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Vol 52, No 13 (2018)


Distribution of Atdabanian (Early Cambrian) Trilobites, Archaeocyaths, and Small Shelly Fossils in the Altai–Sayan Folded Area

Korovnikov I.V., Novozhilova N.V., Tokarev D.A.


The distribution of the main faunal groups of the Atdabanian Age of Early Cambrian in the Altai–Sayan folded area (ASFA) are analyzed. It is shown that Late Atdabanian assemblages of small shelly fossils of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Altai Mountains include in general the same taxa. At that time, these territories were probably situated rather close to each other and connected with the Siberian Platform. A similar result was obtained analyzing the distribution of trilobite assemblages. It is shown that the Western and Eastern Sayan Mountains have more similar forms with Mongolian assemblages. It is also shown that, in the Atdabanian, the greatest taxonomic diversity of trilobites was confined to the areas of the paleobasin where there was accumulation of organogenic carbonate sediments. It is shown that archaeocyaths from ASFA are older than the taxa characteristic of the assemblage from the Nochoroicyathus mariiskii Zone. At the boundary of the Kiya and Kameshki horizons, archaeocyaths sharply increase in abundance and many taxa with the ring and complex internal walls appeared. This boundary is traced throughout the territory of ASFA.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1481-1493
pages 1481-1493 views

The Order Anetshelloida (Mollusca, Rostroconchia): Origin, Patterns, Mechanisms

Mazaev A.V.


Anetshella golowkinskyi (Netchaev, 1894) and Oxyprora tschernyschewi (Licharew, 1931) are shown to be directly related despite their definitive shells being morphologically different. As there are no other known rostroconch species in the semi-isolated Kazanian basin, O. tschernyschewi is the only contender for an ancestral taxon. The material described in this paper shows that the morphologies of the juvenile specimens of O. tschernyschewi and the definitive shell of A. golowkinskyi are largely homologous. The aromorphic transition from the bivalvian shell of O. tschernyschewi, typical of rostroconchs, to the cap-like shell of A. golowkinskyi was on one hand fixation and subsequent development of juvenile characters, typical of the initial phase of the juvenile stage of the O. tschernyschewi shell, and on the other hand by positive allometry of the rostrum. The considerable restructuring of the body plan of Anetshella was accompanied by the appearance of morphological novelties uncharacteristic of other rostroconchs, pegma and two transverse septa, and evolutionary losses such as loss of a series of plesiomorphic characters.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1494-1503
pages 1494-1503 views

The Genus Delphinites Sayn (Ammonoidea: Neocomitidae) in the Lower Valanginian of the Russian Platform

Mitta V.V.


This paper presents the results of the revision of the taxonomic composition and stratigraphic distribution of Central Russian representatives of the Valanginian genus Delphinites. The lower Undaloplicatilis zone of the Valanginian in the basin of the Sura River (Menya River) contains D. undulatoplicatilis (Stchirowsky) [subjective synonyms: Oxynoticeras tuberculiferum Stchirowsky, Pseudogarnieria securis Sasonova], D. menensis (Stchirowsky), D. alatyrense (Kemper), D. kurmyschensis (Stchirowsky), D. stchirowskyi (Sasonova), D. donovani Alsen et Rawson and D. heineae sp. nov. In addition, Delphinites sp. was figured from the Michalskii Zone (terminal Lower Valanginian) of the Kostroma Region (Unzha River). Thus, the interval of distribution of the genus Delphinites is not restricted by the basal zone of the Valanginian.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1504-1516
pages 1504-1516 views

Variability of Relative Body Chamber Length in Jurassic Ammonites of the Family Cardioceratidae Siemiradzki, 1891, and Its Taxonomic Significance

Kiselev D.N.


Analysis of the variability of the angular length of the body chamber in the subfamilies Arctocephalitinae and Cadoceratinae (family Cardioceratidae) has shown that this feature is extremely variable both at the species level and within the genus. For most taxa the length of the body chamber (either fixed values, or mean statistical values) has no identification significance. Estimates of high variability of the body chamber length allow some classification systems of early cardioceratids to be critically evaluated and some concepts of the theoretical shell morphology and paleobiology of ammonites to be reassessed. This is primarily based on models, in which the length of the body chamber coincides with the length of the soft body, and so indirectly influences shell hydrodynamics and hydrostatics, as well as ammonite locomotion and life style. High variability of the body chamber length suggests that this effect was not as significant as previously thought.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1517-1544
pages 1517-1544 views

Pterygotid Eurypterids from the Upper Silurian of Podolia (Ukraine)

Naugolnykh S.V., Shpinev E.S.


Fossil remains of the pterygotid eurypterid Pterygotus sp. were found in the early 1990s in the Upper Silurian of the Velika Slobidka locality (Podolia, near Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnitskyi Province, Ukraine). The collection studied includes two well-preserved coxae and sternites I–II (including operculum and genital appendage). Judging from the size of the larger coxa, the length of this pterygotid was more than one meter.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1545-1552
pages 1545-1552 views

A New Record of Adelophthalmus (Eurypterida, Chelicerata) from the Devonian of the South Minusinsk Depression

Shpinev E.S., Filimonov A.N.


A new species of Adelophthalmus Jordan in Jordan et von Meyer, 1854, A. khakassicus sp. nov., from the Givetian (Middle Devonian) of the Republic of Khakassia (Russia) is described. This is one of the oldest species of the genus. It is also interesting in the unusually large for Adelophthalmus.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1553-1560
pages 1553-1560 views

Ostracod Analysis of Callovian and Lower Oxfordian Deposits of the Mikhailovtsement Section (Ryazan Region): Methods and Results

Tesakova E.M., Shurupova Y.A.


Various methods of ostracod analysis with reference to paleobathymetric and paleotemperature reconstruction are considered in detail, using Callovian–Lower Oxfordian ostracod assemblages from the Mikhailovtsement reference section (Ryazan Region) as an example. Based on generalization of the data obtained by different methods, seven transgressive–regressive events are reconstructed, five of which had a pan-European scale and were accompanied by the intensified boreal effect. For the Upper Callovian of the East European Platform, ostracod index species of paleotemperatures, paleoeutrophication, and paleodepths on the upper subtidal depths are recognized for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1561-1582
pages 1561-1582 views

New Stoneflies of the Suborder Perlina Latreille, 1802 (Insecta: Perlida = Plecoptera) from the Middle Permian of the Kostovaty Locality in Udmurtia, Russia

Sinitshenkova N.D.


Nine new stonefly species of the suborder Perlina from the Middle Permian Kostovaty locality, Udmurtia are described. Two species, Boreoperlidium callopterus Sinitshenkova sp. nov. and B. certus Sinitshenkova sp. nov., belong to the family Eustheniidae and six species, Properla incrassata Sinitshenkova, sp. nov., P. umbrosa Sinitshenkova, sp. nov., Kargaloperla fibrosa Sinitshenkova, sp. nov., K. queata Sinitshenkova, sp. nov., K. gratum Sinitshenkova, sp. nov., and K. postica Sinitshenkova, sp. nov., belong to the family Palaeoperlidae. Unusually great abundance and diversity of representatives of the suborder Perlina is discussed.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1583-1592
pages 1583-1592 views

Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Middle Miocene of the Stavropol Region, Russia

Sukatsheva I.D., Ivanov V.D., Melnitsky S.I., Aristov D.S.


A caddisfly fauna from the Middle Miocene of the Stavropol Region (Vishnevaya Balka and Temnolesskaya localities) is described. The formal species Limnephilus kaspievi (Martynova, 1939) is redescribed based on new material, including the hind wings. New genera, Miocenocosmoecus (Limnephilidae) and Calamostavropolia (Calamoceratidae), and eight new species of fossil Trichoptera are described: Limnephilus parakaspievi, L. metakaspievi, L. valliculacerasinus, L. antiquastepposus, Potamophylax martynovorum, Halesus miocenicus, Miocenocosmoecus silvacaliginosus, and Calamostavropolia revolutionaria.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1593-1609
pages 1593-1609 views

Late Pleistocene Taphocoenosis of Insects and Small Mammals from the Upper Reaches of the Ob River

Gurina A.A., Dudko R.Y., Zinovyev E.V., Borodin A.V., Tshernyshev S.E., Legalov A.A.


A taphocoenosis including remains of insects and small mammals from the Quaternary deposits in the vicinity of the village of Kalistratikha (Altai Region, Russia) on the Ob River is revealed. The 14C dating of the deposits has shown 24.438 ± 0.350 ka. Insects are mostly represented by Coleoptera (59 species of 13 families) and dominated by species of Curculionidae, especially Otiorhynchus, and Carabidae. Otiorhynchus ursus, O. altaicus, and O. unctuosus are most abundant. The following 13 species are recorded in the Pleistocene deposits of Western Siberia for the first time: Bembidion tibiale, B. gebleri, Pterostichus drescheri (Carabidae), Centorus rufipes (Tenebrionidae), Stephanocleonus ?grigorievi, Aulacobaris violaceomicans, Tychius albolineatus, Zaslavskypera conmaculata, Hypera misella, Limobius borealis, Chlorophanus tuvensis, Otiorhynchus unctuosus, and Mesagroicus piliferus (Curculionidae). Small mammals are represented by a few fragments referred to as Sorex sp., Allactaga sp., Spermophilus cf. erythrogenys, Sicista cf. subtilus, Eolagurus sp., Lagurus cf. lagurus, and Microtus gregalis. Small mammals and insects are typical of open landscapes, such as steppes and meadows; riparian insects also occur in the taphocoenosis. The modern geographical range of the majority of species of the steppe assemblage covers central Kazakhstan and adjacent areas; three species of the taphocoenosis are endemic to the mountain depressions of the Altai, Tuva, and northern Mongolia. The majority of meadow and riparian species are boreal–mountain. Judging from the composition of the taphocoenosis, the climate was drier and colder compared to the modern one, but warmer and more humid than during the succeeding Sartanian stadial. Prevailing landscapes were probably dry steppes with meadow and shrubby (osiers) vegetation in the lowered areas. Forests were absent or played a minor role (sparse trees might have been present).

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1610-1622
pages 1610-1622 views

New Data on Enosuchid Anthracosauromorphs (Amphibia) of the Middle–Late Permian of European Russia: Part 2. New Taxa of Enosuchidae

Bulanov V.V., Golubev V.K.


New taxa of the family Enosuchidae (Anthracosauromorpha), Enosuchus alveolatus sp. nov. (Sundyr-1 locality, Mari El) and Kitiakia firma gen. et sp. nov. (Bolshoi Kityak locality, Kirov Region), are described based on fragmentary remains from the Middle and Upper Permian of European Russia. The diagnosis of the family Enosuchidae and its stratigraphic distribution are improved; according to the new data, its range is restricted to the Upper Kazanian–Upper Severodvinian (Lower Putyatino). The genus Nyctiboetus Tchudinov, 1955 is excluded from Enosuchidae, since it is considered to be close to gephyrostegid anthracosauromorphs from the Upper Carboniferous of Central Europe.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1623-1632
pages 1623-1632 views

New Data on Ornithischian Dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Transbaikalia, Russia

Alifanov V.R.


Three species of ornithischian dinosaurs (Daurosaurus olovus, Kulindapteryx ukureica, and Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus) from the Jurassic Kulinda locality (Transbaikalia, Russia) have been described. Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus was established on erroneous assumption that the locality contains only one dinosaurian taxon. The characters used in the diagnosis of this species, which were registered by the holotype (imprint of bones of an incomplete distorted skull on the rock surface), cannot be treated unequivocally from the morphological point of view.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1633-1636
pages 1633-1636 views

Semantor macrurus Orlov, 1931 (Carnivora, Mustelidae): Morphology of the Hind Limb and a New View on Its Paleobiology

Lavrov A.V., Tarasenko K.K., Vlasenko A.N.


Based on the analysis of joints morphology in the hind limb of Semantor macrurus, it is established that the amplitude of flexion–extension mobility in the hip, knee (stifle), and talocrural (ankle) joints could have reached 90°; the adduction–abduction mobility in the hip joint was up to 60° and, in the talocrural joint, up to 65°. The talocrural joint is hinged and multiaxial, providing a wide range of movements of the autopodium in the course of aquatic locomotion. The hind limb is of the free type. The exterior of Semantor resembles that of otter. The increased length of the crus suggests that the limb was adapted for stroke function (rowing).

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1637-1646
pages 1637-1646 views

Diatoms in the Orgueil Meteorite

Hoover R.B., Rozanov A.Y., Krasavin E.A., Ryumin A.K., Kapralov M.I.


We report the discovery of frustules of pennate diatoms embedded in a freshly fractured interior surface of the Orgueil CI1 carbonaceous meteorite. Images and element composition by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy were obtained with the TESCAN VEGA 3 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in the Astrobiology Sector of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. The distribution of chemical elements as shown by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and 2-D element maps show no detectable nitrogen. Hence the diatoms are interpreted as indigenous to the Orgueil meteorite and therefore have direct implications to the existence of extraterrestrial life; and the hypothesis of Panspermia.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(13):1647-1650
pages 1647-1650 views

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