Eastern Cattail Typha japonica (T. sect. Ebracteolatae) in the Context of Its First Record in Russia
Kapitonova O., Belyakov E.
编号 6 (2023) Impact Algae Blooms on the Coastal Zone of the Curonian Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
Aleksandrov S., Smirnova M.
编号 2 (2023) The Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Structural and Functional Characteristics of the Diatom Algae Cerataulina pelagica (Сleve) Hendey
Stelmakh L.
编号 6 (2023) Effect of Algicide Based on Metabolites, Allelochemicals of Aquatic Plants on Seed Germination and the Development of Seedlings of Three Species of Helophytes
Lapirov A., Belyakov E., Lebedeva O., Kurashov E., Krylova J.
编号 4 (2023) Impacts of the High-Pressure Bratskoye Hydroelectric Power Station on the Zooplankton of the Bratskoye Reservoir
Gerasimov Y., Poddubnaya N., Vakhnenko A., Semenova A., Zhdanova S., Tsvetkov A., Pavlov D., Bolotov S., Borisenko E.
编号 3 (2023) Influence of Heterogeneity of Bottom Sediments on the Formation of Bacteriobenthos in the Lake of Southern Urals
Sherysheva N., Reznikova I.
编号 2 (2024) Influence of Microplastics on the Nutritional and Locomotive Activity of Dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina in the Experiment
Rauen T., Mukhanov V., Baiandina I., Lyakh A.
编号 4 (2023) The Effect of Morphophysiological Changes in Immune Organs on Lysozyme in Male Pike Esox lucius
Subbotkin M., Subbotkina T.
编号 2 (2024) Effect of Trypanosome Infection on Hematological Parameters of the Black Sea Sprat (Clupeonella cultriventris) from the Ivankovo Reservoir
Trofimov D., Zabotkina E.
编号 6 (2023) Effect of a Gradual Salinity Increase on Water Quality, Survival and Growth Performance of Hybrid Red Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus ×O. niloticus)1
Chabet dis C., Amira D., Rachida I., Wissam C., Bouchra A., Besma L., Amina S.
编号 6 (2023) Influence of the Rate of Changes in the COX1 Gene on Body Size and Sexual Selection in Carp Hybridization
Stolbunova V., Borovikova E.
编号 2 (2023) Helminths of Gray Toad Fingerlings (Bufo bufo) of Protected Areas of the Urals and Analysis of Its Parasitofauna in Russia
Burakova А., Malkova E.
编号 5 (2023) Hematological Parameters of the Australian Red-Clawed Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) when Exposed to Air
Skafar D., Strelkova O., Shumeyko D.
编号 6 (2023) Genetic Variation among Three Species of Genus Erythroculter
Qiao D., Chen Y., Deng H., He X., Xia L.
编号 2 (2023) Horizontal Heterogeneities of Functioning of Phyto- and Zooplankton in a Lake With Wind Currents
Tolomeev A., Dubovskaya O., Kravchuk E., Anishchenko O., Drobotov A.
编号 3 (2023) Diatom Algae of Different Types of Middle Ural Reservoirs (Sverdlovsk Region, Russia)
Genkal S., Eremkina T.
编号 3 (2023) Diatom Assemblages in the Sediment Traps in Lake Onega
Ludikova A.
编号 4 (2023) The Benthic Macroinvertebrates of the Kızılırmak River (Nevşehir, Turkey) and Their Relation with Environmental Variables
Aras S., Findik O.
编号 2 (2023) Dependence of the Distribution of Alien Species of Macrozoobenthos on the Type and Composition of Soil in the Volga and Kama Reservoirs
Kurina E., Seleznev D., Sherysheva N.
编号 3 (2023) Winter Dynamics of Drifting Invertebrates’ Vertical Distribution in a Small Salmon River
Astakhov M.
编号 2 (2023) Present State of Zoobenthos in Small Reservoirs of Nothern Slope Baltic-Caspian Watershid of Volgo-Baltic Water Way
Ivicheva K., Filonenko I.
编号 1 (2024) Zooplankton of Volga River reservoirs: structure, abundance and dynamics
Lazareva V., Zhdanova S., Sabitova R., Sokolova E.
编号 6 (2023) Zooplankton of the Hollows of the South-Pribelomorian Mire Ilasskoye (Russia)
Sobko E., Zubov I., Ponomareva T.
编号 3 (2023) Study of the Features of Natural Mortality Iin Muksun and Peladi of the Ob River by Constructing Dependences of the Number of Their Generations
Matkovskiy A.
编号 1 (2024) Pulse feeding and pulse growth: a highly adaptive strategy of heterotrophic dinoflagellates Oxyrrhis marina
Khanaychenko A., Aganesova L., Mukhanov V.
编号 1 (2023) The Invasion of the Alien Species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot in Coastal Phytocenoses Near the Southern Coast of Crimea (the Black Sea)
Sadogurskiy S., Belich T., Sadogurskaya S.
编号 1 (2024) Zooplankton study of Lake Sevan as an indicator of ecosystem stability in the context of global climate change
Vezhnovets V., Kuraev A., Gukasyan E., Gabrielyan B.
编号 6 (2023) A GIS Based Study to Investigate of the Ecological Impacts of Successive Dams on Surface Water Quality: A Review of the Sakarya Basin, Türkiye
Köse E.
编号 2 (2024) Research of the Microplastic Content in the Floodplain Alluvium of the Upper Volga
Sursimova O., Muravieva L., Sergeev A., Tikhomirov O., Prokofieva N.
编号 1 (2024) Ichthyoplankton in the northern part of the Black Sea under prolongation of summer hydrological season in 2020
Klimova T., Subbotin A., Vdodovich I., Zagorodnyaya Y., Zabrodin D.
编号 5 (2023) Cardiac Activity of Pontastacus leptodactylus Esch. (Decapoda) under Prolonged Exposure to High Salinity: on the Possibility of Using Freshwater Crayfish in Testing of Brackish Waters
Sladkova S., Kuznetsova T., Lyubimtsev V., Kholodkevich S.
编号 6 (2023) Peripheral Blood Cells Composition of the Baikal Seal
Gordeev I., Boltnev E., Suvorova T., Mikryakov D., Balabanova L.
编号 4 (2023) Communities of Fungi on Plates Coated with Antifouling Paint Modified by Nanoparticles
Kopytina N., Andreeva N., Sizova O., Mosunov A., Evstigneev V., Bocharova E.
编号 2 (2024) Lipid Profile of the Mussels Lymnaea stagnalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Lakes with Different Degrees of Anthropogenic Pollution
Mihaylov R., Nesterov V., Rahuba A.
编号 5 (2023) Local Faunistic Association of the Water Fleas (Crustacea: Cladocera) in the Water Bodies of Left Bank of the Lena River near Town of Yakutsk and Its Vicinities (Yakutia Russia)
Andreeva L., Seleznev D., Garibian P., Kotov A.
编号 1 (2023) Mycobiota of Dead Reed Fragments Immersed in Water (Yaroslavl Region, Russia)
Voronin L., Kopytina N.
编号 3 (2023) Microanatomy and Ultrastructure of the Mesonephros of Cyprinids Inhabiting the Territory of Kazakhstan
Flerova E.
编号 1 (2024) Long-term changes of the primary production of phytoplankton in the ecosystem of the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
Aleksandrov S.
编号 4 (2023) Mollusc Anadara kagoshimensis, Allien Species, in Structures of the Benthic Communities on the Crimea Shelf
Shalovenkov N.
编号 5 (2023) Morphological and Genetical Identification of Harpacticella inopinata Sars (Harpacticoida, Copepoda) from Lake Baikal and the Enisey River
Fefilova E., Popova E., Mayor T., Novikov A., Velegzhaninov I., Golubev M., Bakashkina A.
编号 2 (2024) Accumulation of microplastics by the Siberian frog Rana amurensis (Anura, Amphibia) in the West Baikal region
Kuranova V., Frank Y., Rakhmatullina S., Epova L.
编号 5 (2023) Finding of the American Signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Decapoda: Astacidae) in the Leningrad Region (Russia)
Tamulyonis A., Stratanenko E., Zuyev Y.
编号 1 (2023) Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Composition of Trichopterofauna from Two Protected Areas (Republic of Mordovia, Russia)
Borisova N., Ruchin A., Khapugin A., Semishin G.
编号 3 (2023) New Data on the Distribution of the Bulgarian Spined Loach Cobitis strumicae (Teleostei: Cobitidae) in Turkey
Ozpicak M., Yilmaz S., Saygin S., Polat N.
编号 6 (2023) New Data on the Fauna of Dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of the South-Eastern Belarus
Ostrovsky A.
编号 6 (2023) New Data on Parasites of Pungitius pungitius (Pisces, Gasterosteidae) in the Volga River Basin
Mineeva O., Semenov D.
编号 1 (2023) New Records of Sphaerius acaroides (Coleoptera, Sphaeriusidae) from Russia Extend the Known Distribution of Myxophaga to Siberia
Prokin A., Salnitska M., Sazhnev A., Stolbov V., Sheykin S.
编号 1 (2024) Description of a new species Mallomonas limbata sp. nov. (Synurales, Chrysophyceae) from water bodies of Vietnam
Safronova T., Gusev E., Nguyen Thi L.
编号 2 (2023) New Species of Section Typha (Typha L., Typhaceae) from the Northern Part of Sakhalin Island
Krasnova A., Efremov A.
编号 1 (2023) New Representative of the Genus Aulacoseira (Bacillariophyta) from Chukotka (Russia)
Genkal S.
编号 2 (2024) Abundance of Zoobenthos on the Nearshore Slope Near the Rocky Coast of the Island of Valaam (Lake Ladoga)
Zuyev Y., Zueva N.
编号 6 (2023) Abundance, Distribution and Mortality of Hydrobionts in the Section of the Gorky Reservoir Affected by Heated Waters of the Kostroma Hydroelectric Power Plant
Gerasimov Y., Bolotov S., Tsvetkov A., Borisenko E.
编号 3 (2023) Finding of the Blue Tilapia Oreochromis aureus (Cichlidae) in the Gorky Reservoir (Volga River)
Kodukhova Y., Karabanov D.
编号 2 (2023) Features of Zoobenthos of Mesohumus Lakes of the Republic of Karelia in a Natural State
Savosin E., Savosin D.
编号 1 (2024) Phytoplankton change along the length of the Ural River under conditions of eutrophication
Goncharov A., Sakharova E., Frolova N., Polyanin V.
编号 1 (2023) Features of Plankton Metabolism: Results of Automated Measurements in the Mozhaisk Reservoir
Goncharov A., Puklakov V., Grechushnikova M., Yumina N.
编号 2 (2024) Peculiarities of Microplastic Accumulation in Fish and Crustaceans of the Mekong Delta (Vietnam)
Chesnokova I., Statkevich S., Karpova E., Cu N.
编号 2 (2023) Features of the Organization of the Tegument in Cystacanth and Adult Acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus tenuirostris
Davydenko T., Nikishin V.
编号 1 (2024) Features of the under ice development of phytoplankton in northern lakes
Sharov A., Berezina N., Maximov A., Maximova O.
编号 2 (2023) Distribution of the Mass Species of Benthic Crustacean on Nearshore Slope the Ladoga Lake
Zuyev Y.
编号 1 (2024) Peculiarities of the structure of zooplankton communities in floodplain water bodies of the Middle Ob
Yermolaeva N., Noskov Y., Kritskov I.
编号 6 (2023) Assessment of Morphometric Variations Among the Populations of Asian Sheat Catfish Wallago attu (Siluridae) from Five Indian Rivers
Kumar G., Kashyap A., Serajuddin M.
编号 2 (2024) Evaluation of the Toxicity of Microplastics in the Supralittoral of the Barents Sea using Test Objects of Different Trophic Levels
Lazareva A., Rak A., Gershkovich D., Ilyina O., Ipatova V.
编号 1 (2023) The Fish Parasite Community in a Hypertid Estuary Penzhina River (Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk)
Boutorina T., Busarova O., Koval M.
编号 5 (2023) The First Record of Acanthocyclops trajani (Copepoda, Cyclopidae) in the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
Semenova A., Mirabdullaev I., Sheveleva N., Podshivalina V.
编号 5 (2023) First Find of the Invasive Amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus in the Basin of Lake Vodlozero (Russia)
Baryshev I.
编号 5 (2023) The First Record of the Siberian Species Leptodiaptomus cf. angustilobus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in Europe
Zhikharev V., Fefilova E., Tereshina M., Dubovskaya О., Gavrilko D., Shurganova G.
编号 5 (2023) First Data on Species Composition and Development Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in Mire Ecosystems (Kaliningrad Region, Russia)
Semenova A., Napreenko M.
编号 3 (2023) Pigment Characteristics of Macrophytes from the Rybinsk Reservoir
Sigareva L., Timofeeva N.
编号 1 (2024) Planktonic communities in reservoirs of the ore deposits along the pH gradient (Zabaykalsky Krai)
Afonina E., Tashlykova N.
编号 6 (2023) Planispiral Valvatids (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Valvatidae) of Subgenus Sibirovalvata in Upper Ob Basin
Andreeva S., Kuzmenkin D., Krasnogorova A.
编号 5 (2023) Approaches to Determining Reference Values of Physiological Parameters of Freshwater Crayfish (Decapoda, Astacidae)
Kuznetsova T., Ljubimtsev V., Sladkova S., Kholodkevich S.
编号 3 (2023) Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Bream Abramis brama from the Volga Ples the Rybinsk Reservoir: Fish Age Effect and Human Health Risk Assessment
German А., Mamontov А., Mamontova E.
编号 1 (2024) Presence of total microcystins in the littoral of the western coast of the Curonian Lagoon of the Baltic Sea in 2011–2018 by the data of immunochromatographic analysis
Smirnova M., Ezhova E.
编号 1 (2023) Problems and Prospects of Applications of Cyanobacteria (Review)
Polyak Y., Sukharevich V.
编号 1 (2023) Spatial and Age-Related Changes in the Food Spectrum of the Common Bream Abramis brama in the Middle and Lower Course of the Northern Dvina River (Russia)
Novoselov A., Lukina V., Matveev N., Matveeva A.
编号 2 (2023) Spatiotemporal Variation of Planktonic Rotifers in Surface Water of a Eutrophic Reservoir in the Southern Subtropical Region of China (2011‒2020)
Gao Y., Lai Z., Liu E., Yang W., Liu Q.
编号 1 (2024) Spatio-temporal changes in the phytoplankton in Lake Baikal during late Summer. II. Biomass
Krashchuk L., Silow E., Rusanovskaya O., Shimaraeva S.
编号 1 (2024) Spatial distribution of the diatoms Dactyliosolen fragilissimus and Cerataulina pelagica in the autumn phytoplankton of the South-Eastern Baltic in 2020–2021
Melnik А., Dmitrieva О., Eshova Е., Sharton А., Kondrashov А.
编号 2 (2024) Reproduction of the Invasive Species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot near the Southern Coast of Crimea (Black Sea)
Sadogurskiy S., Belich T., Sadogurskaya S.
编号 2 (2024) Diversity of Hydrobionts of the Different Type Salt Lakes in the South-Eastern Transbaikalia in the Period of Moisture Changing
Bazarova B., Borzenko S., Tashlykova N., Afonina E., Tsybekmitova G., Matafonov P., Kuklin A.
编号 4 (2023) Diversity Methods of the Strike Teleostei in Connection with Morphology Their Jaw Apparatus (Review)
Gromova E., Makhotin V.
编号 1 (2023) Diversity of Edible Aquatic Insects Inhabiting Rice Fields in Central Thailand
Maneechan W., Prommi T.
编号 4 (2023) Some Species of Gobies of the Genus Pomatoschistus Previously Unknown in the Black Sea as Identified by the Data on the 16S rRNA Mitochondrial DNA Gene Variability
Slynko E., Karpova E., Mironovsky A., Slynko A., Kozhara A., Mavrin A.
编号 2 (2024) Early Detection of Contamination with Microplastics by Changing the Phototaxis of Freshwater Mesozooplankton to Paired Photostimulation
Dyomin V., Morgalev Y., Morgalev S., Morgaleva T., Davydova A., Polovtsev I., Kondratova O., Kosiakova A., Mostovaya A.
编号 1 (2023) Distribution, Size-Morphological Structure and Production of Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton in Gorky Reservoir
Kuznetsova E., Kosolapov D., Mikryakova I., Kosolapova N., Maslennikova T., Skopina M.
编号 4 (2023) Distribution of Topmouth Gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprinidae) in Waterbodies and Watercourses of Republic of Dagestan, Russia
Barkhalov R., Stolbunov I., Artaev O., Turbanov I., Rabazanov N., Khlopkova M., Karabanov D.
编号 2 (2023) Vegetation of Lakes and Springs in the Western Kazakhstan
Sergaliev N., Sarsenova B., Idrisova G., Akhmedenov K., Gubasheva B.
编号 4 (2023) Broadening the Taxonomic Composition of Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in Tundra Water Bodies of Adjacent Territories of the Lena Delta Wildlife Reserve (Yakutia, Russia) Using Electron Microscopy1
Genkal S., Gabyshev V.
编号 2 (2023) Diet and Feeding Ecology of the Invasive Gambusia holbrooki (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) in Lotic and Lentic Habitats (Northwestern Part of Turkey)
Saç G.
编号 6 (2023) Responses of Unio pictorum to the Presence of Toxic and Non-Toxic Strains of Microcystis aeruginosa
Sharov A., Zaytseva T., Medvedeva N.
编号 4 (2023) Regional Differences in the Infection of the European Anchoy Engraulis encrasicolus with the Nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum in the Winter Period of the Crimea and the Caucasus Coasts
Zavyalov A., Samotoi J., Sibirtsova E.
编号 2 (2023) Is Aquatic Fern Salvinia natans (Salviniaceae) Rare in Russia?
Konotop N., Vinogradova Y., Chemeris E., Bobrov A.
编号 3 (2023) The Genus Hydrocharis L. (Hydrocharitaceae): Community Ecology, and Tolerance to Abiotic Factors
Efremov A., Sviridenko B., Li Z., Mesterhazy A., Chatchuangh E., Toma C., Grishina V., Murashko Y.
编号 2 (2023) Fishes Encountered in the Turkish Thrace River Systems (Northwestern Turkey)
Özuluğ M., Gaygusuz Ö., Gaygusuz Ç., Kaya N., Saç G.
编号 6 (2023) Understanding Relationship between Length and Weight with Otolith Dimension of Tenualosa ilisha from Hooghly River (India)1
Majhi B., Lianthumluaia ., Sarkar U., Nath A.
编号 4 (2023) Relationship between Fecundity and the Number of Vertebrae in the Roach Rutilus rutilus of the Rybinsk Reservoir
Komova N.
编号 2 (2024) Relationship of Size and Mass Characteristics, Indicators of Metabolism and Mercury Concentration in Muscle Tissue of Freshwater Fish from Tropical Vietnam
Payuta A., Flerova E., Guldina D., Kliuchnikov A., Komov V., Lobus N.
编号 5 (2023) Seasonal Dynamics of Growth and Production Monoporeia affinis (Amphipoda: Pontoporeiidae) in a Subarctic Lake: the Role of Temperature and Trophic Conditions
Maximov A., Maximova O., Usov N.
编号 4 (2023) Cases of Spontaneous Increase of Methemoglobin Concentration in Fish Blood during the Annual Cycle
Soldatov A.
编号 5 (2023) Fauna of the Cladoceran and Copepods Crustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) of Dood Tsagaan Lake (Darhad Basin, Mongolia) in Modern Times
Sheveleva N., Ayuushsuren C., Tuvshinzhargal N., Zaitseva Е., Sukhanova L.
编号 6 (2023) The Current Trophic State and Water Quality of Lake Onego
Tekanova E., Kalinkina N., Makarova E., Smirnova V.
编号 2 (2024) Microplastic Content in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Some Fish Species of Lake Kubenskoe (Vologda Oblast)
Tropin N., Rakhmatullina S., Vorobiev E., Vorobiev D., Frank Y.
编号 4 (2023) Content of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium in Organism of Larva of Sibling Species Сhironomus balatonicus and Сhironomus plumosus in Dependence on Salinity1
Martemyanov V., Markiyanova M.
编号 6 (2023) Content of Pigments in the Bottom Sediments in a Small Valley–Channel Reservoir
Sigareva L., Timofeeva N., Zakonnov V.
编号 6 (2023) Salinity Tolerance, Seasonal and Multiyear Dynamics of Biting Midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in Macrozoobenthos Communities of Saline Rivers (the Lake Elton Basin, Russia)
Golovatyuk L.
编号 6 (2023) Composition and Content of Carotenoids of Gastropod Tritia reticulata in Black Sea
Borodina A., Zadorozhny P.
编号 1 (2023) Composition and Structure of Benthal Algocenoses of a Large Eutrophic River (Example of the Oka River, Russia) II. Abundance Indicators and Species Diversity of Communities
Khedairia T., Okhapkin A., Yakimov B.
编号 6 (2023) Checklist of Syngnathidae Parasites in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
Polyakova T., Kornyychuk Y., Pronkina N.
编号 1 (2024) Zooplankton condition in lakes of Belarus under climate change
Vezhnavets V.
编号 6 (2023) State of Zooplankton and Zoobenthos of the Water Bodies of the Pyasino Lake Basin after a Man-Made Accident1
Kupriyashkin A., Prokudin A., Shapkin A.
编号 4 (2023) Status of Local Populations of Isolated Mountain Lakes in the Altai by Histological Parameters and Elemental Composition of the Eye Lens of Peled Fish Coregonus peled
Nikiforov-Nikishin A., Nikiforov-Nikishin D., Kochetkov N.
编号 4 (2023) Comparison of Cryoresistance of Testicular and Urinal Spermatozoa of the Toad Bufo bufo (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) during Slow Freezing
Shishova N., Kaurova S., Uteshev V., Gakhova E.
编号 5 (2023) Comparison of Olfactory Sensilla Structure in Littoral and Deep-Water Amphipods from the Baikal Region
Shirokova Y., Saranchina A., Shatilina Z., Kashchuk N., Timofeyev M.
编号 2 (2024) Comparative Aspects of the Study of Morpho-physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Somatic Growth in Populations of Two Species of Black Sea Bivalvia Mollusks — Cerasoderma glaucum and Flexopecten glaber ponticus
Shcherban S., Temnykh A.
编号 1 (2024) Structure and dynamics of plankton communities in the coastal zone of the Curonian Lagoon of the Baltic Sea in 2017–2021 in the period of Cyanobacterial bloom
Dmitrieva O., Semenova A., Kazakova E.
编号 1 (2024) Structure and functioning of plankton communities оf the Rybinsky Reservoir under the conditions of climate change
Mineeva N., Lazareva V., Poddubny S., Zakonnova A., Kopylov A., Kosolapov D., Korneva L., Sokolova E., Pyrina I., Mitropolskaya I.
编号 2 (2023) Organisation of Fish Assemblage in the Mekong Delta as a Potential Indicator of Salt Water Intrusion
Malin M., Malina I., Hai T., Dinh C., Man L., Chi D.
编号 4 (2023) Patterns of Phenetic Diversity and Taxonomy of the Ide Leuciscus idus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Water Bodies of Russia and Adjacent Countries
Kozhara A., Mavrin A., Slynko E., Mironovsky A.
编号 6 (2023) Changes in Phyto- and Zooplankton under the Climatic Shifts and Anthropogenic Load (Lake Baikal, Russia)
Bondarenko N., Tomberg I., Pen’kova O., Sheveleva N.
编号 3 (2023) Tendency of an Increase in the Abundance of Macrozoobenthos Species in the Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea)
Shalovenkov N.
编号 5 (2023) Unique Haplotypes of Artemia salina (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Hypersaline Lake Sasyk-Sivash (Crimea)
Lantushenko A., Meger Y., Gadzhi A., Anufriieva E., Shadrin N.
编号 6 (2023) The Resistance of Waters to Trophy Increases as a Result of Processes in Their Ecotone Areas (according to Phytoplankton Indicators)
Sakharova E., Korneva L.
编号 6 (2023) Stable Differences in Growth Rates of Juvenile Triploid Oysters Crassostrea gigas
Vialova O.
编号 5 (2023) Salinity as a Factor Limiting the Crustacean Potential Taxonomic Richness in the World’s Hypersaline Water Ecosystems: a Review
Anufriieva E., Shadrin N.
编号 1 (2023) Pike Cannibalism, Paratenic Hosts and Trematode Life Span as Factors Influencing the Distribution of Azygia lucii in the Definitive Host Population
Zhokhov A., Pugacheva M.
编号 3 (2023) Ecological Features and Opportunities for Economic Use of the Solovetsky Archipelago Freshwater Ichthyofauna
Novoselov A., Dvoryankin G.
编号 2 (2023) Ecological Analysis of the Helminth Fauna in the Dice Snake Natrix tessellata (Reptilia, Colubridae) from the Low Volga Region (Russia)
Kirillov A., Kirillova N., Bakiev A., Gorelov R.
编号 1 (2023) Nuclear Cytoplasmic Conflict in Hybrids of Roach Rutilus rutilus and Bream Abramis brama as a Consequence of the Divergence Species in Body and Genome Sizes
Stolbunova V., Kodukhova Y.
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