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Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article On the first reliable find of the genus Tholodus (Reptilia: Ichthyopterygia) in the Asian peripheral area of the Panthalassic ocean
Том 50, № 8 (2016) Article Middle Aptian biostratigraphy and ammonoids of the Northern Caucasus and Transcaspia
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Experimental approaches to the study of the formation of axial structures during early development of Xenopus laevis
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Nature of the turtle shell: Morphogenetic causes of bone variability and its evolutionary implication
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Whether or not selection can induce variability: Model of the American mink (Mustela vison)
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Hair follicle regeneration in vitro
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article New species of the pelecypod genus Crassatella (Bivalvia) from the Upper Eocene of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article Reconstruction of Charniodiscus yorgensis (Macrobiota from the Vendian of the White Sea)
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article Revision of Cretaceous species of the genera Euchitonia Ehrenberg and Spongotripus Haeckel (radiolaria) from Lipman’s collection
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article Milax vitukhini, a new radiolarian species from the Upper Jurassic of the Ust’-Belaya Mountains of the Koryak Upland
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article A new coral genus (Tabulata) from the Upper Devonian of the Subpolar Urals
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article Two new brachiopod genera from the Lower Pragian (Lower Devonian, Soda Creek Limestone) of west-central Alaska
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article New species of Pachydermopora Gordon, 2002 and Beisselina Canu, 1913 (Bryozoa: Cheilostomida) from a Campanian erratic block (Belarus) and their micro-CT investigation
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article Revision of Pseudorhaptagnostus Lermontova (?Trilobita, Agnostida)
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article New species of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Paleogene resins of Europe
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article A new genus of seed beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) in Baltic amber
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article Deer of the genus Megaloceros (Mammalia, Cervidae) from the Early Pleistocene of Ciscaucasia
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Sequoiadendron Buchholz (Cupressaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Enmyvaam River Basin, Central Chukotka
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Hundred years of Paleontological Society of Russia: Key events in the history and prospects
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Evolution of ontogeny and nature of heterochronies
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Major trends in the evolution of Permian ammonoids
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Protegulum and brephic shell of the earliest organophosphatic brachiopods
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Bryozoans of the order Melicerititida: Morphological features and position of the order in the taxonomic structure of the class Stenolaemata
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Aboral nervous system in two Ordovician crinoids: Reconstruction and comparison of Baltic Pentamerocrinus Jaekel and Grammocrinus Eichwald
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Insects during the time around the Permian—Triassic crisis
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article On the history of Early—Middle Pleistocene mammal faunas of the Central Balkans
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Article Phytopathology in fossil plants: New data, questions of classification
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article New radiolarian genera and species from the Lower Permian of the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Medfracaulus from the Upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin; Morphology and taxonomy and the family Ptychocaulidae (Gastropoda)
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article New middle Olenekian (early Triassic) ammonoids of South Primorye
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article Shell microstructure and variability of cell imprints of the mantle outer epithelium in the genus Suiaella Moisseev (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) from the Lower Cretaceous of Crimea
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article New Famennian bryozoans (Upper Devonian) from Azerbaijan and Armenia
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article Revision of Scoliocystis (Rhombifera: Echinoencrinitidae) and related cystoid genera
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article Miocene ostracods of Chuya and Kurai depressions of the southeastern Altai
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article New beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from the Lower Triassic of European Russia
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article A new species of Micromalthidae (Coleoptera) from the Rovno amber: 1. Adult morphology
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article New tempospondyl amphibians from the basal Triassic of the Obshchii Syrt Highland, Eastern Europe
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Article Fossil wood of Pinus priamurensis sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Miocene deposits of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article Paleosol complex in the uppermost Mikhailovian Horizon (Viséan, Lower Carboniferous) in the southern flank of the Moscow Syneclise
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article On Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous oysters of the genus Deltoideum Rollier (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea) from Siberia
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article New records of the Late Carboniferous ammonoid genus Eoshumardites in the Kolyma–Omolon Region, and notes on the evolution of Eoshumarditidae
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article On the phylogeny of Early Cardioceratidae (Ammonoidea) and Cadoceratinae from Central Russia at the Bathonian–Callovian boundary
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article Shell microstructure and imprints of cells of the outer mantle epithelium of Monticlarella Wisniewska (Brachiopoda: Rhynchonellida, Norelloidea)
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article Cystoporida (Bryozoa) from the Emsian Stage (Lower Devonian) of the Salair Ridge and Gorny and Rudny Altai
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article New data on the Tournaisian bryozoans (Lower Carboniferous) from Azerbaijan and Armenia
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article The family Phryganeidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Asia (with a brief worldwide overview of the fossil caddisfly fauna)
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article A new family of anthocoroid hemipterans (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Cimicomorpha) from Cretaceous Taimyr amber
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article On the taxonomic position of the genus Parapryg (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) and classification of Protorthoptera and related groups
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article An azhdarchid humerus (Pterosauria, Azhdarchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Saratov Region
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Article Fossil wood of Laricioxylon erkovetskiense sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Questions of Nomenclature Kazankiella nom. nov.—A new replacement name for a Permian gastropod genus
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Anniversary of Alexei Yurevich Rozanov
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article New subfamily Petschoricinae and its position in the system of Foraminifera
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Morphology, taxonomic position, and stratigraphic distribution of the early Cambrian skeletal problematics Mobergella radiolata Bengtson, 1968
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Revision of the superfamily Acrotheloidea (Brachiopoda, class Linguliformea, order Lingulida) from the Lower and Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article New species of Jakutoproductus from the Lower Permian of Verkhoyansk Region
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Paleogeography of the Ordovician bryozoans of the genus Diplotrypa Nicholson (Trepostomida)
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Pelekysgnathus jeppssoni, a new conodont species from the Eifelian Stage of the Bryansk Region, Russia
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Caddisflies from Cenozoic resins of Europe
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article A new species of the plesiosaur genus Polycotylus from the Upper Cretaceous of the southern Urals
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Lizards of the family Hodzhakuliidae (Scincomorpha) from the lower Cretaceous of Mongolia
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Revision of non-Passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Late Miocene): 1. Anseriformes
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Evolution of the biome of the Middle Siberian Trappean Plateau
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Article Fossil wood Ginkgoxylon amurense sp. nov. (Ginkgoaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Amur River area, Russian Far East
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article A complete diversity of fossils: Perspectives
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article New microorganisms from the Vendian (Ediacaran) of the Berezovsky Trough, southern Siberian Platform
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article Foraminifers of the genus Tournayellina Lipina, 1955
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article New records of bipolar nuculanid bivalves of the genus Glyptoleda in the Permian of northeastern Asia
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article Argutostrea gen. nov.: Questions of taxonomy and ethology of Middle–Late Jurassic epibiont oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea)
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article Evolution of the genus Baylea (Gastropoda) in the Kazan Paleobasin (Middle Permian, Volga–Ural Region)
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article A new Paratethyan genus of the ostracod subfamily Loxoconchinae (Podocopida, Cytheroidea)
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article The first Eocene tumbling beetle of the genus Isotrilophus (Insecta: Coleoptera: Mordellidae) from the Green River Formation (Colorado, United States)
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article On the taxonomic state of a digger wasp of the tribe Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Crabroninae) from the Dominican amber
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article A new halfbeak species (Beloniformes, Hemiramphidae) from the Lower Sarmatian of the Krasnodar Region
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article Revision of non-passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Late Miocene): 2. Galliformes
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article Participation of algal–bacterial community in the formation of modern stromatolites in Cock Soda Lake, Altai Region
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article New dinocyst species (family Ceratiaceae Willey et Hickson) from the Lower Cretaceous of Southwestern Western Siberia
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Article Galls on the Compositiphyllum retinerve (Herman) Herman et Kvaček leaves (angiosperms) from the Turonian of the Northwestern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
Том 50, № 7 (2016) Article Silurian and Early Devonian ostracods of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article Preface
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article The ant Aphaenogaster dlusskyana sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Sakhalin amber—the earliest described species of an extant genus of Myrmicinae
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Nalassus Mulsant (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from the Baltic amber
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article New taxa of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) in Baltic and Rovno amber
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article The first record of the subfamily Xenoscelinae (Coleoptera, Erotylidae) from the Baltic amber
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article New weevils (Curculionidae) in Baltic amber
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Anthonomus Germar (Curculionidae) in Mexican amber
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article A new species of derelomine weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Curculioninae: Acalyptini) from the Rovno amber
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article The first record of Late Cretaceous blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Asia (Yantardakh, Taimyr)
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article First gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea) from Late Cretaceous amber of the Taimyr Peninsula
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article Rovnodiplosis eduardi gen. et sp. nov., the first record of a fossil gall midge of the supertribe Mycodiplosidi (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) in the Late Eocene of the Rovno amber
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Article A new genus and species of gall midges of the supertribe Heteropezidi (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) found in Eocene amber from Sakhalin
Том 50, № 10 (2016) Article Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Miocene of the Taman Peninsula: Part 1. Description of key sections and benthic fossil groups
Том 50, № 11 (2016) Article Devonian brachiopods of the orders Spiriferida and Spiriferinida of the European Russia and Transcaucasia: Systematics, shell microstructure, and microornament
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Introduction
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article The nonscientific aspect of a scientific expedition: The organization of the First Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, 1946, under the leadership of I.A. Efremov
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article A new look at the Precambrian and Cambrian event chronostratigraphic correlation of Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Prasinophyte green algae Tasmanites and problematic fossils in the Upper Vendian Biota of the Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article New data on the stratigraphy of the crystalline complexes of Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article On the biogenic origin of phosphorites
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Bacteria, cyanobacteria, and calcareous algae in Cambrian biotic associations of the Khubsugul phosphate deposit in western Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Paleozoic bryozoans of Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Studies of fossil brachiopods of Mongolia: Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Major stages in the studies of the Permian marine basins of Mongolia and new data on their biostratigraphy and fauna
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Paleoentomology of Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Jurassic dinosaurs of Transbaikalia and prospects of searching for them in Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article “The Fighting Dinosaurs”: The position of their bodies before and after death
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article On the stratigraphy of the reference section of the Upper Mesozoic deposits of Undur-Bogd in southern Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Evolution of bird communities in the Neogene of Central Asia, with a review of the Neogene fossil record of Asian birds
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Dzeren from the cavicorn fauna of the Nalaikha locality
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Middle Jurassic floras of Mongolia: Composition, age, and phytogeographic position
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article Upper Cretaceous paleosols of the Bain-Dzak section, southern Mongolia
Том 50, № 12 (2016) Article A new charophyte species from the Upper Oligocene of western Mongolia (Shine Us locality)
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Foreword
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Molecules, morphology, and phylogeny
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Evolutionary gains and losses in Bilateria
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article On some features of historical morphogenesis
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Developmental canalization with no part of stabilizing selection
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Homological series of icosahedral viruses and fullerenes
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Pseudocyclic transformation in the evolution of modular organisms and the problem of the integrity of biological systems
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article On the elementary units of multicellularity and their classification in the shape of a periodic table
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Deviations in skeletons of radiolarians
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Fullerene transformations as analogues of radiolarian skeleton microevolution
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Article Initial growth deceleration as an immanent property of plants
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Independent similarity in the morphological evolution of brachiopods
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Morphogenesis in the individual and historical development of marine post-Paleozoic Tubuliporida (bryozoa, Stenolaemata)
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Normal range and variation in the ontogeny of the Late Paleozoic ammonoid family Marathonitidae
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Morphological similarity between echinoid taxa as a result of convergent and parallel evolution
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Arms versus brachioles: Morphogenetic basis of similarity and differences in food-gathering appendages of pelmatozoan echinoderms
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Parallelisms in the evolution of sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
Том 50, № 14 (2016) Article Morphology of the exoskeleton and soft tissues of Cambrian rhabdopleurids
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article The first record of dicosmoecinae from the Cenozoic of the Russian Far East with a brief global overview of fossil Limnephilidae (Insecta: Trichoptera)
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article Jurassic lacewings (Insecta: Neuroptera) of Western Siberia
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article New sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Asia. I. Parapamphiliinae and Xyelulinae
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article A new horned sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article Volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Sortavala Group: A habitat of ancient microorganisms
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article New data on the distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the Upper Jurassic Loino section (Kirov region, Russia)
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Questions of Nomenclature New substitute names for ostracodes to replace a genus-group name homonym
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article Trend of changes in species diversity of Permian radiolarians of the genus Entactinia Foreman
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article Microlimus and Simbosia (Limidae, Bivalvia), two new genera from the Upper Eocene of Ukraine
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article The ammonoid genus Spiroceras (Spiroceratidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian of the Northern Caucasus
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article A reconstruction of the lophophore of Devonian rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) by using X-Ray micro-CT
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article First records of brachiopods of the family Discinidae (Class Lingulata) from the Upper Jurassic of West Siberia
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article New insects (Insecta: Eoblattida, Embiida) from the Permian of Russia and the Triassic of Kyrgyzstan, with observations on the origin of webspinners
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article Tracheal system and biology of the Early Cretaceous Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko, 1976 (Insecta, ?Aphaniptera, Saurophthiroidea stat. nov.)
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article Cretaceous Saurophthiridae (Aphaniptera) as pupiparous pre-fleas of diving pterosaurs
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article A new genus of fossil digger wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) from the Upper Eocene of Florissant, USA
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article New genus Ennoticus from the Upper Cretaceous of Taimyr (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae)
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article New species of sub-fossil weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Madagascar copal
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article Revision of non-passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Upper Miocene): 3. Neoaves
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Article Systematics of the dinocyst group Scriniodinium–Endoscrinium–Athigmatocysta and description of the new species Scriniodinium multistratum sp. nov. from the Jurassic‒Cretaceous boundary beds of northern Siberia
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article The development of the genus Biarmeaspira (Gastropoda) in the Kazanian Paleobasin (Middle Permian, Volga-Urals Region)
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article The discovery of Eifelian ammonoids in the Central Kyzylkum Desert (Aristantau Mountains, Uzbekistan)
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article The genus Keppleritiana gen. nov. (Stephanoceratidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian of the Northern Caucasus
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article Bryozoan (Stenolaemata) records from the upper Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of the Moscow region
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article Middle Cambrian trilobites from the vicinity of Dolgii Mys Mountain (Khakassia, Batenevsky Ridge)
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article Ordovician ostracods from the Upper Kalar Graben of northern Transbaikalia, Udokan Region
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article New mayflies (Insecta: Ephemerida = Ephemeroptera) from the Upper Mesozoic locality of Khasurty, Western Transbaikalia
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article Protocopidosoma gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from the Late Eocene Danish amber
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article New sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Asia: II. Ghilarellinae and Trematothoracinae
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article A new species of the conodont genus Polygnathus from the Tournaisian of the northern Urals, Chernyshev Ridge and Pai-Khoi
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article A new Galeopid (Anomodontia, Galeopidae) from the Permian of Eastern Europe
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article Marine algal flora of the Late Viséan (Early Carboniferous) of the Moscow Basin
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Article Pollen of Castaneoideae (Fagaceae) from the Holocene sediments of the Sea of Japan
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article Apophyses, verticiles, and denticles in skeletons of Late Paleozoic radiolarians of the subfamily Entactiniinae
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article The role of fetalization in the morphogenesis of Kazanian gastropods (Middle Permian, Volga-Urals Region)
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article To the revision of the Upper Ordovician Bilobia Cooper (Strophomenida, Brachiopoda)
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article New insects (Insecta: Trichoptera, Eoblattida) from the Lower Permian of Russia
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article Two new genera of cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae: Amiseginae) from Rovno and Baltic ambers
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article Miocene ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Crimea
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article New data on synecology of Vyazniki terrestrial community (Terminal Permian, Central Russia)
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article Vertebrates from the Pontian of the Shkodova Gora locality (Northwestern Black Sea Region, Upper Miocene)
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article Bacterial paleontology of the Neoarchean banded iron formations of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Article Fossil wood of Betula erkovetskiensis sp. nov. (Betulaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article On the position of Cambrian archaeobranchians in the system of the class Gastropoda
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article On some Rarecostites (Parkinsoniidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian Parkinsoni zone of the Northern Caucasus
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article Shell microstructure of Discinisca suborbicularis sp. nov. (Brachiopoda, Lingulata) from the Upper Jurassic of Western Siberia
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article Some peculiarities in the behavioral reactions of the lophophore and the trophic structuring of the colonies of the post-Paleozoic Stenolaemata (bryozoa)
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article A new cornute (Homalozoa: Echinodermata) from the uppermost Middle Cambrian (stage 3, Furongian) from Northern Iran: Its systematics and functional morphology
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article Taxonomic remarks concerning ostracods of the Ponto–Caspian Basin
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article New tribe, genus, and species of paedogenetic gall midges (Diptera, Lestremiidae: Krassiloviolini trib. nov.) from the Late Cretaceous Taimyr amber
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article Shell morphology of cretaceous planktonic foraminifers as a means for paleoenvironment reconstructions
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article First record of the pipefish Nerophis zapfei Bachmayer (Syngnathidae, Gasterosteiformes) from the Middle Miocene of Northern Moldova
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article New data on the morphology of the snake mackerel Abadzekhia tarletskovi Bannikov (Perciformes, Gempylidae) from the Lower Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article New finds of hesperornithids in the European Russia, with comments on the systematics of Eurasian Hesperornithidae
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article First record of Chadronoxylon fossil wood (Angiospermae, Dicotyledones) from Russia
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Article Rhodopsin: Evolution and comparative physiology
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Questions of Nomenclature A new replacement name for Janischewskina compressa Grozdilova et Lebedeva, 1978 (Foraminifera)
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Questions of Nomenclature Davidonia nom. nov., a new substitute name for a Cambrian gastropod genus
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Introduction
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Russia–UK Collaboration in Paleontology: Past, Present, and Future
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Sequence of Permian Tetrapod Faunas of Eastern Europe and the Permian–Triassic Ecological Crisis
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article Jurassic Scaphopoda from the Russian platform: Pulsellidae and Gadilidae
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Early Stages of Recovery of the East European Tetrapod Fauna after the End-Permian Crisis
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Terrestrial Ecology around the Permian–Triassic Boundary
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Early Cretaceous Enantiornithine Birds (Aves, Ornithothoraces) and Establishment of the Ornithuromorpha Morphological Type
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Ordovician Paracrinoids from the Baltic: Key Problems of Comparative Morphology of Pelmatozoan Echinoderms
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Article Origin and the Early Evolution of the Phylum Mollusca
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Conodont biostratigraphy of the Early Triassic in eastern Slovenia
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Evolution of asteroarchaediscidae A. Miklukho-Maclay, 1957 in the Carboniferous
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article New Late Viséan and Early Serpukhovian ammonoids in the Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section (Eastern Slope of the South Urals)
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Phylogenetic relationships of Early Triassic ammonoids (new data on the inner shell structure of some Olenekian ammonoids of Southern Primorye)
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Olenekian brachiopods from the Kamenushka River basin, South Primorye: New data on the brachiopod recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article Opisthobranch gastropods from the Lower Cretaceous of the Ulyanovsk Volga Region: 1. Genus Tornatellaea Conrad
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Ontogeny of the Early Carboniferous acanthodian Acanthodes lopatini Rohon
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Flora and dispersed cuticles from the coal seams in the Jan pit of the Šverma coal mine in Žacléř (Bashkirian, Intrasudetic Basin, Czech Republic)
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Carboniferous plant fossils from northern Turkey in the Jongmans Collection, Naturalis, Leiden
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Article Mesozoic rissoid gastropods: History of the study, systematics, and diversity
Том 51, № 8 (2017) Article The concept of macroevolution in view of modern data
Том 51, № 9 (2017) Article Early Cretaceous trigoniids of the Northern Caucasus
Том 51, № 10 (2017) Article Upper Devonian conodonts of northeastern European Russia
Том 51, № 11 (2017) Article Revision of the Cambrian Agnostina (Trilobita?) from Russia
Том 51, № 11 (2017) Article Middle Cambrian trilobites from Borehole Nizhny Imbak 219 (northwestern Siberian Platform)
Том 51, № 12 (2017) Article The stem placental mammal Prokennalestes from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia
Том 51, № 13 (2017) Article On new Jurassic Rissooidea and Zygopleuroidea convergently similar to them (Gastropoda: Pectinibranchia)
Том 51, № 13 (2017) Article Mineralogical–geochemical characteristics of the bone detritus of Pleistocene mammals as a source of paleontological information
Том 51, № 13 (2017) Article On the nature and origin of cellular complexity: The combinatorial–eukaryogenetic scenario
Том 51, № 13 (2017) Article Halophilic-psychrotrophic bacteria of an Alaskan cryopeg—a model for astrobiology
Том 51, № 14 (2017) Article Trochidae (Gastropoda) from the Sarmatian Basin of the Eastern Paratethys
Том 51, № 14 (2017) Article Kunduriphyllum kundurense gen. et comb. nov. (Platanaceae) and Associated Reproductive Structures from the Campanian of the Amur Region, Russia
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Article New brachiopods from the Ordovician of northeastern Russia
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article On Some Volgian Ammonites and Their Nomenclatural Types
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article New Species of Crassatellidae (Bivalvia) from the Middle Eocene of Ukraine
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article Preservation of Mineralized Soft Tissues and Their Imprints on the Shells of Ancient Phosphatic Brachiopods
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article Some Aspects of the Brachiopod–Brachiopod Relationships
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article Trilobites from the Gzhelian (Pennsylvanian) of the Moscow Region
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article Ordovician Ostracods from the Core of the Gaindinskaya-3 Reference Borehole (Tunguska Syneclise, Siberian Platform)
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Upper Mesozoic Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Transbaikalia): Part 1. Imago
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article On the Fauna of Bristletails (Zygentoma, Microcoryphia) of the Rovno Amber
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article Juvenile Leuroglossus kobylianskyi (Argentiformes, Microstomatidae, Bathylaginae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article First Record of the Late Eocene Ichneumon Fly Rasnitsynites tarsalis Kasparyan (Ichneumonidae, Townesitinae) in Ukraine Confirms Correlation of the Upper Eocene Lagerstätten
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article On the Finding of Neosuchians (Neosuchia, Crocodyliformes) in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) Deposits of the Moscow Region
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article Stellarossica gen. nov. and the Infragroup Keltmiides infragroup. nov.: Extremely Large Acanthomorph Acritarchs from the Vendian of Siberia and the East European Platform
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Article A New Species of Marskea Florin (Pinopsida) from the Middle Jurassic of the Irkutsk Coal Basin (East Siberia)
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Darwinula oryzalis nom. nov.—A New Replacement Name for the Preoccupied Specific Name Darwinula acuta Mishina, 1966 (Ostracoda)
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Archaeoryctes Zheng, 1979 (Mammalia), nomen protectum, and Archaeoryctes Czerniavsky, 1881 (Annelida), nomen oblitum
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature On the Nomenclature of the Genera Krylovia and Samarospadix (Vojnovskyales)
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article New Vendian Saarinid Microorganisms from the Siberian Platform
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article The First Data on Bryozoans from the Lyaiol Formation (Upper Devonian, Upper Frasnian) in South Timan
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article Bryozoa (Stenolaemata) from the Upper Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of the Moscow Region
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article Insect Diversity from the Carboniferous to Recent
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article A New Tribe of the Subfamily Cyladinae (Coleoptera, Brentidae) in the Miocene of Germany
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article New Beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from the Upper Vyatkian Aristovo Locality, European Russia
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article A New Genus and Species of Stromateoid Fishes (Perciformes, Stromateoidei) from the Lower Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article Amphibians of the Permian Sundyr Tetrapod Assemblage of Eastern Europe
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article Lizards of the Family Temujiniidae (Iguanomorpha): Finds from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia, Classification and Geographical Origin
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article Morphology of the Craniovertebral Joint in Psittacosaurus sibiricus (Ornithischia: Ceratopsia)
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article A New Record of Mongoloscapter (Talpidae, Lipotyphla, Mammalia) from the Oligocene of Mongolia
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Article Morphology, Systematics, and Stratigraphic Significance of the Dinocyst Genus Dingodinium
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article Chondrichthyans from the Lower Carboniferous of Yakutia, Russia
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article Permian Nonmarine Bivalve Mollusks: Review of Geographical and Stratigraphic Distribution
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article Lower Permian Conifers of the Cis-Urals: Taxonomic and Morphological Diversity and Paleoecology
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article On the Validity of the Conodont Species Mesotaxis falsiovalis Sandberg, Ziegler et Bultynck, 1989
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article Challenges of Gondwanan Marine-Nonmarine Correlations—A Palynological Perspective
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article New Data on Permian Bivalves and the Age of the Volcanogenic Beds of the Arman-Viliga Folded Zone, Northeastern Asia
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article Bivalves from the Delendzhian–Dulgalakhian Boundary Beds of the Middle Permian of the Lower Reaches of the Lena River (Northern Verkhoyansk Region, Northern Siberia)
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article Revision of Late Permian Nonmarine Bivalves of the Genus Opokiella Plotnikov, 1949
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article The Nonmarine Bivalve Permianaia gen. nov., the Last Member of Naiaditidae from the Terminal Permian the East European Platform
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article New Stage of Recovery of East European Tetrapod Community after Permian–Triassic Crisis
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Article Early Kazanian (Middle Permian) Gastropods
Том 52, № 8 (2018) Article Devonian and Carboniferous Brachiopods and Biostratigraphy of Transcaucasia
Том 52, № 9 (2018) Article Devonian and Carboniferous Brachiopods and Biostratigraphy of Transcaucasia(Ending)
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Foreword
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article A New Cheiracanthid Acanthodian Species from the Aruküla Regional Stage (Middle Devonian, Givetian) of the Eastern Main Devonian Field
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Paleosols and Weathering Crusts of the Middle-Late Devonian in the Mikhailovskii Quarry (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly)
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Hardgrounds of the Ordovician Baltic Paleobasin as a Distinct Type of Sedimentation Induced by Cyanobacterial Mats
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Bacteriomorph Structures in Nodules, a Characteristic of Euxinic Conditions of Nodule Formation
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Cambrian Photosynthetic and Chemosynthetic Ecosystems in the Siberian Craton
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Life in Ancient Cooling Lava
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article The Biostratigraphic Paradox of Precambrian Cyanobacteria: Distinguishing the Succession of Microfossil Assemblages and Evolutionary Changes Observed among Proterozoic Prokaryotic Microorganisms
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Use of Morphology of Halophilic and Alkaliphilic Cyanobacteria as a Criterion for Detection of Soda Conditions in the Past
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Traits of Biomorphic Structure Formation in Kamchatka Geyserites
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Laboratory Simulation of “Proteolytic Bacterium–Cyanobacterium” Interaction in Alkaliphilic Microbial Community
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Microbial Communities of Soils and Soil-like Bodies in Extreme Conditions of East Antarctica
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article On the First Reliable Record of the Ichthyosaur Ophthalmosaurus icenicus Seeley in the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian Beds of European Russia
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Unknown Widespread Iron- and Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Gamma-IR Resistance of Bacteria in Soil and Permafrost
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Article Effect of Gamma Radiation on Viability of a Soil Microbial Community under Conditions of Mars
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article A Scansorial Passerine Bird (Passeriformes, Certhioidea) from the Uppermost Lower Miocene of Eastern Siberia
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article Paleolithic Man of Denisova Cave and Zoogeography of Pleistocene Mammals of Northwestern Altai
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article Ovuliferous Organs of Trisquamales Gordenko et Broushkin ordo. nov. (Gymnospermae) from the Middle Jurassic of the Kursk Region, European Russia
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Complementary Transformations of Buried Organic Residues and the Ambient Sediment: Results of Long-Term Taphonomic Experiments
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Revision of Cretaceous Radiolarians of the Family Hagiastridae from Lipman’s Collection
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article New Upper Devonian Rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) from Transcaucasia
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article New and Little-known Nymphs of Gryllones (Insecta) from the Lower Permian of Russia
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article A New Genus and Species of the Damselfly Family Hemiphlebiidae from the Lower Cretaceous Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Eastern Transbaikalia)
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Digestive System of the Early Cretaceous Insect Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko (Insecta, ?Aphaniptera, Saurophthiroidea)
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Ants of the Genus Fallomyrma Dlussky et Radchenko (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) from Late Eocene European Ambers
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article A New Genus and Species of Scolytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Rovno Amber
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Locality of Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Vicinity of the Town of Vyazniki
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Comments on the Paper of B.P. Vjuschkov “Locality of Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Vicinities of the Town of Vyazniki”
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Diversity of Middle Jurassic Turtles from the Berezovsk Quarry Locality, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia: Morphology and Histological Study
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Morphology of the Coracoid of Late Cretaceous Enantiornithines (Aves: Enantiornithes) from Dzharakuduk (Uzbekistan)
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Article Fossil Wood of Ulmus priamurica sp. nov. (Ulmaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Darwinula vetusta nom. nov.—a New Replacement Name for the Preoccupied Specific Name Darwinula mera Starozhilova, 1967 (Ostracoda)
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Ponomarenkium gen. nov., a Replacement Name for the Stem Group Beetle Ponomarenkia Yan et al., 2017 (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Representatives of the Genus Trochammina (Foraminifera) from the Middle Jurassic of the Arctic and Boreal Regions
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article A New Sphinctozoan Species (Porifera), Colospongia lenis sp. nov., from the Upper Permian Reefs of Southern Primorye
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Revision of the Late Paleozoic Family Vidrioceratidae Plummer et Scott (Ammonoidea)
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Ammonites of Tethyan Origin in the Ryazanian Stage of the Russian Platform: Genera Transcaspiites Luppov and Karasyazites gen. nov.
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article New Atrypids (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Devonian of Northeast Russia
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Shell Microstructure of Rhynchonella loxiae Fischer (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) from the Upper Volgian of Moscow Region
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article New Data on Carboniferous Xiphosurans (Xiphosura, Chelicerata) of the Donets Coal Basin
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article New Ichneumonids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from the Lower Cretaceous Khasurty Locality
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Dencyrtus gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from the Late Eocene Danish Amber
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) from the Eocene of the Green River, United States: Part 1
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Neogene Deep-sea Smelts (Argentiniformes: Microstomatidae) from the Far East Russia
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article First Record of Fossil Ghost Pipefish (Solenostomidae, Gasterosteiformes) in Russia
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Craniology of the Plesiosaur Abyssosaurus nataliae Berezin (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Central Russian Platform
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Article Devonian Spores of Kryshtofovichia africani Nikitin (Tracheophyta): Morphology and Ultrastructure
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article New Species of Crassatina (Bivalvia) from the Middle and Upper Eocene of Ukraine
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article Clausiuraloceras mechetlense, a New Ammonoid Species from the Kungurian of the Southern Cisuralian Region
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article On the First Finds of the Genus Djanaliparkinsonia (Stephanoceratidae, Ammonoidea) in the Upper Bajocian of the Northern Caucasus
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article New Brachiopod Species Leurosina katasumiensis (Chonetida) from the Kungurian Katasumi Limestone of the Kusu Area, Central Japan
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article Shell Microstructure of Kabanoviella obliterata Lahusen (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellidae) from the Upper Hauterivian of Ulyanovsk Region
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article First Fossil Xiphosuran (Chelicerata, Xiphosura) Egg Clutch from the Carboniferous of Khakassia
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article New Insects (Insecta: Trichoptera, Reculida, Eoblattida) from the Mesozoic of Asia
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article New Angarosphecidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from the Lower Cretaceous of Northeastern China
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) from the Eocene of the Green River, United States: Part 2
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article On Polymorphism of Protoceratops andrewsi Granger et Gregory, 1923 (Protoceratopidae, Neoceratopsia)
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article Northernmost Record of the Merck’s Rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger) and Taxonomic Status of Coelodonta jacuticus Russanov (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae)
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Article A New Species of the Genus Phoenicopsis (Leptostrobales) from the Middle Jurassic of the Irkutsk Basin (Eastern Siberia)
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article New Species of Inoceramus-like Bivalves of the Subfamily Kolymiinae from the Middle Permian of Northeastern Asia
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article Some New Species of Crassatella (Bivalvia) from the Upper Eocene of Ukraine
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article Orientosirenites, a New Ammonoid Genus (Sirenitidae; Ammonoidea) from the Upper Carnian of the Boreal Realm
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Article The Neogene Ostracod Genus Advenocypris from the Intermontane Depressions of the Southeastern Altai
Том 52, № 11 (2018) Article Upper Eocene Bivalves from Dnepr, Ukraine: Crassatellidae
Том 52, № 11 (2018) Article Taxonomic Composition of Gastropods from the Mandrikovka Beds of the Upper Eocene of Ukraine: Species List
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Vendian Macrofossils of the Yudoma Group, Southeast of the Siberian Platform
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Reconsideration of Dating of the Late Paleozoic Radiolarian Latentifistula crux Ecozone in the Southern Urals
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Revision of the Genus Pluristratoentactinia Nazarov in Nazarov et al., 1981 (Paleozoic Radiolarians)
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article A New Species of Paraseraphs (Gastropoda, Seraphsidae) from the Priabonian White Limestone Formation of Jamaica
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article New Stoneflies of the Suborder Nemourina Newman, 1853 (Insecta: Perlida = Plecoptera) from the Middle Permian Deposits of the Kostovaty Locality, Udmurtia, Russia
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article New and Little Known Cnemidolestid Insects (Insecta: Cnemidolestida) from the Middle Permian–Middle Triassic of Eurasia
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article New Records of Grammolingiidae, Saucrosmylidae, and Panfiloviidae (Insecta: Neuroptera) from the Jurassic of Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article A New Genus of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Lungfish (Dipnoi) Burrows from the Triassic of the Southern Cis-Urals
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article On Possible Trophic Adaptations of Some Rhytidosteidae (Amphibia, Temnospondyli)
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article New Data on Enosuchid Anthracosauromorphs (Amphibia) of the Middle–Late Permian of European Russia: Part 1. Morphology of Enosuchus breviceps Konzhukova, 1955
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article New Data on Early Triassic Lonchorhynchids (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) of Eastern Europe
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article A New Platynotan Lizard (Parasaniwidae, Anguimorpha) from the Late Paleocene of Southern Mongolia
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Bristle Scale As a Predecessor of Protofeather and Feather
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Morphology of the Petrosal in Late Miocene Baleen Whales of Northwestern Ciscaucasia
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article On a New Find of Megantereon (Carnivora, Felidae, Machairodontinae) from the Early Pleistocene of Trlica (Montenegro, the Central Balkans)
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Late Pleistocene Mammals of the Northwestern Altai: Report 1. Anui Basin
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Late Pleistocene Mammals of the Northwestern Altai: Report 2. Charysh Basin
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Article Endophytic Micromycetes on the Leaves of the Genus Taxodium Richard (Cupressaceae) from the Lower Paleocene of the Amur Region
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Distribution of Atdabanian (Early Cambrian) Trilobites, Archaeocyaths, and Small Shelly Fossils in the Altai–Sayan Folded Area
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article The Order Anetshelloida (Mollusca, Rostroconchia): Origin, Patterns, Mechanisms
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article The Genus Delphinites Sayn (Ammonoidea: Neocomitidae) in the Lower Valanginian of the Russian Platform
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Variability of Relative Body Chamber Length in Jurassic Ammonites of the Family Cardioceratidae Siemiradzki, 1891, and Its Taxonomic Significance
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Pterygotid Eurypterids from the Upper Silurian of Podolia (Ukraine)
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article A New Record of Adelophthalmus (Eurypterida, Chelicerata) from the Devonian of the South Minusinsk Depression
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Ostracod Analysis of Callovian and Lower Oxfordian Deposits of the Mikhailovtsement Section (Ryazan Region): Methods and Results
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article New Stoneflies of the Suborder Perlina Latreille, 1802 (Insecta: Perlida = Plecoptera) from the Middle Permian of the Kostovaty Locality in Udmurtia, Russia
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Middle Miocene of the Stavropol Region, Russia
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Late Pleistocene Taphocoenosis of Insects and Small Mammals from the Upper Reaches of the Ob River
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article New Data on Enosuchid Anthracosauromorphs (Amphibia) of the Middle–Late Permian of European Russia: Part 2. New Taxa of Enosuchidae
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article New Data on Ornithischian Dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Transbaikalia, Russia
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Semantor macrurus Orlov, 1931 (Carnivora, Mustelidae): Morphology of the Hind Limb and a New View on Its Paleobiology
Том 52, № 13 (2018) Article Diatoms in the Orgueil Meteorite
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Foreword
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article In the Memory of Academician E.I. Vorobyeva and Professor L.V. Belousov
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Genomic-Morphogenetic Correlations and Evolutionary Trajectories of Bilateria
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Evolutionary Trends in Hox Cluster Genes Utilization: Whether Common Genes Play by General Rules?
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Architectonics of Metazoa as the Basis for the Reconstruction of the Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Extinct Taxa
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Morphogenesis and Evolution of the Blastopore
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Algebraic Geometry of Icosahedral Viruses
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Biotic Crises and Giantism of Radiolarian Skeletons in the Late Paleozoic
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article From Regeneration to Coloniality: Multiple Buds in the Solitary Coral Bothrophyllum conicum Trautschold, 1879 (Rugosa) in the Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Features of Coloniality As a Basis for the Morphologic Diversity of Jurassic and Cretaceous Bryozoans of the Class Stenolaemata
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Formation of the Diversity of the Brachiopod Order Spiriferida at the Devonian–Carboniferous Boundary
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Morphological Diversity of the External Shell Sculpture of Paleozoic Cephalopods: How Did It Arise and What Does It Mean?
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Paleozoic Ammonoids: Historical Pathways of the Development of Morphological Diversity
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Morphogenetic Features of the Exoskeleton in Early Jawless Vertebrates (Osteostraci, Agnatha): Geometry of the Shield Sections
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article On Morphological Diversity in Directed Development of Late Carnivorous Dinosaurs (Theropoda Marsh 1881)
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article First Record of Stegosaur (Ornithischia, Dinosauria) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Chorological and Geochemical Factors of Morphogenesis, Using Deviant Forms of Rana arvalis Nilsson, 1842 as an Example
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article On the Systematics and Scale for Measuring Historical Pathways of the Development of Morphological Diversity
Том 52, № 14 (2018) Article Embryonization of Ontogeny and Evolution of Life Cycles of Modular Organisms
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article On New Approaches in the Study of Evolution of Macrotaxa and the Concept of Econ
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article Distribution Patterns and Morphology of Islandiella norcrossi (Cushman) in the Upper Quaternary Deposits of the Laptev Sea
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article On the Taxonomic Composition of Mollusks from the Tavda Formation of Western Siberia
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article Shell Microstructure of Strophomenide Bilobia Cooper (Brachiopoda) from the Late Ordovician of Baltoscandia
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article Bryozoans and Brachiopods from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Central Russian Platform
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article New Species of Mischopterida = Megasecoptera (Insecta) from the Permian Deposits of the Vorkuta Basin
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article A New Species of the Genus Homocloeus Jordan (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) in Miocene Mexican Amber
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article Paleogene Turtles of Crimea
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article Lizards of the Families Eoxantidae, Ardeosauridae, Globauridae, and Paramacellodidae (Scincomorpha) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Article Xenoxylon (Coniferales) Fossil Woods from the Jurassic and Cretaceous Deposits of Siberia and the Russian Far East
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article New Species of Spiral Nodosariids (Foraminifera) from the Lower Carnian (Triassic) Deposits on the Laptev Sea Coast (Russia)
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article Pathological Changes of Archaeocyathids
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article New Rhynchonellides (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Pragian (Soda Creek Limestone) of West-Central Alaska
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article Shell Interior of Semiplanella carinthica Sarytcheva et Legrand-Blain (Brachiopoda, Productida)
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article Ostracods from the Delingde Formation (Upper Ordovician) of the Siberian Platform
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article A New Tribe, Genus and Four Species of Lace Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Southwestern Kazakhstan
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article A New Species of the Family Smicripidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Rovno Amber
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article Hooked-Horn Sculpins (Pisces: Cottidae, Artediellinae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article Lizards of the Families Dorsetisauridae and Xenosauridae (Anguimorpha) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article Systematic Position of Palaeortyx (Aves, ?Phasianidae) and Notes on the Evolution of Phasianidae
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Article Further Interpretation of Wodehouseia spinata Stanley from the Late Maastrichtian of the Far East (China)
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Polygnathus sharyuensis nom. nov., a New Replacement Name for the Famennian (Upper Devonian) Polygnathus mawsonae Ovnatanova et al., 2017 (Conodonta)
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article To the 50th Anniversary of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article Archean Fossil Microorganisms
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article Bivalves of Northeast Asia at the Carboniferous–Permian Transition
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article A New Species of the Genus Bellazona (Gastropoda) from the Early Permian Reef Limestones of Shakhtau
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article Carboniferous Ammonoids of the Taimyr Peninsula
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article Taxonomic Position of Chivatschella Zavodowsky (Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda)
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article Ornamentation and Shell Microstructure of Orbiculoidea magnifica Mergl (Brachiopoda, Lingulida) from the Lower Devonian of the Timan–Pechora Basin
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article Description of a Larva of Kargalarva permosialis gen. et sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Schizophoromorpha) from the Kargala Fossil Site
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article New Insects (Insecta: Eoblattida, Reculida) from the Middle Permian of Russia
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article New Cupedids (Insecta: Coleoptera, Cupedidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Buryatia
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article A New Genus of Soldier Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cantharidae: Cantharinae) from Sakhalinian Amber
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article A New Primitive Therocephalian (Theromorpha) from the Middle Permian of Eastern Europe
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Article The Brain Morphology and Neurobiology in Armored Dinosaur Bissekipelta archibaldi (Ankylosauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature A New Replacement Name for Millerella symmetrica Postoyalko, 1991 (Foraminifera)
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Mongolothemis gobicus Pritykina et Vassilenko, 2014 Is an Objective Synonym of Paragonophlebia patriciae Nel, 2009 (Insecta: Odonata)
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article New Radiolaria Species from the Cenozoic Deposits on the Island Slope of the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article Revision of the Early Cretaceous Radiolarian Species Williriedellum salymicum Kozlova
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article A New Genus Perakella gen. nov. (Gastropoda) from the Lower Permian Reef Limestone of Shakh-Tau
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article New Species of the Genus Lambeoceras Foerste (Actinocerida) from the Upper Ordovician of Central Siberia
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article Classification of the Late Paleozoic Family Medlicottiidae Karpinsky (Ammonoidea)
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Devonian of the Central Devonian Field and Southern Timan
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article Brachiopods of the Superfamily Richthofenioidea (Productida) from the Permian of Darvaz Range, Tajikistan
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article Reconstruction of the Genesis of Faunal Assemblages of Insects (Insecta, Ectognatha) of the Raised Bogs of the Belarusian Lakeland
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article Dinosaur Fossils from the Upper Cretaceous of Crimea
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article A New Permian Therocephalian (Therocephalia, Theromorpha) from the Sundyr Assemblage of Eastern Europe
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Article New Material on Small Hyenodons (Hyaenodontinae, Creodonta) from the Paleogene of Mongolia
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Nadteia nom. nov., a New Substitute Name for a Permian Non-Marine Ostracod Genus
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Devonavictoria nomen novum: a Replacement Name for the Preoccupied Devonian Bryozoan Genus Salairella Mesentseva, 2015
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article New Taxa and New Middle Famennian Natgorella hirsuta–Spinoalius melekessensis Radiolarian Ecozone of the Volga–Ural Basin
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article Cephalonega, A New Generic Name, and the System of Vendian Proarticulata
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article Morphology and Systematics of the Late Paleozoic Gastropods Deseretospira Gordon and Yochelson and Termihabena gen. nov.
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article New Data on the Biogeography of the Permian Ammonoid Family Perrinitidae
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article Craspeditidae (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Platform at the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary. I. Genus Praesurites Mesezhnikov et Alekseev
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article Shell Microstructure and Relief of the Primary Layer of the Late Jurassic Discinisca (Class Lingulata, Family Discinidae)
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article Magnofossacrinus, a New Genus of Cladid Crinoids (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Moscovian (Pennsylvanian) of Moscow Region
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article New Caddisflies of the Family Dysoneuridae (Insecta: Trichoptera) and Larval Cases (Incertae Familiae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article New Species of Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from V.A. Gusakov Collection
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article New Species of Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Dominican Amber
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article Tubesnout Aulichthys miocaenicus sp. nov. from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island (Russia): the First Reliable Fossil Record for the Family Aulorhynchidae
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article A Sea Turtle (Cheloniidae) from the Middle Eocene of North Caucasus
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Article Stems of a New Osmundaceous Fern from the Middle Jurassic of Kursk Region, European Russia
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article Conservative Nature of Biomineral Structures as a Challenge for the Cladistic Method of Phylogeny Reconstruction (Illustrated by Two Groups of Dinosaur Eggs)
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article Trace Fossils from the Vendian-Cambrian Transitional Strata of the Igarka Uplift (Northwestern Siberian Platform)
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article Early Cambrian Tommotiids of Khairkhan Section (Central Tyva)
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article On the Upper Maastrichtian Oysters of the Genus Rhynchostreon Bayle (Bivalvia, Gryphaeidae) from the Mountainous Crimea
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article New Species of the Genus Chelotia (Pleurotomariidae, Gastropoda) from the Middle Eocene of Ukraine
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article Craspeditidae (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Platform at the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary. II. Genus Hectoroceras Spath
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Middle–Late Permian of Northeastern Mongolian Boreal Basin
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article A New Method for Description of Smooth Ostracod Shells, Using Permian and Triassic Ostracods from Eastern Europe
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article New Conodont Species from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Urals
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article The First Record of a Lungfish (Dipnoi, Sarcopterygii) in the Famennian Deposits (Upper Devonian) of the Tver Oblast
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article Turtles Protestudo bessarabica from the Late Miocene of Ukraine
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Article Finds of Ruminants and New Data on the Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene Locality of Fortep’yanka 2 (Northwest Caucasus, Adygea Republic)
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Article Skeletal Nets of the Ediacaran Fronds
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Article Morphology and Systematic Position of the Cambrian Zooproblematic Torellella gracilenta Esakova, 1996 (Order Hyolithelmintida Fisher, 1962)
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Article Revision of the Early and Middle Cambrian Acrotretids (Brachiopoda, Linguliformea) from the Siberian Platform
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Article Synchrotron Tomographic Study of the Permian Kaninospirifer (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida)
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) from the Earlymost Eocene Oise Amber
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Article Paleontological Characterization of the Triassic Deposits of the Korotaikha Depression (Northern Cis-Urals)
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Article Carbon Isotope Composition and Concentration of Fe-Group Elements in the Sedimentary Organic Matter from Rocks of Different Ages
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Worldwide Distribution Patterns of the Planktonic Shelled Protists Radiolaria (Polycystina) and Foraminifera: Similarities and Contrasts
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article The Role of Self-Assembly in the Development of Complex Microarchitecture Patterns in Biological Objects
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Pollen Assemblages and Plant Macrofossils in Holocene Deposits of Maloe Olen’e Lake (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Vegetation Changes during the Holocene Inferred from Pollen Study of Lake Rubskoe Bottom Sediments (European Russia)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Distribution of Diatoms and Dinocysts in Surface Sediments from the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article The Stages of Gametophyte and Sporoderm Development in Pollen Grains
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article New Data on Diatoms from the Marine Cenozoic Section of West Kamchatka at the Kvachina Bay
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Rotaliida (Foraminifera) from the Upper Cretaceous of Western Siberia
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article The ParvicingulakhabakoviWilliriedellum salymicum Radiolarian Biohorizon in the West Siberian Bazhenov Formation (Berriasian–Valanginian)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Barremian–Aptian Assemblages of Microfauna and Palynomorphs from the North-West of the Yamal Peninsula (Biostratigraphy and Palaeofacies)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article New Insights on the Wall Structure of the Albian-Cenomanian (Cretaceous) Agglutinated Foraminiferal Species Sculptobaculitesgoodlandensis (Cushman et Alexander, 1930) from North-Central Texas, USA
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article The Recurrence of Parathuramminacea and Archaesphaeracea Representatives at the Tournaisian–Viséan Boundary of the Lower Carboniferous (the Kipchak Section, the Eastern Slope of the Southern Urals)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Kasimovian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Conodonts of the Shcherbatovka Section (Oka-Tsna Swell)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article The Kasimovian-Gzhelian Boundary and Associated Microfauna of the Transgressive Part of the Finis Shale Cycle (Graham Formation, Cisco Group, Pennsylvanian) in North-Central Texas, USA
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Morphology of the Families Editiidae Knupfer, 1967 and Adeditiidae Gramm, 1992 (Ostracoda)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Regularities in the Migration of Famennian Radiolarians in the Marine Basins of the Russian Platform
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Pathologies of Devonian Conodont Elements of the Voronezh Anteclise
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Biogenic Structures in the Silurian Stromatolites (Timan-Northern Ural Region)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Ancient (AR-PR1) Microfossils: Methods of Research
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Facies-Stratigraphic Distribution of Organic-Walled and Silicified Microfossils in the Early Billiyakh Basin (Lower Riphean, Anabar Uplift, Siberia)
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Article Problems of Morphology and Classification in Bacterial Paleontology
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Benthic Protozoa (Foraminifera, Allogromiida) As Potential Indicator Species for the Sedimentation Record of the Azov–Black Sea Basin Bottom Deposits
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Changes in the Ostracod Assemblages of the Northeastern Black Sea Shelf during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article The First Find of Vestalenula danielopoli (Martens, Rossetti et Fuhrmann, 1997) (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Darwinulidae) in Holocene deposits of Western Siberia
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article The Importance of Foraminifera of the Family Cassidulinidae for the Late Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions Based on Sediment Cores from the Laptev Sea
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Nannoplankton-Based Biostratigraphic Subdivisions in the Reference Sections of the Taman Trough and Ciscaucasia
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Microbiota and Paleoenvironments of the Turtas Paleobasin, Late Oligocene, Western Siberia
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Shell Morphology of the Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera and Its Value in Modern Taxonomy
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Bazhenovo Formation (Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous) Based on Radiolarians, Nannoplankton and Calcareous Dinocysts
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article New Data on the Upper Jurassic (Middle–Upper Oxfordian and Middle Volgian) Foraminifers in the East of the Moscow
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Paleobathymetric Zonation of the Middle–Upper Jurassic Deposits in the Ulyanovsk–Saratov Trough (Russian Platform) Based on Benthic Foraminifers
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Species Interrelatedness in the Genus Lophocythere Silvester-Bradley, 1948 (Ostracoda) in the Late Callovian of the Russian Plate
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Distribution of Triassic Foraminifers in the Limestone Massifs of the Dalnegorsk District, Primorsky Krai
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Global Distribution of the Fusulinacean Genus Biwaella
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Conodonts of the Krevyakinian and Khamovnikian Substages of the Kasimovian Stage in the Type Region (Moscow Basin)
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Foraminifers from the Bashkirian Stage (Middle Carboniferous) Deposits of the Southern Part of the Cis-Uralian Foredeep
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Facial Features of the Distribution of Late Viséan Foraminifers in the Volgа–Ural Region
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Upper Devonian Radiolarians from the Zeravshan-Gissar Mountainous Area, Uzbekistan
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Microornamentation and Regeneration: an Example from Devonian Scolecodonts from the Voronezh Anteclise
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Article Integrated Study of Microfossils in Stromatolites of the Vendian Chencha Formation, Central Siberia
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article A Summary of Recent Results in the Study of Taimyr Amber
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article A New Species of the Genus Eldermyrmex Shattuck, 2011 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Bitterfeld Amber (Late Eocene) with Species Key of the Genus
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article New Records of Upper Eocene Chrysidoid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) from Basins of Styr and Stokhod Rivers (Rovno Amber)
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article New Species of Malachite Beetles (Coleoptera, Dasytidae) in Baltic Amber
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article A New Genus of the Tribe Curculionini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Baltic Amber
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article A New Genus of Tooth-Nosed Snout Weevils (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae) in Baltic Amber
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Rovno Amber
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article First Findings of Gall Midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) of the Tribes Karshomyiini (Mexican Amber) and Bremiini (Dominican Amber)
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article Comparing Arachnids in Rovno Amber with the Baltic and Bitterfeld Deposits
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article Mosses from Rovno Amber (Ukraine). 5. New Findings and Comparison of Mosses from Rovno and Baltic Amber
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article Liverworts from Rovno Amber (Ukraine). 8. Frullania ekaterinae sp. nov. and F. schmalhausenii sp. nov.
Том 53, № 10 (2019) Article First Record of Fungal Fruit Bodies on a Leaf from Late Eocene Rovno Amber (Ukraine)
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article Evolutionary Developmental Biology: the Interaction of Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Paleontology, and Genomics
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article Conical Thecae of Precambrian Macroorganisms
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article New Data on Jurassic Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda) from European Russia
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article Heterobranchia (Gastropoda) from the Jurassic Deposits of Russia
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article Ammonites and Stratigraphy of the Upper Bajocian Garantianagarantiana Zone in the Interfluve between the Kuban and Urup Rivers (Northern Caucasus)
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article A New Genus and Species of Lymexylidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Mid-Cretaceous Amber of Northern Myanmar
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article Protaxodioxylon from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Kota Formation, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, India
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Article Middle Jurassic Plant Diversity and Climate in the Ordos Basin, China
Том 53, № 12 (2019) Article Lower Permian Gastropods of Shakhtau (Asselian–Sakmarian Boundary Beds, Southern Cisuralia)
Том 53, № 12 (2019) Article To the Revision of Freshwater Permian and Triassic Ostracods of the Genus Gerdalia Belousova, 1961

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