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Vol 52, No 2 (2018)


Complementary Transformations of Buried Organic Residues and the Ambient Sediment: Results of Long-Term Taphonomic Experiments

Naimark E.B., Boeva N.M., Kalinina M.A., Zaytseva L.V.


Long-term (18 month) experiments were conducted, burying soft bodied organisms (Artemia salina, Crustacea) in marine sediment. For the first time in experimental taphonomy, the mineralogical transformation of the sediment that accompanied the process of decomposition was correlated with the degree of preservation. To obtain different quantitative characteristics of preservation, we used four dilutions of marine water (marine water: to fresh water as 1: 0; 1: 1, 1: 4, 1: 9).It was shown that higher dilutions corresponded to lower degrees of preservation. The proportion of kaolinite decreased in the marine sediment and, accordingly, the amorphous phase increased; in the diluted variants, the opposite pattern was revealed: the crystalline kaolinite phase increased and the amorphous phase decreased. Since no differences in the chemical composition of the residues from different dilutions were identified, the effect of sea salt concentration on preservation was considered to be negligible. A plausible hypothesis suggested that dissolving of kaolinite slows of organic decomposition and the beginnings of mineralization. Due to the acidic hydrolysis of kaolinite, Al cations appear in the solution; subsequently proteins are converted into insoluble forms, and thus escape from bacterial degradation. These taphonomic experiments reveal some overlooked physicochemical aspects important for the mechanisms of exceptional preservation.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):109-122
pages 109-122 views

Revision of Cretaceous Radiolarians of the Family Hagiastridae from Lipman’s Collection

Vishnevskaya V.S.


Based on the Lipman’s hagiastrid collection and original material, Late Cretaceous holotypes of the genera Histiastrum Ehrenberg, Hagiastrum Haeckel, and Tesserastrum Haeckel are revised. Histiastrum aster Lipman, H. cruciferum Lipman, H. membraniferum Lipman, H. latum Lipman, H. tetracanthum Lipman, H. tumeniense Lipman, Hagiastrum crux Lipman, and Tesserastrum quadratum Lipman are transferred to the genus Crucella Pessagno. A new species, Rhombastrum lipmanae sp. nov., is described. It is shown that Crucella lata (Lipman) and C. crux (Lipman) are Santonian–Campanian index species and C. crucifera (Lipman), C. tetracantha (Lipman), C. tumeniensis (Lipman), and Rhombastrum lipmanae sp. nov. are markers of the Campanian Boreal Realm.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):123-130
pages 123-130 views

New Upper Devonian Rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) from Transcaucasia

Pakhnevich A.V.


Anew genus, Zezinia gen. nov., and two new species, Zezinia multicostata sp. nov. and Zaigunrostrum nakhichevanense sp. nov., are described from the Upper Devonian of Transcaucasia. The first genus is one of the last Frasnian representatives of the family Uncinulidae. The Famennian Z. nakhichevanense sp. nov. belongs to punctate rhynchonellids of the family Trigonirhynchiidae.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):131-136
pages 131-136 views

New and Little-known Nymphs of Gryllones (Insecta) from the Lower Permian of Russia

Aristov D.S.


New nymphs of the gryllones insects (Insecta; Gryllones) Iblatta attrepida gen. et sp. nov. (Eoblattida incertae sedis) and Tshekardushka artenatis gen. et sp. nov. (Reculida incertae sedis) from the Lower Permian Chekarda locality (Kungurian Stage of Russia) are described. The nymph of Czekardia blattoides Martynov, 1940 (Eoblattida incertae sedis) from Chekarda is redescribed.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):137-141
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A New Genus and Species of the Damselfly Family Hemiphlebiidae from the Lower Cretaceous Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Eastern Transbaikalia)

Felker A.S., Vasilenko D.V.


Thairia transbaikalica Felker et Vasilenko, gen. et sp. nov. (Odonata, Hemiphlebiidae) from the Mesozoic Chernovskie Kopi locality is described. A short review of known genera of Hemiphlebiidae is provided. Relative age of enclosing rocks is discussed.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):142-145
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Digestive System of the Early Cretaceous Insect Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko (Insecta, ?Aphaniptera, Saurophthiroidea)

Rasnitsyn A.P., Strelnikova O.D.


Information on the internal organization of Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko, 1976 from the Baissa locality in the western Transbaikalia is described and supplemented with the data on its digestive system. The entire intestine is straight, without bends or outgrowths. The proventriculus is hypertrophied and sclerotized; the midgut is wide, saclike; the hindgut is short, straight, undifferentiated probably due to pedomorphosis. Element analysis of the intestine content has not corroborated hematophagy with certainty. Nevertheless, the previously proposed hypothesis for the biology of Saurophthirus seems most plausible; it infers hematophagy on the wing membrane of pterosaurs and the gonotrophic cycle, as female returned into aquatic refuge after blood sucking.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):146-154
pages 146-154 views

Ants of the Genus Fallomyrma Dlussky et Radchenko (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) from Late Eocene European Ambers

Radchenko A.G., Dlussky G.M.


The extinct monotypic ant genus Fallomyrma was described by Dlussky and Radchenko in 2006 based on workers from Late Eocene Rovno (Ukraine), Scandinavian (Denmark), and Bitterfeld (Germany) ambers. Three new Fallomyrma species from the Rovno amber are here described based on workers: F. anodonta sp. nov., F. marginata sp. nov., and F. robusta sp. nov. A key to all known species of this genus is compiled. The quantity ratios (of the numbers of species and specimens) of Fallomyrma and other amber Myrmicinae genera are considered. The opinion of the autochthonous origin of the Rovno amber is confirmed.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):155-163
pages 155-163 views

A New Genus and Species of Scolytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Rovno Amber

Petrov A.V., Perkovsky E.E.


A new genus, Klesovia gen. nov., with the species K. pubescens sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are described from the Rovno amber. The new genus is closely related to Xylechinus (tribe Hylurgini) and distinguished by the wide flattened ovoid antennal club with rounded apex and the metepisternum covered with long thin sparse setae; it differs from other genera of Hylurgini in having a five-segmented funicle, four-segmented club, and large distance between the procoxa.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):164-167
pages 164-167 views

Locality of Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Vicinity of the Town of Vyazniki

Vjuschkov B.P.


The manuscript was written in the mid-1950s, providing the results of survey of an unusual tetrapod burial in the Upper Permian beds of the town of Vyazniki (Vladimir Region). The bone-bearing sand strata form here the top of the Permian beds, which are underlain by clays with conchostracans tentatively dated Early Tatarian. Abundant tetrapod remains obtained in the course of excavations are dominated by isolated bones; these are associated with scales and cranial bones of palaeoniscids, fin spines of hybodontid sharks and coprolites. The tetrapod assemblage includes the kotlassiomorph Bystrowiana permira Vjuschkov, the stegocephalian Dvinosaurus sp. (new species prevailing in number in the assemblage), the dicynodont Dicynodon sp., gorgonopians, therocephalians, and presumably cynodonts, along with procolophonoids (or other small reptiles, such as eosuchians or protorosaurians). The presence of one more stegocephalian is also probable. It is assumed that the Vyazniki assemblage represents an early developmental stage of the Severodvinian pareiasaurian fauna corresponding to the uppermost Lower Tatarian.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):168-174
pages 168-174 views

Comments on the Paper of B.P. Vjuschkov “Locality of Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Vicinities of the Town of Vyazniki”

Shishkin M.A., Sennikov A.G., Golubev V.K.


The paper of B.P. Vjuschkov considering Late Permian vertebrates from the Vyazniki locality, prepared more than half a century ago and remained unpublished until the present time, was the first preliminary generalization of the geological and paleontological data on this burial. The material of this study collected by Vjuschkov during excavations in 1955–1957 revealed a unique composition of the local tetrapod assemblage compared to previously known contemporaneous analogues. Further studies of the Vyazniki fauna performed during the last decades provided a better understanding of its composition and age, showing that it is of paramount importance as a record of the terminal episode in the history of the Paleozoic precrisis biota.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):175-187
pages 175-187 views

Diversity of Middle Jurassic Turtles from the Berezovsk Quarry Locality, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia: Morphology and Histological Study

Danilov I.G., Obraztsova E.M., Boitsova E.A., Skutschas P.P.


Abstract—Morphology and histology of several fragmentary turtle specimens from the Middle Jurassic locality in the Berezovsk quarry (Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia) are described, including Testudines indet. 1 (costal VIII), Testudines indet. 2 (two ornamented shell fragments), and Testudines indet. 3 (distal part of a humerus), and also skeletal elements of Annemys sp. (Xinjiangchelyidae) represented by mass material in the same locality. It is shown that Testudines indet. 1 and 3 probably belong to one or two taxa of basal aquatic turtles, while Testudines indet. 2 is most likely an abnormal Annemys sp. The presumable presence of basal turtles in the Berezovsk Quarry Assemblage agrees with the fact that they are present in other Middle Jurassic turtle assemblages of Asia.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):188-200
pages 188-200 views

Morphology of the Coracoid of Late Cretaceous Enantiornithines (Aves: Enantiornithes) from Dzharakuduk (Uzbekistan)

Panteleev A.V.


Based on serial material from the Turonian of Dzharakuduk (central Kyzyl Kum, Uzbekistan), the morphology of coracoid of enantiornithines is described in detail. Variants of each morphological element are considered; this allows determination of the taxonomic position of enantiornithines even using small coracoid fragments.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):201-207
pages 201-207 views

Fossil Wood of Ulmus priamurica sp. nov. (Ulmaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia

Blokhina N.I., Bondarenko O.V.


A new species, Ulmus priamurica sp. nov. (Ulmaceae), from the deposits of the Sazanka Formation (upper Middle–Upper Miocene) of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field (Amur Region, Russia) is described based on anatomical features of fossil wood. The new species shows some wood anatomical characters of the extant elms U. japonica and U. americana. Fossil wood of Ulmus was found in the Amur Region for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):208-218
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Questions of Nomenclature

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Ponomarenkium gen. nov., a Replacement Name for the Stem Group Beetle Ponomarenkia Yan et al., 2017 (Insecta: Coleoptera)

Yan E.V., Beutel R.G., Beattie R., Lawrence J.F.
Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(2):220-220
pages 220-220 views

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