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Vol 53, No 6 (2019)


Conservative Nature of Biomineral Structures as a Challenge for the Cladistic Method of Phylogeny Reconstruction (Illustrated by Two Groups of Dinosaur Eggs)

Mikhailov K.E.


Analysis of the results of involvement of eggshell structure and egg morphology traits in the cladistic analysis of dinosaur (primarily, theropod) phylogeny revealed the subjective character of trait state assessment upon the construction of a matrix. The example of two groups of elongated dinosaur eggs (Elongatoolithidae and Prismatoolithidae) has been used to demonstrate that the motivation to confirm the correctness of the theropod (taxa that generated the eggs) cladogram often resulted in a biased interpretation of trait modality – for instance, to the detection of avian traits in the structure of eggshell, eggs, and nests. We showed that it was actually impossible to demonstrate the presence of these traits in the material studied. It has been noted that uncritical attitude to the matrix leads to a loss of important biological information, including the information related to the patterns of morphogenesis evolution.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):551-565
pages 551-565 views

Trace Fossils from the Vendian-Cambrian Transitional Strata of the Igarka Uplift (Northwestern Siberian Platform)

Korovnikov I.V., Marusin V.V., Tokarev D.A., Obut O.T.


The Vendian–Cambrian transitional strata of the Igarka Uplift (northwestern Siberian Platform), originally erected as the Sukharikha Formation, are one of the key objects revealing evolution of marine ecosystems in the late Vendian. Herein we describe dwelling burrows Skolithos and Arenicolites from dolostones in the middle Sukharikha Formation (Nemakit-Daldynian Regional Stage). High density and local distribution of these burrows in the Sukharikha Formation demonstrate that the terminal Vendian shallow-marine sediments became occupied by vertical-burrowing benthic organisms, mirrored in the geological record as an archetypical Phanerozoic ichnoassemblage (Skolithos ichnofacies).

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):566-574
pages 566-574 views

Early Cambrian Tommotiids of Khairkhan Section (Central Tyva)

Novozhilova N.V., Steiner M., Korovnikov I.V., Tokarev D.A.


Tommotiida finds from the Lower Cambrian of the Khairkhan Section located within the Central Tuva trough were characterized for the first time. The assemblages of small shelly fossils are represented by species of the genera typical for the Upper Atdabanian age, such as Tannuolina, Kelanella, Lugoviella, and Microdictyon. Sclerites of four different morphotypes were identified for the Lugoviella ojmuranica species.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):575-582
pages 575-582 views

On the Upper Maastrichtian Oysters of the Genus Rhynchostreon Bayle (Bivalvia, Gryphaeidae) from the Mountainous Crimea

Kosenko I.N.


The morphology and shell microstructure of smooth exogyrid oysters from the Upper Maastrichtian of the Mountainous Crimea (SW Russia) are studied. Their shell microstructure consists of a simple regularly foliated, irregular crossed foliated, and transitional irregular simple prismatic/irregular complex crossed foliated structures. The latter has been only identified in oysters of the genus Rhynchostreon Bayle. Along with specific shell morphology, it allows to attribute the studied oysters to the species Rhynchostreon aralensis (Arkhangelsky, 1912). The occurrence of the genus Rhynchostreon in the Upper Maastrichtian of the Mountainous Crimea allows to clarify its stratigraphic distribution.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):583-592
pages 583-592 views

New Species of the Genus Chelotia (Pleurotomariidae, Gastropoda) from the Middle Eocene of Ukraine

Berezovsky A.A., Pacaud J.


new species of the genus Chelotia, C. pervicina sp. nov., from Middle Eocene deposits of the southern outskirts of the town of Krivoi Rog (Ukraine) is described. This species is compared with the most similar species C. concava (Deshayes) based on studying Chelotia specimens from the collection of the National Museum of Natural History (Paris, France).

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):593-597
pages 593-597 views

Craspeditidae (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Platform at the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary. II. Genus Hectoroceras Spath

Mitta V.V.


The short geochronological span and wide geographic distribution of the genus Hectoroceras in the Boreal Paleogeographic Superrealm make it exceptionally important for correlation of the Volgian–Ryazanian boundary beds. The Ogarkovo Section on the Unzha River (Kostroma Region), which is essential for this correlation, is described. The revised genus Hectoroceras includes the type species H. kochi Spath, H. larwoodi Casey, H. tolijense (Nikitin), and its microconch H. pseudokochi (Mesezhnikov), the latter two previously assigned to the genus Shulginites Casey, 1973 which is here considered as a junior subjective synonym of Hectoroceras. The FAD of Hectoroceras kochi is an interregional marker for Panboreal correlation, and the coincidence of this event with the invasion of ammonites of Tethyan origin into the Central Russian ecotone improves the prospects for a Boreal – Tethyan correlation of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):598-610
pages 598-610 views

New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Middle–Late Permian of Northeastern Mongolian Boreal Basin

Manankov I.N.


Three new spiriferid species are established from the Mongolian key sections of the Middle Permian Tsagaan-Temete horizon and Late Permian Binder horizon, Uldza formation. Crassispirifer galinae sp. nov. (order Spiriferida) and Tumarinia uldsiensis sp. nov. (order Spiriferinida) were found in the inequigranular sandstones of Tsagaan-Temete Horizon of Mts. Tsagaan-Temete and Tavan-Tologoi, Uldza Permian Field, northeastern Mongolia. Few molds and imprints of Neospirifer borealis sp. nov. (order Spiriferida) were collected from the interbedding series of calcareous siltstones and sandstones of Binder horizon, upper Uldza subformation, key section on the slope of Mt. Ikh-Uldziit on the left bank of the Khurakhu Gol River.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):611-615
pages 611-615 views

A New Method for Description of Smooth Ostracod Shells, Using Permian and Triassic Ostracods from Eastern Europe

Naumcheva M.A.


Smooth ostracods have a limited set of diagnostic features due to the lack of sculpture on the surface of the shell. The main species characteristics include the shell outline on the lateral and dorsal sides. The lack of a unified terminology has led to uninformative descriptions of Permian and Triassic smooth ostracods. The article presents a new method for measuring the parameters characterizing the ostracod shell shape. Based on these parameters and their ratios, terms are introduced to describe the species. The new method, in conjunction with statistical analysis, will help solve biological, environmental and biostratigraphic issues.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):616-628
pages 616-628 views

New Conodont Species from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Urals

Plotitsyn A.N., Gatovsky Y.A.


New conodont species of the genus Polygnathus from the Upper Famennian of the Urals and Cis-Urals are described. Po. tsygankoi sp. nov. is distributed from the expansapraesulcata conodont zones. This species occupies an intermediate position in the phylogenetic lineage Polygnathus atasuensis–Po. tsygankoi sp. nov.–Po. lobatus sensu Kononova. Po. serriformis sp. nov. is known from the praesulcata Zone. Evolutionary relationships of Po. serriformis sp. nov. are unknown.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):629-635
pages 629-635 views

The First Record of a Lungfish (Dipnoi, Sarcopterygii) in the Famennian Deposits (Upper Devonian) of the Tver Oblast

Lebedev O.A., Krupina N.I., Linkevich V.V.


A new dipnoan genus and species Anchidipterus dariae Krupina, gen. et sp. nov. (Dipteridae) is described based on a lower jaw specimen from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Bilovo locality (Russia, Tver oblast, Toropets district). This taxon is characterized by the short and broad mandibular symphysis, the rostrolateral orientation of the mesial ridge of the prearticular tooth plates and the significant divergence angle of their ridges. The platysymphyseal construction of the lower jaw in Anchidipterus in combination with relatively small and widely spaced tooth plates suggest that this fish fed on poorly armored or soft-bodied, inactive invertebrates and occupied the niche of an unspecialized omnivore in the trophic structure of the community.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):636-646
pages 636-646 views

Turtles Protestudo bessarabica from the Late Miocene of Ukraine

Syromyatnikova E.V., Krakhmalnaya T.V., Chkhikvadze V.M., Danilov I.G.


The paper describes three incomplete shells of terrestrial turtle Protestudo bessarabica (Testudinidae) from the Late Miocene (Maeotian, biozone MN 12) of the Belka locality (Ukraine). This is the first description of this species from Ukraine. Materials from Belka add to the data on morphology and variation of the P. bessarabica shell in the formula of the neural plates, the shape of the precentral scale and the gular projection. Additionally, materials from Belka confirm the previously known variation of the shell of P. bessarabica in other characters. This species had a wide geographic distribution in Eastern Europe (Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine) in a rather narrow time interval of the Late Sarmatian–Maeotian and may be important for biostratigraphic correlation.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):647-659
pages 647-659 views

Finds of Ruminants and New Data on the Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene Locality of Fortep’yanka 2 (Northwest Caucasus, Adygea Republic)

Vislobokova I.A., Tarasenko K.K.


New finds of fossil remains of ruminants of genera Euprox Stehlin, 1928 (Dicrocerini, Muntiacinae, Cervidae) and Protragocerus Depéret, 1887 (Boselaphini, Bovinae, Bovidae) and the faunal analysis clarify the age of the terrestrial fauna from the Fortep’yanka River composite section. We show that the fauna corresponds to the early Vallesian, mammal zone MN 9 of Europe and belongs to the first half of the Tortonian, upper Sarmatian (Khersonian regional stage) of the Eastern Paratethys.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(6):660-665
pages 660-665 views

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