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Vol 52, No 1 (2018)


First Record of the Late Eocene Ichneumon Fly Rasnitsynites tarsalis Kasparyan (Ichneumonidae, Townesitinae) in Ukraine Confirms Correlation of the Upper Eocene Lagerstätten

Tolkanitz V.I., Perkovsky E.E.


Rasnitsynites tarsalis Kasparyan (Ichneumonidae, Townesitinae) described from the Baltic amber is recorded for the first time in the Rovno amber (Gulyanka, Zhitomir Region); therefore, this is the southernmost and easternmost find of Townesitinae. The presence of numerous extinct taxa of Townesitinae and tribes of Hybrizoninae Blanchard 1845 = Paxylommatinae Förster, 1862 = Hybrizontinae Marshall, 1872 confirms close relation of the Bembridge Marls fauna (Upper Eocene of England) and that of the succinites (Baltic, Rovno, and other Late Eocene European ambers); they are common in the succinites and in the Bembridge Marls and are only known from these localities.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):31-34
pages 31-34 views

A New Tribe of the Subfamily Cyladinae (Coleoptera, Brentidae) in the Miocene of Germany

Legalov A.A.


A new tribe, new genus, and new species, Miocenocylas heeri gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Miocene of Oeningen, Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg; Sarmatian, Upper Freshwater–Molasse Formation) are described. They differ from the tribe Cyladini in the free club articles, antennae inserted near the apex of the rostrum, procoxae located in the middle of the prosternum, the longer pronotum, and in the indistinct elytral striae.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):35-38
pages 35-38 views

On the Validity of the Conodont Species Mesotaxis falsiovalis Sandberg, Ziegler et Bultynck, 1989

Bardashev I.A., Ovnatanova N.S.


Two conodont species, Mesotaxis falsiovalis Ziegler et Bultynck, 1989 and Mesotaxis guanwushanensis (Tian, 1988), are considered. It is concluded that they clear differ from each other and, hence, both are valid. The position of these species in the lineage of phylomorphogenetic development of the genus Mesotaxis.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):39-41
pages 39-41 views

A New Cheiracanthid Acanthodian Species from the Aruküla Regional Stage (Middle Devonian, Givetian) of the Eastern Main Devonian Field

Pinakhina D.V.


A new cheiracanthid acanthodian species, Cheiracanthus flabellicostatus sp. nov., is described based on scales found in the beds of the Aruküla Regional Stage of Siverskiy and Zaitsevo localities of the Leningrad Region. It is distinguished from other members of the genus in the presence of a V-shaped eminence in the medial part of the scale crown and 8–10 large ribs branching into smaller ribs in the anterior part of the crown; large lacunas are observed at crossings of circular and ascending canals in the middle part of the scale neck.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):42-48
pages 42-48 views

On the First Reliable Record of the Ichthyosaur Ophthalmosaurus icenicus Seeley in the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian Beds of European Russia

Arkhangelsky M.S., Zverkov N.G., Spasskaya O.S., Evgrafov A.V.


An incomplete skeleton of the ichthyosaur Ophthalmosaurus icenicus Seeley, 1874 excavated in the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian beds south of the town of Syzran (Samara Region) is described. Members of the genus Ophthalmosaurus are characterized by a unique combination of characters, most of which are well-pronounced in the specimen described here: the extracondylar area of the basioccipital is reduced, but still visible beyond the occipital condyle and has a well-pronounced ventral notch; the scapular shaft is mediolaterelly flattened; the humerus has three distal facets: the anterior facet is the smallest; the facet for the accessory preaxial element has a sharpened anterior margin; the facet for the radius faces distally; the facet for the ulna faces posterodistally; the posterior margin of the ulna is concave and sharpened, involved in the perichondral ossification; the intermedium is rhomboid, with two distal facets equal in size for the second and third distal carpals; the epipodial and autopodial elements are round and thickened, loosely arranged in the fin. This specimen is the first reliable evidence of the presence of Ophthalmosaurus in the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian of Russia. The previously described remains of a Kimmeridgian ichthyosaur referred to as O. undorensis Efimov, 1991 should be identified as Ophthalmosauridae indet.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):49-57
pages 49-57 views

A Scansorial Passerine Bird (Passeriformes, Certhioidea) from the Uppermost Lower Miocene of Eastern Siberia

Volkova N.V., Zelenkov N.V.


A new scansorial passerine bird, Kischinskinia scandens gen. et sp. nov., from the uppermost Lower Miocene of the Tagay locality (Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal) is described based on a distal tarsometatarsal fragment. This is the first Asian member of the clade Certhioidea. A tibiotarsal fragment is also tentatively assigned to this taxon. Both bones display adaptations for climbing on a vertical surface. The find of a scansorial passerine bird of the clade Certhioidea is evidence of ecological similarity of Early Miocene avifaunas of southern Eastern Siberia and Western Europe, since a representative of Certhioidea showing a similar level of specialization was described from the Lower Miocene (MN3) of Germany. In addition, Kischinskinia scandens is the earliest reliable member of oscine passerines (Oscines) from Asia.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):58-65
pages 58-65 views

Paleolithic Man of Denisova Cave and Zoogeography of Pleistocene Mammals of Northwestern Altai

Agadjanian A.K., Shunkov M.V.


Mammal population of the northwestern Altai included residents, autochthonous species, cosmopolitans, and migrants. The last clearly indicate biogeographical relationships of the biota of the Altai Mountains in the Pleistocene. Most of them penetrated into the Altai from the south. The majority of ungulates and rodents migrated from Central Asia. Yak, red dog, and snow leopard came from the Himalayas, Pamir, and Tien Shan. The natural environment of the Altai Mountains in the Pleistocene enabled migrations of these mammals from the south to north. The same opportunity was true of the ancient man. It is possible to assume that humans migrated from southeastern Asia and Indochina along the eastern foothills of the Himalayas and Nan Shan Mountains to the northwest, to the Zaisan Depression and Altai. This resulted in inevitable exchange of gene material of Paleolithic human populations of southeastern Asia and the Altai.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):66-89
pages 66-89 views

Ovuliferous Organs of Trisquamales Gordenko et Broushkin ordo. nov. (Gymnospermae) from the Middle Jurassic of the Kursk Region, European Russia

Gordenko N.V., Broushkin A.V.


The ovuliferous organs Trisquama valentinii Gordenko et Broushkin, gen. et sp. nov. from the Bathonian deposits of the Mikhailovskii Rudnik locality (Kursk Region) are described. The ovuliferous organs consist of three scales fused at the base. The long scale, together with the stalk of ovuliferous organ compose a sterile structure, which is vascularized by C-shaped in section collateral vascular bundle, and bears a lobed fertile structure of ovuliferous organ on its anatomically abaxial side. The latter consists of two short scales and an outgrowth between them, and is vascularized by concentric amphicribral vascular bundle, which is divided in its distal part into three separate collateral plates. These plates are associated with the lobes of fertile structure and three small orthotropous seeds situated from xylem side of these vascular bundles. Seeds are ellipsoidal, with not protruding micropyle; the integument is sclerified, megaspore membrane is thick. The ovuliferous organs under description possess unique features, which preclude their assignment to any large group of gymnosperms; authors place them in a separate order, Trisquamales ordo. nov., systematic position of which within Gymnospermae is uncertain.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):90-107
pages 90-107 views

New Species of Inoceramus-like Bivalves of the Subfamily Kolymiinae from the Middle Permian of Northeastern Asia

Biakov A.S.


Middle Permian Inoceramus-like bivalves of the genera Kolymia Licharew and Cyrtokolymia Astafieva endemic to the East Boreal Biogeographic Realm are considered. Cyrtokolymia, previously regarded by the author as endemics of the Verkhoyansk–Okhotsk Province and including only the type species, are also recorded in the Kolyma–Omolon Province, where they are represented by the endemic species C. bobini sp. nov. An emended diagnosis of the genus Cyrtokolymia is provided. The genus Kolymia comprises about 30 species. The greatest diversity of Kolymia (24 species, 13 of which are endemic) is known from the Verkhoyansk–Okhotsk Province, which is the center of diversification of this genus. The Kolyma–Omolon Province is characterized by 12 species, only three of which are endemic. In other provinces of the East Boreal Realm, only individual members of Kolymia are known. From the Middle Permian of the Omolon Massif, northern Verkhoyansk Region, and Penzhinsky Ridge, the following new species are described: Kolymia posneri Muromzeva, Kusnezov et Biakov, sp. nov., K. pontoneica Biakov, sp. nov., K. simkiniformis Biakov, sp. nov., and Cyrtokolymia bobini Biakov, sp. nov.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):1-8
pages 1-8 views

Some New Species of Crassatella (Bivalvia) from the Upper Eocene of Ukraine

Berezovsky A.A.


Three new bivalve species of Crassatella (C. necopina sp. nov., C. personata sp. nov., C. singulata sp. nov.) from detrital sand of the Rybal’sky quarry of Dnepropetrovsk are described. Based on the study of additional material, the subspecies C. (C.) parisiensis Orbigny duplex Berezovsky, 2004 is ranked species (Upper Eocene; Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk, Rybal’sky quarry, Mandrikovka Beds).

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):9-17
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Orientosirenites, a New Ammonoid Genus (Sirenitidae; Ammonoidea) from the Upper Carnian of the Boreal Realm

Konstantinov A.G.


The ammonoid family Sirenitidae from the Upper Carnian yakutensis Zone of northern Middle Siberia and Northeastern Asia is revised. A new genus Orientosirenites gen. nov. with the type species O. bytschkovi sp. nov. is established based on the study of the main morphological characters of the shell. The new genus and the species O. bytschkovi are described and the species O. yakutensis (Kiparisova) is redescribed. The new data allow the taxonomic composition and the distribution of the Carnian ammonoids of the Boreal Realm to be updated.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):18-26
pages 18-26 views

The Neogene Ostracod Genus Advenocypris from the Intermontane Depressions of the Southeastern Altai

Teterina I.P.


This paper presents new data on ostracods of the genus Advenocypris. The distribution of these ostracods in the Neogene deposits of the intermontane depressions of Central Asia is analyzed. Species of this genus were selective regarding their habitats. This habitat specificity can be used to reconstruct the paleogeography of the depositional environments, origin and connections of water bodies in Central Asia. A new species of the genus Advenocypris is described. The previously known species of this genus are illustrated.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(1):27-30
pages 27-30 views

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