Vol 95, No 11 (2023)


Predictors of thromboembolic complications in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection

Podzolkov V.I., Volchkova E.V., Tarzimanova A.I., Bragina A.E., Ivannikov A.A., Bykova E.E., Shvedov I.I., Oganesyan K.A., Isaeva A.Y.


Aim. To identify predictors of the development of thromboembolic complications (TECs) in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.
Materials and methods. A single-center observational retrospective study included 1634 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the availability of the feasibility study. The criterion for inclusion of patients in the main group was the presence of venous feasibility studies in 127 patients (group I), the comparison group consisted of 1507 patients in whom the course of COVID-19 was not complicated by the development of feasibility studies (group II).
Results. When performing computed tomography of the chest organs, it was revealed that patients with a feasibility study had a higher percentage of lung tissue damage than patients in the comparison group: 55% [37.5; 67.5] and 37.5% [25.0; 47.5], respectively (p<0.001). The average values of C-reactive protein in I patients group were 129 [60.1; 211] ng/l, which was significantly higher than in II patients group – 41.0 [12.2; 97.6] ng/l (p<0.001), interleukin-6 – 176 [52.9; 471] pg/ml and 39.4 [11.0; 107] pg/ml (p<0.001), respectively. A one-factor regression analysis proved a significant contribution of comorbid pathology to the development of feasibility studies in patients with COVID-19. The presence of three nosologies at the same time: arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic kidney disease increased the probability of a feasibility study by 4.81 times (odds ratio 4.8117, 95% confidence interval 3.2064–7.2207), in patients with arterial hypertension, CHD, chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes – by 5.63 times (odds ratio 5.6321, 95% confidence interval 3.1870–9.9531).
Conclusion. The presence of severe comorbid pathology significantly increased the risk of developing a feasibility study in patients with COVID-19. The most significant predictors of the development of feasibility studies in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. They are: CHD, arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):907-912
pages 907-912 views

Original articles

Features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Karaseva E.A., Martynov V.A., Filatova T.E., Maleev V.V., Grishin V.Y., Pronin N.S., Verbitskaya E.I., Popova V.I.


Aim. To identify the features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), depending on the intake of hypoglycemic therapy at the prehospital stage, in conjunction with the functional state of the kidneys.
Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 291 case histories of patients with COVID-19 and T2DM hospitalized in the infection department of Semashko Regional Clinical Hospital from January to December 2021, including the main clinical and laboratory parameters. 
Results. Among hospitalized patients with COVID-19, patients with T2DM had a higher mortality rate. An analysis of the case histories of deceased patients with COVID-19 and T2DM showed that at admission, body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein, and creatinine were higher than those of survivors and amounted to BMI – 33 [30; 39] and 33 [28; 36] kg/m3; p=0.039, C-reactive protein – 77 [47.5; 106.0] and 57 [27.0; 89.0] mg/l; p=0.015, in terms of creatinine level – 89 [70.0; 144.0] and 82 [66.0; 101.0] µmol/l; p=0.039, respectively. It was found that in the second week of hospitalization in the group of deceased patients with COVID-19 and T2DM, the creatinine level was statistically significantly higher than in surviving patients and amounted to 94.5 [71.5; 141.0] and 72.5 [57.0; 88.0] µmol/L; p<0.001, respectively. The probability of death in hospitalized patients with type 2 COVID-19 and T2DM depended on BMI and creatinine levels at the second week of hospitalization. Patients with prehospital correction of hyperglycemia dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (iDPP-4)/ glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (agGLP-1)/ sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (iSGLT-2) had significantly lower creatinine levels at week 2 of hospitalization.
Conclusion. In patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 with concomitant T2DM, special attention should be paid to the combination of high BMI and creatinine in the second week of hospitalization, which is a prognostically unfavorable predictor of death in such patients.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):913-918
pages 913-918 views

Prognostic factors in patients with hematological malignancies and concomitant chronic hepatitis C

Nozhkin M.S., Lioznov D.A., Antonova T.V., Gorchakova O.V., Goldstein E.M., Popova M.O., Shneyder T.V.


The study evaluated the impact of HCV infection on the prognosis in patients with hematological malignancies. A total of 96 patients with anti-HCV antibodies were enrolled, with the age of 37.8 (3.0–81.0) years old, 39.6% had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) was diagnosed in 46.9% patients prior to malignancy development, in 38.5% patients simultaneously with malignancy, and in 14.6% patients during malignancy treatment. Clinical and biochemical signs of HCH were mild in most of the patients, minimal liver fibrosis (F0–1 by METAVIR system) was discovered in 47.3% patients, severe fibrosis or cirrhosis (F3–4) was diagnosed in 40% of participants. Only 20 (20.8%) of patients received antiviral therapy against HCV prior to enrollment. Regression analysis demonstrated that age >55 years old, late onset of antiviral therapy, and poor nutritional status were significant predictors of death from hematological malignancy. Survey conducted among physicians of hematological oncology hospitals in Saint-Petersburg revealed gaps in knowledge on presentation and risks of HCV infection, as well as on opportunities of modern antiviral therapy. 

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):919-923
pages 919-923 views

The possibilities of impulse oscillometry in the diagnosis of the lung function disorders after COVID-19

Savushkina O.I., Astanin P.A., Nekludova G.V., Avdeev S.N., Zaytsev A.A.


Background. Impulse oscillometry (IOS) is an effort independent method of studying lung mechanics.
Aim. To study the diagnostic significance of IOS in assessing lung mechanics after COVID-19.
Materials and methods. Spirometry, body plethysmography, diffusion test (DLco), IOS parameters were analyzed in 315 patients (the median age 48 years), the median period from the beginning of COVID-19 to the study was 50 days. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and one-dimensional logistic regression analysis with an assessment of odds ratios.
Results. In general group, spirometry and body plethysmography parameters were in normal values, while DLCO was reduced in 61% of patients. Parameters of IOS were analyzed in the general group and between the groups, depending on the value of DLco and total lung capacity (TLC): normal or reduced. In general group, reactance area (AX), hererogeneity of resistance Rrs5–Rrs20, resistance at 5 Hz (Rrs5), reactance at 5 Hz (ΔXrs5) were increased in 29.8%, 17.8%, 6%, 4.8% of patients, respectively, and were statistically significantly higher in the group with reduced TLC, whereas in the group with reduced DLco AX, Rrs5–Rrs20 were statistically significantly higher. Logistic regression analysis showed that patients with Rrs5-Rrs20>0.07 kPa×sec/l or AX>0.32 kPa/l had a 1.99-fold and 2.24-fold increased risk for decrease DLco, respectively, while the risk of decrease in TLC was 2.25-fold (p=0.012) and 3.16-fold (p<0.001) higher, respectively.
Conclusion. IOS allow to detect both dysfunction of small airways (if AX or Rrs5–Rrs20 are increased) and the risk of restrictive pattern and lung diffusion impairment after COVID-19.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):924-929
pages 924-929 views

Clinical efficiency and safety of riamilovir under various dosage regimens for treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults

Zhdanov K.V., Maltsev O.V., Kasyanenko K.V., Kozlov K.V., Sukachev V.S., Lvov N.I., Sharabkhanov V.V., Litvinov A.A.


Aim. To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of antiviral drug riamilovir in patients with acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) of non-coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) etiology with different dosing regimens.

Materials and methods. The study included 150 patients with ARVI aged 18–27 years (50 patients received riamilovir in the regimen of 250 mg 3 times a day for 5 days, 50 patients received riamilovir in the off label regimen of 250 mg 5 times a day for 5 days, 50 patients received only pathogenetic treatment).

Results. The use of riamilovir in both treatment regimens led to a reduction in the duration of inpatient treatment. The shortest periods of hospitalization were noted in patients who received the study drug at higher daily dosages. The use of riamilovir reduced the duration and severity of general infectious manifestations of the disease, while the shortest total duration of fever and a number of respiratory tract syndromes was registered among people who received riamilovir in the regimen of 1250 mg per day for 5 days, no adverse events were registered, additionally, 100% elimination of ARVI pathogens was noted in 1250 mg per day group.

Conclusion. Riamilovir has shown clinical efficacy and a good safety profile in in both treatment regimens. The dosage regimen of 1250 mg per day led to more significant clinical effects and to 100% elimination of ARVI pathogens in the study group by the 6th day of hospitalization.


Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):930-936
pages 930-936 views

Efficacy and safety of topical combination therapy in patients with acute otitis externa

Gurov A.V., Kriukov A.I., Shadrin G.B., Izotova G.N., Zotova P.K.


Aim. To study the structure of the microbial landscape in patients with acute otitis externa, as well as to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the combined drug chloramphenicol/clotrimazole/beclomethasone/lidocaine (Candibiotic) as an empirical therapy of this disease.
Materials and methods. In this retrospective study of real clinical practice, outpatient records of 963 patients who applied to the KDO of the Sverzhevsky Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology with symptoms of otitis externa in the period from 2017 to 2022 were selected. Additional analysis was carried out on the clinical records of patients who received the combined drug Candibiotic. The endpoints of this analysis included data on the clinical and microbiological efficacy of therapy, as well as safety information.
Results. According to microbiological testing, 60.6% of microorganisms belonged to bacterial flora, 26% were bacterial-fungal associations, 11.6% were monofungal flora, in 1.8% of cases there was no growth of microorganisms. The most frequently isolated microorganisms were: Pseudomonas spp (n=291; 29.16%), Staphylococcus spp. (n=214; 21.4%), Candida spp. (n=194; 19.4%), Aspergillus spp. (n=133; 13.3%). Most of the patients (71.0%) received Candibiotic. In 69.7% of patients, the resolution of the clinical symptoms of otitis externa occurred within 7 days of therapy with Candibiotic. Complete eradication of microorganisms occurred in 87% of cases. Adverse events were recorded only in 3 (0.04%) cases.
Conclusion. The study demonstrated an extremely high level of clinical efficacy and safety of therapy in patients with acute external infectious otitis who received the Candibiotic, which can be used as an initial empirical therapy in patients with otitis externa.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):937-942
pages 937-942 views

Acute bronchitis – modern possibilities of mucactive therapy

Zaitsev A.A., Filon E.A., Storozheva Y.I.


Aim. Analysis of the clinical effectiveness and safety of erdosteine use in comparison with standard (real practice) mucoactive therapy in patients with acute bronchitis (АВ) in adults.
Materials and methods. The observational program included 100 adult patients with АВ, 50 of them (group 1) received erdosteine, the group 2 also included 50 patients who received acetylcysteine, bromhexine and other mucolytics (real clinical practice). The following were assessed: cough severity, average time for resolution of night and daytime cough, satisfaction with treatment, NO concentration in exhaled air, levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).
Results. The average duration of relief of severe daytime cough requiring continued therapy was: in group 1 – 3.7±0.46 days, night cough – 1.14±0.94 days. In the second group, daytime cough was relieved in 3.8±0.4 days, night cough – 1.08±0.7 days. The duration of mucoactive therapy in group 1 was 5.32±0.82 days, in group 2 this figure was 8.5±1.4 days (p<0.05). The number of АВ patients with a significant reduction in the severity of productive cough (1 point on cough severity scale) on the 6th day from the beginning of treatment in group 1 (erdosteine) amounted to 32 (64%), in group 2 – 27 (54%). Satisfaction with the treatment was higher in the group receiving erdosteine: according to the indicators "very satisfied" and "extremely satisfied" the patients of the group 1 – 42 – were the leaders in comparison with the group 2, where these positions were marked by 28 patients. The level of CRP in patients with АВ in group 1 was 24.7±21.24 mg/l, in group 2 – 16.37±16.5 mg/l, which indicates the viral etiology of the process and no need in the prescription of antimicrobial drugs. For the first time in Russian practice, the following were determined: the level of IL-6, which in the group 1 was 10.3±6.7 pc/ml; in the group 2 – 10.03±3.94 pc/ml; the level of exhaled NO in group 1 was 16.5±5.1 ppb, in group 2 – 14.9±4.6 ppb (the norm is up to 25 ppb). These indicators, against the background of mucoactive therapy, decreased to normal values by 6th day.
Conclusion. The findings expand our understanding of АВ in adults. New results have been obtained on the role of CRP, IL-6 and NO in exhaled air during АВ. The use of erdosteine was accompanied by a significant mucoactive effect in the form of a pronounced regression of cough in patients with АВ compared to the comparison group in shorter term.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):943-950
pages 943-950 views

The effect of etiopathogenetic therapy of COVID-19 on the severity of the disease: results of a multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial

Nikiforov V.V., Petrov V.A., Stremoukhov A.A., Avdeeva M.G., Shvarts Y.G., Kravchenko I.E., Nikolaeva I.V., Ushakova S.E., Belousova O.N., Eremina N.A., Teplykh S.V., Mel'nikova E.V., Kostinа N.E.


Aim. The search for etiopathogenetic agents to prevent the development of severe and extremely severe COVID-19 remains relevant. A placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the antibody-based biological drug (Raphamin).
Materials and methods. 785 outpatients 18–75 y.o. with laboratory confirmed mild COVID-19 were included within 24 hours from the disease onset. 771 patients were randomized to the group Raphamin (n=382) and the Placebo group (n=389). The study drug/placebo was prescribed for 5 days. The rate of progression to a more severe degree of COVID-19 by day 28 as well as the time to sustained clinical recovery and the frequency of hospitalization were evaluated. Safety was assessed taking into account adverse events, vital signs and laboratory parameters.
Results. The number of cases of progression to a more severe degree of COVID-19 in participants receiving Raphamin was 59 (15.5%) [52 (14.6%)] versus placebo – 89 (22.9%) [85 (23.7%)], ITT and [PP] analysis data are presented. The odds ratio between groups was OR=0.6157 [OR=0.5494], 95% confidence interval 0.4276–0.8866 [0.3750–0.8048], which meant a reduction in the chance of progression to a more severe degree by 38.4% [45.1%] or 1.48 [1.62] times; p=0.0088 [p=0.0019]. The time to sustained recovery in the Raphamin group was 4.5±2.4 [4.6±2.4] days, versus placebo – 5.8±4.7 [6.0±4.8] days; p=0.0025 [p=0.0036]. No adverse events with a certain relationship were registered.
Conclusion. Raphamin reduces the risk of progression to a more severe degree of the COVID-19 and significantly shortens the duration of clinical symptoms.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):958-964
pages 958-964 views

Potential of azoximere bromide for treatment of patients with acute inflammatory and infectious upper respiratory diseases

Svistushkin V.M., Nikiforova G.N., Eremeeva K.V., Dekhanov A.S., Kochetkov P.A.


Aim. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Polyoxidonium® in patients with inflammatory and infectious upper respiratory diseases in real clinical practice.
Materials and methods. This retrospective multicenter study included data from adults and children over 6 months old with inflammatory and infectious upper respiratory diseases (n=16 365). The exploratory endpoints included: the proportion of patients with complete relief of symptoms, demographic characteristics of patients, the frequency of prescriptions of Polyoxidonium® by disease groups, determination of the groups of concomitant drugs, most commonly prescribed treatment regimen, frequency of prescribing different Polyoxidonium® dosage forms, duration of the most common specific symptoms of acute respiratory infections during therapy, the incidence of treatment-related adverse events.
Results. After treatment completion, the proportion of patients with complete relief of symptoms was 40%, with positive dynamics – 99.77%. Polyoxidonium® in combination therapy was also effective in the treatment of COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 syndrome. The median patient age was 28 years. Polyoxidonium® was most frequently prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious upper respiratory diseases in combination with antibiotics or symptomatic drugs in dosage form solution. The primary routes of administration were intranasal and sublingual. The resolution of infection symptoms occurred predominantly within the first 5 days after the initiation of therapy. The therapy appeared to be equally effective across all age groups. No Polyoxidonium®-related adverse events occurred.
Conclusion. Treatment with Polyoxidonium® contributes to achieving favorable outcomes in patients with inflammatory and infectious upper respiratory diseases. The study drug has a high safety profile.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):951-957
pages 951-957 views

Clinical notes

Exudative pericarditis with tamponade after COVID-19. Case report

Dvoretsky L.I., Rachina S.A., Poltavskaya M.G., Andreev D.A., Tarykina E.V., Plaksina N.A., Minaev V.V., Terekhova A.V.


A description of a COVID-19 patient with the development of exudative pericarditis complicated by cardiac tamponade is provid. A peculiarity of this case is the presence of an underlying disease in the patient (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), which was in remission for 1.5 years after chemotherapy. Another feature of the patient was the relatively small area of lung damage and the hemorrhagic nature of the pericardial effusion, which persisted for a long time. The insignificant activity of inflammatory markers was noteworthy. Possible mechanisms of development and features of the course of exudative pericarditis in the described patient, issues of diagnosis and treatment of this category of patients are discusse.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):965-969
pages 965-969 views

A case of pleuropulmonary dirofilariasis caused by Dirofilaria repens. Case report

Kozlov S.S., Ermakova L.A., Lobzin Y.V., Nagorny S.A., Kornienko I.V., Telicheva V.O., Kaliuzhina M.A., Pshenichcnaya N.Y.


The differential diagnosis of neoplasms of various localizations is the primary task in clinical practice of all physicians. We present a description of the case of invasion with Dirofilaria repens in the lung of a 68-year-old patient. In 2016 the patient was diagnosed with cancer of the left kidney and underwent a left-sided nephrectomy. During the dynamic observation in 2019, a lump was found in the left lung, which was regarded as a metastasis. An atypical SIX resection of the left lung was performed. Microscopy of the removed lump revealed the presence of a nematode of the genus Dirofilaria, presumably D. repens. The species identity of D. repens was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction using species-specific primers. It is known that the morphological identification of parasites up to the species in the surgical material presents certain difficulties and requires high professional training of the researcher. Therefore, the diagnosis of dirofilariasis in atypical localizations of nematodes in the human body is of great importance in the differentiation of malignant and benign formations, and the use of the polymerase chain reaction method can significantly increase the accuracy in establishing the final diagnosis.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):970-975
pages 970-975 views

A clinical case of three times treatment of hepatitis C with repeated infection in HIV-positive patient. Case Report

Pokrovskaya A.V., Popova A.A.


The article presents a clinical case of hepatitis C treatment with repeated reinfection in an HIV-positive patient. Despite the possibility of hepatitis C cure with modern antiviral drugs and long-term duration and quality of patients’ life, remains the risk of reinfection. It is necessary to intensify prevention and regular laboratory screening for viral hepatitis among all population in order to start treatment in time and prevent new cases of hepatitis.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):976-978
pages 976-978 views

Tuberculosis infection in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Clinacal cases

Timanovskaia M.U., Shaykhtdinova Y.R., Zhulina E.U., Kulakov D.S., Kagramanova A.V., Knyzev O.V., Parfenov A.I.


In most cases Tuberculosis (TB) affects the lungs, but 10–15% of patients have extrapulmonary TB localisations, that is difficult to diagnose. TB is more spread among patients having the human immunodeficiency virus and among those who receive immunosuppressive therapy, specifically in patients with inflammatory bowel disease requiring long-term treatment with immunosuppressants and/or biologics. The symptoms of intestinal TB are nonspecific and may include chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fever and ascites. Differential diagnosis includes Crohn's disease, malignant neoplasms, periappendiceal abscesses, yersiniosis, etc. The article presents cases showing similarity of the intestinal form of TB with Crohn's disease, complexity dealing, diagnosing and treating patients with inflammatory bowel disease also having latent tuberculosis infection

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):979-984
pages 979-984 views

Clinical cases of microscopic colitis: Diagnosis and treatment issues. Case report

Osadchuk A.M., Fadeeva N.A., Dashkina N.A., Loranskaya I.D., Khomeriki S.G.


Currently, there is an increase in the incidence of microscopic colitis. There are difficulties in diagnosing this disease due to the variability of histological signs, variability of morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the colon in different parts of the colon, and the combination in one patient of not only various forms of microscopic colitis, but also other intestinal diseases. The article describes the differential diagnosis, an example of its staging and successful treatment of various forms of microscopic colitis with budesonide (two clinical cases presented).

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):985-990
pages 985-990 views


Сardiac arrhythmias in people who have had a coronavirus infection COVID-19: A review

Yamoldinov N.R., Dudarev M.V., Sarksyan D.S., Maleev V.V.


Heart rhythm disorders are one of the most common complications of coronavirus infection. Heart rhythm disorders can develop in 6–17% of hospitalized patients, and in convalescents, COVID-19 can manifest itself up to 12 months after the completion of the acute phase of the disease. Among the mechanisms for the development of cardiac arrhythmias, there are a direct cytopathic effect of SARS-CoV-2 on the myocardium, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, electrolyte imbalance, hypoxia, the use of antibacterial, antimalarial and antiviral drugs, exudative pericarditis, autonomic dysfunction. The main COVID-19-mediated heart rhythm disorders are sinus tachycardia and bradycardia, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, long QT syndrome. Despite a significant amount of research, the literature data on the prevalence of certain types of cardiac arrhythmias (especially in COVID-19 convalescents), as well as methods for their correction, are somewhat contradictory and need to be clarified. Taking into account the impact of arrhythmia on the quality of life and mortality, active monitoring of convalescents of coronavirus infection, identification and development of approaches to the treatment of heart rhythm disorders in patients who have had COVID-19, seem to be relevant and promising areas in modern cardiology.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):991-995
pages 991-995 views

Diagnosis and antibiotic therapy of nosocomial pneumonia in adults: from recommendations to real practice. A review

Rachina S.А., Fedina L.V., Sukhorukova M.V., Sychev I.N., Larin E.S., Alkhlavov A.A.


Nosocomial pneumonia is a healthcare-associated infection with significant consequences for the patient and the healthcare system. The efficacy of treatment significantly depends on the timeliness and adequacy of the antibiotic therapy regimen. The growth of resistance of gram-negative pathogens of nosocomial pneumonia to antimicrobial agents increases the risk of prescribing inadequate empirical therapy, which worsens the results of patient treatment. Identification of risk factors for infection with multidrug-resistant microorganisms, careful local microbiological monitoring with detection of resistance mechanisms, implementation of antimicrobial therapy control strategy and use of rational combinations of antibacterial drugs are of great importance. In addition, the importance of using new drugs with activity against carbapenem-resistant strains, including ceftazidime/aviabactam, must be understood. This review outlines the current data on the etiology, features of diagnosis and antibacterial therapy of nosocomial pneumonia.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):996-1003
pages 996-1003 views

Pathogenetic approaches to the correction of vascular homeostasis in patients with COVID-19: A review

Shuldyakov A.A., Smagina A.N., Ramazanova K.K., Lyapina E.P., Chabbarov Y.R., Sheshina N.A., Zhuk A.A.


The adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19 in the initial phase of the disease are often due to the development of cytokine storm, endothelial dysfunction, shifts in the hemostasis system, microangiopathy, angiocentric inflammation, and pathological angiogenesis, which require targeted therapy. Unfortunately, to date, there is still no drug with proven high efficacy. This review is to analyse the literature data on the pathogenesis of vascular homeostasis lesions and possible ways to correct the existing shifts in patients with COVID-19. When the oxygen content in the tissue decreases, one of the most important mechanisms of adaptation is the activation of the succinate oxidase pathway, but under conditions of prolonged hypoxia and intoxication, the succinate reserve is rapidly depleted. That is why exogenous of succinic acid can enhance the adaptive capabilities of the organism and improve the prognosis in patients with COVID-19. Succinic acid preparations contribute to normalization of energy exchange and reduction of oxidative stress, especially in combination with inosine, nicotinamide and riboflavin and are widely used in clinical practice in various nosological forms. Taking into account the analysis of data on the mechanisms of clinical effects of succinate-containing preparations, this group of drugs can be considered as promising with regard to the correction of vascular disorders in COVID-19.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):1004-1008
pages 1004-1008 views

History of medicine

Government, university medicine and epidemics in Siberia (late XIX – early XX century)

Stepnov A.O., Karpov R.S., Nekrylov S.A.


The relationship between government and university medicine in the context of the development of the Asian "colonial" periphery of Russia in the late imperial period are studied. It is concluded that these relationship, the manifestations of which were most pronounced in the period of the fight against epidemics, are not quite standard from the point of view of model of the classical relationship between power and knowledge in the colonial context of European maritime empires. This is connected mainly with the social portrait of the university intelligentsia, with the peculiarities of their professional socialization, which led to the fact that in Siberia they broadcast the experience of the European metropolises, rather than the colonies.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(11):1009-1012
pages 1009-1012 views

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