Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
Том 32, № 1 (2024) “В кильватере большого корабля”: плаванье продолжается!
Aranovich L.
Том 31, № 6 (2023) Авторский указатель за 2023 г.
Том 32, № 4 (2024) Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association of the eastern part of the West-Stanovoy superterrane (Central Asian orogenic belt): age, sources, and tectonic setting
Larin А., Kotov A., Sal’nikova Е., Kovach V., Savatenkov V., Velikoslavinskii S., Rizvanova N., Sergeeva N., Skovitina Т., Zagonaya N.
Том 32, № 3 (2024) Associations and formation conditions of a body of melilite leucite clinopyroxenite (Purtovino, Vologda oblast, Russia): an alkaline-ultrabasic paralava
Barkov A., Nikiforov A., Martin R., Korolyuk V., Silyanov S., Lobastov B.
Том 31, № 2 (2023) Variation in Trace Element and Isotope Composition of Neoarchean Mafic Granulites of the Southwest Siberian Craton: A Consequence of Various Mantle Sources or Crustal Contamination
Turkina O.
Том 31, № 5 (2023) Variations in the Composition of MORB Chilled Glasses from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 12°–31° N: Reflection of Composition Evolution of Parent Melts and the Influence of the Hydrothermal Component
Silantyev S., Buikin A., Zhovrebova A., Shabykova V., Bel’tenev V.
Том 31, № 6 (2023) The Effects of Alkalis Content on Zircon Solubility in Silicate Melts
Borisov A., Koshlyakova A.
Том 32, № 3 (2024) Age and origin of subalkaline magmatic series of the Khibiny-Lovozero complex
Arzamastsev A., Ivanova A., Salnikova E., Kotov A., Kovach V., Stifeeva M., Zagornaya N., Plotkina Y., Tolmacheva E.
Том 31, № 4 (2023) Age and Isotope-Geochemical Characteristics of Ta, Nb, W, Sn Mineralization Associated with Rare-Metal Granites (Khangilay Ore District, Eastern Transbaikalia)
Badanina E., Syritso L., Ivanova A., Rizvanova N.
Том 31, № 4 (2023) High Fractionated Granites of the Raumid Massif (S. Pamir): O-Isotope and Geochemical Study
Dubinina E., Avdeenko A., Volkov V., Kossova S., Kovalchuck E.
Том 32, № 2 (2024) Genesis of Dunite from the Guli puton According to Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusion Data
Panina L., Isakova A., Rokosova E.
Том 31, № 1 (2023) The Monticellite-Bearing Rocks of the Krestovskaya Intrusion: the Genesis According to Melt Inclusion Study
Panina L., Isakova A., Rokosova E.
Том 31, № 6 (2023) Geodynamic of a Breakup of Western Part of the Karelian Craton: Data on 2.1 Ga Mafic Magmatism
Samsonov A., Stepanova A., Salnikova E., Larionova Y., Larionov A.
Том 32, № 1 (2024) Geochemical Thermometry of Ore-Bearing Gabbronorites from the Apophisis of the Yoko-Dovyren Massif: Composition, Amount of Olivine, and Conditions of Sulphide Saturation in the Parental Magma
Pshenitsyn I., Ariskin A., Sobolev S.
Том 32, № 4 (2024) Gneisses and granitoids of the basement of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise: constraints for relation of the archean and paleoproterozoic crust in the boundary zone between Tungus superterrane and Magan terrane (South Siberian craton)
Turkina О., Plyusnin A., Donskaya Т., Afonin I., Sanin S.
Том 31, № 6 (2023) Sources of Cu-Rich Sulfide Mineralization and high-Ni Olivine of the Rudnaya Dyke (Imangda Junction, Norilsk Region): Based on Compositional, Isotope and Model Data
Brovchenko V., Ketrov A., Gritsenko Y., Larionova Y., Kovalchuk E., Pshenitsyn I., Costin G., Yudovskaya M., Kirillina I., Sluzhenikin S.
Том 31, № 2 (2023) Carbonatization of Serpentinites of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: 1. Geochemical Trends and Mineral Assemblages
Silantyev S., Krasnova E., Badyukov D., Zhilkina A., Kuzmina T., Gryaznova A., Sherbakov V.
Том 31, № 3 (2023) Магматизм Камчатки и Курильских островов
Том 31, № 3 (2023) Magnesian Basalts of the Medvezhia Caldera: Main Magmas and Their Sources on the Example of the Menshiy Brat Volcano (Iturup Island)
Kuzmin D., Nizametdinov I., Smirnov S., Timina T., Shevko A., Gora M., Rybin A.
Том 32, № 3 (2024) Malyi Zadoi peridotite-gabbronorite massif: computational modeling of crystallization and evaluation of indicator geochemical parameters of parental melt
Lavrenchuk A., Gladkochub D., Turkina O., Mekhonoshin A., Shelepov Y.
Том 32, № 2 (2024) Metamorphic mineral reactions and mineral paragenesis in the rocks of the Meyeri tectonic zone (the south-eastern part of the Fennoscandian shield, Russia)
Vivdich E., Baltybaev K., Galankina O.
Том 32, № 1 (2024) Metasomatism in the Precambrian Crust of the Siberian Craton: Results of a Study of Garnet(±orthopyroxene)-biotite-feldspar Xenolith Rocks From Yubileinaya and Sytykanskaya Kimberlite Pipes, Yakutia
Seliutina N., Safonov O., Yapaskurt V., Varlamov D., Sharygin I., Konstantinov K., Kozlovskiy V.
Том 31, № 6 (2023) Metasomatic Transformation of Amphibolites into Corundum-Bearing Plagioclasites: Zoning, Numerical Model of the Process (on the Example of the Unique Khitostrov Mineral Deposit, Fennoscandian Shield)
Bushmin S., Kol’tsov A., Lebedeva Y., Savva E.
Том 32, № 1 (2024) Meta-Ultramafic Rocks of the Maksyutov Complex, Southern Urals: High-Pressure Si-Al Metasomatism and Carbonatization at the Crust-Mantle Interface in the Subduction Zone
Perchuk A., Zinovieva N., Sapegina A., Valizer P., Kozlovsky V., Grigorieva V., Podgornova S.
Том 31, № 5 (2023) Microprobe Analysis of Titanium in Zircon: an Estimation of Secondary Fluorescence
Borisov A., Borisovskiy S., Koshlyakova A.
Том 32, № 1 (2024) Modelling of Multicomponent Fluid Flow in Deforming and Reacting Porous Rock
Khakimova L., Podladchikov Y.
Том 32, № 2 (2024) Model of the formation of monzogabbrodiorite-syenite-granitoid intrusions by the example of the Akzhailau massif (East Kazakhstan)
Kotler P., Zakharova A., Semenova D., Kulikova A., Badretdinov E., Mikheev E., Volosov A., Khromykh S.
Том 31, № 4 (2023) Moissanite in Rocks of the Bobruisk Ledge of the Belarusian Crystalline Massif of the East European Craton
Levitsky V., Levitsky I., Pavlova L., Lukashova M.
Том 31, № 5 (2023) Lower Talnakh Type Intrusions of the Norilsk Ore Region
Sluzhenikin S., Malitch K., Yudovskaya M., Turovtsev D., Antsiferova T., Mikhalev S., Badanina I., Soloshenko N.
Том 31, № 3 (2023) New Data on the Rock and Mineral Composition of Kharchinsky and Zarechny Volcanoes (Central Kamchatka depression): Heterogeneity of the Mantle Source and Peculiarities of Magma Evolution in Crust
Gorbach N., Nekrylov N., Portnyagin M., Hoernle K.
Том 31, № 6 (2023) On the Application of Proxy Minerals for Evaluation of the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Acid Melts
Dubinina E., Aranovich L.
Том 32, № 3 (2024) Metamorphosed ultramafic and mafic lithoclasts and detrital minerals from sandstones of clastic ophiolitic deposits of the Rassokha terrane: a setting of formation of the Chersky range ophiolites
Ledneva G., Bazylev B., Sychev S., Rogov A.
Том 31, № 5 (2023) Updated COMAGMAT-5: Modeling the Effects of Sulfide Precipitation in Parallel to Crystallization Of Alumino-Chromian Spinel
Ariskin A., Bychkov K., Nikolaev G., Barmina G.
Том 32, № 2 (2024) Paleoproterozoic Dacite Dykes of the Vorontsovka Terrane, Volga-Don Orogen: Geochemistry, Age and Petrogenesis
Savko K., Samsonov A., Korish E., Bazikov N., Larionov A.
Том 32, № 2 (2024) The First Discovery of Archean Dolerite Dikes in the Western Part of the Aldan Shield
Erofeeva K., Larionova U., Samsonov A.
Том 31, № 4 (2023) Petrogeochemical Characteristics of Late Devonian Metagabbro-Dolerites of the Kara Astrobleme (Nenets Autonomous District, Russia)
Shaibekov R., Ulyasheva N., Tropnikov E., Ignatiev G.
Том 32, № 3 (2024) Rocks of the Ary-Bulak ongonite massif: relationship between geochemical features, mineral-phase assembleges, and formation processes
Peretyazhko I., Savina E., Dmitrieva A.
Том 31, № 3 (2023) Subduction and Oceanic Magmatism Records in Plutonic Rocks of the Kamchatsky Mys Ophiolite, Eastern Kamchatka
Bazylev B., Portnyagin M., Savelyev D., Ledneva G., Kononkova N.
Том 31, № 3 (2023) The origin of olivine basalts from Medvezhya Mount (Avachinsky group of volcanoes, Kamchatka): The evidence of assimilation of sulfide-bearing cumulates
Savelyev D., Gorbach N., Portnyagin M., Shcherbakov V.
Том 32, № 2 (2024) Separation of salts NaCl and CaCl2 in aqueous-carbon dioxide deep fluids
Ivanov M., Bushmin S.
Том 31, № 6 (2023) Crystal Size Distribution as a Key to Protocumulus Evolution in Layered Intrusions: Experiments, Calculations and Practice of CSD Extraction
Sobolev S., Ariskin A., Nikolaev G., Pshenitsyn I.
Том 32, № 4 (2024) Titanium partitioning between zircon and melt: an experimental study at high temperatures
Borisov А., Borisovskiy S.
Том 32, № 1 (2024) Clorine Solubility in Silicate Melts: New Experiments and Thermodynamic Mixing Model
Aranovich L., Golunova M., Connolly J., Ivanov M.
Том 31, № 2 (2023) Native Iron in Siberian Traps
Tomshin M., Kopylova A., Vasilyeva A.
Том 31, № 1 (2023) Evidence of Grenville and Valhalla Tectonic Events at the Western Margin of the Siberian Craton from Rocks of the Garevka Complex (North Yenisei Ridge)
Likhanov I.
Том 32, № 4 (2024) Properties of fluids during metasomatic alteration of metamorphic rocks under P-T conditions of the middle crust: an example from the Bolshie Keivy region, Belomorian-Lapland orogen, Fennoscandian shield
Bushmin S., Vapnik E., Ivanov М., Kol’tsov A., Lebedeva Y., Aleksandrovich О., Savva Е.
Том 31, № 2 (2023) Compositions of Kimberlite Melts: A Review of Melt Inclusions in Kimberlite Minerals
Golovin A., Kamenetsky V.
Том 31, № 1 (2023) Staurolite in Metabasites: P-T-X Conditions and the Ratios of Petrogenic Components as a Criterion of the Appearance of Staurolite
Borisova E., Baltybaev S., Connolly J.
Том 31, № 5 (2023) Stages and Conditions of Formation of Carbonate-Silicate Veins and Near-Vein Aureoles in the Early Proterozoic Complexes of the Belomorian Mobile Belt, North Karelia
Volkov I., Kozlovskii V.
Том 31, № 3 (2023) Sulfide Mineralization in Pyrometamorphosed Upper Crustal Xenoliths, Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka
Davydova V., Shcherbakov V., Nekrylov N., Plechov P., Yapaskurt V.
Том 32, № 1 (2024) Fault Tectonites of the Yenisei Shear Zone (Yenisei Ridge): Evidence and Thermomechanical Numerical Model of Generation of Tectonic Overpressure
Polyansky O., Likhanov I., Babichev A., Kozlov P., Zinoviev S., Sverdlova V.
Том 31, № 5 (2023) Early Paleozoic Tectonothermal Evolution of the Khan-Khukhay Metamorphic Complex (Northern Mongolia)
Polyansky O., Selyatitskii A., Zinoviev S., Babichev A.
Том 31, № 4 (2023) Thermodynamic Model of the Fluid System H2O–CO2–NaCl–CaCl2 at P-T Parameters of the Middle and Lower Crust
Ivanov M.
Том 32, № 4 (2024) Three types of olivine crystal size distribution in dunites from the Yoko-Dovyren layered massif as signals of their different crystallization history
Sobolev S., Ariskin A., Nikolaev G., Pshenitsyn I.
Том 31, № 3 (2023) Conditions and Magmas Sources of Summit and Flank Eruptions of the Klyuchevskoy Volcano in 2020–2021: Isotope (Sr-Nd-Pb-O)-Geochemical Data
Cherkashin R., Bergal-Kuvikas O., Chugaev A., Larionova Y., Bindeman I., Khomchanovsky A., Plutakhina E.
Том 31, № 1 (2023) Conditions of Rock Formation and Magma Sources of the Late Cenozoic Udokan Volcanic Plateau
Yarmolyuk V., Savatenkov V., Kozlovsky A., Stupak F., Kuznetsov M., Shpakovich L.
Том 32, № 3 (2024) Fenner trend and the role of fractional crystallisation and ferrobasaltic magma immiscibility in granophyre petrogenesis: the case of the mesoproterozoic Valaam sill in the Ladoga graben, Karelia
Nosova А., Lebedeva N., Vozniak A., Sazonova L., Kondrashov I., Larionova Y., Коvalchuk Е.
Том 31, № 1 (2023) Aegirine-Bearing Clinopyroxenes in Granulites from Xenoliths of the Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, Siberian Craton: Comparison of the Results of Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Electron Micropobe Analysis
Sapegina A., Voronin M., Perchuk A., Safonov O.
Том 31, № 4 (2023) Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of Amphibole with Highly Salted H2O-NaCl-KCl Fluid at 750°C, 700 MPa: Application to Alkaline Metasomatism of Amphibole Rocks
Khodorevskaya L., Varlamov D., Safonov O.
Том 32, № 2 (2024) Experimental modeling of the interaction of fluorine-containing granite melt and calcite marble
Alferova I., Novikova A., Gramenitskiy E.
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