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Vol 52, No 5 (2018)


On Some Volgian Ammonites and Their Nomenclatural Types

Starodubtseva I.A., Mitta V.V.


Nomenclature types of ammonites of the genera Dorsoplanites, Pavlovia, Zaraiskites and Craspedites from the Volgian Stage of the Russian platform are discussed; for some species type specimens are designated and illustrated. The date of the establishment of the genus Pavlovia Ilovaisky, 1915 is emended, and it type species is detailed. The name Ammonites panderi Eichwald, 1840 is recognized as nomen dubium; for the species Dorsoplanites panderi auctt. non Eichwald, 1840 the new name D. typicus nom. nov. is proposed; the index species of the Panderi Zone of the Volgian Stage is replaced by Zaraiskites scythicus (Vischniakoff). The species Craspedites ivanovi Gerasimov, the index species of the upper subzone of the Virgatites virgatus Zone is re-described. The interval with Craspedites milkovensis can be only considered as the terminal faunal horizon of the Craspedites nodiger Zone interpreted to include the Mosquensis and Nodiger subzones.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):469-480
pages 469-480 views

New Species of Crassatellidae (Bivalvia) from the Middle Eocene of Ukraine

Berezovsky A.A.


Three new species of Crassatellidae: Crassatella ballista sp. nov., C. calva sp. nov., and Eucrassatella depulsoris sp. nov. from the Middle Eocene deposits of the western slope of the a quarry of the Ingulets Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise (Ingulets, Ukraine), which are correlated with the Lutetian Stage, are described. The study of valves of Crassatella parisiensis Orbigny, 1852 from the Middle Eocene deposits of the Parisian Basin has shown that it differs from the species C. illustris Berezovsky, 2004, which was previously described as a subspecies of C. parisiensis. The study of variation of Crassatellidae provided substantiation of the species rank of C. artacosta Berezovsky, 2004, which was previously described as a subspecies of C. densicostata Berezovsky, 1998.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):481-490
pages 481-490 views

Preservation of Mineralized Soft Tissues and Their Imprints on the Shells of Ancient Phosphatic Brachiopods

Ushatinskaya G.T.


The linguliformean phosphate-shelled brachiopods from the Lower–Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform with preserved molds of the outer layer of their soft bodies or mineralized parts of their soft bodies are described. This type of preservation in the fossil state is closely connected with the burial conditions that determined fast posthumous mineralization of the organic matter.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):491-496
pages 491-496 views

Some Aspects of the Brachiopod–Brachiopod Relationships

Zhuravlev V.S., Pakhnevich A.V.


The brachiopod–brachiopod relationships are analyzed for the first time based on the original material and literary data. The oppression of brachiopods by each other in the dense settlement is considered as amensalism. The only type of brachiopod relationships that may be considered as parasitism are brachiopod settlements within each other’s shells. The through growing of spines and pedicle rhizoids into the brachiopod–host shell, immurement and weighting of shells in druses is considered as pseudoparasitism. New terms “endopseudoparasitism” and “ectopseudoparasitism” are suggested.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):497-505
pages 497-505 views

Trilobites from the Gzhelian (Pennsylvanian) of the Moscow Region

Mychko E.V., Alekseev A.S.


A new trilobite species, Ditomopyge (Carniphillipsia) mosquensis sp. nov., from the Gzhelian of the Moscow Region (Rusavkino, Gzhel, and Shchelkovo localities) is described. Its members have previously been assigned to Ditomopyge (Carniphillipsia) planiloba (Weber, 1933). The establishment of Griffithides gruenewaldti var. ivanovi Ivanov et Weber in Weber, 1937, which has previously been regarded as a synonym of Kaskia gruenewaldti (von Möller, 1868) (Hanh and Hahn, 1970), as a valid species, Kaskia ivanovi (Ivanov et Weber in Weber, 1937), is confirmed.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):506-519
pages 506-519 views

Ordovician Ostracods from the Core of the Gaindinskaya-3 Reference Borehole (Tunguska Syneclise, Siberian Platform)

Gonta T.V., Kanygin A.V.


The core of the Gaindinskaya-3 reference borehole disclosing a complete section of Ordovician deposits in the basin of the middle reaches of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River has yielded a diverse ostracod assemblage, which supplements the paleontological characteristics of the Upper Ordovician of the Siberian Platform. Three new genera and 14 new species are described; the previously known taxa are provided with photographs. The characteristics of stratigraphic distribution of ostracod assemblages in the section of the core are considered and boundaries between some regional stages and ostracod biozones are revised.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):520-534
pages 520-534 views

Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Upper Mesozoic Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Transbaikalia): Part 1. Imago

Sukacheva I.D., Vasilenko D.V.


New caddisfly taxa, Anisocalamus mixtus gen. et sp. nov. (Calamoceratidae) and Palaeorheithrus sibiricus gen. et sp. nov. (Philorheithridae), from the Chernovskie Kopi locality are described based on adults. Possibly, the genus Anisocalamus should be placed between the families Calamoceratidae and Vitimotauliidae. The caddisfly fauna of Chernovskie Kopi strongly differs in taxonomic composition from other Mesozoic localities.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):535-540
pages 535-540 views

On the Fauna of Bristletails (Zygentoma, Microcoryphia) of the Rovno Amber

Kaplin V.G., Perkovsky E.E.


Two bristletail species of the order Zygentoma, Allacrotelsa dubia (Lucas, 1842) (Lepismatidae) and Lepidotrix pilifera (Menge, 1854) (Lepidotrichidae), are recorded in Late Eocene Rovno amber for the first time. One new species of the order Microcoryphia, Lepismachilis eocaenica sp. nov., most similar to L. (B.) targionii (Grassi, 1887), is described.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):541-545
pages 541-545 views

Juvenile Leuroglossus kobylianskyi (Argentiformes, Microstomatidae, Bathylaginae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island

Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V.


A juvenile of the deep-sea smelt Leuroglossus kobylianskyi from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island is described for the first time. In color features, juvenile L. kobylianskyi is similar to fry of extant L. schmidti. It is shown that the bone skeleton and color of L. kobylianskyi developed at a higher rate than in L. schmidti.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):546-549
pages 546-549 views

On the Finding of Neosuchians (Neosuchia, Crocodyliformes) in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) Deposits of the Moscow Region

Pashchenko D.I., Kuzmin I.T., Sennikov A.G., Skutschas P.P., Efimov M.B.


Remains of neosuchian crocodyliforms (isolated teeth, fragment mandibular bone) from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) Peski locality in the Moscow Region are described for the first time. The neosuchian from Peski is characterized by well-pronounced ornamentation on the dermal skull bones, and also bicarinate teeth oval in cross section without serration and with triangular conical crowns and fine striation of the enamel. The similarity of Bathonian vertebrate faunas of the Moscow Region, Great Britain, Western Siberia, and Kyrgyzstan is evidence of homogeneity of the vertebrate fauna throughout Laurasia.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):550-562
pages 550-562 views

Stellarossica gen. nov. and the Infragroup Keltmiides infragroup. nov.: Extremely Large Acanthomorph Acritarchs from the Vendian of Siberia and the East European Platform

Vorob’eva V.G., Sergeev V.N.


The lower Vendian microbiota of the Ura Formation, Baikal-Patom Highland, eastern Siberia, contains remains of acanthomorph acritarchs almost 1 millimeter in diameter that is extremely large for Precambrian microfossils. The microremains have been described as the new genus and species Stellarossica ampla gen. et sp. nov., and altogether with the morphologically and dimensionally similar Pertatataka-type (ECAP) acanthomorph acritarchs Keltmia, Weissiella and Galeasphaeridium from the Vendian deposits of the East European Platform, are placed in the formal infragroup Keltmiides. Lower Vendian acanthomorph acritarchs are either interpreted as remains of giant algae or eggs (diapause egg cysts) of the earliest invertebrates, and the new finds tend to support the latter hypothesis.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):563-573
pages 563-573 views

A New Species of Marskea Florin (Pinopsida) from the Middle Jurassic of the Irkutsk Coal Basin (East Siberia)

Nosova N.V., Kiritchkova A.I.


The study of conifer twigs from the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Irkutsk Coal Basin, previously described as Sequoia and Taxocladus, shows their morphology and epidermal characters to be similar to those of Marskea leaves. A new species Marskea heeriana N. Nosova et Kiritch. is described. A new combination, Marskea latifolia (Kiritch.) N. Nosova, comb. nov., is proposed for leafy twigs from the Early Cretaceous of the Lena Basin, originally described as Florinia latifolia Kiritch.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):574-581
pages 574-581 views

Questions of Nomenclature

pages 582-582 views
pages 583-585 views

On the Nomenclature of the Genera Krylovia and Samarospadix (Vojnovskyales)

Doweld A.B.
Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(5):586-588
pages 586-588 views

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