On The Working Practices of the International Development Association in the Post-Soviet States of Central Asia

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Created to provide financial support to poor countries, the International Development Association (IDA) has been investing heavily in the countries of the Central Asia, especially in Uzbekistan. An analysis of the working practices of the IDA over the past three decades in the region shows that experts often overestimate the ability of Central Asian governments to implement planned transformations and enter the trajectory of sustainable and inclusive growth. The reasons for the low efficiency of IDA-funded projects and programs are often institutional difficulties arising from the poor quality of public administration. Up to mid-2000s, a number of failures took place to achieve the goals stated in projects and programs due to errors made by IDA experts when structuring transactions.

About the authors

Ekaterina Romanchuk

Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: socpol@mail.ru
Moscow, Russian Federation


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