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Vol 53, No 8 (2019)



Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):767-767
pages 767-767 views

Worldwide Distribution Patterns of the Planktonic Shelled Protists Radiolaria (Polycystina) and Foraminifera: Similarities and Contrasts

Demetrio Boltovskoy ., Nancy Correa .


Planktonic Foraminifera and Polycystina (Radiolaria) depict roughly similar—but not identical—worldwide distribution patterns. Discrepancies affect both cold- and warmwater areas, as well as the latitudinal profile of species richness, which peaks at the equator in Radiolaria, but in the subtropics in Foraminifera. Some differences are probably due to group-specific dissimilarities, but preservational and methodological artifacts play a key role.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):768-773
pages 768-773 views

The Role of Self-Assembly in the Development of Complex Microarchitecture Patterns in Biological Objects

Gabarayeva N.I., Grigorjeva V.V.


Data from the studies of mechanisms underlying the development of the sporoderm (envelopes of spores and pollen grains) are analyzed in the aspect of colloidal interactions (the micellar hypothesis that implies the contribution of self-assembly processes to the development) and supplemented by results of experimental in vitro modeling of sporoderm-like structures where the driving force were physical-chemical regularities of colloidal systems. The relative contributions of the genome and self-assembly to the emergence of complex biological envelopes are considered.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):774-779
pages 774-779 views

Pollen Assemblages and Plant Macrofossils in Holocene Deposits of Maloe Olen’e Lake (Kaliningrad Oblast)

Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Napreenko M.G.


Sediments of Maloe Olen’e Lake in the central part of the Kaliningrad oblast were subjected to analysis of the botanical composition of peat, pollen analysis, and radiocarbon dating. Four local pollen assemblage zones as reflecting the dominant plant communities of the surrounding territories during the Holocene were assigned. Analysis of plant macrofossils resulted in the identification of the stages of floating mat vegetation development in the Late Holocene. The atypical sequence of peat deposition, with transition mire peat located above raised bog peat, was identified. Sediment accumulation rate was calculated according to radiocarbon dating.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):780-786
pages 780-786 views

Vegetation Changes during the Holocene Inferred from Pollen Study of Lake Rubskoe Bottom Sediments (European Russia)

Nigamatzyanova G.R., Frolova L.A., Kadirov A.G., Nurgaliev D.K.


An environmental reconstruction of vegetation and climate is inferred from pollen records of Lake Rubskoe (Ivanovo region, Central Russia). The reconstruction suggests a general prevalence of pollen of broad-leaved trees. The results suggest a relatively cold period during the earlier part of the record (500–400 cm) followed by a warmer period (400–160 cm). Climate conditions similar to modern ones are reconstructed for the youngest sediments (160–50 cm).

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):787-789
pages 787-789 views

Distribution of Diatoms and Dinocysts in Surface Sediments from the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas

Obrezkova M.S., Pospelova V.Y.


Surface sediment samples from the East Siberian and Chukchi seas have been analyzed for the quantitative distribution, taxonomic composition, and ecological structure of diatom and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. According to the results, the diatom and dinocyst distribution in surface sediments indicates the distribution of different water masses in the region.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):790-794
pages 790-794 views

The Stages of Gametophyte and Sporoderm Development in Pollen Grains

Polevova S.V.


Based on several modern plant species (Aristolochia clematitis, A. manshuriensis, Alliaria petiolata, Chloranthus japonicus, Symphytum officinale, Ambrosia trifida, Polemonium caeruleum, Plantago major, Populus tremula and P. × berolinensis), grown in botanical gardens of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, the stages of gametophyte and sporoderm development were compared. The most common regularities in the development of male gametophyte and its sporoderm were revealed. It is shown that the thicker the endexine, the later the intine starts to develop. The formation of tubular intine at the first mitosis of male gametophyte can occur after initiation of the intine, as it is observed in spores with endosporous spore germination in gametophyte. The dehydration of a pollen grain that is expressed in deposition of lipids and starch can start before the maturation of sporoderm that is observed in inaperturate pollen grains. Angiosperms show the broadest possibilities of variability in the sporoderm structure without losing the capacity for reproduction.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):795-798
pages 795-798 views

New Data on Diatoms from the Marine Cenozoic Section of West Kamchatka at the Kvachina Bay

Gladenkov A.Y.


New data on finds of representative diatom assemblages in the marine Cenozoic section of West Kamchatka (Kvachina Bay) are presented. Planktonic species of stratigraphic importance were found in the assemblages. Analysis of stratigraphic occurrence of various taxa in the section resulted in the identification of a series of biostratigraphic units with the rank of local zones. Correlation of the assemblages with the North Pacific diatom zonation is outlined. The early Oligocene to early Miocene age of the host deposits is concluded.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):799-802
pages 799-802 views

Rotaliida (Foraminifera) from the Upper Cretaceous of Western Siberia

Marinov V.A.


The distribution of the foraminifera of the order Rotaliida in the Upper Cretaceous reference sections of Western Siberia is analyzed. The narrow stratigraphic range of most species, a wide geographical distribution, and the reliable diagnostic characters of the majority of the Rotaliida species make them valuable stratigraphic markers and characteristic species of the Upper Cretaceous foraminiferal zonal scale. The taxonomic composition of the zonal complexes is refined.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):803-807
pages 803-807 views

The ParvicingulakhabakoviWilliriedellum salymicum Radiolarian Biohorizon in the West Siberian Bazhenov Formation (Berriasian–Valanginian)

Vishnevskaya V.S., Gatovsky Y.A., Kozlova V.A.


Three-dimensional SEM images of the radiolarian species Williriedellum salymicum Kozlova, 1983 were obtained for the first time, from the Berriasian–Valanginian Parvicingula khabakovi – Williriedellum salymicum biohorizon of the Bazhenov Formation (based on material from the Gubkinskaya and Radonezh boreholes). Using computer tomography (CT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods, in addition to optical microscopy, we were able to confirm the validity of the species Williriedellum salymicum Kozlova, 1983 and we propose that this biohorizon be included in the Lower Cretaceous regional stratigraphic scheme of Western Siberia.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):808-811
pages 808-811 views

Barremian–Aptian Assemblages of Microfauna and Palynomorphs from the North-West of the Yamal Peninsula (Biostratigraphy and Palaeofacies)

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Nikitenko B.L.


The composition of Barremian–Aptian assemblages of microfauna and palynomorphs from the north-west of the Yamal Peninsula allows to reveal local zones, which are well correlated to those in some regions of Europe, Canada and Siberia. Microfossils data also provide the information on the paleofacies and climatic conditions.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):812-816
pages 812-816 views

New Insights on the Wall Structure of the Albian-Cenomanian (Cretaceous) Agglutinated Foraminiferal Species Sculptobaculitesgoodlandensis (Cushman et Alexander, 1930) from North-Central Texas, USA

Rashall J.M., Nestell G.P., Nestell M.K., Hunt A.


The agglutinated foraminiferal species Sculptobaculitesgoodlandensis has been studied to determine the composition of the cement and grains that make up the test wall. Elemental mapping of the internal structure reveals a layered wall with quartz grains in calcitic cement on the edges of the wall and an inner, calcitic layer of mixed detrital calcareous grains and fine-grained calcite, presumed to be secreted calcitic cement.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):817-821
pages 817-821 views

The Recurrence of Parathuramminacea and Archaesphaeracea Representatives at the Tournaisian–Viséan Boundary of the Lower Carboniferous (the Kipchak Section, the Eastern Slope of the Southern Urals)

Stepanova T.I.


The Tournaisian–Viséan boundary of the Lower Carboniferous was established in carbonate facies deposits of the “Kipchak” section (Southern Urals). There is a change in the facial settings at this boundary that is reflected in the variations in the composition of the foraminiferal assemblages. The recurrence of early Paleozoic genera and species of single-chamber foraminifera is observed in the deposits of the lower Viséan Stage that is associated with the specific ecological conditions of their habitat.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):822-826
pages 822-826 views

Kasimovian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Conodonts of the Shcherbatovka Section (Oka-Tsna Swell)

Goreva N.V., Alekseev A.S., Leontiev D.I.


Kasimovian (Upper Pennsylvanian) conodonts are studied from the Shcherbatovka section (Oka-Tsna Swell, Ryazan Region). The Khamovnikian and Dorogomilovian substages are exposed in this section. The presence of the conodonts Idiognathodus turbatus and I. heckeli was established in the deeper-water facies, compared to the type area of the Khamovnikian Substage. These species are considered as the potential markers for the lower boundary of the global Kasimovian Stage of the Carboniferous. A similar assemblage is established in the sections of US Midcontinent and South China.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):827-831
pages 827-831 views

The Kasimovian-Gzhelian Boundary and Associated Microfauna of the Transgressive Part of the Finis Shale Cycle (Graham Formation, Cisco Group, Pennsylvanian) in North-Central Texas, USA

Nestell M.K., Nestell G.P., Barrick J.E.


The transgressive part of the Finis Shale cycle (Graham Formation, Cisco Group, Virgilian, Pennsylvanian) in North-Central Texas contains abundant conodonts of the group Idiognathodussimulator, the species I. simulator being the global marker of the Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundary. The interval also has a dominantly agglutinated foraminiferal fauna with scarce calcareous taxa. A thin calcareous unit with a diverse Triticites fusulinid fauna directly underlies the Finis Shale.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):832-836
pages 832-836 views

Morphology of the Families Editiidae Knupfer, 1967 and Adeditiidae Gramm, 1992 (Ostracoda)

Sobolev D.B.


Analysis of the morphology of the Late Famennian–Early Bashkirian ostracod families Editiidae Knupfer, 1967 and Adeditiidae Gramm, 1992 allows the recognition of three groups with consistent sets of morphological traits. Accordingly, three new genera can be recognized in the family Editiidae Knupfer, 1967 and two new genera can be recognized in the family Adeditiidae Gramm, 1992.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):837-843
pages 837-843 views

Regularities in the Migration of Famennian Radiolarians in the Marine Basins of the Russian Platform

Afanasieva M.S.


The distinctive features of taxonomic composition and spatiotemporal distribution of radiolarian eco-zones in the Famennian of the Russian Platform are investigated. Migrant and aboriginal species are identified, and regularities in the migration of species of the classes Sphaerellaria, Spumellaria, and Aculearia are analyzed.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):844-851
pages 844-851 views

Pathologies of Devonian Conodont Elements of the Voronezh Anteclise

Nazarova V.M., Kononova L.I.


Pathological phenomena in Devonian conodonts are separated into five genetic groups: (1) mechanical breakdown of hard tissues with and without subsequent regeneration; (2) deviation of the growth of hard tissues due to soft tissue breaking; (3) genetic changes; (4) diseases; and (5) results of normal functioning. Examples of the pathologies considered (Abrasio, Accessio, Caudatio, Depressio, Diminutio, Duplicatio, Fusio, Impressio, Jugatio, Occlusio, and Suppressio) are widely represented in the Devonian deposits of the Voronezh Anteclise.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):852-856
pages 852-856 views

Biogenic Structures in the Silurian Stromatolites (Timan-Northern Ural Region)

Matveev V.A.


The study of the Silurian stromatolites revealed the diversity of biogenic structures and similarity of their morphology to that of the bacterial forms found in the ancient Archean stromatolites and modern cyanobacterial mats. The diversity of biogenic structures indicates high activity of microorganisms that formed cyanobacterial mats and confirms the microbial nature of the Silurian stromatolite buildups of the Timan-Northern Ural region.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):857-861
pages 857-861 views

Ancient (AR-PR1) Microfossils: Methods of Research

Astafieva M.M.


Various methods for the study of microfossils (AR-PR1) in macerates, thin sections, and fresh chips have been compared. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. While working with thin sections, it is often impossible to trace the interrelation between microfossils and host rocks. When preparing macerates, only individual fragments of microorganisms can be observed, as a rule. The overwhelming advantage of the method for the study of rocks in fresh chips has been shown.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):862-866
pages 862-866 views

Facies-Stratigraphic Distribution of Organic-Walled and Silicified Microfossils in the Early Billiyakh Basin (Lower Riphean, Anabar Uplift, Siberia)

Petrov P.Y., Sharma M., Vorob’eva N.G., Sergeev V.N.


The sedimentary succession of the Anabar Uplift (North Siberia) contains the Early Riphean abundant and diverse microfossil assemblages. The Ust-Il’ya and lower Kotuikan organic-walled assemblages of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms from open shelf facies reflect the level of the marine biosphere evolution in the early Mesoproterozoic. The silicified microbiotas of the upper subformations of Kotuikan and Yusmastakh formations are represented by prokaryotic cyanobacteria only.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):867-872
pages 867-872 views

Problems of Morphology and Classification in Bacterial Paleontology

Zhegallo E.A.


Bacterial paleontology studies the role of bacteria and other microorganisms in the genesis of sedimentary rocks and ores. Two model objects of bacterial paleontology (the Early Cambrian phosphorites and modern geyserites) are examples of the objects of research that have an extremely small number of morphological features (they are therefore almost not used in classification). For bacterial paleontology, it is important to find organic residues that were involved in sedimentation processes, in rocks and ores, and to determine to which groups of bacteria the forms found could be assigned. For this purpose, it is necessary to study rock, conditions of its genesis, and its mineral composition.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(8):873-877
pages 873-877 views

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