Health Of The Working Population Of Russia: The Role Of Hazardous Industries

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This study provides an empirical assessment of the relationship between health and harmful and hazardous jobs. Based on RLMS-HSE data for 2009–2021 for the employed population aged 18–72 years, models of the relationship between the working conditions of an individual and the probability of good self-assessment of health are considered; absence of health problems in the last 30 days and comorbidities. Empirical models include time lags in health, employment in hazardous industries, and investment in health. Estimates of the model parameters confirmed the existence of an expected statistically significant negative relationship between harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions and workers' health.

About the authors

Tat'yana Rodionova

First Moscow State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

Andrey Aistov

HSE University

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Ekaterina Aleksandrova

First Moscow State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow


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