On Global Food Security Challenges

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In the context of the constant growth of the global population, the problem of providing it with the means of subsistence is aggravated, primarily, with food, the demand for which, according to forecasts, will grow. New challenges to the global economy are posed by the tense epidemiological situation; pandemic response measures affect supply chain disruptions. As a result, a food emergency is brewing that could lead to disruption of agricultural systems, with dire consequences for optimal health and nutrition. The study examines rational and recommended norms for food consumption, identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the domestic agro-industrial complex, analyzes the calculated coefficients and factors that determine the level of food security. The proposed activities help to mitigate the identified risks and provide additional opportunities for the development of human capital.

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About the authors

Maria Votinova

Perm State National Research University

Email: socpol@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Perm

Aleksandr Bobkov

Perm State National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: socpol@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Perm


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