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Vol 53, No 5 (2019)


New Taxa and New Middle Famennian Natgorella hirsuta–Spinoalius melekessensis Radiolarian Ecozone of the Volga–Ural Basin

Afanasieva M.S.


New radiolarian taxa are described from the Lower and Middle Famennian of the Polar Urals and Volga–Urals Basin: three new genera Natgorella gen. nov., Spinoalius gen. nov., Diversiacus gen. nov., and three new species N. elegans sp. nov., N. hirsuta sp. nov., and S. melekessensis sp. nov. New taxa belong to two orders, Entactiniata and Cancelliata, of two classes of spherical radiolarians: Sphaerellaria and Spumellaria. Morphotypes of the outer skeletons of Spinoalius gen. nov. and Diversiacus gen. nov are shown to be convergently similar. A new Middle Famennian Natgorella hirsuta–Spinoalius melekessensis radiolarian ecozone is established.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):435-446
pages 435-446 views

Cephalonega, A New Generic Name, and the System of Vendian Proarticulata

Ivantsov A.Y., Fedonkin M.A., Nagovitsyn A.L., Zakrevskaya M.A.


Due to homonymy, a new name Cephalonega Fedonkin, nom. nov. was proposed for the genus of Vendian macroorganisms, Onega Fedonkin. The improved diagnosis of this genus and evidence that this genus belongs to Proarticulata, an extinct phylum of Metazoa, are given. A detailed characterization of the phylum and all Proarticulata classes is given for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):447-454
pages 447-454 views

Morphology and Systematics of the Late Paleozoic Gastropods Deseretospira Gordon and Yochelson and Termihabena gen. nov.

Mazaev A.V.


A new genus and species Termihabena lirata gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Lower Permian reef limestones of Shakh-Tau (southern Cisuralia). The new genus includes another five species: T. nikitowkensis (Yakowlew, 1899), T. asiatica (Licharew, 1967), T. millegranosa (Girty, 1934), T. pinegensis (Mazaev, 2006), and T. sp. (Batten, 1985). T. pinegensis is re-described based on new, additional material. The morphological similarities and differences between the new genus and Deseretospira Gordon and Yochelson, 1987 are discussed. The diagnosis of the genus Deseretospira is emended and expanded. Deseretospira and Termihabena gen. nov. are assigned to the family Phymatopleuridae. Deseretospira includes D. venustiformis (Licharew, 1967), in addition to the type species. The revision showed that the two species Rhineoderma ferganica Licharew, 1967 and Yunnania semigranulosa Licharew, 1967 are synonymous with Deseretospira venustiformis (Licharew, 1967).

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):455-464
pages 455-464 views

New Data on the Biogeography of the Permian Ammonoid Family Perrinitidae

Leonova T.B.


The biogeographical distribution of the ammonoid family Perrinitidae Miller and Furnish, 1940 is revised in connection with the first record of the ammonoid genus Properrinites Elias, 1938 in the Urals. The possible distribution pathways of this group, previously thought to be typically equatorial, are discussed. A migration scheme is proposed, according to which perrinitids migrated from their center of origin to the central region of the Tethys Ocean, and from there to the western and eastern regions of the Tethyan Realm and the Uralian Paleobasin.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):465-470
pages 465-470 views

Craspeditidae (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Platform at the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary. I. Genus Praesurites Mesezhnikov et Alekseev

Mitta V.V.


The type species of the genus Praesurites,P. elegans Mesezhnikov et Alekseev, was described from the basal Berriasian of the Subpolar Urals (Sosva River basin). Finds of species of this genus in other regions are of importance for the interregional correlation of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval. The taxonomic composition and stratigraphic distribution of the Central Russian species of the genus Praesurites from the Volgian–Ryazanian boundary interval (the top of Craspedites nodiger Zone–Riasanites rjasanensis Zone) are revised. The revised diagnosis of the genus Praesurites and redescriptions of P. tryptychus (Nikitin), P. unshensis (Nikitin) (including P. nikitini Gerasimov et Mitta, as a junior subjective synonym) and P. craspeditoides (Girmounski) are presented.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):471-481
pages 471-481 views

Shell Microstructure and Relief of the Primary Layer of the Late Jurassic Discinisca (Class Lingulata, Family Discinidae)

Smirnova T.N., Ushatinskaya G.T., Zhegallo E.A., Panchenko I.V.


The organophosphatic-shelled brachiopod Discinisca sp. is first described from the Upper Jurassic of Northwestern Siberia. Its relief and microstructure of outer and inner sides of dorsal brephic and adult valves are described. Discinisca sp. differs from other Mesozoic discinids in the primary layer with concentric relief structures.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):482-487
pages 482-487 views

Magnofossacrinus, a New Genus of Cladid Crinoids (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Moscovian (Pennsylvanian) of Moscow Region

Mirantsev G.V.


A new poteriocrinid genus, Magnofossacrinus, represented by the type species M. domodedovoensis sp. nov. from the Upper Carboniferous deposits of the Moscow Synecline, is described. The new genus is the youngest (Moscovian stage) reliable representative of the family Poteriocrinidae. Magnofossacrinus is characterized by unusually large cirrus with polynodal articular facets. The morphology of Magnofossacrinus stems is discussed and compared with the stems of other closely related crinoids.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):488-498
pages 488-498 views

New Caddisflies of the Family Dysoneuridae (Insecta: Trichoptera) and Larval Cases (Incertae Familiae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia

Sukatsheva I.D., Vasilenko D.V.


This work presents the description of the following new taxa of the family Dysoneuridae: Khasurtia kopylovi gen. et sp. nov., Kh. alexeii sp. nov., and Kh. lukashevichae sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of (Khasurty locality, Russia). Key to all known genera and species of family Dysoneuridae is provided. Larval cases of Terrindusia (s. str.) khasurtica sp. nov. and T. (s. str.) buriatica sp. nov. from Khasurty are described.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):499-505
pages 499-505 views

New Species of Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from V.A. Gusakov Collection

Melnitsky S.I., Ivanov V.D.


Three new species of caddisflies from Polycentropodidae, Phryganeidae and Leptoceridae: Plectrocnemia victori sp. nov., Wigginsiola saecularia gen. et sp. nov., Electrotriaenodes mosquensis sp. nov. are described from the Eocene Baltic amber.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):506-510
pages 506-510 views

New Species of Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Dominican Amber

Legalov A.A.


Four new weevil species, Mesocordylusdominicus sp. nov. (Dryophthorinae: Orthognathini), Derelomus miocaenicus sp. nov. (Curculioninae: Acalyptini), Anthonomus (Anthonomus) clarki sp. nov. (Curculioninae: Anthonomini) and Compsus (Compsus) poinari sp. nov. (Entiminae: Eustylini) are described from Early Miocene Dominican amber.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):511-521
pages 511-521 views

Tubesnout Aulichthys miocaenicus sp. nov. from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island (Russia): the First Reliable Fossil Record for the Family Aulorhynchidae

Nazarkin M.V.


An extinct species of tubesnouts belonging to the modern genus Aulichthys, A. miocaenicus sp. nov., was found in the deposits of the Serravalian–Tortonian of the Agnevo Formation of Sakhalin Island. This is the first reliable fossil record for the family Aulorhynchidae. The Miocene species is similar to the only modern relative in main proportions and morphological characters, but it differs in more developed bony structures such as large plates on the trunk, as well as in longer pelvic and anal spines. Another special feature of the Miocene species is well-developed ornamentation of the surface of trunk plates and ventral pelvic spine. The presence of tubesnouts in the fossil assemblage of Agnevo Formation indicates the shallow depth of the habitat of this community, as well as warmer climatic conditions in the Miocene at the latitude of Agnevo locality.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):522-529
pages 522-529 views

A Sea Turtle (Cheloniidae) from the Middle Eocene of North Caucasus

Zvonok E.A., Syromyatnikova E.V., Danilov I.G., Bannikov A.F.


The incomplete skeleton of a juvenile sea turtle (Cheloniidae) is described from the terminal Bartonian (late Middle Eocene) of the Gorny Luch locality (Krasnodar krai, Russia) as Eochelone sp. The new find extends the known geographic distribution of turtles of the genus Eochelone Dollo, 1903, previously known in Europe only from the Lutetian of Belgium and Ukraine, the Bartonian of England and the Priabonian of Spain. In addition, the described specimen has common features with “Allopleuronqazaqstanense Karl et al., 2012 from the Bartonian and, possibly, the Lutetian of Kazakhstan.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):530-539
pages 530-539 views

Stems of a New Osmundaceous Fern from the Middle Jurassic of Kursk Region, European Russia

Bazhenova N.V., Bazhenov A.V.


New species of osmundaceous ferns, Osmundastrum gvozdevae sp. nov., is established on the basis of small coalified stems with preserved cellular structure, originated from the Upper Bathonian deposits of the Mikhailovskii Rudnik locality (Kursk Region, European Russia). Vascular tissues of the stem are represented by ectophloic dictyoxylic siphonostele; pith homogenous, comprising prosenchymatous cells only. Xylem of the leaf trace is endarch, with protoxylem strand, bifurcating when passes through the external part of an outer cortex. Leaf bases with stipular wings; their vascular bundles are horseshoe-shaped, with two sclerenchyma masses on the side of adaxial concavity. Sclerenchyma rings in the leaf bases are heterogeneous, thick-walled fibers form distinct abaxial arch and two lateral masses. The new species is provisionally assigned to the extant genus Osmundastrum C. Presl on the basis of the stem anatomical peculiarities.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(5):540-550
pages 540-550 views

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