
Evaluation of the impact of community-acquired pneumonia on short-term and long-term prognosis in a patient with chronic decompensated heart failure
Polyakov D., Fomin I., Valikulova F., Vaisberg A., Kraiem N.
Chronic kidney disease and chronic heart failure: impact on prognosis and choice of pathogenetic therapy
Mezhonov E., Reitblat O., Vyalkina Y., Airapetian A., Lazareva N., Ageev F., Blankova Z., Svirida O., Prints Y., Zhirov I., Tereshchenko S., Boytsov S.
Possibilities for improving hospital and remote forecasts for unstable angina
Boytsov S., Provatorov S.
Assessment of factors affecting the probability of hospitalization of COVID-19 patients with concomitant pathology and development of a prognostic model based on them
Lizinfeld I., Pshenichcnaya N., Parolina L., Zhuravlev G., Maleev V., Akimkin V.
The role of translocations involving c-MYC/8q24, BCL2/18q21 and/or BCL6/3q27 genes in patients with follicular lymphoma. Retrospective analysis of single - centre data
Misyurina A., Kravchenko S., Kovrigina A., Magomedova A., Plastinina L., Obukhova T., Misyurin A., Misyurin V., Grebenuk L., Babaeva F., Baryakh E., Vorobiev A.
Problems of nociception in gastroesophageal reflux disease: diagnostics and treatment of irritated oesophagus
Sablin O., Ilchishina T.
The role of treatment compliance in combination therapy for heart failure and possibilities of its correction: Generalization of Russian and world experience
Trofimov E., Poskrebysheva A.
Vascular remodeling indicators and their impact on prognosis in patients with chronic heart failure
Kosheleva N., Rebrov A.
High-dose polychemotherapy of patients with poor-prognosis anaplastic T.0-large cell ALK+ lymphosarcoma
Aitova L., Vinogradova Y., Kaplanskaya I., Lutsenko I., Zvonkov E., Momotyuk K., Kravchenko S., Kremenetskaya A., Vorob'ev A., Aitova L., Vinogradova Y., Kaplanskaya I., Lutsenko I., Zvonkov E., Momotyuk K., Kravchenko S., Kremenetskaya A., Vorobyev A.
Transient myocardial ischemia in chronic ischemic disease of the heart: methods of detection and treatment policy
Мartsevich S., Koltunov I., Kutishenko N.
Proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α in infective endocarditis
Kotova E., Moiseeva A., Kobalava Z., Lokhonina A., Pisaryuk A., Gusarova T., Fatkhudinov T., Domonova E.
Association of polymorphisms of genes TCF7L2, FABP2, KCNQ1, ADIPOQ with the prognosis of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Mel’nikova E., Rymar O., Ivanova A., Mustafina S., Shapkina M., Bobak M., Maljutina S., Voevoda M., Maksimov V.
The marker of adverse prognosis 1.5-anhydroglucitol in patients with coronary heart disease in the long-term period after planned myocardial revascularization
Ignatova Y., Karetnikova V., Horlampenko A., Gruzdeva O., Dyleva Y., Barbarash O.
Leukemization of follicular lymphoma: The features of diagnostic and clinical course of a rare form of the disease
Nesterova E., Kravchenko S., Mangasarova Y., Plastinina L., Dvirnyk V., Kovrigina A., Shchupletsova I., Obukhova T., Gemdzhian E., Vorobyev I., Vorobyev A.
Clinical diagnosis and prognosis of pulmonary thromboembolism
Ustinov F., Leont'ev S., Mironov A., Kirienko A.
Primary mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma: review of the literature and original data
Kichigina M., Tumyan G., Kovrigina A., Trofimova O., Larionova V., Chekan A., Bykov D., Osmanov D., Kichigina M., Tumyan G., Kovrigina A., Trofimova O., Larionova V., Chekan A., Bykov D., Osmanov D.
Poor prognosis factors in SLE: results of 5-year follow-up
Sushchuk E., Zborovskiy A., Suschuk E., Zborovsky A.
Efficacy of anti-inflammatory treatment with benacort of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in exacerbation
Kolesnikov V., Korolchuk I.
Inflammatory bowel diseases: Transformation of representations. A review
Maev I., Bakulin I., Skalinskaya M., Skazyvaeva E.
Diagnostic and prognostic significance of QRS-T angle
Blinova E., Sakhnova T., Yurasova E.
Improved prognosis of generalized AL-amyloidosis ina patient with multiple myeloma treated according to theVAD scheme
Sarkisova I., Rameev V., Kozlovskaya L., Andreeva N.
Langerhans cell histiocytosis: Skin diseases and visceral lesions
Elkin V., Sedova T., Kopytova E., Plotnikova E.
Wilson-Konovalov disease in 3 sisters: A radical change in prognosis if timely diagnosed
Rozina T., Ignatova T., Solov'eva O.
Estimation of podocyte dysfunction by nephrinuria severity in proteinuric forms of chronic glomerulonephritis
Chebotareva N., Bobkova I., Kozlovskaya L., Tsopanova Z., Chebotareva N., Bobkova I., Kozlovskaya L., Tsopanova Z.
Echocardiography - prognosis of the course of infectious endocarditisand long-term survival in this disease
Maslov S., Lobanov M., Kovalev Y.
Mitral prolapse in practice of therapist and cardiologist (lecture)
Bart B., Benevskaya V.
Prognostic factors in patients with hematological malignancies and concomitant chronic hepatitis C
Nozhkin M., Lioznov D., Antonova T., Gorchakova O., Goldstein E., Popova M., Shneyder T.
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients with stable coronary artery disease: the most important risk factors and prevalence
Mironova O., Staroverov I., Sivakova O., Fomin V.
Matsko M., Ivanovа N.
Prognostic factors in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome concurrent with type 2 diabetes mellitus (according to the results of the registry)
Golikov A., Berns S., Stryuk R., Shmidt E., Golikova A., Barbarash O.
Clinical manifestations of anemia syndrome and its significance in the course of chronic heart failure in elderly patients
Larina V., Bart B.
A case of myocardial infarction of anatomically right but functionally left ventricle in a middle-aged male patient with isolated corrected transposition of the major vessels
Dolotovskaya P., Puchin'yan N., Korostova E., Katkova L., Efremov S., Furman N., Dolotovskaya P., Puchinian N., Korostova E., Katkova L., Efremov S., Furman N.
The spectrum and activity of urinary Ig-proteinases as a marker of chronic pyelonephritis
Zinkevich О., Glushko Y., Safina N., Tyurin Y.
The survival prediction of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: the role of chitotriosidase level in peripheral blood
Schelkanovtseva E., Isaev G., Mironova O., Balakhonov A., Skvortsov A., Nagornov I., Suvorov A., Fomin V., Panferov A.
The use of a new semi-quantitative rapid test for procalcitonin in the diagnosis of multisegmental community-acquired pneumonia
Bayramova S., Nikolayev K., Tsygankova O.
Characteristic of fibrotic myocardial lesions associated with life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathies
Shlevkov N., Zhambeev A., Gasparyan A., Shitov V., Stukalova O.
Prognostic value of detection of arterial hypotensive episodes in patients with chronic heart failure
Serov V., Shutov A., Serova D., Shmel'kova E., Shevchenko S.
Value of exercise electrocardiography and other current instrumental studies in the evaluation of percutaneous coronary interventions and in the detection of restenosis
Lupanov V., Lupanov V.
Dilated cardiomyopathy in therapeutic and cardiological practice (lecture)
Bart B., Benevskaya V.
Applying of magnetic resonance tomography for assessment of cardiac remodeling and risk stratification in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
Shariya A., Martynyuk T., Shariya M., Ustyuzhanin D.
Drug-induced interstitial lung disease: approaches to diagnostics and treatment
Anaev E.
Prognosis factors of survival in patients with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension
Olevskaya E., Dolgushina A., Tarasov A., Hihlova A.
Renal function estimation formulas in predicting long-term cardiovascular outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction concurrent with diabetes mellitus
Karetnikova V., Osokina A., Evseeva M., Kalaeva V., Gruzdeva O., Kashtalap V., Zykov M., Avramenko O., Barbarash O.
The porphyrin metabolism in liver cirrhosis
Krivosheev A., Kondratova M., Krivosheeva T., Kupriianova L., Khvan L.
Retrospective analysis of the course and outcomes of juvenile arthritis in adult patients
Salugina S., Salugina S.
Diagnostic and prognostic significance of D-dimer in internal medicine
Fedotkina Y., Dobrovobky А., Kropacheva E., Titaeva E., Panchenko E.
Combined use of the GRACE ACS risk score and comorbidity indices to increase the effectiveness of hospital mortality risk assessment in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Zykov M., Dyachenko N., Velieva R., Kashtalap V., Barbarash O.
Do the patients with peripheral atherosclerosis need to a medical therapy before the revascularization?
Barbarash O., Kashtalap V.
Prognostic role of ST2 in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology and carbohydrate metabolism disorders
Grakova E., Kopeva K., Teplyakov A., Ogurkova O., Garganeeva A., Garmaeva O.
Pneumonia at a multidisciplinary hospital
Vertkin A., Oralbekova Z.
The specific features of the clinical picture and course of familial dilated cardiomyopathy
Kurbanov N., Kurbanov R., Abdullaev T.
Acute coronary syndrome in patients with carbohydrate metabolic disturbances (A REVIEW)
Kremneva L., Shalaev S., Kremneva L., Shalayev S.
Morphologically unfavorable forms of lupus glomerulone-phritis: treatment and prognosis
Zakharova E., Mikhailova N., Ermolenko V., Gabdurakhmanov I., Varshavsky V., Proskurneva E.
The effectiveness of hardware CPAP therapy in heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Yakovlev A., Efremov I., Yakovlevа N., Shilov S., Ryabikov A., Teplyakov A., Grakova E., Kopeva K., Shirokikh I.
Remissions and progression of C3 glomerulopathy
Karunnaya A., Dobronravov V.
Frailty syndrome. What physicians and cardiologists need to know?
Krivoshapova K., Vegner E., Barbarash O.
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in Russian population
Dobronravov V., Smirnov A.
Primary immunodeficiencies are a topical problem of modern medicine
Troitskaia E., Sofronova L., Tsvetkova T.
Prognostic value of pathogenetic therapy-induced changes in NT-proBNP in patients with chronic heart failure
Mezhonov E., Shalaev S.
Risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with frequent hypertensive crises
Kolos I., Chazova I., Tereshchenko S., Nakonechnikov S., Kolos I., Chazova I., Tereschenko S., Nakonechnikov S.
Synovial membrane in early rheumatoid arthritis: clinicomorphological comparisons
Karateev D., Radenska-Lopovok S., Nasonova V., Ivanova M.
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