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Vol 51, No 4 (2017)


Apophyses, verticiles, and denticles in skeletons of Late Paleozoic radiolarians of the subfamily Entactiniinae

Afanasieva M.S., Amon E.O.


Morphostructural analysis of secondary skeletal elements, such as apophyses on the main spines and verticiles on the secondary spines of certain Late Paleozoic radiolarians of the subfamily Entactiniinae allow their taxonomic rank to be raised to genus. The presence of denticles on the secondary spines is only evidence of particular species. Three skeleton morphotypes are established: primary morphotype A, verticillate morphotype B, and apophyseal morphotype C. A new species, Entactinia mariannae sp. nov., and two new genera, Apophysiacus gen. nov. with five species, A. ichikawai (Caridroit et De Wever, 1984), A. minuta (Feng, 2007), A. praepycnoclada (Nazarov et Ormiston, 1983), A. pycnoclada (Nazarov et Ormiston, 1985), and A. sakmaraensis (Kozur et Mostler, 1989), and Verticillides gen. nov. with three species, V. nazarovi nom. nov., V. nestellae sp. nov., and V. verticillatus sp. nov., are described.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):337-356
pages 337-356 views

The role of fetalization in the morphogenesis of Kazanian gastropods (Middle Permian, Volga-Urals Region)

Mazaev A.V.


The Kazanian gastropods of the Volga-Urals Region include a large proportion of pedomorphic taxa, suggesting that morphogenesis in this paleobasin was relatively frequently a product of fetalization. All pedomorphic genera that appeared in the paleobasin are shown to have derived from advanced eurybionts, but their emergence did not result in further diversification. This evolutionary pattern is typical of insular ecosystems. A new Early Kazanian genus, Sokella gen. nov., is described. Biarmeaspira angulata (Netchaev, 1894), previously known only from the Upper Kazanian, is here redescribed from the Lower Kazanian.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):357-367
pages 357-367 views

To the revision of the Upper Ordovician Bilobia Cooper (Strophomenida, Brachiopoda)

Madison A.A.


The diagnosis and species composition of Bilobia Cooper, 1956 (family Leptestiidae, Strophomenida, Brachiopoda) are specified based on literary data and collection from the Leningrad Region. In particular, the cardinal process with cleft shaft and trifid myophore and denticles along the area of ventral valve are adduced to the diagnosis. A new species, B. alichovae sp. nov., from the Sandbian Stage of the Leningrad Region is established.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):368-373
pages 368-373 views

New insects (Insecta: Trichoptera, Eoblattida) from the Lower Permian of Russia

Sukatsheva I.D., Aristov D.S.


The insect fauna of the Lower Permian Tyulkino locality in the Perm Region of Russia is considered. New members of the orders Trichoptera and Eoblattida are described. Members of the primitive family Microptysmatidae (suborder Protomeropina) are typical of the Lower and Middle Permian deposits of Eurasia and are represented by the two genera: Microptysmella Kukalová-Peck et Willmann, 1990 and Kamopanorpa Martynov, 1928. Kamopanorpa tyulkiana sp. nov. and K. tamarae sp. nov. (Trichoptera, Microptysmatidae) and Parakhosara kamica sp. nov. (Eoblattida, Megakhosaridae) are described.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):374-381
pages 374-381 views

Two new genera of cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae: Amiseginae) from Rovno and Baltic ambers

Martynova K.V., Perkovsky E.E.


Cuckoo wasps of the subfamily Amiseginae, Eosega heterotarsata gen. et sp. nov. and Foveorisus kilimniki gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Eocene Baltic (Russia) and Rovno ambers (Ukraine), respectively, are described. Primitive Eosega is close to the extinct genus Palaeobethylus Brues in Kieffer, 1914 and represents the so-called American series of genera of Amiseginae. Foveorisus is found to be morphologically close to a number of extant oriental genera. All known fossil Amiseginae are listed. Stick insects of the family Archipseudophasmatidae, possible hosts of the Eocene amisegines, are recorded in the Rovno amber for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):382-390
pages 382-390 views

Miocene ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Crimea

Perfilieva K.S., Dubovikoff D.A., Dlussky G.M.


Ant imprints, new and previously known, from Middle Miocene deposits near Kerch (Crimean Peninsula, Russia) are described or redescribed. A new Myrmicinae species, Solenopsis atavinus sp. nov., is described based on a wingless female. A winged female similar to the earlier described Dolichoderus tauricus Dlussky, 1981 is found: due to the excellent preservation of this specimen, the new specimen and the holotype of D. tauricus are redescribed and can be reclassified as Ponerites tauricus (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. Oecophylla taurica sp. nov. is described based on a partly preserved imprint of a female thorax with a forewing, the venation of which allows it to be positively identified as a weaver ant. Two other species are transferred from the formal genus Camponotites to Oecophylla based on forewing venation: O. kraussei (Dlussky et Rasnitsyn, 1999), comb. nov. (Early Eocene, United States) and O. macroptera (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. (Middle Miocene, Stavropol, Russia). One of the studied forewing imprints is similar in venation to Paraphaenogaster microphthalmus Dlussky, 1981, described from the Middle Miocene of Vishnevaya Balka (Stavropol province, Russia) and so is attributed to this species. Dolichoderus tavridus sp. nov. is described based on a forewing.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):391-401
pages 391-401 views

New data on synecology of Vyazniki terrestrial community (Terminal Permian, Central Russia)

Sennikov A.G.


New materials from terminal Permian localities of the Vyazniki Faunal Assemblage from the eastern Vladimir Region, including a tooth of the proterosuchid Archosaurus rossicus Tatarinov, 1960, which is recorded for the first time in a coprolite, are described. New data on tetrapod coprolites allow a more reliable reconstruction of trophic relationships and reorganization of the trophic structure of this terrestrial community. Interactions of the higher-rank consumers therocephals and early proterosuchid archosaurs were not restricted to competition for food resources, but also included preying of adult representatives of one taxon on juveniles of the other.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):402-413
pages 402-413 views

Vertebrates from the Pontian of the Shkodova Gora locality (Northwestern Black Sea Region, Upper Miocene)

Kovalchuk O.M., Gorobets L.V., Syromyatnikova E.V., Danilov I.G., Titov V.V., Krakhmalnaya T.V., Rekovets L.I., Zelenkov N.V.


Remains of fishes, turtles, birds, and mammals are described from the Upper Miocene (MN13) Shkodova Gora locality (Ukraine, Odessa Region), the only representative locality of Pontian large vertebrates in the northwestern Black Sea Region. Asiatic fish and avian taxa are recorded for the first time in the Upper Miocene of Europe. The Shkodova Gora ichthyofauna includes eight freshwater fish species (belonging to Acipenseridae, Cyprinidae, Siluridae, and Percidae). Taxa that have previously been recorded only in Western Siberia (Abramis bliccoides, Perca lepidopoma), eastern Kazakhstan, and the Altai Mountain (Rutilus tungurukensis) are revealed. Acipenser gueldenstaedtii is recorded for the first time in the Upper Miocene of Eastern Europe. The occurrence of the genus Ctenopharyngodon, a member of the Chinese plain faunal assemblage is of great interest. The Shkodova Gora avifauna (seven taxa) is mostly composed of waterfowl, including Phalacrocorax mongoliensis, which has previously been known only from the Lower Pliocene of Mongolia. The finding of Proanser major is the youngest record of this species in the fossil record. Mammals of the Shkodova Gora association include a hare resembling Trischizolagus dumitrescuae, Palaeoryx cf. pallasi, and Hipparion cf. moldavicum, which have not been mentioned among Pontian taxa of the northern Black Sea Region. Pontian paleolandscapes in the area of the Shkodova Gora locality are reconstructed.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):414-429
pages 414-429 views

Bacterial paleontology of the Neoarchean banded iron formations of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula

Astafieva M.M., Felitsyn S.B., Alfimova N.A.


Probable microfossils, presumably of bacterial origin, were found in the banded iron formations of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. The age of these formations is 2.7–2.8 Ga. Based on the organic carbon content and balance estimations it was established that these banded iron formations were deposited in environments rich in organic matter. Comparative analysis of the morphology of Recent and Neoarchean microorganisms suggests a bacterial origin for some magnetite in the studied quartzites.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):430-440
pages 430-440 views

Fossil wood of Betula erkovetskiensis sp. nov. (Betulaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia

Blokhina N.I., Bondarenko O.V.


A new species, Betula erkovetskiensis Blokhina et O.V. Bondarenko (Betulaceae), from the deposits of the Sazanka Formation (upper Middle−Upper Miocene) of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field (Amur Region, Russia) is described based on anatomical features of fossil wood. The new species shows some wood anatomical characters of the extant birch subgenus Betula, B. davurica, B. nigra (section Dahuricae), and B. papyrifera (section Betula). Fossil wood of Betula is found in the Amur Region for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2017;51(4):441-452
pages 441-452 views

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