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Vol 52, No 14 (2018)



Rozhnov S.V.
Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1651-1651
pages 1651-1651 views

In the Memory of Academician E.I. Vorobyeva and Professor L.V. Belousov

Rozhnov S.V.


The conference “Morphogenesis in individual and historical development: ontogeny and formation of biological diversity, 2017,” as well as the collective volume presented here, are dedicated to the memory of two eminent, recently deceased biologists: Academician Emilia Ivanovna Vorobyeva and Professor Lev Vladimirovich Belousov. They were at the forefront of organizing a series of conferences on morphogenesis, and made a great contribution, albeit in different aspects, to evolutionary developmental biology. The deaths of Emilia Ivanovna and Lev Vladimirovich are a great loss for participants of the conferences on morphogenesis and for biological science in general.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1652-1654
pages 1652-1654 views

Genomic-Morphogenetic Correlations and Evolutionary Trajectories of Bilateria

Isaeva V.V.


Comparative genomics helps to link characteristics of the genome and evolutionary trajectories by revealing the genomic correlates of morphological complexity and differences in the body plans of multicellular animals. Comparison of the organization of Hox clusters and expression of Hox genes with organismal morphology allows the emergence of macroevolutionary innovations as changes in morphogenesis and body plan of Bilateria, depending on the pattern of Hox code to be traced. We examine a correlation node that includes various types of organization of clustered (initially) Hox genes, early embryogenesis type, cellular developmental resources, thereby determining alternative evolutionary trajectories of various Bilateria taxa. Biological diversity inevitably manifests itself at all levels of organization and all stages of the evolution of the animal world, and therefore the reduction of the evolutionary strategies of Bilateria, and, moreover, all Metazoa, to a few simplified versions is impossible.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1655-1662
pages 1655-1662 views

Evolutionary Trends in Hox Cluster Genes Utilization: Whether Common Genes Play by General Rules?

Kulakova M.A.


The idea of Hox genes and their work was developed in the studies of classical model animals belonging to the lineages of Ecdysozoa (Drosophila, Tribolium, Caenorhabditis) and Deuterostomia (mouse, chicken, Xenopus, and zebrafish). Subsequently the list of objects was continued by Spiralia (mollusks, polychaetes, brachiopods, rotiferans) and expanded every year by animals with complicated phylogenetic positions or interesting developmental programs. To date, a sufficient set of data has been accumulated to search for ancestral, i.e., constant, features in representatives of different taxa, based on similarities and dissimilarities in the usage of Hox genes to try to reconstruct UrBilateria—a common ancestor of bilateral animals.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1663-1671
pages 1663-1671 views

Architectonics of Metazoa as the Basis for the Reconstruction of the Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Extinct Taxa

Rozhnov S.V.


Architectonics is the study of the division of the animal body into modular structures that are to some extent autonomous in their ontogeny and phylogeny. Thereby it allows key points in the ontogeny of many fossil taxa to be identified. Studying the symmetry of the mutual arrangement of the modular structures of the organism and its evolution, together with the analysis of architectonics, promorphology helps to clarify the evolution of ontogeny in real geological time and thereby brings together paleontology and developmental biology. The application of this approach to echinoderms enables the presence of a torsion process in the ontogeny of all Pelmatozoa and Soluta (among Carpozoa), and the absence of this process in Stylophora, to be demonstrated. The analysis of architectonics and promorphology of Paleozoic tetracorals (Rugosa) revealed the correlation of the oral-aboral and dorsal-ventral axes of their larvae with the oral-aboral and directive axes of the polyp developing from them. This shows that the bilateral symmetry of Anthozoa and possibly of all Cnidaria preceded their radial symmetry.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1672-1678
pages 1672-1678 views

Morphogenesis and Evolution of the Blastopore

Cherdantsev V.G., Korvin-Pavlovskaya E.G.


The blastopore evolution is considered as a model example of the evolution of morphogenesis mechanism based on dipole interactions between the sources and sinks of epithelial sheet surface energy. The blastopore arises as a singular point of the vector field movement of a spherical surface having a zero velocity of the planar flow being surrounded by a toroidal surface (“border torus,” BT). The BT domain is the region of maximum difference in the planar surface flow velocity and, as a consequence, of maximum variability of the gastrulation movements. The evolution of gastrulation begins with the blastopore closure and continues through the formation of intercalary developmental stages that precede this closure leading to an increase in the blastopore diameter (retrograde evolution). Only three types of robust sink/source distributions at the BT surface are feasible irrespective to their phylogenetic origin. First, it is the “unilateral” gastrulation of Lophotrochozoa with the source and sinks at two opposite BT poles and two bilaterally symmetrical flows along BT. Then, it is the “bilateral” gastrulation of Ecdysozoa with two bilaterally symmetrical surface sources and two sinks at the opposite blastopore poles. Thirdly, it is the “radial” gastrulation of Deuterostomia including Chordates: one of the BT poles is a sink of the surface coming from two sources: from the outer BT surface adjacent to the sink and from the opposite pole of the BT circumference. In the evolution of the blastopore of chordates from the lancelet to amniotes, it is possible to trace the gradual replacement of gastrulation movements with pre-gastrulation cellular flows due to fixation of heterochronies, set out in the normal variability of morphogenesis. Since the variability of structures is reduced as they are formed, the evolution uses variability of earlier developmental stages.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1679-1696
pages 1679-1696 views

Algebraic Geometry of Icosahedral Viruses

Voytekhovsky Y.L.


In previous papers, the author has shown that the polyhedral structures of fullerene type are widespread in the living and mineral worlds. They are most clearly manifested in the capsids of icosahedral viruses, the geometry of which has been well studied. This article demonstrates that the nomenclature, classification, and potential transformations of these polyhedral structures can be succinctly described by means of matrix algebra.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1697-1700
pages 1697-1700 views

Biotic Crises and Giantism of Radiolarian Skeletons in the Late Paleozoic

Afanasieva M.S.


The phenomenon of giantism and minimalism in the skeleton of Late Paleozoic radiolarians is very unusually and has not yet been studied. However, this is not ugliness, but inherited morphological features, probably reflecting environmental influences and habitats. The analysis of 618 radiolarian skeletons has shown (1) inverse role of giant and small individuals in the Devonian (2% of giants and 11.7% of dwarfs) and Carboniferous–Permian (22.5% of giants and 2.2% of dwarfs); (2) a general trend toward increasing maximum conditional diameter of a conditional cell, which became 11 times greater, changing from 2% in the Devonian to 21.5% in the Carboniferous–Permian. This trend toward increasing size of skeletons and giantism in Late Paleozoic radiolarians could have indicated degeneration and reflected decline of radiolarians before mass extinction at the boundaries of the Devonian and Carboniferous (97.8% of species), Permian and Triassic (99.0% of species).

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1701-1709
pages 1701-1709 views

From Regeneration to Coloniality: Multiple Buds in the Solitary Coral Bothrophyllum conicum Trautschold, 1879 (Rugosa) in the Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin

Kazantseva E.S., Rozhnov S.V.


Bothrophyllum conicum displays three known types of regeneration. The damaged zone is rebuilt during epimorphosis, as observed in cases of healing. Compensatory regeneration, typical for many groups of corals, is expressed in the restoration of the diameter of corallites and the typical arrangement of septa after reduction of diameter and “rejuvenation” of the arrangement of septa. Morphallaxis is the most morphogenetically complex process, in which the development of one or several buds on the maternal corallite from the residues of tissues of a damaged corallite is possible. The reorganization of the damaged tissue during morphallaxis is similar to asexual reproduction in the arrangement of newly formed septa, which are positioned like buds relative to the skeletal elements of the maternal corallite. If the maternal corallite dies, forming multiple buds, the space between the buds continues to develop and grow, forming a kind of connective tissue around the bud corallites, with a large number of skeletal elements. Probably, this tissue of the maternal organism between the buds is a source of material for the newly formed buds, similar to the coenosarc in colonial corals. The location of the plane of symmetry passing through the main and opposite septum of the buds usually coincides with the direction of the most pronounced septum of the maternal corallite that underlies the bud. Sometimes, with no dominant septa at the base of the buds, the plane of symmetry is perpendicular to the maternal septa.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1710-1722
pages 1710-1722 views

Features of Coloniality As a Basis for the Morphologic Diversity of Jurassic and Cretaceous Bryozoans of the Class Stenolaemata

Viskova L.A.


The following most significant features of the colonial organization of the Jurassic and Cretaceous stenolaemate bryozoans are considered: life forms, autozooids, heterozooids, and trophic structuring of colonies. These and other features and their variations and all possible combinations form the basis of the morphological diversity of these bryozoans.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1723-1731
pages 1723-1731 views

Formation of the Diversity of the Brachiopod Order Spiriferida at the Devonian–Carboniferous Boundary

Afanasjeva G.A.


The diversity of the brachiopod order Spiriferida at the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary possibly formed due to the changes in the sedimentation that took place during this period and influenced the composition and hardness of the seafloor substrates and bottom-water hydrodynamics in the marine basins. These characteristics are considered among the main factors, both stimulating and restricting, that determined the composition and ethological trophic type of the main spiriferide taxa at this stage.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1732-1740
pages 1732-1740 views
pages 1741-1745 views

Paleozoic Ammonoids: Historical Pathways of the Development of Morphological Diversity

Leonova T.B.


The history of Paleozoic ammonoids can be subdivided into two large intervals: Devonian and Carboniferous–Permian. There were two major evolutionary pathways: changes in the external shell morphology and changes in the suture, a character observed only in cephalopods. Almost all major shell types and ornamentation appeared at early stages of the evolution of the subclass Ammonoidea (archaic diversity). The suture in ancient taxa in this group was represented by virtually all known types, except for the complexly dissected suture lines of the “Mesozoic type” that appeared only at the end of the Paleozoic. During the time of the subclass’s existence, Devonian morphotypes recurrently appeared in different orders. The senile diversity was associated with the diversification of exotic taxa at the end of the Ammonoidea evolution.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1746-1755
pages 1746-1755 views

Morphogenetic Features of the Exoskeleton in Early Jawless Vertebrates (Osteostraci, Agnatha): Geometry of the Shield Sections

Afanassieva O.B.


Based on available information (original studies and published data), a brief review of the structure and morphogenetic features of the exoskeleton of osteostracan agnathan vertebrates (Osteostraci, Vertebrata) is provided. The geometry of vertical cross sections of the cephalothoracic shield in different osteostracan taxa is analyzed.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1756-1763
pages 1756-1763 views
pages 1764-1770 views

First Record of Stegosaur (Ornithischia, Dinosauria) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia

Tumanova T.A., Alifanov V.R.


The first Mongolian stegosaur, Mongolostegus exspectabilis gen. et sp. nov., Stegosauridae (Ornithischia), represented by a series of anterior caudal vertebrae and bones of the pelvic girdle is described. The vertebral structure and massiveness and morphological features of pubic bones provide a unique combination of features, allowing recognition of diagnostic characters. The new taxon comes from the Aptian–Albian deposits of the Khamryn-Us locality (Mongolia) and belongs to the latest Stegosauridae (Ornithschia).

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1771-1779
pages 1771-1779 views

Chorological and Geochemical Factors of Morphogenesis, Using Deviant Forms of Rana arvalis Nilsson, 1842 as an Example

Vershinin V.L., Vershinina S.D.


The frequencies of five abnormal variants of juveniles in populations of the moor frog Rana arvalis in urbanization gradient are analyzed based on 39-year-long monitoring. The data on the limits of occurrences of this deviations in natural conditions are obtained. An increase in the frequency of features under study with the growth of concentration of certain ions, general mineralization, and pH is recorded. Notwithstanding fragmentation of environment and insulation of continuous geographical range, parallelism of the trends in morphological changes in particular isolates is shown. At the same time, the distribution of relatively rare anomalies can be limited by the presence of natural physical barriers.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1780-1788
pages 1780-1788 views

On the Systematics and Scale for Measuring Historical Pathways of the Development of Morphological Diversity

Savostyanov G.A.


Parametrical classification of elementary units of multicellularity (of histiones), looking like a periodic table, is proposed. It allows both estimation and prediction of the development of histiones. In addition, it compactly reflects extensive phenomenology of development, deriving it from a few principles and, hence, allowing compression of information. The system of histiones included in the table is also represented as a circular diagram, and it is shown that adequate consideration of this set requires the use of at least five scales.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1789-1798
pages 1789-1798 views

Embryonization of Ontogeny and Evolution of Life Cycles of Modular Organisms

Notov A.A.


The specifics of modular organisms led to a diversity of life cycles, and various forms of embryonization have significantly increased it. The reduction of one or two generations contributed to a significant transformation of the cycles and organization of bionts. The main modes of evolution of the life cycles of modular organisms, coupled with the processes of embryonization of ontogeny, are considered and their role in different systematic groups is estimated.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(14):1799-1805
pages 1799-1805 views

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