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No 5 (2024)

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The implementation of the national project “Healthcare” in the context of the restructuring of the economy

Nikolaev I., Cherepov V., Sobolevskaya O.


The implementation of national projects, including new ones, which were announced on February 29, 2024 in the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly, can have a serious impact on the restructuring of the Russian economy. However, the mechanism of this influence, including through the implementation of the national project “Healthcare”, has not been sufficiently studied.

Society and Economics. 2024;(5):5-14
pages 5-14 views


On the correlation between the processes of public administration and state regulation: theory and Russian practice

Chernykh S.


The article discusses the key theoretical approaches to solving the issue of the correlation between the processes of public administration and state regulation. Their specificity is investigated, which, depending on the relations of ownership or departmental subordination, is either with direct control influence, or with the normative establishment of the order of activity and the implementation of control over its observance. The practice of administrative / regulatory influence is shown on the example of a number of state structures. Priority areas for improving the efficiency of public administration and regulation are proposed.

Society and Economics. 2024;(5):15-26
pages 15-26 views


Methodological tools for assessing the level of indebtedness of the population of the Russian Federation

Orlov S., Reutov R.


The article examines the phenomenon of indebtedness of the Russian population, which is currently considered in two aspects: as an indicator of the debt burden, characterizing the ratio of all incomes and all obligations (debts) of citizens, and as an indicator of the “excessive” credit burden of the country’s population, when the volume of obligations of individuals under credit agreements and loans exceeds their financial capabilities. In the study, the authors, based on statistical data, identifies certain relationships between indicators of excessive debt burden and those of economic growth in Russia, as well as the impact of the population’s debt burden on the country’s GDP.

Society and Economics. 2024;(5):27-44
pages 27-44 views


The tasks of stabilizing existing pension systems and the main vectors of reforms in the practice of foreign countries

Shestakova Y.


The article analyzes some common approaches to reforming pension systems for different states, focused mainly on improving their financial and social stability in the medium term. The main focus is on the issues of increasing the working life expectancy of the working part of the population by increasing the retirement age and limiting the possibility of early retirement for certain categories of employees and the introduction of private saving programs of various types to solve the problem of reducing the financial burden on the state and increasing the responsibility of citizens for their financial well-being in retirement. Various forms and models of organization of private pension plans are considered, depending largely on the structure of the labor market and national traditions, their advantages and disadvantages.

Society and Economics. 2024;(5):45-57
pages 45-57 views


The new world monetary system – prerequisites for creation and implementation mechanisms

Andrianov V.


The article examines the main directions of creating a new global monetary system as the basis for the formation of an alternative global financial architecture. The strengthening of the role of the BRICS countries in the global financial and monetary system is shown. The main financial indicators of the New Development Bank (NDB) are analyzed, including the history of its creation, share capital, loan portfolio, borrowed funds from the global capital market. The prospects for the development of the NTB and its ability to participate in the formation of a new global financial and monetary system independent of the Anglo-Saxon financial elite and international financial institutions controlled by it are assessed. The possibilities of introducing a single Brics unit of account into the NBR are being considered.

Society and Economics. 2024;(5):58-80
pages 58-80 views

Renewable energy in India: key trends, drivers and prospects

Klavdienko V.


The article examines the features and trends in the development of renewable energy in India in the context of the modern transformation of the global energy economy. The dynamics of growth of installed capacity in the country’s energy sector by type of generation sources has been analyzed, and stable trends in changes in the structure of primary energy consumption have been identified. The main factors for the successful development of key areas of renewable energy have been identified. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of innovative schemes and instruments of public-private partnership in the development of renewable energy. The main government documents that determine the vector and pace of transformation of the Indian energy sector taking into account the global climate agenda are considered. It is concluded that with undeniable successes in the development of renewable energy and favorable conditions for its further growth, in the foreseeable future in India, traditional energy will not lose its significant importance due to the role that it and the infrastructure created for it play in ensuring economic growth and well-being population, sustainable energy supply and energy security of the country in the context of increasing turbulence in the global energy market.

Society and Economics. 2024;(5):81-94
pages 81-94 views

Investment attractiveness of the Russian Arctic through the prism of international cooperation and development of transport corridors

Strelnikova I.


The Russian Arctic has numerous resources, infrastructure facilities that are important for international relations, and therefore is potentially very attractive to investors. Nevertheless, there are a number of objective reasons hindering its development, which require international cooperation, investment and updating of the regulatory framework for the process of foreign investments inflow into the region, with an emphasis on its specifics. The purpose of the article is to study the attractiveness and investment potential of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) in the new geopolitical realities, to identify the most promising areas of foreign investments. It is concluded that the Arctic can offer resources and opportunities for development and cooperation. It is open for investment, and the Russian government is trying to implement as many projects as possible, including those in which the BRICS countries participate, that will contribute to the development of this region. One of the key areas of foreign investments application is the zone of development of the transport and logistics potential of the Arctic through transport corridors, which will simultaneously lead to infrastructural connectivity of the entire Eurasian continent and will promote cooperation in the Eurasian arena of the CIS countries.

Society and Economics. 2024;(5):95-107
pages 95-107 views

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