Metamorphic mineral reactions and mineral paragenesis in the rocks of the Meyeri tectonic zone (the south-eastern part of the Fennoscandian shield, Russia)

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Mineral reactions were studied in metamorphic rocks from the Meyeri tectonic zone, and the P–T path of the development of this structure was calculated. According to the P–T path, the Proterozoic granulite complex of the Svecofennian Belt was thrust onto low-temperature rocks of the Archean Karelian Craton’s margin. Relict staurolite and other minerals preserved as inclusions in the garnet porphyroblasts made it possible to identify P–T parameters of the pre-peak stage of metamorphism using the compositions of the relict minerals. The temperature on the prograde trend of metamorphism was 500–600°C at a pressure of about 5 kbar. The peak metamorphic conditions of the Meyeri tectonic zone are estimated at T > 700°C and P ~ 7 kbar. The post-peak stage began with a decompressional P–T path at the aforementioned temperatures, with a change from granulite hypersthene-containing paragenesis to lower-temperature amphibole-containing ones. The subsequent metamorphic retrogression was characterized by the development of numerous hydrous minerals as a result of the activation of fluids in the shear zone. The P–T path of the tectonic zone is clockwise and reflects the exhumation of the Svecofennian granulite complex during the orogenic events.

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About the authors

Emiliia S. Vivdich

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology; St. Petersburg State Mining University

Author for correspondence.

геологоразведочный факультет

Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg; Sankt-Peterburg

Kaimovich K. Baltybaev

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology; St. Petersburg State University


Институт наук о Земле

Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg; Sankt-Peterburg

Olga L. Galankina

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology

Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The scheme of the geological structure of the Meyer tectonic zone area. 1-4 (in the inset): 1 – the Archean basement within the Karelian craton and its fragments; 2 – Paleoproterozoic shales and gneisses; 3 – the main suture of the Raakhe-Ladoga zone; 4 – the studied area of the Meyer tectonic zone. 5 – Archean granite-gneiss; 6-10 – Paleoproterozoic amphibolites, shales and gneisses of the Sortavala, Ladoga and Lahdenpoh series: 6 – early Proterozoic, metabasites (amphibolites) of the Sortavala series, 7, 8 – Ladoga series: 7 – muscovite, stavrolite shales, 8 – muscovite-biotite, garnet gneisses, 9, 10 – Lahdenpoh series: 9 – garnet-cordierite, garnet-biotite gneisses and migmatites, 10 – hyperstene gneisses; 11-13 – Svecofennian intrusions: 11 – synorogenic Kurkiek complex 1.89–1.88 billion years (norites, enderbites), 12 – synorogenic Lauvatsar-Impiniem complex 1.88–1.87 billion years (early phase: gabbro, diorites, quartz diorites; late phase: tonalites), 13 – late rhogenic potassium granites undifferentiated 1.87–1.80 billion years; 14 – position of the main displacement of the tectonic zone: a – established, b – assumed; 15 – faults: a – established, b – assumed; 16-19 ‒ orientation of shale and gneiss: 16 – subvertical (70°-90°), 17 – steeply falling (50°-70°), 18 – gently falling (30°-50°), 19 – subhorizontal (0°-30°); 20 – location of outcrops, samples of which: a – used in R-T-metry, b – other; the numbers indicate the sample numbers: 1-12 – autochthonous block (1 – 5442a, 2 – 5267a, 3 – B-20-455-2 , 4 – B-20-454, 5 – 996-1, 6 – 994-1, 7 – B-20-425, 8 – B-20-458, 9 – B-20-464, 10 – B-20-461, 11 – B-20-417, 12 – 4098b), 13-26 – allochthonous block (13 – 5445, 14– 5444a, 15 – 5785, 16 – B-20-436, 17 – B-20-435, 18 – B-20-433, 19 – B-20-427, B-20-427-1 , 20 – B-20-466, 21 – B-20-441, 22 – 2465v, 23 – B-20-439, 24 – B-20-450, 25 – B-20-448, 26 – 5206b). An incision along the A–B line.

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3. Рис. 1. Схема геологического строения района тектонической зоны Мейера. 1-4 (на врезке): 1 – архейский фундамент в пределах Карельского кратона и его фрагментов; 2 – палеопротерозойские сланцы и гнейсы; 3 – основной шов Раахе-Ладожской зоны; 4 – изученный район тектонической зоны Мейера. 5 – Архейский гранит-гнейс; 6-10 – палеопротерозойские амфиболиты, сланцы и гнейсы Сортавальской, Ладожской и Лахденпохской серий: 6 – раннепротерозойские, метабазиты (амфиболиты) Сортавальской серии, 7, 8 – Ладожская серия: 7 – мусковитовые, ставролитовые сланцы, 8 – мусковит-биотитовые, гранатовые гнейсы, 9, 10 – Лахденпохская серия: 9 – гранат-кордиеритовые, гранат-биотитовые гнейсы и мигматиты, 10 – гиперстеновые гнейсы; 11-13 – свекофеннские интрузии: 11 – синорогенный куркиекский комплекс 1,89–1,88 млрд. лет (нориты, эндербиты), 12 – синорогенный лаувацар-Импиниемский комплекс 1,88–1,87 млрд. лет (ранняя фаза: габбро, диориты, кварцевые диориты; поздняя фаза: тоналиты), 13 – позднегенные калиевые граниты недифференцированные 1,87–1,80 миллиард лет; 14 – положение основного смещения тектонической зоны: а – установлено, б – предполагается; 15 – разломы: а – установлены, в – предполагаются; 16-19 ‒ ориентация сланцев и гнейсов: 16 – субвертикальная (70°-90°), 17 – крутопадающая (50°-70°), 18 – пологопадающая (30°-50°), 19 – субгоризонтальная (0°-30°); 20 – расположение обнажений, образцы которых: а – используется в Р-Т-метрии, б – другое; цифры обозначают номера образцов: 1-12 – автохтонный блок (1 – 5442a, 2 – 5267a, 3 – B-20-455-2 , 4 – B-20-454, 5 – 996-1, 6 – 994-1, 7 – B-20-425, 8 – B-20-458, 9 – B-20-464, 10 – B-20-461, 11 – B-20-417, 12 – 4098b), 13-26 – аллохтонный блок (13 – 5445, 14– 5444a, 15 – 5785, 16 – B-20-436, 17 – B-20-435, 18 – В-20-433, 19– В-20-427, В-20-427-1 , 20 – В-20-466, 21 – В-20-441, 22 – 2465в, 23– В-20-439, 24 – В-20-450, 25 – B-20-448, 26 – 5206b). Сделайте разрез по линии А–В.

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4. Fig. 3. BSE is an image of a garnet porphyroblast from model B-20-458 (autochthonous MTZ block) with a large number of mineral inclusions, including grains of stavrolite.

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5. Fig. 4. Diagrams of the chemical composition of garnet (a, b), biotite (c, d), plagioclase (e, e) and stavrolite (w, h) from the studied rocks of the Meyer tectonic zone. The composition of rock minerals is shown with dots of different colors (1) allochthonous and (2) autochthonous MTZ blocks for rock groups (3-5): 3 – garnet-biotite, 4 – garnet-muscovite-biotite, 5 – high alumina. To compare the composition of the stavrolite of the invention B-20-458 autochthonous block MTZ (6) diagrams (w, h) show the composition of this mineral from the stavrolite shales of the Ladoga series (7), distributed north of MTZ.

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6. Fig. 5. BSE images of garnet porphyroblasts from samples, respectively, 5206b (a), B-20-427 (c), B-20-448 (e) and B-20-439 (g), as well as profiles (b, d, e, h) of content changes almandine (Alm), pyrope (Prp), spessartine (Sps) and grossular (Grs) through points whose numbers and locations are indicated on the grains; bold lines show the change in magnesia (XMg) of cordierite (b) and biotite (d) on contact with garnet.

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7. Fig. 6. Micrographs of granite-muscovite-biotite gneiss sections of MTZ with signs of low–temperature reactions of formation of muscovite associations: (a, b) - model B-20-439 with intensive garnet substitution by quartz-muscovite–biotite aggregate; (c, d) - model B-20-425 with garnet substitution biotite, muscovite and quartz developing through cracks in a large porphyroblast of garnet; (d, e) – mod. B-20-433 low-temperature replacement of garnet with chlorite, most likely formed by biotite.

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8. Fig. 7. Features of the chemical composition of a solid solution of ilmenite (a) with components: ilmenite (FeTiO3), pyrophanite (MnTiO3) and geikylite (MgTiO3); BSE-images of sections of transparently polished rock plates in which ilmenite (Ilm) and rutile (Rt) were found: (b) – mod. B-20-464, (c) – mod. B-20-455-2 .

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9. Fig. 8. R-T conditions for the formation of relict stavrolite in garnet. (a) – the fields of stability of mineral parageneses calculated in the PERPLE_X program for model B-20-458; (b) – the field of stability of stavrolite and isoplets reflecting the content of pyrope, anorthite and XMg stavrolite; (c) – the change in the mineral composition of the rock with an increase in temperature at a pressure of 5 kbar; (d) – R-T parameters calculated in the THERMOCALC program based on relict compositions of stavrolite, garnet, plagioclase from mod. B-20-458. The list of reactions and their numbers are given in the Supplemental, ESM_9.xlsx .

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10. Fig. 9. R–T diagrams for MTZ rocks with mineral parageneses of peak and regressive stages of mineral formation. The intersections of mineral reaction lines calculated in the winTWQ program for paragenesis are shown: (a) – garnet + biotite + plagioclase + quartz (mod. B-20-439); (b) – orthopyroxene + garnet + plagioclase + quartz (mod. 5444a); (c) – cordierite + garnet + biotite + plagioclase + quartz (mod. 5206b); (d) – amphibole + garnet + plagioclase + quartz (mod. 5444a). For amphibole-containing paragenesis, calculations were performed using the JUN92 database (Berman, 1988). The list of reactions and their numbers are given in the Supplemental, ESM_10.xlsx .

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11. Fig. 10. R–T diagrams for muscovite-containing associations of MTZ rocks. The lines of mineral reactions obtained by multiequilibrium thermobarometry in winTWQ are shown for the parageneses: garnet + biotite + muscovite + quartz (mod. B-20-454 (a) and B-20-425 (b)); garnet + biotite + andalusite + muscovite + quartz (mod. 2465v (b) and mod. B-20-458 (d)). The list of reactions and their numbers are given in the Supplemental, ESM_11.xlsx .

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12. Fig. 11. R–T diagrams for samples of garnet-muscovite-biotite gneiss MTZ: (a) – model 996-1, (b) – model 2465v. The lines of mineral reactions were calculated by the method of "classical" thermobarometry using garnet-biotite geothermometer (GB, Holdaway, 2000), garnet-biotite-plagioclase-quartz geobarometer (GBPQ, Wu et al., 2006) and garnet-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase geobarometer (GBMP, Wu, 2015).

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13. Fig. 12. R–T diagrams constructed by the method of multiequilibrium thermobarometry for the paragenesis of garnet + + biotite + ilmenite + rutile + plagioclase + quartz from MTZ gneiss samples: (a) – B-20-464, (b) – B-20-455-2 . The list of reactions and their numbers are given in the Supplemental, ESM_12.xlsx .

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14. Fig. 13. R-T trend in the development of metamorphic rocks of the Meyer tectonic zone. 1-7: areas and individual points of R-T estimates obtained by the method of “multiequilibrium" geothermobarometry for associations: 1 – relict stavrolite + garnet + plagioclase (mod. B-20-458); 2 – garnet + biotite + ilmenite + rutile + plagioclase + quartz (mod. B-20-464, B-20-455-2); 3 – garnet + orthopyroxene + plagioclase + biotite + quartz (5444a); 4 – cordierite + garnet + biotite + plagioclase + quartz (mod. 5205b); 5 – garnet + biotite + plagioclase + quartz (mod. B-20-439, B-20-427); 6 – garnet + biotite + muscovite ± andalusite + plagioclase + quartz (mod. B-20-454, B-20-425, 2465v, B-20-458); 7 – R-T regions obtained by crossing the lines of mineral reactions of garnet-biotite (GB), garnet-biotite-plagioclase (GBPQ) and garnet-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase (GBMP) equilibria; 8-9 – trends in metamorphism parameters for autochthonous (8) and allochthonous (9) blocks. The Roman numerals in the circles indicate the R-T equilibrium estimates for paragenesis: I – garnet + biotite + muscovite + cordierit1 (mod. B-20-458); II – garnet + amphibole + plagioclase + quartz (mod. 5444a); III – garnet + biotite + muscovite + plagioclase + andalusite + quartz (mod. mod. B-20-458); IV – garnet + biotite + muscovite + chlorite + plagioclase + quartz (mod. mod. B-20-433). The triple point of Al2SiO5 by (Holdaway, 1971).

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15. Appendix ESM_1 - Table 1. Chemical composition of minerals (garnets)
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16. Appendix ESM_8 - Table 8. Chemical composition of minerals (ilmenite)
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17. Appendix ESM_12 - Table 12. List of used mineral reactions (fig. 12a-12b)
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18. Appendix - ESM_9 - Table 9. List of used mineral reactions (fig. 8g)
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19. Appendix ESM_2 - Table 2. Chemical composition of minerals (biotite)
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20. Appendix - ESM_3 - Table 3. Chemical composition of minerals (muscovite)
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21. Appendix ESM_4 - Table 4. Chemical composition of minerals (plagioclase)
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22. Appendix ESM_5 - Table 5. Chemical composition of minerals (stavrolite)
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23. Приложение - ESM_3 - Table 3. Химический состав минералов (ортопироксен)
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24. Appendix ESM_7 - Таблица 7. Chemical composition of minerals (cordierite)
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25. Appendix ESM_10 - Таблица 10. List of used mineral reactions (fig. 9a-9g)
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26. Appendix ESM_11 - Table 11. List of used mineral reactions (fig. 10a-10g)
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