The First Discovery of Archean Dolerite Dikes in the Western Part of the Aldan Shield

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In the western part of the Aldan terrane, in the middle reaches of the Tokko river, dolerite dikes have been studied. These dolerite dikes form a swarm of submeridional trend about 1 km wide. In the thickest dike, dolerites have well-preserved primary textural and structural features and mineral composition: plagioclase + pigeonite + augite + titanomagnetite. Dolerites from the chilled margins and inner parts of the dike are homogeneous in composition, correspond to low-Mg tholeiites, have low contents of Ti and other HFSE, with weak enrichments in light REE spectra and small negative Nb anomalies. Sm-Nd isotopic studies of magmatic dolerite minerals from the central part of the dike in isochron coordinates yielded a good linear correlation corresponding to an age of 2510 ± 64 Ma, which probably records the time of crystallization of the basaltic melt. The metadolerites in the shallow dike retain plagioclase-porphyritic structures, but the pyroxenes in them are completely replaced by amphibole and chlorite. Metadolerites are contrasted by low contents of MgO, Cr and Ni and higher contents of TiO2, Fe2O3, P2O5, Nb and all REEs. The differences in the composition of the dikes may be related to the long-term (about 65%) crystallization differentiation of the initial melt and the flow of residual melt from the shallow intermediate magmatic chamber along the opening cracks. Such conditions probably existed in tectonically stable intraplate settings. The age of the studied dolerites of the dike swarm is comparable to that of the anorogenic granites of the Nelyuki Complex (~2.4–2.5 Ga), which are widespread in the western part of Aldan granulite-gneiss Terrane. The data obtained complement the characterization of the intraplate anorogenic magmatism that occurred in the western part of the Aldan Shield in the Late Archean and marked the final consolidation of a large block of Archean crust in the Chara-Olekma granite-greenstone area.

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About the authors

Kseniia G. Erofeeva

Institute of Ore Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

Ulia O. Larionova

Institute of Ore Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

Aleksandr V. Samsonov

Institute of Ore Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. (a) Schematic geological map of the western part of the Aldan shield by (Kotov, 2003; Kovach et al., 2023). 1 – Phanerozoic granitoids; 2 – Phanerozoic deposits; 3 – Paleoproterozoic granitoids of the Kodarsky, Khaninsky, Nichatsky and Kamenkovsky complexes; 4 – Paleoproterozoic basins and graben-synclines with meta–sedimentary rocks of the Udokan complex: Ug – Uguysky; Old – Oldongsinsky; Nh – Nizhnekhaninsky; Cd – Kodarskaya zone, Ud - Udokan zone Kodaro-Udokan basin; 5 – Paleoproterozoic–Neoarchean granitoids of the Nelyukinsky complex; 6 – Neoarchean granitoids of the Charodokan complex; 7 – Early Precambrian weakly metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Subgan complex; 8 – tonalite-trondyemite orthogneisses of the Olomokite complex and deeply metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Olomokite and Charsky strata of the Aldan granulite-gneiss megacomplex; 9 – tonalite-trondyemite orthogneisses Olekminsky complex; 10 – tonalite-trondyemite orthogneisses of the West Aldan complex and deeply metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Chuginsky, Amedichinsky and Kurumkan strata of the Aldan granulite-gneiss megacomplex; 11 – the zone of articulation of the Aldan shield and the Dzhugdzhuro-Stanovoy folded region; 12 – discontinuous faults. (b) A fragment of the geological map of the Tokka branch of the Tokko-Khaninsky greenstone belt (State ..., 2010). An asterisk indicates the place of sampling of dolerites.

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3. Fig. 2. (a–d) Photographs of geological outcrops on the left side of the stream. Alatkit: (a) – migmatized striped TTGS of the Olekminsky complex containing dolerite dikes; (b–d) – eastern dike-1 (mod. DA1): (b) – rocky outcrop of dolerite dike-1; (c) – sinuous and stepped contacts of dolerite dike-1 with enclosing TTGS and granitoids; (d) – microsdrives in dike-1; (e) – western dike-2 (mod. DA 2), uncovered in a rocky outcrop.

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4. Fig. 3. Micrographs of dolerite from the quenching (a, b – mod. DA1-1,) and central (c, d – mod. DA1-2; d – mod. DA 1-4) parts of dike-1 and (e) metadolerite of dike-2. Images (a, c, d, e) – in crossed nichols; (b, d) – in back-reflected electrons.

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5. Fig. 4. Modeling of crystallization differentiation of the initial melt corresponding in composition to dolerite from the quenching zone of dyke-1 (mod. DA1-1). The specified modeling parameters are described in the text. In binary diagrams, lines show the model compositions of residual melts and their percentage, callouts and abbreviations show fractionating minerals. The model composition of REE in residual melts was calculated taking into account the fractionation of the clinopyroxene + plagioclase + spinel association (55:43:2). The REE distribution spectra of dolerites are normalized over the primitive mantle (PM) by (Wedepohl, Hartmann, 1994).

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6. Fig. 5. Sm–Nd isochronous diagram for rock-forming minerals and a gross sample of dolerite from dyke-1.

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7. 6. Tectonic diagrams (Pearce and Norry, 1979; Pearce et al., 2021) for dolerites from the Alatkite swarm. MORB – basalts of mid-oceanic ridges, IAB – basalts of island arcs, WPB – intraplate basalts, OIB – basalts of oceanic islands, CAB – basalts of continental arcs, OPB – oceanic platobasalts.

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8. Appendix ESM2. Modeling of functional crystallization processes
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9. Appendix ESM1. Representative analyses (SEM) of mineral compositions from dolerites.
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