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Vol 51, No 5 (2017)


On the position of Cambrian archaeobranchians in the system of the class Gastropoda

Parkhaev P.Y.


Possible phylogenetic relationships of the Cambrian gastropod subclass Archaeobranchia with other high-rank taxa of the Golikov–Starobogatov’s gastropod macrosystem are reconstructed. Archaeobranchians can be direct or indirect ancestors to five extant subclasses, i.e., Cyclobranchia, Scutibranchia, Pectinibranchia, Divasibranchia, and Dextrobranchia. Three euthyneural subclasses (Sinistrobranchia, Opistobranchia, and Pulmonata) are later descendants of Divasibranchia. The model for transformation of the shell muscles arrangement reconstructed previously for the Cambrian cap-shaped mollusks, towards the muscle system of modern cyclobranchians is proposed. The evolution of Cyclobranchia through the miniaturization stage can explain reduction of the right portion of organs in the mantle complex.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):453-463
pages 453-463 views

On some Rarecostites (Parkinsoniidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian Parkinsoni zone of the Northern Caucasus

Mitta V.V.


The ammonites of the genus Rarecostites (subfamily Parkinsoniinae) are studied from the lower part of the Upper Bajocian Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone of the Kyafar River (Bolshoi Zelenchuk River Basin, Karachai-Cherkessia, Russia). The locality contains numerous microconch shells of R. subarietis (Wetzel). We follow de Grossouvre (1919) in considering the names R. acris (Wetzel) and R. arietis (Wetzel) to be subjective synonyms of R. subarietis and, thus, the standard Acris should be replaced by the Subarietis Subzone. The lower part of the section also contains numerous microconchs of R. sherstyukovi sp. nov. and, less commonly, macroconchs of R. kyafarensis sp. nov. The phylogeny of Rarecostites species is reconstructed; the above species are described and figured and the sherstyukovi and subarietis faunal horizons are established.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):464-479
pages 464-479 views

Shell microstructure of Discinisca suborbicularis sp. nov. (Brachiopoda, Lingulata) from the Upper Jurassic of Western Siberia

Smirnova T.N., Ushatinskaya G.T., Zhegallo E.A., Panchenko I.V.


A new species of the phosphatic brachiopod Discinisca suborbicularis (family Discinidae) from the Upper Jurassic of Western Siberia (latitudinal Priob’e) is established. The shell microstructure under protegulum and brephic shell and the microstructure of adult shell (that corresponds to three developmental stages) are described in detail. The shell microstructure of new species considerably differs from Paleozoic discinids and is similar to Recent discinids. D. suborbicularis differs from recent discinids in the presence of protegulum and thicker organophosphatic primary layer.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):480-490
pages 480-490 views

Some peculiarities in the behavioral reactions of the lophophore and the trophic structuring of the colonies of the post-Paleozoic Stenolaemata (bryozoa)

Viskova L.A.


Some peculiarities in the behavioral reactions of the lophophore, a feeding apparatus of the living marine bryozoans, are discussed. In bryozoans of the class Stenolaemata the position of the lophophore is regulated by the autozooidal peristome. In post-Paleozoic Stenolaemata the individual and collective activities of the lophophores are determined by the peculiarities in the trophic structuring of colonies, which are established based on the individual or group arrangement of autozooidal apertures. Two main types of the trophic structuring are distinguished: individual and group structuring. The adaptive significance of the trophic structuring consists in the effective extracting of food particles from water currents. In combination with the peculiarities of the colonial organization of post-Paleozoic Stenolaemata, the types of trophic structuring of colonies can be used when characterizing taxa of different levels.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):491-499
pages 491-499 views

A new cornute (Homalozoa: Echinodermata) from the uppermost Middle Cambrian (stage 3, Furongian) from Northern Iran: Its systematics and functional morphology

Rozhnov S.V., Parsley R.L.


A new rare nearly bilaterally symmetrical cornute from the Mila Formation, upper Middle–early Late Cambrian (Series 3, Furongian) from northern Iran is described, Persiacarpos jefferiesi gen. and sp. nov. It resembles Phyllocystis blayaci, but differs by the presence of the distal protrusion of M5 on the posterior end of the theca and by various sizes and patterns of the slightly bulging centralia. The animal appears to be mobile and probably moved in a tadpole-like wriggling manner. It may have fed with ambulacral cover plates open, using cover plates and/or podia for food capture, while the animal was in motion.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):500-509
pages 500-509 views

Taxonomic remarks concerning ostracods of the Ponto–Caspian Basin

Schornikov E.I.


Taxonomic revision of ostracods of the Pliocene–Pleistocene beds of the Caspian Basin from collections of the VNIGRI and analysis of published data on ostracods of the Ponto–Caspian Sea results in synonymization of 16 species names; one species is provided with a new combination, 40 identifications are improved, and 12 erroneous spellings of ostracod names by certain authors are revealed.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):510-519
pages 510-519 views

New tribe, genus, and species of paedogenetic gall midges (Diptera, Lestremiidae: Krassiloviolini trib. nov.) from the Late Cretaceous Taimyr amber

Fedotova Z.A., Perkovsky E.E.


Paedogenetic fossil midges of the family Lestremiidae are revealed for the first time. Only eight species of eight gall midge genera belonging to five tribes of the subfamily Micromyinae (Lestremiidae) and two species of two genera of Porricondylinae (Cecidomyiidae: Porricondylinae sp., Holoneurini sp.) have previously been described from the Santonian Taimyr amber of Yantardakh. The new tribe Krassiloviolini trib. nov. differs from other tribes of Lestremiidae in the strong reduction of veins and flagellomeres, slightly differing in length first and second tarsomeres of the middle and hind tarsi, 3-segmented apical plates of the ovipositor, and the presence of paedogenesis. A new genus and species, Krassiloviola geniusloci gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a female that is characterized by the first front tarsomere 1.3 times as long as the second, short 2+7-segmented antennae, presence of stem and large narrow sensoria on flagellomeres, wide wings with strongly reduced vein R5, slightly forked Cu, and absence of fragment C behind the fusion with R5. The presence of two very large specific eggs is evidence of the existence of paedogenesis in the Late Cretaceous. Previously, fossil paedogenetic eggs have only been known in Miastor vlaskini (Fedotova et Perkovsky) described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):520-532
pages 520-532 views

First record of the pipefish Nerophis zapfei Bachmayer (Syngnathidae, Gasterosteiformes) from the Middle Miocene of Northern Moldova

Popov Y.A.


A pipefish of the species Nerophis zapfei Bachmayer, which was previously recorded only in the Badenian of Austria, is found in the Lower Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) of northern Moldova. The specimen under study is relatively well preserved, allowing a detailed description and improvement of diagnostic characters of the species. The find expands the geographical range of N. zapfei and also provides additional potentialities for interregional correlations.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):533-541
pages 533-541 views

New data on the morphology of the snake mackerel Abadzekhia tarletskovi Bannikov (Perciformes, Gempylidae) from the Lower Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus

Bannikov A.F.


A new record of an almost complete and well-preserved skeleton of the gempylid fish Abadzekhia tarletskovi Bannikov, 2005 (Perciformes) in the Lower Maikopian (Lower Oligocene) of the Northern Caucasus (Apsheronskii District) allowed a more complete restoration of its morphology. To date, the species A. tarletskovi has only been known from the holotype (posterior portion of the body) from the same locality.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):542-546
pages 542-546 views

New finds of hesperornithids in the European Russia, with comments on the systematics of Eurasian Hesperornithidae

Zelenkov N.V., Panteleyev A.V., Yarkov A.A.


New remains of Hesperornithidae are described from several Late Cretaceous (Campanian) localities of the Lower Volga Region (European Russia). New specimens from Rychkovo and Karaykino localities cannot be referred to as Hesperornis rossicus Nessov et Yarkov, 1993 and likely represent a new undescribed species. Bones from Rychkovo belonged to immature individuals with an incompletely formed tarsometatarsus, which is comparable in size to those of adults known from Karyakino. A tarsometatarsus from the Malaya Rybka locality belongs to a smaller hesperornithiform species and represents the first avian record in this locality. An even smaller hesperornithiform from the Bereslavka locality resembles Asiahesperornis bazhanovi Nessov et Prizemlin, 1991. We discuss the systematics of Eurasian hesperornithiforms. We adhere to the validity of Hesperornis rossicus and doubt of the assignment to this species of Swedish materials. Asiahesperornis bazhanovi is undoubtedly a separate valid taxon of hesperornithiforms, but the generic name Asiahesperornis Nessov et Prizemlin, 1991 may be a junior synonym of Parahesperornis Martin, 1984.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):547-555
pages 547-555 views

First record of Chadronoxylon fossil wood (Angiospermae, Dicotyledones) from Russia

Afonin M.A.


A new species, Chadronoxylon sakhalinensis sp. nov. (Angiospermae, Dicotyledones), from the Upper Cretaceous of Sakhalin (Russian Far East) is described based on the anatomical characters of fossil wood. The fossil wood of Chadronoxylon is found in Russia for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):556-561
pages 556-561 views

Rhodopsin: Evolution and comparative physiology

Ostrovsky M.A.


A review of physicochemical properties, photochemistry, functions, and evolution of retinal-containing proteins (microbial and of metazoan rhodopsins, mostly visual rhodopsins) is provided. Comparative physiology of visual rhodopsins is considered in detail, mainly the molecular mechanisms of their spectral tuning.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):562-572
pages 562-572 views

Questions of Nomenclature

A new replacement name for Janischewskina compressa Grozdilova et Lebedeva, 1978 (Foraminifera)

Stepanova T.I., Gibshman N.B.
Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):573-573
pages 573-573 views

Davidonia nom. nov., a new substitute name for a Cambrian gastropod genus

Parkhaev P.Y.
Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(5):574-574
pages 574-574 views

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