On Methods of Financing Climate Projects through PPP and Their Applicability in Russia

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The article examines global experiences in financing "green" and climate projects, including those implemented through public-private partnerships. Foreign methods of financing “green” and “climate” projects are revealed and systematized. The study of financing practices by the author shows that the most common model in the world is a mixed financing, which comprises financing through the private and public sectors, including funds, certificates, the sale of carbon units, and financial market funds. It is noted that to improve the quality of communication between project stakeholders, it is advisable to use information platforms. A number of problems are identified that hinder the development of climate projects and their monetization in Russia. Considering international practices, the author suggests that further scientific research be aimed at a reasoned choice of methodological approaches to financing climate projects through PPP in the Russian Federation in the context of new external challenges.

About the authors

Sergey Sternik

Institute of Economic Forecasting (RAS); Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)

Moscow, Russian Federation

Stanislav Semenov

Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"

Moscow, Russian Federation


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