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Vol 51, No 2 (2017)


Trend of changes in species diversity of Permian radiolarians of the genus Entactinia Foreman

Amon E.O., Afanasieva M.S.


The trend of species diversity and spatiotemporal distribution of spherical radiolarians of the genus Entactinia Foreman, 1963 in the Permian Period is analyzed. The center of origin of Permian entactinians in the Cis-Ural Paleobasin is established in the area of the modern interfluve of the Ural River and latitudinal current of the Belaya River on the Southern Urals. It is shown that the species composition of this genus almost completely changed in certain Permian epochs. Two forefather species of each new pleiad of Early, Middle, and Late Permian are revealed: Entactinia parapycnoclada and E. tyrrelli. Two new species of the Lower Permian radiolarians from the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary, E. chernykhi sp. nov. and E. subquadrata sp. nov., are described.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):109-126
pages 109-126 views

Microlimus and Simbosia (Limidae, Bivalvia), two new genera from the Upper Eocene of Ukraine

Berezovsky A.A.


Two new bivalve genera and three new species of the family Limidae from the Upper Eocene of Ukraine are described.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):127-132
pages 127-132 views

The ammonoid genus Spiroceras (Spiroceratidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian of the Northern Caucasus

Mitta V.V.


Ammonites of the genus Spiroceras are described from the Upper Bajocian of the Kyafar River Basin (Karachay-Cherkessia), including macroconchs with preserved apertures and (for the first time in the entire history of the study of Middle Jurassic heteromorphs) microconchs with lateral lappets. The microconchs of S. bispinatum (Baugier et Sauzé), mainly represented by cyrtocones with one ventral row of nodes, correspond to microconchs with a gyroconic shell and a single row of nodes. Macroconchs and microconchs of S. annulatum (Deshayes), the ribs of which lack prominent nodes or spines, are found together. The assemblage also contains small-sized slightly uncoiled shells of Spiroceras aff. S. fourneti Roman et Pétouraud with widely spaced ribs and two prominent rows of large nodes, presumably macro- and microconchs. The ornamentation of this species resembles that of the monomorph Bajocia rarinoda Sturani from the upper part of the Lower Bajocian; perhaps the latter was ancestral to the Middle Jurassic heteromorph. The above species of Spiroceras, as well as S. obliquecostatum (Quenstedt), are figured.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):133-142
pages 133-142 views

A reconstruction of the lophophore of Devonian rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) by using X-Ray micro-CT

Pakhnevich A.V.


The X-ray microtomographic study has revealed contrast inclusions (possibly iron compounds) in several shells of Devonian (Emsian–Famennian) rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) from Transcaucasia. Judging by the location of inclusions, they may correspond to soft tissues of lophophores. The spire-shaped inclusion in the shell of the holotype of the Late Devonian Sharovaella mirabilis Pakhnevich, 2012 has typical features of spirolophe and is interpreted as a part of one of lophophore spires. This find suggests that in the Late Devonian the spirolophe already existed in rhynchonellids. The dorsoventrally directed spirolophous lophophore is an ancient conservative feature of the order Rhynchonellida.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):143-154
pages 143-154 views

First records of brachiopods of the family Discinidae (Class Lingulata) from the Upper Jurassic of West Siberia

Smirnova T.N., Ushatinskaya G.T., Zhegallo E.A., Panchenko I.V.


The organophosphatic brachiopods of the superfamily Discinoidea, family Discinidae are described from the Upper Jurassic of West Siberia. The protegulum (embryonic shell) preserved in adult shells is for the first time discovered in Mesozoic discinids. The shell microstructure is studied. A new species, Discinisca undata Smirnova, sp. nov., is established.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):155-160
pages 155-160 views

New insects (Insecta: Eoblattida, Embiida) from the Permian of Russia and the Triassic of Kyrgyzstan, with observations on the origin of webspinners

Aristov D.S.


Locustoblattina segmentata gen. et sp. nov. and L. marginata gen. et sp. nov., new members of the family Mesorthopteridae (Eoblattida) are described from the Middle Triassic of the Madygen locality (Ladinian Stage of the Kyrgyzstan). New members of the Alexarasniidae (Embiida), Alexarasnia limbata Aristov, sp. nov. and Nestorembia shcherbakovi sp. nov., are described from the Upper Permian Isady locality in the Vologda Region and the Madygen locality, respectively. Parastenaropodites fluxa Storozhenko, 1996 (Mesorthopteridae) is redescribed from Madygen. The origin of webspinners from within the Permian eoblattids and the composition of the superorder Blattidea are discussed.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):161-170
pages 161-170 views

Tracheal system and biology of the Early Cretaceous Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko, 1976 (Insecta, ?Aphaniptera, Saurophthiroidea stat. nov.)

Rasnitsyn A.P., Strelnikova O.D.


The tracheal system of Saurophthiridae is described based on female fossils of Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko, 1976. Three very wide tracheal trunks are found running dorsolaterally along each side of the body. The tracheal system is amphipneustic, with the large mesothoracic and very large 8th abdominal spiracles. The 9th and following segments are able to turn back to open posterior spiracles for breathing. Taken together, these features are characteristic of air breathing aquatic insects. This urges us to modify the former hypothesis about parasitism of Saurophthirus on pterosaur wing membrane. We suppose that Saurophthirus females had gonotrophic cycles: they imbibed blood enough for maturation of a large egg batch, then retreated to a water body as a safe place for digesting and egg maturation, and after oviposition climbed onto emergent plants and waited for pterosaurs patrolling over the water and looking for fish, to start a new cycle. The families Saurophthiridae, Pseudopulicidae, and Tarwiniidae are united in the superfamily Saurophthiroidea Ponomarenko, 1986, stat. nov.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):171-182
pages 171-182 views

Cretaceous Saurophthiridae (Aphaniptera) as pupiparous pre-fleas of diving pterosaurs

Shcherbakov D.E.


By analogy with bat ectoparasites, it is assumed that Saurophthirus, a permanent ectoparasite of pterosaurs, was pupiparous (the female gave birth to a mature larva, which pupated immediately). The enlarged tracheal trunks containing air for the larva developing in the mother’s uterus indicate that Saurophthirus was a parasite of diving pterosaurs. The Saurophthiridae are the first Mesozoic insect group supposed to be pupiparous.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):183-185
pages 183-185 views

A new genus of fossil digger wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) from the Upper Eocene of Florissant, USA

Antropov A.V.


A new digger wasp, Florimena impressa gen. et sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae, Pemphredoninae), from the Upper Eocene shales of Florissant (Colorado, United States) is described. It is distinguished from all known members of the subtribe Spilomenina by the convex frons and in regularly rounded propodeum without a distinct bend between the upper and posterior sides.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):186-190
pages 186-190 views

New genus Ennoticus from the Upper Cretaceous of Taimyr (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae)

Lyubarsky G.Y., Perkovsky E.E.


Ennoticus mnemosynon gen. et sp. nov. is described from Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Taimyr amber. The new genus belongs to the tribe Cryptophagini and seems similar to the extant genus Mnionomidius, but differs from it in the presence of femoral lines. The new genus is similar to the tribe Caenoscelini in the presence of femoral lines, but differs from it in the parallel-sided tibia and weakly serrated lateral border of the pronotum. The new taxon is the most ancient representative of Cryptophaginae with femoral lines, an important distinctive feature.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):191-195
pages 191-195 views

New species of sub-fossil weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Madagascar copal

Bukejs A., Legalov A.A.


Two new species of the subfamily Cossoninae are described from Madagascar copal. Pentarthrum inclusus sp. nov. is similar to P. alpinum Hustache, 1933 but differs in the smaller body size, almost straight rostrum, almost flat eyes, temples with smooth punctures, and the shorter 3rd antennomere. Cossonus shevnini sp. nov. is similar to C. suturalis Boheman, 1838, differing in the unicolorous body, uniformly punctured pronotum, and more convex eyes.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):196-202
pages 196-202 views

Revision of non-passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Upper Miocene): 3. Neoaves

Zelenkov N.V.


A taxonomic revision of Upper Miocene Neoaves from Polgárdi locality is summarized. Rallicrex polgardiensis is transferred to the genus Rallus. The taxonomic position of R. kolozsvarensis is discussed. Porzana estramosi veterior and P. kretzoii are transferred to the genus Zapornia former is ranked as species. It is shown that the material referred to Egretta polgardiensis, Surnia robusta, and Otis kalmani actually belong to the fossil barn owl Tyto campiterrae. The genera Cuculus and Tetrao are identified incorrectly and several other taxa cannot be identified to genus. A fragmentary carpometacarpus originally referred to as Gallinago veterior actually belongs to Glareolidae. A complete list of revised non-passeriform taxa from Polgárdi is provided and the composition of the avifauna is discussed. The absence of taxa shared with approximately contemporaneous avian assemblage from the Hyargas-Nuur 2 locality in eastern Mongolia is evidence that at least two separate zoogeographical units of temperate avifaunas existed in the Late Miocene of Eurasia.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):203-213
pages 203-213 views

Systematics of the dinocyst group Scriniodinium–Endoscrinium–Athigmatocysta and description of the new species Scriniodinium multistratum sp. nov. from the Jurassic‒Cretaceous boundary beds of northern Siberia

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Lebedeva N.K.


The position of dinocysts of the genera Scriniodinium, Endoscrinium, and Athigmatocysta in the family Gonyaulacaceae is discussed. It is shown that they were originally regarded as close morphotypes and changes in their taxonomy were associated with the evolution of views on some morphological features of the dinoflagellate shell as criteria for taxa of medium and high rank. It is proposed that the new subdivision is inconclusive, somewhat unnature, since it is based on the contentious details of tabulation. Morphological similarity of these dinocysts is indicated in the revised diagnosis of the genus Scriniodinium. The new cavate gonyaulacoid dinocyst species Scriniodinium multistratum sp. nov. from the Upper Volgian and Berriasian of the Nordvik section, northern Siberia, is described.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(2):214-222
pages 214-222 views

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