Microanatomy and Ultrastructure of the Mesonephros of Cyprinids Inhabiting the Territory of Kazakhstan

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The ultrastructure of three species of cyprinids inhabiting the territory of Kazakhstan has been studied. It is shown that the microanatomy of the trunk bud of the Kushakevich char Iskandaria kuschakewitschi, the common marinka Schizothorax intermedius and the Tibetan char Noemacheilus stoliczkai has a common body plan with freshwater cyprinids. Larger area of nephrogenic tissue, greater number of mitochondria on sections of proximal tubules and leukocyte sections, three types of vesicles in cells with radially arranged vesicles, larger diameter of distal tubules, diversity of mitochondria of epitheliocytes of distal tubules of the studied species, compared with previously studied representatives of carp reservoirs of the Upper Volga, testify to the adaptive ability of the cellular structures of the mesonephros to maintain water-salt homeostasis, as well as the functioning of the cellular link of immunity in the life of the rivers of Kazakhstan with a seasonal increase in water temperature up to 27°C. The diversity of the ultrastructure of granules of neutrophils and eosinophils depends on the stage of the life cycle and the characteristics of the functional activity of cells.

About the authors

E. A. Flerova

Demidov Yaroslavl State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: katarinum@mail.ru
Russia, Yaroslavl


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