Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association of the eastern part of the West-Stanovoy superterrane (Central Asian orogenic belt): age, sources, and tectonic setting

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Geochronological (U-Pb on zircons, ID-TIMS), isotope-geochemical (Nd, Sr, Pb), and geochemical studies of rocks of the Amanan and Amudzhikan intrusive complexes and volcanic rocks of the Ukurey Suite in the eastern part of the West Stanovoy superterrane of the Central Asian Fold Belt were performed. The belonging of granitoids of these complexes to high-potassium C-type adakites is substantiated. The cogeneticity of the studied rocks has been established, which makes it possible to unite them into one Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association formed in the age range of 133±1–128±1 Ma. The igneous complexes of this association are part of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt, which extends in the sublatitudinal direction from the Pacific Ocean deep into the North Asian continent for more than 1000 km subparallel to the Mongol-Okhotsk suture zone and stitches the tectonic structures of the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy and West-Stanovoy superterranes. The formation of the Stanovoy Belt is connected with the closure of the Mongolo-Okhotsk Ocean and the collision of the continental masses of the North Asian and Sino-Korean continents at the turn of ~140 Ma. The subsequent collapse of the collisional orogen, accompanied by large-scale lithospheric extension and delamination of the lower part of the continental lithosphere, led to upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle. This caused the melting of the lithospheric mantle and continental crust and, as a consequence, the formation of both mafic melts of the shoshonite type and anatectic crustal melts of the adakite type. The mixing of these melts led to the formation of the parent magmas of the Amudzhikan magmatic association. The crustal component in the source was of a heterogeneous nature and was finally formed as a result of the Early Cretaceous collision event. It is characterized by upper-crustal isotopic parameters: an increased Rb/Sr and U/Pb ratio and a decreased Sm/Nd ratio in the source. The mantle component is represented by the material of the enriched lithospheric mantle of the Central Asian fold belt, the formation of which is associated with subduction processes at the stage of closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk paleoocean. Metasomatic transformation of the mantle with the introduction of melts and fluids with isotopic parameters of an EMII-type source or upper crust occurred at this stage.

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About the authors

А. М. Larin

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

A. B. Kotov

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Е. В. Sal’nikova

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

V. P. Kovach

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

V. M. Savatenkov

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

S. D. Velikoslavinskii

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

N. G. Rizvanova

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

N. A. Sergeeva

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Т. М. Skovitina

Institute of of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Irkutsk

N. Y. Zagonaya

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. (a) Geological position of the late Mesozoic Stanovoy volcano-plutonic post-collisional belt in the folded frame of the Siberian platform. 1 – Siberian craton; DSS – Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy Early Precambrian superterrane, which underwent intensive structural-metamorphic and tectono-magmatic reworking in the Mesozoic; 2–4 – folded belts: 2 – Central Asian (EZTK – Yenisei-Transbaikal tectonic collage, WSS – West Stanovoy superterrane, AM – Amur microcontinent), 3 – Mongol-Okhotsk, 4 – Sikhote-Alin; 5, 6 – late Mesozoic rift systems: 5 – West Transbaikal, 6 – Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt; 7 – Fig. 1b. (b) Scheme of the location of the Amanan, Amudzhikan and Ukureich magmatic complexes of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt in the junction zone of the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy and West-Stanovoy superterranes, according to (State ..., 2009) with changes. 1, 2 – pre-Early Cretaceous metamorphic and igneous rocks: 1 – Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy superterrane (gneisses, gneissogranites and migmatites of the Stanovoy complex, crystalline schists of the Larba and Dambuka series and igneous rocks of the Early Precambrian and Early Mesozoic), 2 – West Stanovoy superterrane (gneisses, schists and migmatites of the Tungir, Irmakit and Upper Olekma series, crystalline schists of the Mogocha complex, igneous rocks of the Early Precambrian, Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic age; 3 – Early Cretaceous collisional granitoids of the ancient Stanovoy and late Stanovoy complexes; 4–8 – geological formations of the Early Cretaceous Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt: 4 – granitoids of the Amudzhikan complex, 5 – Ukurei trachyandesite-rhyolite volcanic complex (suite) and Nerchinsk series, 6 - granitoids of the Amanan complex, 7 - granitoids of the Tynda-Bakaran complex, 8 - terrigenous rocks of the Inegir series and Tigninsk suite; 9 - Mongol-Okhotsk folded belt; 10 - disjunctive faults (a - main, b - secondary); 11 - places of collection of geochronological and isotope-geochemical samples. The letters in circles indicate structural sutures (D - Dzheltulak, ST - North-Tukuringrsky); letters in diamonds – interblock faults (UI – Uryumo-Inarogdinsky, MS – Mogocha-Sergachinsky), letters in squares – tectonic blocks of the West Stanovoy superterrane (U – Urkansky, UO – Urusha-Oldoysky, TO – Tungiro-Olekminsky).

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3. Fig. 2. Classification petrochemical diagrams for rocks of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt: (a) (Na2O + K2O)–SiO2; (b) K2O–SiO2; (c) (Na2O + K2O – CaO)–SiO2 (Frost, Frost, 1997); (d) FeO*/(FeO* + MgO)–SiO2 (Frost, Frost, 1997). 1–3 – igneous complexes of the West Stanovoy superterrane: 1 – Amudzhikan, 2 – Amanan, 3 – Ukurei; 4 – field of rocks of the Tynda-Bakaran and Uda complexes of the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy superterrane (Strikha, 2006, 2012; unpublished data of the authors).

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4. Fig. 3. Diagram A/NK–A/CNK according to (Maniar, Piccoli, 1989) for rocks of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt. A/NK = Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O); A/CNK = Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) in molecular quantities. For legend, see Fig. 2.

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5. Fig. 4. Spidergrams and graphs of REE distribution in rocks of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt. Normalized: primitive mantle according to (Sun, McDonough, 1989), chondrite according to (Taylor, McLennan, 1985). For legend, see Fig. 2. Filled symbols indicate rocks of basic composition, unfilled symbols indicate rocks of acidic and intermediate composition.

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6. Fig. 5. Sr/Y–Y (Castillo, 2006) and (La/Yb)n–Ybn (Richards, 2007) diagrams for rocks of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt. For legend, see Fig. 2.

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7. Fig. 6. Discrimination tectono-magmatic diagrams for granitoids of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt. (a) Rb–(Y + Nb), after (Pearce et al., 1984); (b) (K2O + Na2O)/CaO–(Zr + Nb +Ce + Y), after (Whalen et al., 1987). For legend, see Fig. 2.

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8. Fig. 7. Micrographs of zircon crystals from samples A-325, A-330 and A-123, taken on an ABT 55 scanning electron microscope: I–III, VII–IX, XIII – in secondary electron mode; IV–VI, X–XII, XIV–XV – in cathodoluminescence mode.

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9. Fig. 8. Concordia diagram for zircon: (a) from samples A-325 and A-330, (b) from sample A-123. The point numbers correspond to the serial numbers in Table 2.

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10. Fig. 9. ɛNd(T)–age diagram for igneous rocks of the Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association. (a) Rocks of the Amudzhikan complex and Ukurei suite of the Urkansky and Urusha-Oldoy tectonic blocks. See Figs. 2 and 4 for legend. 1–4 – fields of evolution of Nd isotope composition of host rocks: 1 – Jurassic orogenic granitoids (Larin et al., 2002, 2014b; Strikha, 2012); 2 – Permian-Triassic igneous rocks of the Selenga-Vitim volcano-plutonic belt (Larin et al., 2002, 2009, 2010; Kotov et al., 2015); 3 – Late Paleozoic collisional granites (Dril et al., 2019; Larin et al., 2013); 4 – Early Precambrian Mogocha infracomplex (Larin et al., 2009, 2010; Kotov et al., 2015). (b) Rocks of the Amanan complex of the Tungiro-Olyokma tectonic block. See Figs. 2 and 4 for legend. 1–3 – fields and lines of evolution of Nd isotope composition of host rocks: 1 – Early Cretaceous collisional granitoids of the Drevnya Stanovoy complex (Table 3); 2 – Permian-Triassic igneous rocks of the Selenga-Vitim volcanoplutonic belt (Larin et al., 2002, 2009, 2010; Kotov et al., 2015); 3 – biotite schist of the Tungir series (Table 3).

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11. Fig. 10. eNd(T)–(87Sr/86Sr)T diagram for igneous rocks of the Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association. 1, 2 – Amudzhikan complex (1 – granitoids, 2 – mafic inclave); 3, 4 – Amanan complex (3 – granitoids, 4 – mafic inclave and lamprophyre). 5 – trachyandesite of the Ukurei suite; 6 – Early Cretaceous granitoids of the late Stanovoi complex of the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy superterrane (Larin et al., 2018a). 7 – composition field of Mesozoic volcanics of the East Mongolian volcanic region (Kuznetsov et al., 2022). 8 – composition field of Mesozoic (140–124 Ma) volcanics and granites of the Amur microplate (Sorokin et al., 2014a). 9 – composition field of Mesozoic lamproites of the Aldan shield (Davies et al., 2006). DM, VK and NK – parameter area of ​​the depleted mantle, upper crust and lower crust, respectively.

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12. Fig. 11. Correlation diagrams for the rocks of the Amanan complex: (a) SiO2–ɛNd(T) and (b) SiO2–(87Sr/86Sr)T.

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13. Fig. 12. Diagrams in the 206Pb/204Pb–207Pb/204Pb (a) and 206Pb/204Pb–208Pb/204Pb (b) coordinates for igneous rocks of the Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association. See Fig. 10 for legend, triangle – Early Cretaceous collisional granitoids of the Drevnya Stanovoy Complex. DM – model trend of Pb isotope evolution in the depleted mantle, according to (Kramers, Tolstikhin, 1997). KSK – trend of crustal evolution of the Siberian Craton, according to (Larin et al., 2018a).

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14. Fig. 13. Diagrams in eNd(T)–206Pb/204Pb coordinates for igneous rocks of the Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association. For legend, see Figs. 10 and 12.

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15. Fig. 14. Discriminant diagram SiO2–DF3 (Velikoslavinsky et al., 2018) for granitoids of the Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association. See Fig. for legend. 2. F = 0.0055Y + + 0.52FeO* + 0.009Nb + 0.019Na2O + 0.31SiO2 + + 1.3TiO2 + 0.36K2O + 0.28Al2O3 + 0.29CaO – – 0.0014Rb + 0.046Yb – 0.24MgO – 0.0013Ce + + 0.095Eu – 0.0002Zr + 0.029Sm – 0.0084Nd + + 0.0033La – 30.9, FeO* = 0.9Fe2O3 + FeO, major elements in wt. %, rare elements – μg/g. The shaded quadrangle is the uncertainty region bounded by 95% of the distribution of island-arc and collisional/post-collisional granitoids. Data sources are numerous publications, to a lesser extent the GEOROC database.

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