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Vol 53, No 7 (2019)


Skeletal Nets of the Ediacaran Fronds

Luzhnaya (Serezhnikova) E.A., Ivantsov A.Y.


The Ediacara fauna is traditionally regarded as the first complex, diverse and widespread macroscopic life. The uncertainty of systematic position of its members has led to very different views on the early evolution of metazoans. In part, this may be due to a lack of data on sclerotization: a hard skeleton is a part of the archetype of the most taxa known from the fossil record, whereas the Ediacara fauna as a whole is most often considered soft-bodied, which complicates comparison. Here we report the Late Precambrian frond-like fossils (Petalonamae) from the Vendian assemblage of the Southeastern White Sea area (∼555.3 Ma), which show evidence of elaborate skeleton composed of a regular meshwork reinforced by dense longitudinal and circular bands. Judging from the nature of preservation and the dynamics of the environment Ediacaran fronds secreted a relatively rigid but flexible skeleton. The fact that frond-like Petalonamae had a supporting structure similar to that of sponges and cnidarians seems to be a powerful argument in favor of their metazoan affinity. The new observations indicated also that the widespread skeletonization had occurred long before the “Cambrian skeletal revolution”.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(7):667-675
pages 667-675 views

Morphology and Systematic Position of the Cambrian Zooproblematic Torellella gracilenta Esakova, 1996 (Order Hyolithelmintida Fisher, 1962)

Demidenko Y.E.


Phosphatic sclerites Torellella gracilenta Esakova, 1996 from the Lower Cambrian Khatyng Member are studied from the Byd’yangaya Section (Tommotian Stage, D. regularis zone, Siberian Platform). The microlayered microstructure of the sclerites of T. gracilenta is studied for the first time. It is suggested that the organisms studied have a polychaete affinity.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(7):676-688
pages 676-688 views

Revision of the Early and Middle Cambrian Acrotretids (Brachiopoda, Linguliformea) from the Siberian Platform

Ushatinskaya G.T., Korovnikov I.V.


This paper continues our revision of Yu.L. Pelman’s collection of the linguliformean brachiopods and of our own material from the Early–Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform (for previous papers see (Ushatinskaya and Korovnikov, 2014, 2016). The present paper focuses on the order Acrotretida. Linnarssonia, Homotreta, Prototreta, Opistotreta, and Kostjubella (family Acrotretidae) were restudied using the scanning electron microscope. Kostjubella (family Acrotretidae) and Erbotreta (family Ceratretidae) are described for the first time from the Siberian Platform. Some species described by Pelman are placed into synonymy. Two new species, Linnarssonia ulakhani and Erbotreta elankii, are established.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(7):689-714
pages 689-714 views

Synchrotron Tomographic Study of the Permian Kaninospirifer (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida)

Pakhnevich A.V., Kovalenko E.S., Kaloyan A.A., Podurets K.M.


New characteristic features of five species of Kaninospirifer Kulikov et Stepanov in Stepanov, Kulikov, Sultanaev, 1975 from the Permian of the Kanin Peninsula and South Mongolia were revealed using synchrotron tomography. All studied species of Kaninospirifer have dental plates composed of adminicula and dental flanges and delthyrial plate in the ventral valve. The brachidium structure of the type species of Kaninospirifer, K. kaninensis (Licharew, 1943) is specified. The generic diagnosis is emended and a neotype of type species K. kaninensis is selected. Kaninospirifer is referred to the subfamily Neospiriferinae.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(7):715-728
pages 715-728 views

New Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) from the Earlymost Eocene Oise Amber

Legalov A.A., Kirejtshuk A.G., Nel A.


Several new tribes, genera and species of Curculionoidea are described from the earlymost Eocene Oise amber (France), viz., the new tribes Oiserhinini trib. nov. (type genus: Oiserhinus gen. nov.) (in Anthribidae: Anthribinae), Palaeotanaini trib. nov. (type genus: Palaeotanaos Kirejtshuk, Legalov et Nel, 2015) (in Brentidae: Apioninae), Sciabregmini trib. nov. (type genus: Sciabregma Scudder 1893) (in Curculionidae: Molytinae); the new genera Oiserhinus gen. nov. (type species: Oiserhinusinsolitus sp. nov.), Oisecalles gen. nov. (type species: Oisecalles latosquamosus sp. nov.) in Cryptorhynchini: Cryptorhynchina), Rhinoporkus gen. nov. (type species: Rhinoporkus gratiosus sp. nov.) (in Dryophthorinae: Dryophthorini), Jantarhinus gen. nov. (type species: Jantarhinus compressus sp. nov.) (in Conoderinae: Conoderini), Jantaronosik gen. nov. (type species: Jantaronosik nebulosus sp. nov.) (in Curculioninae: Acalyptini), Tolstonosik gen. nov. (type species: Tolstonosikoisensis sp. nov.) (in Entiminae: Eudiagogini); and the new species Oiserhinusinsolitus sp. nov., Sciabregmasquamosa sp. nov., Oisecalles latosquamosus sp. nov., Rhinoporkus gratiosus sp. nov., Jantarhinus compressus sp. nov., Jantaronosik nebulosus sp. nov., and Tolstonosikoisensis sp. nov. The generic name Protoceletes Rheinheimer, 2007, syn. nov. is synonymized under Electrotribus Hustache, 1942. New combination of name (Electrotribuswolfschwenningerae (Rheinheimer, 2007), comb. nov. is established. Synopsis of the weevil findings from described groups are presented.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(7):729-751
pages 729-751 views

Paleontological Characterization of the Triassic Deposits of the Korotaikha Depression (Northern Cis-Urals)

Novikov I.V., Aristov D.S., Sukacheva I.D.


The revised and new paleontological data on tetrapods and insects from the Triassic stratons of the Korotaikha Depression are given. A new species of cockroaches (family Caloblattinidae), Taublatta yaga Aristov, sp. nov. is described from the lower subformation of the Nyadeita Formation (Lower Anisian) based on the forewing impression.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(7):752-756
pages 752-756 views

Carbon Isotope Composition and Concentration of Fe-Group Elements in the Sedimentary Organic Matter from Rocks of Different Ages

Felitsyn S.B., Alfimova N.A.


The Fe/Co ratio (ppm) in the kerogen from different-aged clastic sediments (Early Proterozoic–Mesozoic) varies from 17 to 4100, and δ13C value varies from –14.8 to –32.6‰. The relationship between Fe/Co and δ13C is determined by the composition of microbial biota in paleobasins and superimposed metamorphic processes. The kerogen from the Vendian deposits of the East European Platform, containing a large amount of saprophytes and actinomycetes is characterized by the maximum Co concentration. The kerogen from deposits metamorphosed under amphibolite-facies conditions are characterized by the minimal δ13C and the maximum Fe/Co ratio values.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(7):757-765
pages 757-765 views

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