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Vol 53, No 10 (2019)



Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):983-983
pages 983-983 views

A Summary of Recent Results in the Study of Taimyr Amber

Perkovsky E.E., Vasilenko D.V.


Two families, two tribes, 30 genera and 57 insect species are described as new from Taimyr amber, as well as the first new plant genus and species to be described from this amber during the 21st century. Based on the study of the Taimyr amber, two Cretaceous zoogeographic realms (“Baeomorpha” and “Isoptera”) are recognized.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):984-993
pages 984-993 views

A New Species of the Genus Eldermyrmex Shattuck, 2011 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Bitterfeld Amber (Late Eocene) with Species Key of the Genus

Dubovikoff D.A., Dlussky G.M., Perkovsky E.E., Abakumov E.V.


Eldermyrmex oblongiceps (Wheeler, 1915) is redescribed and a second species of the genus, E. exsectus sp. nov., is described from the Late Eocene Bitterfeld amber. Differential diagnosis and key to the species are given.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):994-997
pages 994-997 views

New Records of Upper Eocene Chrysidoid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) from Basins of Styr and Stokhod Rivers (Rovno Amber)

Martynova K.V., Perkovsky E.E., Olmi M., Vasilenko D.V.


Three species of chrysidoid wasps, Palaeobethylus longicollis (Chrysididae), Dryinus wunderlichi and D. reifi (Dryinidae) are recorded for the first time for Rovno amber from the basin of Styr River (Voronki), and one species, Palaeoanteon janzeni (Dryinidae), is recorded for the first time for Rovno amber from the basin of Stokhod River (Kukhotskaya Volya). Taking into account the new records of chrysidoid wasps and myrmiciine ants, a total of 64 species of Rovno hymenopterans (52%) are registered at Baltic amber. All known fossil records of the wasps in the superfamily Chrysidoidea are listed.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):998-1023
pages 998-1023 views

New Species of Malachite Beetles (Coleoptera, Dasytidae) in Baltic Amber

Tshernyshev S.E.


Four new species of malachite beetles (Coleoptera, Dasytidae) are described from Late Eocene Baltic amber, namely two species of the genus Aplocnemus Stephens, 1830 and a species of the genus Aploceble Majer, 1998, both from the tribe Aplocnemini Majer, 1987 of the subfamily Rhadalinae Leconte, 1862, and a species of the genus Dasytes Paykull, 1799 from the tribe Dasytini Leech, 1817 and subfamily Dasytinae Laporte de Castelnau, 1840. The new species Aplocnemus (Aplocnemus) hoffeinsorum sp. nov. is characterized by flabellate antennae and yellowish-brown legs. The new species resembles the Central Pyrenean endemic species A. (A.) temperei Constantin, 2007 in a suite of characters, but can easily be distinguished by its flabellate antennae, larger body size, coarse puncturation of the surface and elytra slightly widened posteriorly. Aplocnemus (Ischnopalpus) baltiensis sp. nov. differs in the triangular serrate middle antennomeres, wide triangular last palpomere, and surface with strong, dense puncturation, covered with long black erect hairs. Aploceble (Aploceble) lateantennata sp. nov. has dark-brown legs, which allow comparison with A. (A.) fuscipes Majer, 2008, which has light-brown legs, but the new species differs in the wide triangular middle antennomeres, which from the 4th to the 10th are wider than long, as well as in the coarse sparse puncturation of the dorsal surface. Characters to distinguish the new species from its congeners are given in the key to Aploceble species. The new species Dasytes (Mesodasytes) ochraceus sp. nov. can easily be recognized from its congeners by the yellow-brown coloration of the body with narrow black stripes on the apical antennomeres, the inner margins of the femora and the apices of the tarsomeres. In outward appearance it is similar to Dasytes (Mesodasytes) croceipes Kiesenwetter, 1866 which has the legs partly yellow-orange, but differs in the elongate 3rd antennomere, the distinct carina above the epipleura, and the lateral margins of the pronotum depressed posteriorly.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1024-1035
pages 1024-1035 views

A New Genus of the Tribe Curculionini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Baltic Amber

Legalov A.A.


Pseudoergania perkovskyi gen. et sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Baltic amber. The new genus is similar to the oriental genus Ergania Pascoe, 1882, but differs in the tibia lacking uncus, transverse-oval eyes, evenly convex elytra, antennal scrobes directed under the eyes, and metaepisterna expanding towards the metacoxae. This is the first record of the subtribe Erganiina in fossil state, and the first described representative of the tribe Curculionini in Baltic amber.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1036-1039
pages 1036-1039 views

A New Genus of Tooth-Nosed Snout Weevils (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae) in Baltic Amber

Kania J., Legalov A.A.


The Eoropseudauletes plucinskii gen. et. sp. nov. from Baltic amber are described and illustrated. The new genus differs from the genus Pseudauletes Voss, 1922 in the naked body, large eyes, thick rostrum and not flattened tibiae. It is distinguished from the genus Cesauletes Hamilton, 1983 in the rounded apex of the elytra when both are together, tibiae with costate dorsal margin, narrow not long antennal club, and pronotum without pro- and postnotal grooves and from the genus Eugnamptidea Wickham, 1912 in the elytra with indistinct striae and rostrum without middle carinae. There is the first record of the tribe Pseudauletina in Baltic amber.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1040-1044
pages 1040-1044 views

New Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Rovno Amber

Legalov A.A., Nazarenko V.Y., Perkovsky E.E.


A new genus Rovnoslonik Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky gen. nov. (type species Rovnoslonik damzeni Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky sp. nov.; tribe Stromboscerini, subfamily Dryophthorinae), new species Caulophilus martynovae Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky sp. nov. (Cossoninae: Dryotribini), Dorytomus vlaskini Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky sp. nov. (Curculioninae: Ellescini: Dorytomina), Paonaupactus katyae Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky sp. nov., and Paonaupactus gracilis Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky sp. nov. (Entiminae: Anypotactini) are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. These are the first records of the genera Dorytomus Germar, 1817 and Paonaupactus Voss, 1953 from Rovno amber.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1045-1059
pages 1045-1059 views

First Findings of Gall Midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) of the Tribes Karshomyiini (Mexican Amber) and Bremiini (Dominican Amber)

Fedotova Z.A., Perkovsky E.E.


Two new genera and species of gall midges are described from Lower-Middle Miocene amber, based on males, which have binodose flagellomeres possessing long looplike sensorial filae: Mexicanodiplosis katyae gen. et sp. nov. (Coquillettomyiidi, Karshomyiini) from Mexican amber, and Ipsseptemmyiarossi gen. et sp. nov. (Aphidoletidi, Bremiini) from Dominican amber. Coquillettomyiidi were previously unknown from fossil resins. An undescribed species of the genus Bremia was previously found in Mexican amber. This is the first gall midge to be described from Dominican amber. Altogether, including the new taxa, 11 species and eight genera of Cecidomyiinae with binodose flagellomeres were found in Mexican amber (five genera, five species), Dominican amber and Rovno amber (one genus, one species each), and Baltic amber (one genus, three species).

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1060-1073
pages 1060-1073 views

Comparing Arachnids in Rovno Amber with the Baltic and Bitterfeld Deposits

Jason A. Dunlop ., Marusik Y., Vlaskin A.P.


So far 107 families of chelicerates are known from the Rovno amber, which is comparable with those known from the Baltic amber (144 families) and three times more than in Bitterfeld amber; 19 families of arachnids reported from Rovno amber are not known in Baltic amber deposits. The tropical mite family Eupalopsellidae is excluded from the Rovno amber fauna. The mite family Autognetidae and spider genus Orchestina Simon, 1882 (Oonopidae) are reported from Rovno amber for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1074-1083
pages 1074-1083 views

Mosses from Rovno Amber (Ukraine). 5. New Findings and Comparison of Mosses from Rovno and Baltic Amber

Ignatov M.S., Lamkowski P., Ignatova E.A., Kulikovskiy M.S., Mamontov Y.S., Vasilenko D.V.


Two new species are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber: Sematophyllites katyae Ignatov and Ignatova sp. nov. and S. rovnoi Ignatov and Ignatova sp. nov., and S. subjulaceum is recorded from a new locality. The spectra of moss families of the Rovno and Baltic amber are compared. A conclusion is made on the general similarity of the growing environment present in the Rovno and Baltic amber forests, where existed suitable conditions for Sphagnum, which grew submerged being heavily covered with diatoms.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1084-1094
pages 1084-1094 views

Liverworts from Rovno Amber (Ukraine). 8. Frullania ekaterinae sp. nov. and F. schmalhausenii sp. nov.

Mamontov Y.S., Ignatov M.S., Perkovsky E.E.


A study of Rovno amber revealed two liverworts of the genus Frullania (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta), new to the Late Eocene flora of Rovno amber. One of these liverworts is characterized by the mammillose surface of the upper part of ventral lobules. This taxon is described as F. ekaterinae Mamontov, Ignatov, and Perkovsky, sp. nov. The other is distinguished by the ventral lobules remote from the stem and tilted outwards. This taxon is interpreted as a new species, F. schmalhausenii Mamontov, Ignatov and Perkovsky, sp. nov.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1095-1103
pages 1095-1103 views

First Record of Fungal Fruit Bodies on a Leaf from Late Eocene Rovno Amber (Ukraine)

Hayova V.P., Tykhonenko Y.Y., Sukhomlyn M.M., Martynova K.V., Vasilenko D.V.


The first record of fruit bodies of a microscopic fungus on the leaf of an unidentified dicotyledonous plant in amber is reported. The fungus is represented by numerous superficial fruit bodies (up to 35 in total), presumably of an ascomycetous fungus, at various stages of development. Ascomata are small, single, scattered all over the surface of half a leaf, setose. Setae are numerous, stiff, brown to black, densely covering the entire surface of the ascomata. In external appearance, the fungus reminds representatives of several taxonomic groups of non-lichenized ascomycetes. However, combination of the observed morphological characters does not fit any extant genus of foliicolous ascomycetes. Most probably, this fungus belongs to the group of lichenized fungi. In our opinion, in taxonomic position it may be close to extant representatives of the family Porinaceae (Lecanoromycetes), but possesses a unique combination of morphological characteristics.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1104-1110
pages 1104-1110 views

In Memory of Ekaterina Alekseevna Sidorchuk (9.07.1981–20.01.2019)

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(10):1111-1115
pages 1111-1115 views

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