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Vol 50, No 9 (2016)



Perkovsky E.E.
Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):935-935
pages 935-935 views

The ant Aphaenogaster dlusskyana sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Sakhalin amber—the earliest described species of an extant genus of Myrmicinae

Radchenko A.G., Perkovsky E.E.


The earliest member of an extant ant genus of the subfamily Myrmicinae, Aphaenogaster dlusskyana sp. nov., from the Sakhalin amber (Russia, Middle Eocene, 43–47 Ma) is described. Fossil representatives of the genus Aphaenogaster are critically analyzed and it is proposed to transfer many of these to the fossil morphotaxon Paraphaenogaster. The morphology, distribution, and possible evolutionary trends of the genus Aphaenogaster are reviewed and it is suggested that this genus appeared in the territory currently occupied by the Palearctic not later than the Early Eocene (over 50 Ma). Aphaenogaster dlusskyana can be considered the oldest described representative of an extant genus of the subfamily Myrmicinae, although earlier, as yet undescribed, records of extant genera of Myrmicinae belong to the Early Eocene.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):936-946
pages 936-946 views

A new species of the genus Nalassus Mulsant (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from the Baltic amber

Nabozhenko M.V., Perkovsky E.E., Chernei L.S.


The first Eocene species of the tribe Helopini, Nalassus klebsi sp. nov., from the Baltic amber is described. The new species is included in the nominative subgenus and similar to the extant species N. dermestoides (Illiger) and N. laevioctostriatus (Goeze), from which it differs in the shape of eyes (eyes are considerably less transverse than in living Palearctic species of the genus Nalassus Mulsant), the shape of the pronotum with acute posterior angles (other Palearctic Nalassus have obtuse or straight pronotal angles) as well as convex elytral intervals. Species of the less specialized nominative subgenus are widespread in forests and (partly) alpine landscapes of Europe (eastwards up to the Urals) and eastern Asia.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):947-952
pages 947-952 views

New taxa of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) in Baltic and Rovno amber

Tshernyshev S.E.


Two new genera and three new species of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) are described from Rovno and Baltic Eocene amber. Protocephaloncus gen. nov. with the type species P. perkovskyi sp. nov. was found in the Rovno amber. It differs from its congeners in the tribe Troglopini in the primitive sculpture of the male facial area as a longitudinal narrow depression between the eyes lacking an appendage inside, and two trapezoid impressions on both sides of the depression closer to its lower part. A transverse pronotum, slightly rounded, but not sinuate posteriorly, is also a diagnostic feature of the new genus. A new genus of the tribe Attalini, Palpattalus gen. nov., was found in the Baltic amber. The tarsal comb on the anterior second tarsomere of the male, complicatedly curved pygidium, and cylindrical apical palpomere allow the definite attribution of the genus to the tribe Attalini. The characteristically enlarged, rounded and slightly flattened 1st palpomere, possessing a long seta directed outward, of the new genus resembles similar structures found in members of the tribe Colotini, all males of which have modified and enlarged 3rd and 4th palpomeres. Probably, Palpattalus gen. nov. represents an ancestral form for these two tribes. This allows the establishment of independent status for Antholinus Mulsant and Rey, 1867 stat. resurr., with anterior tarsi in males lacking comb on the second tarsomere, in contrast to all other subgenera of Attalus Erichson, 1840. Males of two different species, Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and P. eocenicus sp. nov., were found as inclusions in Baltic amber. They differ in the coloration of the elytra, yellow with black spots in Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and unicolorous black in P. eocenicus sp. nov.; the shape of pygidia, longitudinal and strongly elongated in P. baltiensis and transverse and rounded in P. eocenicus, and in a number of other characters.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):953-962
pages 953-962 views

The first record of the subfamily Xenoscelinae (Coleoptera, Erotylidae) from the Baltic amber

Lyubarsky G.Y., Perkovsky E.E., Alekseev V.I.


The first Erotylidae of the subfamily Xenoscelinae from the Late Eocene Baltic amber, Warnis tvanksticus gen. et sp. nov., is described. The new genus is distinguished from closely related Xenoscelis Woll. and Zavaljus Reitt. by the presence of well-developed femoral lines on the first abdominal ventrite and also the shape of the pronotum, the body size, the absence of lateral carina on the elytra or pits at the base of the pronotum, and the presence of a gular pit.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):963-969
pages 963-969 views

New weevils (Curculionidae) in Baltic amber

Legalov A.A.


The new subtribes Palaeorhamphina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Rhamphini and Eocenesibiniina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Tychiini, new genera Archaeoeugnomus gen. nov. (type species A. balticus sp. nov.), Palaeorhamphus gen. nov. (type species P. primitivus sp. nov.), and Eocenesibinia gen. nov. (type species E. prussica sp. nov.), new subgenus Palaeoleiosoma subgen. nov. (type species L. klebsi sp. nov.) of the genus Leiosoma Stephens, and new species Leiosoma klebsi sp. nov., Caulophilus rarus sp. nov., C. squamosus sp. nov., Ceutorhynchus alekseevi sp. nov., C. electrinus sp. nov., Dorytomus nudus sp. nov., Pachytychius eocenicus sp. nov., Archaeoeugnomus balticus sp. nov., Palaeorhamphus primitivus sp. nov., Orchestes tatjanae sp. nov., and Eocenesibinia prussica sp. nov. are described. Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 placem. nov. is transferred from the tribe Derelomini of the subfamily Curculioninae to the tribe Acicnemidini of the subfamily Molytinae. Succinostyphlus erectosquamata (Rheinheimer, 2007) placem. nov. et comb. nov. is transferred from the genus Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 to the genus Succinostyphlus Kuśka, 1996. These are the first records of representatives of the tribes Plinthini, Acicnemidini, Eugnomini, and Rhamphini in the Baltic amber.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):970-985
pages 970-985 views

A new species of the genus Anthonomus Germar (Curculionidae) in Mexican amber

Legalov A.A., Poinar G.


A new species, Anthonomus dilatofemurus Poinar et Legalov, sp. nov., from Mexican amber is described and illustrated. The new species is close to A. cruraluma Poinar et Legalov and differs from it in the wider elytra with narrow striae and strongly swollen pro- and metafemora. It differs from A. browni Poinar et Legalov in the wide and short elytra, shorter and thicker weakly curved rostrum, and strongly swollen metafemur. It is distinguished from A. camoiranensis Clark by the metatitibia with uncus and from A. sulcatus Kirsch by the protibia with uncus, metatibia with ventral fringe of medium scales, narrower elongate pronotum, weakly convex elytra and weakly curved rostrum.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):986-990
pages 986-990 views

A new species of derelomine weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Curculioninae: Acalyptini) from the Rovno amber

Nazarenko V.Y., Perkovsky E.E.


Protoceletes hirtus sp. nov. (Curculionidae: Curulioninae: Acalyptini) from the Late Eocene Rovno amber is described. This is the second fossil of the genus. The new species is close to P. wolfschwenningerae Rheinheimer, 2007 from Baltic amber and differs it in the separated coxae, asymmetrically convex eyes, longer and clearly semierect hairs on the surface, and the longer body.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):991-996
pages 991-996 views

The first record of Late Cretaceous blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Asia (Yantardakh, Taimyr)

Perkovsky E.E., Sukhomlin E.B.


The blackfly Simuliites yantardakh sp. nov. from the Taimyr amber is described. It is distinguished from the only known Late Cretaceous blackfly from the New Jersey amber Archicnephia ornithoraptor Currie et Grimaldi by the twice larger size, the short pubescent antenna, only slightly expanded antennomeres 1 and 2; the small palpomere 3, which is 1.5 times as wide as palpomere 4; and the shorter mouth appendages.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):997-1000
pages 997-1000 views

First gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea) from Late Cretaceous amber of the Taimyr Peninsula

Fedotova Z.A., Perkovsky E.E.


Gall midges from Santonian amber of Yantardakh (Taimyr Peninsula) are investigated for the first time. Eight new genera and eight new species belonging to five tribes of the subfamily Micromyinae (Lestremiidae) are described. These are Caputmunda yantardakhica gen. et sp. nov. (Catochini), Cretoperomyia taimyrica gen. et sp. nov. (Peromyiini), Palaeostrobliella dmitrii gen. et sp. nov., Yantardakhiella pusilla gen. et sp. nov., and Zherikhiniella pedicellata gen. et sp. nov. (Strobliellini), Menssana norilsk gen. et sp. nov. (Micromyini), and Cretomycophila ekaterinae gen. et sp. nov., and Corporesana khatanga gen. et sp. nov. (Aprionini). A representative of Porricondylinae (Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae, Holoneurini) is recorded. The diagnoses based on morphometric parameters of tribes and previously established genera are emended. The species composition of gall midges from three Cretaceous amber faunas of different ages are analyzed.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):1001-1026
pages 1001-1026 views

Rovnodiplosis eduardi gen. et sp. nov., the first record of a fossil gall midge of the supertribe Mycodiplosidi (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) in the Late Eocene of the Rovno amber

Perkovsky E.E., Fedotova Z.A.


Higher gall midges of the supertribe Mycodiplosidi, subfamily Cecidomyiinae, are recorded for the first time in Late Eocene Rovno amber. In other fossil resins, Mycodiplosidi have not yet been recorded. A male Rovnodiplosis eduardi gen. et sp. nov. (Mycodiplosidi), with distinctive binodose flagellomeres having long loopy sensilla is described. Species of Cecidomyiinae known from fossil resins are listed.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):1027-1032
pages 1027-1032 views

A new genus and species of gall midges of the supertribe Heteropezidi (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) found in Eocene amber from Sakhalin

Fedotova Z.A., Perkovsky E.E.


A new genus and species of pedogenetic gall midge, Estoperpetua sakhalinica gen. et sp. nov., of the tribe Heteropezini (subfamily Lasiopterinae) is described. Gall midges have not been recorded in Eocene amber of Sakhalin. A female with 4-segmented tarsi, large transparent triangular sensoria on flagellomeres, short wings and legs, and long 2 + 9-segmented antennae is described. Heteropezidi shows the greatest generic and species diversity in the Late Eocene Rovno amber. Representatives of this supertribe were also found in the Late Eocene Baltic amber, Early Eocene Oise amber, Miocene amber from Mexico and Dominican Republic, and African copal. Heteropezidi from different amber faunas are reviewed.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(9):1033-1037
pages 1033-1037 views

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