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Шығарылым Бөлім Атауы Файл
№ 1 (2023) Articles Monetary Policy For Economic Growth In Russia: Accumulative Slowing Effect
№ 1 (2023) Articles Soft Power Methods In Politics And Economics
№ 1 (2023) Articles Excessive Income Inequality In Russia As A Threat To Economic Growth And Societal Security
№ 1 (2023) Articles Adhesion To Well-Established Practices Or A New Look At The Problem: Pension Systems In The States Of East Asia
№ 1 (2023) Articles The Impact Of The Digital Economy On The Management Of State Property: Problems And Prospects For Implementation In The Regions
№ 2 (2023) Articles High-Tech Industrial Production In A Competitive Environment
№ 1 (2023) Articles The Definition Of The Middle Class Within The Framework Of The Economic Approach
№ 2 (2023) Articles On Global Food Security Challenges
№ 2 (2023) Articles Cheap Labor And Economic Growth: Trends Of The Russian Labor Market In The Context Of The Smo In Ukraine
№ 1 (2023) Articles Demographic Trends In The Development Of The Resources In The Territories Of The Far North: The Republic Of Komi
№ 2 (2023) Articles On The Disadvantages Of GDP As A Universal Macroeconomic Indicator
№ 3 (2023) Articles Development Estimates Of Corporate Governance Institute In Russian Economy
№ 3 (2023) Articles The Role Of Gold In Eliminating The Dollar In Russia’s International Settlements
№ 2 (2023) Articles Artificial intelligence in the stock market: present and future
№ 3 (2023) Articles Damping threats to the national economy using digital tools of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
№ 1 (2023) Articles The Specific Features Of The Formation Of Development Institutions By Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organizations In Old Industrial Regions (Exemplified In The Case Of The Volgograd Region)
№ 3 (2023) Articles Problems And Processes Of Modern Economic Integration
№ 2 (2023) Articles Conceptual Approaches To The Formation Of The Resource Potential Of The Pension System Of Russia
№ 3 (2023) Articles Directions, Forms And Assessment Of The Development Of Interregional Economic Relations
№ 2 (2023) Articles Precarization Of The Us Labor Market And The Concept Of A Universal Basic Income
№ 3 (2023) Articles IMF Assistance To Uzbekistan In Overcoming The Problems Of The Socio-Economic Model Of Development
№ 3 (2023) Articles On Some Aspects Of The Digitalization Of Health And The Development Of The Global E-Health Market
№ 3 (2023) Articles The Present-Day State, Problems And Prospects Of The Grain Sector Of Agriculture In Kyrgyzstan
№ 4 (2023) Articles The Development Of The Human Potential In Russia: Establised Trends And New Challenges
№ 4 (2023) Articles Budget Dynamics And Economic Situation: The Results Of 2022
№ 4 (2023) Articles The Content Of The Human Resource Management Process In The Quality Management System
№ 4 (2023) Articles Reducing Foreign Presence In The Russian Manufacturing Industry: The Results Of 2022 And The Immediate Prospects
№ 4 (2023) Articles The Future Of The Global Market For Natural Gas
№ 4 (2023) Articles Health Of The Working Population Of Russia: The Role Of Hazardous Industries
№ 4 (2023) Articles Prospects For Cooperation Between Russia And Kazakhstan In The Context Of The Republic’s Multi-Vector Foreign Policy
№ 4 (2023) Articles Methodological Aspects Of Assessing The Economic Sustainability Of Industrial Enterprises
№ 5 (2023) Articles Обращение к читателям и авторам журнала «Общество и экономика»
№ 5 (2023) Articles Historical-Etymological And Theoretical-Methodological Features Of The Category «Investment»
№ 5 (2023) Articles Dynamics Of Mutual Trade Of The Eaeu Member States As A Characteristic Of The Effectiveness Of Integration Processes
№ 5 (2023) Articles Attracting Foreign Investments Into The Economy Of The Republic Of Belarus
№ 5 (2023) Articles The current trends in the development of marketing in the republic of Belarus
№ 5 (2023) Articles Economic And Trade Cooperation Between China And Belarus In The Context Of The “One Belt And One Road“ Initiative
№ 5 (2023) Articles Scientific And Methodological Approaches To Assessing The Level Of Social Security (Using The Example Of Belarus)
№ 5 (2023) Articles Development Of The Labour Market In The Republic Of Belarus: Current Trends And Priorities
№ 5 (2023) Articles Agro-Industrial Complex And Agricultural Policy Of The Republic Belarus In The EAEU
№ 5 (2023) Articles Developing The Innovative System Of The Republic Of Belarus On The Basis Of Clustering In The Context Of The Digital Economy
№ 5 (2023) Articles Prospects For The Formation Of A Knowledge-Based Model Of Economic Development In The Context Of The Priority Development Of Knowledge-Intensive Services In The Republic Of Belarus
№ 5 (2023) Articles Stakeholder Mapping For Social Entrepreneurship Projects
№ 5 (2023) Articles Developing Assistance To Low-Income Citizens Of The Republic Of Bela-rus In Ensuring Food Security
№ 6 (2023) Articles Cross-Country Inequality As A Factor Hindering The Processes Of Fur-ther Integration In The Eaeu
№ 6 (2023) Articles Determinants Of The Instability Of The Russian Economic Growth
№ 6 (2023) Articles Forecasting Economic Development On The Basis Of Global And Domestic Experience
№ 6 (2023) Articles Incentives And Interests Of Economic Agents When Using The Services Of Sharing Economy
№ 6 (2023) Articles The Perception Of Inequality By The Population And Its Objective Indicators In The Countries Of The World: Is There A Relationship Between The Two?
№ 6 (2023) Articles Shift work in the economy of the Russian Arctic zone: dynamics, scale, professional and qualification characteristics
№ 6 (2023) Articles Improving The Use of Excise Tax in The Economy of The Republic of Uzbekistan
№ 6 (2023) Articles The Main Stages Of Building A Sustainable Economy In South Korea
№ 8 (2023) Articles Polycrisis Globalization or Sustainable Development 4.0?
№ 8 (2023) Articles Automated Control Systems and Their Tasks
№ 8 (2023) Articles Dual Labor Market in Russian Economic Realities: Indicators and Assessment Methodology in the Context of Modern Challenges
№ 8 (2023) Articles Emotional Resources of the Modern Market in the Context of the Formation of Digital Economy
№ 8 (2023) Articles On the Corporate Financial Policy under Shocks and Restrictions
№ 8 (2023) Articles Economic Behavior of Russian Social Entrepreneurs during the Global Financial and Economic Crisis
№ 8 (2023) Articles On The Digital Transformation of Economic Sectors: The Example of Agriculture
№ 8 (2023) Articles Country Risk Premium as an Indicator of Investment Attractiveness (Case of Republic of Belarus)
№ 8 (2023) Articles Analyzing the Factors Affecting Grain and Cereal Products Market in Samarkand Region
№ 9 (2023) Articles On Methodological Issues of the Efficiency of State (Municipal) Property Management under Modern Conditions
№ 9 (2023) Articles Crisis of Trade Unions and Transformational Changes in Labour Relations
№ 9 (2023) Articles On The Positive Impact of the Embargo on the Export of Raw Materials on Technological Development and Economic Self-Reliance of the Russian Federation
№ 9 (2023) Articles Changes in Global Foreign Direct Investment Flows and Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
№ 9 (2023) Articles On The Factors of Growth of the Middle Class
№ 9 (2023) Articles Methodological aspects of studying the resource potential of pension provision as a modeling and forecasting object
№ 9 (2023) Articles The Theory of "Socialism with Chinese Specifics" And the Features of Building a Model of A Socially-Oriented Market Economy in China
№ 9 (2023) Articles On the Technologies of Decentralized Social Networks
№ 7 (2023) Articles On The Balance of the Federal Budget: Conceptual Ideas and Russian Experience
№ 7 (2023) Articles Federal Property Management Agency: Analysis of Current Key Tasks and Target Performance Indicators
№ 7 (2023) Articles Economic Inactivity and Assessment of the Economic Burden of the Population in the Regions of Russia
№ 7 (2023) Articles The Resource Potential of the State Pension System and Related Social Services as an Object of Research
№ 7 (2023) Articles Optimizing Provision Management for Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organizations in Russia
№ 7 (2023) Articles Predicting Novatek Share Prices Using the Models of Decision Tree and Linear Regression
№ 7 (2023) Articles Actual Vectors of the Transfoemation of Russian Businesses within the Framework of Sustainable Development Strategy (ESG Standards)
№ 7 (2023) Articles Development Trends and Problems in the Chemical Industry of the Republic of Belarus under Increased Sanction Pressure
№ 7 (2023) Articles On Factors Threatening the Economic Security of Light Industry Enterprises
№ 7 (2023) Articles On The Working Practices of the International Development Association in the Post-Soviet States of Central Asia
№ 10 (2023) Articles To the readers of the journal “Society and Economics”
№ 10 (2023) Articles Public Administration: From Adaptation to Development
№ 10 (2023) Articles Globalization and deglobalization of the world economy in the era of chance. Some controversial issues
№ 10 (2023) Articles Employment in Unfavorable Working Conditions and Social Well-Being of Workers
№ 10 (2023) Articles State Property Management: New Realities and "Old" Problems
№ 10 (2023) Articles Open Government mechanisms as a way to increase openness, accountability and anti-corruption in Russia
№ 10 (2023) Articles The Structure of the National Economy of Russia: the Phenomenon of a Hy-brid
№ 10 (2023) Articles Evolution of Approaches to Confirming the Quality and Safety of Products and Services in Russia
№ 10 (2023) Articles Prospects for Achieving Technological Sovereignty and Economic Security of Russia in the Face of Sanctions Pressure
№ 10 (2023) Articles Improving the Definition of the Category «Investment» in the Context of Sustainable Development
№ 11 (2023) Articles Healthcare Financing: Possible Answers to Modern Challenges
№ 11 (2023) Articles "Digital Economy" as Conceptual Voluntarism in Economic Management
№ 11 (2023) Articles Reproduction of Human Potential in Modern Conditions of Education System Functioning
№ 11 (2023) Articles Activation of R&D in the field of electronic engineering to ensure technological independence
№ 11 (2023) Articles ICT Sector in the Face of External Instability: Features of Resource Provision and Key Economic Parameters
№ 11 (2023) Articles On Methods of Financing Climate Projects through PPP and Their Applicability in Russia
№ 11 (2023) Articles Cost Optimization Problems and Ways of Increase Efficiency in Household Services
№ 11 (2023) Articles Diagnostic Assessment of the Modern Consumer Market of the Republic of Belarus
№ 11 (2023) Articles Eximbank of China and Agricultural Development Bank of China: International Aspect of Activity
№ 12 (2023) Articles Civilizational and Formational Components in the Development of the Modern State
№ 12 (2023) Articles The Problems of Fulfilling Human Potential in the Field of Scientific Research: Global Challenges and Russian Realities
№ 12 (2023) Articles Institutions of Science Administration in Russia: Problems and Solutions
№ 12 (2023) Articles State Paternalism and Economic Inequality: the Practice of the USSR and Modern Realities
№ 12 (2023) Articles Socio-Political Factors of the Caspian Region's Economic Development
№ 12 (2023) Articles Party Building as a Specific Area of Scientific Research and a Category of Political Science
№ 12 (2023) Articles Why the USSR Collapsed (On the Value Foundations of Ideologies)
№ 12 (2023) Articles Assessment of the Territorial Concentration of Remotely Employed Workers According to Coworking Data
№ 12 (2023) Articles The Middle Class in the US and Russia: Distinctive Features, Structural Changes, Problems in the Labour Market and Social Mobility
№ 12 (2023) Articles Research of a Complex of Marketing Communications in the Market of Medical Services
№ 1 (2024) THEORETICAL ECONOMICS “Evolutionary economics”: possibilities for forming the policy of growth and technological changes
№ 1 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Does Russian gas have a future in China?
№ 1 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Current state and prospects for the development of the green economy of Azerbaijan
№ 1 (2024) SOCIAL ISSUES Healthy and active longevity of the population of Russia is an important socio-economic problem
№ 1 (2024) SOCIAL ISSUES The level of volunteer activity as an indicator of the effectiveness of management of the non-profit sector of the economy
№ 1 (2024) SOCIAL ISSUES Welf-educational in China: features and role of the segment in the development of human capital
№ 1 (2024) MANAGEMENT On improving value chains by integrated companies
№ 1 (2024) MANAGEMENT Approaches to optimizing the costs of wholesale trading companies in modern realities
№ 1 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY BRICS plus is a natural outcome of cumulative integration in the context of geopolitical fragmentation of the world economy
№ 1 (2024) REVIEWS On methodological tools for studying problems of the development of agro-industrial complex
№ 2 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY On the applicability of China’s experience to helping Russia in the transition to socio-economic growth based on the development of technological and intellectual potential
№ 2 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY On the inapplicability of general economic approaches to countries lagging behind in economic development
№ 2 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY A “historical rut” for Russia and the development of small business
№ 2 (2024) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Specificity of managing the resource potential of scientific and knowledge-intensive organizations in Russia at the present stage of economic development
№ 2 (2024) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Problems of copyright for the products created by artificial intelligence
№ 2 (2024) FINANCIAL POLICY On investment strategy of the company adjusted to the state monetary policy
№ 2 (2024) FINANCIAL POLICY Dilemma of the investment strategy: dividend cut-offs (retrospective analysis)
№ 2 (2024) REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT “Justice Vs Efficiency” dilemma in the context of russia’s regional economic policy
№ 2 (2024) REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Improving methodological support for balanced development of the regional market for consumer goods
№ 3 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Ways to improve economic mechanisms for the development of the service sector (based on the example of Uzbekistan)
№ 3 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Methodological problems of taxation in the Republic of Uzbekistan
№ 3 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Specific features of motivating environmentally responsible behavior of small and medium businesses in Russia
№ 3 (2024) SOCIAL ISSUES Labor and social contradictions and their influence on the development of human potential of Russia
№ 3 (2024) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of science, technology and innovation for SDGs roadmaps
№ 3 (2024) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Building up an artificial intelligence industry in Russia: problems and prospects
№ 3 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY Trade and economic cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the union state
№ 3 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY An alternative settlement system for the BRICS countries
№ 3 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY Connection of BRICS and EAEU integration projects in the context of Russian economic development
№ 4 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY To the issue of development of entrepreneurial state activity
№ 4 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Military economy of modern Russia
№ 4 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Formation of a system of sectoral measures and mechanisms of state support for the electronic industry
№ 4 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY Towards a standardized circular economy
№ 4 (2024) FINANCIAL POLICY Financing infrastructure projects: a review of definitional issues and thematic areas
№ 4 (2024) SOCIAL ISSUES System approach to the formation and management of the educational ecosystem: global trends, threats and directions of development
№ 4 (2024) SOCIAL ISSUES Entrepreneurial university in Russia: a reassembling?
№ 4 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY Rising global public debt as a factor of world monetary system’s enhanced instability
№ 4 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY Carbon offset funding in developing countries: challenges and rеspects
№ 5 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY The implementation of the national project “Healthcare” in the context of the restructuring of the economy
№ 5 (2024) MANAGEMENT On the correlation between the processes of public administration and state regulation: theory and Russian practice
№ 5 (2024) FINANCIAL POLICY Methodological tools for assessing the level of indebtedness of the population of the Russian Federation
№ 5 (2024) SOCIAL ISSUES The tasks of stabilizing existing pension systems and the main vectors of reforms in the practice of foreign countries
№ 5 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY The new world monetary system – prerequisites for creation and implementation mechanisms
№ 5 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY Renewable energy in India: key trends, drivers and prospects
№ 5 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY Investment attractiveness of the Russian Arctic through the prism of international cooperation and development of transport corridors
№ 6 (2024) THEORETICAL ECONOMICS The paternalistic state and civil society: the problem of socio-economic inequality
№ 6 (2024) THEORETICAL ECONOMICS The effect of the Paradox of thrift on modern Russia and the ways of countering it with social fiscal instruments
№ 6 (2024) THEORETICAL ECONOMICS A ticket to the future or a window of opportunity for the republic of Kyrgyzstan
№ 6 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY On the strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the formation of technological sovereignty of Russia in the context of the prospects for the eurasian partnership
№ 6 (2024) ECONOMIC POLICY State corporations in the implementation of scientific and technological policy of Russia
№ 6 (2024) REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Labour shortage in industrial regions of russia: can interregional migration help mitigate the problem?
№ 6 (2024) WORLD ECONOMY On the consequences of climate change for the most vulnerable populations in the Central Asian region

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