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Vol 50, No 1 (2016)


On the first reliable find of the genus Tholodus (Reptilia: Ichthyopterygia) in the Asian peripheral area of the Panthalassic ocean

Arkhangelsky M.S., Zverkov N.G., Zakharov Y.D., Borisov I.V.


Until recently, Tholodus, a rare ichthyosaur with spherical tooth crowns of the pressing–crushing type, has only been known from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) beds of Western Europe. A record of Tholodus remains in the Karazin Formation (Middle Anisian) of southern Primorye (Russian Far East) significantly expands the range of these reptiles.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):78-86
pages 78-86 views

Reconstruction of Charniodiscus yorgensis (Macrobiota from the Vendian of the White Sea)

Ivantsov A.Y.


Reconstruction and new description of the rare species Charniodiscus yorgensis Borchvardt et Nessov, 1999, which has previously been represented by a single, presently lost specimen, is provided. New material collected in the type locality and closely situated outcrops of Zimnii Bereg of the White Sea allows reconstruction of the structure of this fossil form in more detail. Like other species of the genus Charniodiscus Ford, 1958, the specimen of C. yorgensis, replaced by pyrite initially nonmineralized skeleton of an organism, consisted of a bilobate frond with the rachis passing downwards into the basal disk. It is shown that each lobe of the frond of C. yorgensis was an entire membrane arranged in transverse folds, as an accordion. Plicate lateral lobes, with their free margins directed upwards, adjoin sharp ridges of folds on either side of the membrane. Semipouches formed of bends of lateral lobes were probably the bases of tubular or seedlike elements of branches of the second order, recognized in C. oppositus Jenkins et Gehling, 1978 and C. arboreus (Glaessner, 1959) from Australian localities. Unique records of C. yorgensis buried in an upstanding position corroborate the well-known hypothesis of the vertical lifetime orientation of Charniodiscus.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):1-12
pages 1-12 views

Revision of Cretaceous species of the genera Euchitonia Ehrenberg and Spongotripus Haeckel (radiolaria) from Lipman’s collection

Vishnevskaya V.S.


The holotypes of Euchitonia santonica Lipman, 1952 and E. triradiata Lipman, 1960 are studied in detail. It is shown that they do not correspond to the diagnosis of the genus Euchitonia sensu Lipman, since one apophysis distinguished by the shape or size from the others is not opposed to the angle between them and all angles are different. The assignment of the species in question to the genus Euchitonia sensu Ehrenberg is revised. A new genus of Late Cretaceous radiolarian, Quasieuchitonia gen. nov., with the type species Q. electa sp. nov. is described; in addition, the species Q. santonica (Lipman) is referred to the new genus. The analysis of the holotype of Spongotripus aculeatus Lipman, 1952 has shown that it, like the holotype of Euchitonia triradiata Lipman, 1960, belongs to the genus Pseudoaulophacus Pessagno, 1963.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Milax vitukhini, a new radiolarian species from the Upper Jurassic of the Ust’-Belaya Mountains of the Koryak Upland

Palechek T.N., Moiseev A.V.


A new species, Milax vitukhini sp. nov., from the newly recognized Kimmeridgian–Tithonian radiolarian association from volcanogenic–siliceous–terrigenous rocks of the Borozda Creek Basin (Ust’-Belsky Mountains, Koryak Upland) is described.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):21-28
pages 21-28 views

A new coral genus (Tabulata) from the Upper Devonian of the Subpolar Urals

Tsyganko V.S.


A new tabulate genus, Sokolovia gen. nov., with the type species B. pershinae sp. nov., from the Upper Devonian (Lower Famennian Substage) of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals is described.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Two new brachiopod genera from the Lower Pragian (Lower Devonian, Soda Creek Limestone) of west-central Alaska

Baranov V.V., Blodgett R.B.


New strophomenid and rhynchonellid (Brachiopoda) taxa are described from the Lower Pragian (Soda Creek Limestone) of west-central Alaska: Harperoides gen. nov. with type species H. alaskensis sp. nov. (subfamily Mesodouvillinae Harper et Boucot) and Pedderia gen. nov. with type species P. fragosa sp. nov. (family Pygmaellidae Baranov).

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):34-40
pages 34-40 views

New species of Pachydermopora Gordon, 2002 and Beisselina Canu, 1913 (Bryozoa: Cheilostomida) from a Campanian erratic block (Belarus) and their micro-CT investigation

Koromyslova A.V., Pakhnevich A.V.


The internal structure of bryozoans of the genera Pachydermopora Gordon, 2002 and Beisselina Canu, 1913 (Cheilostomida: Ascophora) from a Campanian erratic block near the town of Grodno (Belarus) is for the first time investigated in detail using X-ray micro-CT. The data obtained from these investigations allow erection of two new species, i.e., Pachydermopora grodnoensis sp. nov. and Beisselina skyscanica sp. nov. The examination of the micro-CT slices reveals the most significant characters allowing more accurate identification of the species of these genera.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):41-53
pages 41-53 views

Revision of Pseudorhaptagnostus Lermontova (?Trilobita, Agnostida)

Naimark E.B.


The revision of the type collections on the genus Pseudorhaptagnostus Lermontova, 1940 has shown the validity of the type species. Originally indicated type species P. simplex Lermontova, 1951 appeared to be erroneously combination of cephala and pygidia from different species; recombined set of cephala and pygidia for P. simplex synonymized it with P. punctatus Lermontova, 1940, and therefore renamed the type species as the latter one. Also Pseudorhaptagnostus has shown to differ from its close morphological affinities Neoagnostus, Norilagnostus, Machairagnostus, Idolagnostus. New introduction of their morphological difference allowed us to rearrange the species assignment of these genera.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):54-68
pages 54-68 views

New species of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Paleogene resins of Europe

Melnitsky S.I., Ivanov V.D.


Two new species of caddisflies of the families Philopotamidae and Polycentropodidae, Wormaldia pobeda sp. nov. and Nyctiophylax leningrad sp. nov. are described from the Eocene Baltic and Rovno ambers.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):69-72
pages 69-72 views

A new genus of seed beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) in Baltic amber

Legalov A.A.


The new genus and new species of seed beetles (Copeoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) Electrocaryedon poinari gen. et sp. nov. are described from the Late Eocene Baltic amber. This new genus differs from the genus Caryedon Schoenherr, 1823 in the completely separate procoxal cavities, not shortened lateral carina on pronotum, and wider body with sparse setae.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Deer of the genus Megaloceros (Mammalia, Cervidae) from the Early Pleistocene of Ciscaucasia

Titov V.V., Shvyreva A.K.


A new deer species, Megaloceros stavropolensis sp. nov., from the pre-Apsheronian sandy–clayey deltaic deposits of the Georgievsk sand pit (village of Podgornoe, Stavropol Region) is described. The fauna of large and small mammals from the bone beds of this locality is dated terminal Villanian, end of the MNQ 17 Zone, beginning of the Late Villafranchian, and assigned to the beginning of the Psekups Mammalian Assemblage. This is the earliest known member of the genus, which possesses antlers with well-developed palmation. The middle tine is absent and the posterior tine is a part of the antler palmation. Other specimens of Early Pleistocene Megaloceros are represented by fragments.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):87-95
pages 87-95 views

A new species of the genus Sequoiadendron Buchholz (Cupressaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Enmyvaam River Basin, Central Chukotka

Sokolova A.B., Moiseeva M.G.


A new conifer species, Sequoiadendron tchucoticum A. Sokolova from the Emuneret Formation on the Enmyvaam River (Anadyr River Basin) is described. It is established based on a thorough study of the morphology and epidermal features of shoot impressions, using scanning electron microscopy. The new species has polymorphic shoots with helical branching and three main leaf types: scalelike, subulate, and falcate. Leaves are amphistomatic; amphicyclic stomata are mostly obliquely arranged; ordinary epidermal cells are rectangular, frequently with oblique end walls, and their length-to-width ratio reaches 15: 1. Shoots of the new species prevail among conifers of the Ust’-Emuneret Assemblage. The age of the deposits enclosing the assemblage is debated; according to the latest data, it is estimated as Santonian–Early Campanian.

Paleontological Journal. 2016;50(1):96-107
pages 96-107 views

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