Subduction and Oceanic Magmatism Records in Plutonic Rocks of the Kamchatsky Mys Ophiolite, Eastern Kamchatka

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The paper presents petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical data on dunites, pyroxenites, peridotites, and gabbroids of the Kamchatsky Mys ophiolite. These data were acquired to distinguish cogenetic assemblages of igneous rocks, gain an insight into their geodynamic settings, and test various criteria of genetic links between the different magmatic rocks of ophiolites. The ultramafic and mafic rocks are shown to belong to two series, which differ in the compositions of the primary minerals, bulk rocks, and estimated trapped melts. The rocks of these series are found out to have been produced by geochemically different melts in different geodynamic settings, and during different episodes of mantle magmatism. The rocks of the high-Ti series (gabbro of the Olenegorsk massif, dunite and melanogabbro xenoliths in them, and vein gabbro in these xenoliths) crystallized from N-MORB melts in an oceanic spreading center. The rocks of the low-Ti series (dunite, pyroxenite, and gabbro veins in the residual spinel peridotites of the Mount Soldatskaya massif, as well as pyroxenite, peridotite, and gabbro alluvium and diluvium in the central and western parts of the peninsula) crystallized from water-rich boninite melts in relation to initial subduction magmatism. Taken into account the absence of boninite lavas from the Kamchatsky Mys ophiolite, the plutonic ultramafic rocks (including the rocks of the veins) might be the only evidence of subduction boninitic magmatism in the ophiolites. It was demonstrated that conclusions about the geodynamic settings of plutonic ultramafic and mafic rocks and recognition of cogenetic relations of these rocks with spatially associated basalts are more reliable when derived from the compositions of the trapped melts, which are estimated from their bulk geochemistry and primary mineral compositions, than when they are based on the mineral compositions only.

About the authors

B. A. Bazylev

V.I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russia, Moscow

M. V. Portnyagin

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Germany, Kiel

D. P. Savelyev

Institute of volcanology and seismology, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

G. V. Ledneva

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Moscow

N. N. Kononkova

V.I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 Б.А. Базылев, М.В. Портнягин, Д.П. Савельев, Г.В. Леднева, Н.Н. Кононкова

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