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Edição Seção Título Arquivo
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article On the first reliable find of the genus Tholodus (Reptilia: Ichthyopterygia) in the Asian peripheral area of the Panthalassic ocean
Volume 50, Nº 8 (2016) Article Middle Aptian biostratigraphy and ammonoids of the Northern Caucasus and Transcaspia
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Experimental approaches to the study of the formation of axial structures during early development of Xenopus laevis
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Nature of the turtle shell: Morphogenetic causes of bone variability and its evolutionary implication
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Whether or not selection can induce variability: Model of the American mink (Mustela vison)
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Hair follicle regeneration in vitro
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article New species of the pelecypod genus Crassatella (Bivalvia) from the Upper Eocene of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article Reconstruction of Charniodiscus yorgensis (Macrobiota from the Vendian of the White Sea)
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article Revision of Cretaceous species of the genera Euchitonia Ehrenberg and Spongotripus Haeckel (radiolaria) from Lipman’s collection
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article Milax vitukhini, a new radiolarian species from the Upper Jurassic of the Ust’-Belaya Mountains of the Koryak Upland
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article A new coral genus (Tabulata) from the Upper Devonian of the Subpolar Urals
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article Two new brachiopod genera from the Lower Pragian (Lower Devonian, Soda Creek Limestone) of west-central Alaska
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article New species of Pachydermopora Gordon, 2002 and Beisselina Canu, 1913 (Bryozoa: Cheilostomida) from a Campanian erratic block (Belarus) and their micro-CT investigation
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article Revision of Pseudorhaptagnostus Lermontova (?Trilobita, Agnostida)
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article New species of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Paleogene resins of Europe
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article A new genus of seed beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) in Baltic amber
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article Deer of the genus Megaloceros (Mammalia, Cervidae) from the Early Pleistocene of Ciscaucasia
Volume 50, Nº 1 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Sequoiadendron Buchholz (Cupressaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Enmyvaam River Basin, Central Chukotka
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Hundred years of Paleontological Society of Russia: Key events in the history and prospects
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Evolution of ontogeny and nature of heterochronies
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Major trends in the evolution of Permian ammonoids
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Protegulum and brephic shell of the earliest organophosphatic brachiopods
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Bryozoans of the order Melicerititida: Morphological features and position of the order in the taxonomic structure of the class Stenolaemata
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Aboral nervous system in two Ordovician crinoids: Reconstruction and comparison of Baltic Pentamerocrinus Jaekel and Grammocrinus Eichwald
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Insects during the time around the Permian—Triassic crisis
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article On the history of Early—Middle Pleistocene mammal faunas of the Central Balkans
Volume 50, Nº 2 (2016) Article Phytopathology in fossil plants: New data, questions of classification
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article New radiolarian genera and species from the Lower Permian of the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Medfracaulus from the Upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin; Morphology and taxonomy and the family Ptychocaulidae (Gastropoda)
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article New middle Olenekian (early Triassic) ammonoids of South Primorye
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article Shell microstructure and variability of cell imprints of the mantle outer epithelium in the genus Suiaella Moisseev (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) from the Lower Cretaceous of Crimea
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article New Famennian bryozoans (Upper Devonian) from Azerbaijan and Armenia
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article Revision of Scoliocystis (Rhombifera: Echinoencrinitidae) and related cystoid genera
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article Miocene ostracods of Chuya and Kurai depressions of the southeastern Altai
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article New beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from the Lower Triassic of European Russia
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article A new species of Micromalthidae (Coleoptera) from the Rovno amber: 1. Adult morphology
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article New tempospondyl amphibians from the basal Triassic of the Obshchii Syrt Highland, Eastern Europe
Volume 50, Nº 3 (2016) Article Fossil wood of Pinus priamurensis sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Miocene deposits of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article Paleosol complex in the uppermost Mikhailovian Horizon (Viséan, Lower Carboniferous) in the southern flank of the Moscow Syneclise
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article On Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous oysters of the genus Deltoideum Rollier (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea) from Siberia
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article New records of the Late Carboniferous ammonoid genus Eoshumardites in the Kolyma–Omolon Region, and notes on the evolution of Eoshumarditidae
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article On the phylogeny of Early Cardioceratidae (Ammonoidea) and Cadoceratinae from Central Russia at the Bathonian–Callovian boundary
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article Shell microstructure and imprints of cells of the outer mantle epithelium of Monticlarella Wisniewska (Brachiopoda: Rhynchonellida, Norelloidea)
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article Cystoporida (Bryozoa) from the Emsian Stage (Lower Devonian) of the Salair Ridge and Gorny and Rudny Altai
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article New data on the Tournaisian bryozoans (Lower Carboniferous) from Azerbaijan and Armenia
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article The family Phryganeidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Asia (with a brief worldwide overview of the fossil caddisfly fauna)
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article A new family of anthocoroid hemipterans (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Cimicomorpha) from Cretaceous Taimyr amber
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article On the taxonomic position of the genus Parapryg (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) and classification of Protorthoptera and related groups
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article An azhdarchid humerus (Pterosauria, Azhdarchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Saratov Region
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Article Fossil wood of Laricioxylon erkovetskiense sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Volume 50, Nº 4 (2016) Questions of Nomenclature Kazankiella nom. nov.—A new replacement name for a Permian gastropod genus
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Anniversary of Alexei Yurevich Rozanov
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article New subfamily Petschoricinae and its position in the system of Foraminifera
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Morphology, taxonomic position, and stratigraphic distribution of the early Cambrian skeletal problematics Mobergella radiolata Bengtson, 1968
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Revision of the superfamily Acrotheloidea (Brachiopoda, class Linguliformea, order Lingulida) from the Lower and Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article New species of Jakutoproductus from the Lower Permian of Verkhoyansk Region
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Paleogeography of the Ordovician bryozoans of the genus Diplotrypa Nicholson (Trepostomida)
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Pelekysgnathus jeppssoni, a new conodont species from the Eifelian Stage of the Bryansk Region, Russia
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Caddisflies from Cenozoic resins of Europe
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article A new species of the plesiosaur genus Polycotylus from the Upper Cretaceous of the southern Urals
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Lizards of the family Hodzhakuliidae (Scincomorpha) from the lower Cretaceous of Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Revision of non-Passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Late Miocene): 1. Anseriformes
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Evolution of the biome of the Middle Siberian Trappean Plateau
Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016) Article Fossil wood Ginkgoxylon amurense sp. nov. (Ginkgoaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Amur River area, Russian Far East
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article A complete diversity of fossils: Perspectives
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article New microorganisms from the Vendian (Ediacaran) of the Berezovsky Trough, southern Siberian Platform
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article Foraminifers of the genus Tournayellina Lipina, 1955
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article New records of bipolar nuculanid bivalves of the genus Glyptoleda in the Permian of northeastern Asia
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article Argutostrea gen. nov.: Questions of taxonomy and ethology of Middle–Late Jurassic epibiont oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea)
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article Evolution of the genus Baylea (Gastropoda) in the Kazan Paleobasin (Middle Permian, Volga–Ural Region)
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article A new Paratethyan genus of the ostracod subfamily Loxoconchinae (Podocopida, Cytheroidea)
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article The first Eocene tumbling beetle of the genus Isotrilophus (Insecta: Coleoptera: Mordellidae) from the Green River Formation (Colorado, United States)
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article On the taxonomic state of a digger wasp of the tribe Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Crabroninae) from the Dominican amber
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article A new halfbeak species (Beloniformes, Hemiramphidae) from the Lower Sarmatian of the Krasnodar Region
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article Revision of non-passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Late Miocene): 2. Galliformes
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article Participation of algal–bacterial community in the formation of modern stromatolites in Cock Soda Lake, Altai Region
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article New dinocyst species (family Ceratiaceae Willey et Hickson) from the Lower Cretaceous of Southwestern Western Siberia
Volume 50, Nº 6 (2016) Article Galls on the Compositiphyllum retinerve (Herman) Herman et Kvaček leaves (angiosperms) from the Turonian of the Northwestern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
Volume 50, Nº 7 (2016) Article Silurian and Early Devonian ostracods of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article Preface
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article The ant Aphaenogaster dlusskyana sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Sakhalin amber—the earliest described species of an extant genus of Myrmicinae
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Nalassus Mulsant (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from the Baltic amber
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article New taxa of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) in Baltic and Rovno amber
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article The first record of the subfamily Xenoscelinae (Coleoptera, Erotylidae) from the Baltic amber
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article New weevils (Curculionidae) in Baltic amber
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article A new species of the genus Anthonomus Germar (Curculionidae) in Mexican amber
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article A new species of derelomine weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Curculioninae: Acalyptini) from the Rovno amber
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article The first record of Late Cretaceous blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Asia (Yantardakh, Taimyr)
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article First gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea) from Late Cretaceous amber of the Taimyr Peninsula
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article Rovnodiplosis eduardi gen. et sp. nov., the first record of a fossil gall midge of the supertribe Mycodiplosidi (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) in the Late Eocene of the Rovno amber
Volume 50, Nº 9 (2016) Article A new genus and species of gall midges of the supertribe Heteropezidi (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) found in Eocene amber from Sakhalin
Volume 50, Nº 10 (2016) Article Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Miocene of the Taman Peninsula: Part 1. Description of key sections and benthic fossil groups
Volume 50, Nº 11 (2016) Article Devonian brachiopods of the orders Spiriferida and Spiriferinida of the European Russia and Transcaucasia: Systematics, shell microstructure, and microornament
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Introduction
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article The nonscientific aspect of a scientific expedition: The organization of the First Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, 1946, under the leadership of I.A. Efremov
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article A new look at the Precambrian and Cambrian event chronostratigraphic correlation of Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Prasinophyte green algae Tasmanites and problematic fossils in the Upper Vendian Biota of the Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article New data on the stratigraphy of the crystalline complexes of Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article On the biogenic origin of phosphorites
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Bacteria, cyanobacteria, and calcareous algae in Cambrian biotic associations of the Khubsugul phosphate deposit in western Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Paleozoic bryozoans of Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Studies of fossil brachiopods of Mongolia: Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Major stages in the studies of the Permian marine basins of Mongolia and new data on their biostratigraphy and fauna
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Paleoentomology of Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Jurassic dinosaurs of Transbaikalia and prospects of searching for them in Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article “The Fighting Dinosaurs”: The position of their bodies before and after death
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article On the stratigraphy of the reference section of the Upper Mesozoic deposits of Undur-Bogd in southern Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Evolution of bird communities in the Neogene of Central Asia, with a review of the Neogene fossil record of Asian birds
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Dzeren from the cavicorn fauna of the Nalaikha locality
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Middle Jurassic floras of Mongolia: Composition, age, and phytogeographic position
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article Upper Cretaceous paleosols of the Bain-Dzak section, southern Mongolia
Volume 50, Nº 12 (2016) Article A new charophyte species from the Upper Oligocene of western Mongolia (Shine Us locality)
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Foreword
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Molecules, morphology, and phylogeny
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Evolutionary gains and losses in Bilateria
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article On some features of historical morphogenesis
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Developmental canalization with no part of stabilizing selection
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Homological series of icosahedral viruses and fullerenes
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Pseudocyclic transformation in the evolution of modular organisms and the problem of the integrity of biological systems
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article On the elementary units of multicellularity and their classification in the shape of a periodic table
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Deviations in skeletons of radiolarians
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Fullerene transformations as analogues of radiolarian skeleton microevolution
Volume 50, Nº 13 (2016) Article Initial growth deceleration as an immanent property of plants
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Independent similarity in the morphological evolution of brachiopods
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Morphogenesis in the individual and historical development of marine post-Paleozoic Tubuliporida (bryozoa, Stenolaemata)
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Normal range and variation in the ontogeny of the Late Paleozoic ammonoid family Marathonitidae
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Morphological similarity between echinoid taxa as a result of convergent and parallel evolution
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Arms versus brachioles: Morphogenetic basis of similarity and differences in food-gathering appendages of pelmatozoan echinoderms
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Parallelisms in the evolution of sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
Volume 50, Nº 14 (2016) Article Morphology of the exoskeleton and soft tissues of Cambrian rhabdopleurids
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article The first record of dicosmoecinae from the Cenozoic of the Russian Far East with a brief global overview of fossil Limnephilidae (Insecta: Trichoptera)
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article Jurassic lacewings (Insecta: Neuroptera) of Western Siberia
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article New sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Asia. I. Parapamphiliinae and Xyelulinae
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article A new horned sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article Volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Sortavala Group: A habitat of ancient microorganisms
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article New data on the distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the Upper Jurassic Loino section (Kirov region, Russia)
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Questions of Nomenclature New substitute names for ostracodes to replace a genus-group name homonym
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article Trend of changes in species diversity of Permian radiolarians of the genus Entactinia Foreman
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article Microlimus and Simbosia (Limidae, Bivalvia), two new genera from the Upper Eocene of Ukraine
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article The ammonoid genus Spiroceras (Spiroceratidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian of the Northern Caucasus
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article A reconstruction of the lophophore of Devonian rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) by using X-Ray micro-CT
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article First records of brachiopods of the family Discinidae (Class Lingulata) from the Upper Jurassic of West Siberia
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article New insects (Insecta: Eoblattida, Embiida) from the Permian of Russia and the Triassic of Kyrgyzstan, with observations on the origin of webspinners
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article Tracheal system and biology of the Early Cretaceous Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko, 1976 (Insecta, ?Aphaniptera, Saurophthiroidea stat. nov.)
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article Cretaceous Saurophthiridae (Aphaniptera) as pupiparous pre-fleas of diving pterosaurs
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article A new genus of fossil digger wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) from the Upper Eocene of Florissant, USA
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article New genus Ennoticus from the Upper Cretaceous of Taimyr (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae)
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article New species of sub-fossil weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Madagascar copal
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article Revision of non-passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Upper Miocene): 3. Neoaves
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2017) Article Systematics of the dinocyst group Scriniodinium–Endoscrinium–Athigmatocysta and description of the new species Scriniodinium multistratum sp. nov. from the Jurassic‒Cretaceous boundary beds of northern Siberia
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article The development of the genus Biarmeaspira (Gastropoda) in the Kazanian Paleobasin (Middle Permian, Volga-Urals Region)
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article The discovery of Eifelian ammonoids in the Central Kyzylkum Desert (Aristantau Mountains, Uzbekistan)
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article The genus Keppleritiana gen. nov. (Stephanoceratidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian of the Northern Caucasus
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article Bryozoan (Stenolaemata) records from the upper Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of the Moscow region
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article Middle Cambrian trilobites from the vicinity of Dolgii Mys Mountain (Khakassia, Batenevsky Ridge)
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article Ordovician ostracods from the Upper Kalar Graben of northern Transbaikalia, Udokan Region
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article New mayflies (Insecta: Ephemerida = Ephemeroptera) from the Upper Mesozoic locality of Khasurty, Western Transbaikalia
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article Protocopidosoma gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from the Late Eocene Danish amber
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article New sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Asia: II. Ghilarellinae and Trematothoracinae
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article A new species of the conodont genus Polygnathus from the Tournaisian of the northern Urals, Chernyshev Ridge and Pai-Khoi
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article A new Galeopid (Anomodontia, Galeopidae) from the Permian of Eastern Europe
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article Marine algal flora of the Late Viséan (Early Carboniferous) of the Moscow Basin
Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017) Article Pollen of Castaneoideae (Fagaceae) from the Holocene sediments of the Sea of Japan
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article Apophyses, verticiles, and denticles in skeletons of Late Paleozoic radiolarians of the subfamily Entactiniinae
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article The role of fetalization in the morphogenesis of Kazanian gastropods (Middle Permian, Volga-Urals Region)
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article To the revision of the Upper Ordovician Bilobia Cooper (Strophomenida, Brachiopoda)
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article New insects (Insecta: Trichoptera, Eoblattida) from the Lower Permian of Russia
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article Two new genera of cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae: Amiseginae) from Rovno and Baltic ambers
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article Miocene ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Crimea
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article New data on synecology of Vyazniki terrestrial community (Terminal Permian, Central Russia)
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article Vertebrates from the Pontian of the Shkodova Gora locality (Northwestern Black Sea Region, Upper Miocene)
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article Bacterial paleontology of the Neoarchean banded iron formations of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2017) Article Fossil wood of Betula erkovetskiensis sp. nov. (Betulaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article On the position of Cambrian archaeobranchians in the system of the class Gastropoda
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article On some Rarecostites (Parkinsoniidae, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Bajocian Parkinsoni zone of the Northern Caucasus
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article Shell microstructure of Discinisca suborbicularis sp. nov. (Brachiopoda, Lingulata) from the Upper Jurassic of Western Siberia
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article Some peculiarities in the behavioral reactions of the lophophore and the trophic structuring of the colonies of the post-Paleozoic Stenolaemata (bryozoa)
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article A new cornute (Homalozoa: Echinodermata) from the uppermost Middle Cambrian (stage 3, Furongian) from Northern Iran: Its systematics and functional morphology
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article Taxonomic remarks concerning ostracods of the Ponto–Caspian Basin
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article New tribe, genus, and species of paedogenetic gall midges (Diptera, Lestremiidae: Krassiloviolini trib. nov.) from the Late Cretaceous Taimyr amber
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article Shell morphology of cretaceous planktonic foraminifers as a means for paleoenvironment reconstructions
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article First record of the pipefish Nerophis zapfei Bachmayer (Syngnathidae, Gasterosteiformes) from the Middle Miocene of Northern Moldova
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article New data on the morphology of the snake mackerel Abadzekhia tarletskovi Bannikov (Perciformes, Gempylidae) from the Lower Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article New finds of hesperornithids in the European Russia, with comments on the systematics of Eurasian Hesperornithidae
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article First record of Chadronoxylon fossil wood (Angiospermae, Dicotyledones) from Russia
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Article Rhodopsin: Evolution and comparative physiology
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Questions of Nomenclature A new replacement name for Janischewskina compressa Grozdilova et Lebedeva, 1978 (Foraminifera)
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017) Questions of Nomenclature Davidonia nom. nov., a new substitute name for a Cambrian gastropod genus
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Introduction
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Russia–UK Collaboration in Paleontology: Past, Present, and Future
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Sequence of Permian Tetrapod Faunas of Eastern Europe and the Permian–Triassic Ecological Crisis
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article Jurassic Scaphopoda from the Russian platform: Pulsellidae and Gadilidae
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Early Stages of Recovery of the East European Tetrapod Fauna after the End-Permian Crisis
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Terrestrial Ecology around the Permian–Triassic Boundary
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Early Cretaceous Enantiornithine Birds (Aves, Ornithothoraces) and Establishment of the Ornithuromorpha Morphological Type
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Ordovician Paracrinoids from the Baltic: Key Problems of Comparative Morphology of Pelmatozoan Echinoderms
Volume 51, Nº 6 (2017) Article Origin and the Early Evolution of the Phylum Mollusca
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Conodont biostratigraphy of the Early Triassic in eastern Slovenia
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Evolution of asteroarchaediscidae A. Miklukho-Maclay, 1957 in the Carboniferous
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article New Late Viséan and Early Serpukhovian ammonoids in the Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section (Eastern Slope of the South Urals)
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Phylogenetic relationships of Early Triassic ammonoids (new data on the inner shell structure of some Olenekian ammonoids of Southern Primorye)
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Olenekian brachiopods from the Kamenushka River basin, South Primorye: New data on the brachiopod recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article Opisthobranch gastropods from the Lower Cretaceous of the Ulyanovsk Volga Region: 1. Genus Tornatellaea Conrad
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Ontogeny of the Early Carboniferous acanthodian Acanthodes lopatini Rohon
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Flora and dispersed cuticles from the coal seams in the Jan pit of the Šverma coal mine in Žacléř (Bashkirian, Intrasudetic Basin, Czech Republic)
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Carboniferous plant fossils from northern Turkey in the Jongmans Collection, Naturalis, Leiden
Volume 51, Nº 7 (2017) Article Mesozoic rissoid gastropods: History of the study, systematics, and diversity
Volume 51, Nº 8 (2017) Article The concept of macroevolution in view of modern data
Volume 51, Nº 9 (2017) Article Early Cretaceous trigoniids of the Northern Caucasus
Volume 51, Nº 10 (2017) Article Upper Devonian conodonts of northeastern European Russia
Volume 51, Nº 11 (2017) Article Revision of the Cambrian Agnostina (Trilobita?) from Russia
Volume 51, Nº 11 (2017) Article Middle Cambrian trilobites from Borehole Nizhny Imbak 219 (northwestern Siberian Platform)
Volume 51, Nº 12 (2017) Article The stem placental mammal Prokennalestes from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia
Volume 51, Nº 13 (2017) Article On new Jurassic Rissooidea and Zygopleuroidea convergently similar to them (Gastropoda: Pectinibranchia)
Volume 51, Nº 13 (2017) Article Mineralogical–geochemical characteristics of the bone detritus of Pleistocene mammals as a source of paleontological information
Volume 51, Nº 13 (2017) Article On the nature and origin of cellular complexity: The combinatorial–eukaryogenetic scenario
Volume 51, Nº 13 (2017) Article Halophilic-psychrotrophic bacteria of an Alaskan cryopeg—a model for astrobiology
Volume 51, Nº 14 (2017) Article Trochidae (Gastropoda) from the Sarmatian Basin of the Eastern Paratethys
Volume 51, Nº 14 (2017) Article Kunduriphyllum kundurense gen. et comb. nov. (Platanaceae) and Associated Reproductive Structures from the Campanian of the Amur Region, Russia
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2017) Article New brachiopods from the Ordovician of northeastern Russia
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article On Some Volgian Ammonites and Their Nomenclatural Types
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article New Species of Crassatellidae (Bivalvia) from the Middle Eocene of Ukraine
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article Preservation of Mineralized Soft Tissues and Their Imprints on the Shells of Ancient Phosphatic Brachiopods
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article Some Aspects of the Brachiopod–Brachiopod Relationships
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article Trilobites from the Gzhelian (Pennsylvanian) of the Moscow Region
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article Ordovician Ostracods from the Core of the Gaindinskaya-3 Reference Borehole (Tunguska Syneclise, Siberian Platform)
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Upper Mesozoic Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Transbaikalia): Part 1. Imago
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article On the Fauna of Bristletails (Zygentoma, Microcoryphia) of the Rovno Amber
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article Juvenile Leuroglossus kobylianskyi (Argentiformes, Microstomatidae, Bathylaginae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article First Record of the Late Eocene Ichneumon Fly Rasnitsynites tarsalis Kasparyan (Ichneumonidae, Townesitinae) in Ukraine Confirms Correlation of the Upper Eocene Lagerstätten
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article On the Finding of Neosuchians (Neosuchia, Crocodyliformes) in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) Deposits of the Moscow Region
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article Stellarossica gen. nov. and the Infragroup Keltmiides infragroup. nov.: Extremely Large Acanthomorph Acritarchs from the Vendian of Siberia and the East European Platform
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Article A New Species of Marskea Florin (Pinopsida) from the Middle Jurassic of the Irkutsk Coal Basin (East Siberia)
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Darwinula oryzalis nom. nov.—A New Replacement Name for the Preoccupied Specific Name Darwinula acuta Mishina, 1966 (Ostracoda)
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Archaeoryctes Zheng, 1979 (Mammalia), nomen protectum, and Archaeoryctes Czerniavsky, 1881 (Annelida), nomen oblitum
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature On the Nomenclature of the Genera Krylovia and Samarospadix (Vojnovskyales)
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article New Vendian Saarinid Microorganisms from the Siberian Platform
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article The First Data on Bryozoans from the Lyaiol Formation (Upper Devonian, Upper Frasnian) in South Timan
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article Bryozoa (Stenolaemata) from the Upper Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of the Moscow Region
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article Insect Diversity from the Carboniferous to Recent
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article A New Tribe of the Subfamily Cyladinae (Coleoptera, Brentidae) in the Miocene of Germany
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article New Beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from the Upper Vyatkian Aristovo Locality, European Russia
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article A New Genus and Species of Stromateoid Fishes (Perciformes, Stromateoidei) from the Lower Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article Amphibians of the Permian Sundyr Tetrapod Assemblage of Eastern Europe
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article Lizards of the Family Temujiniidae (Iguanomorpha): Finds from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia, Classification and Geographical Origin
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article Morphology of the Craniovertebral Joint in Psittacosaurus sibiricus (Ornithischia: Ceratopsia)
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article A New Record of Mongoloscapter (Talpidae, Lipotyphla, Mammalia) from the Oligocene of Mongolia
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2018) Article Morphology, Systematics, and Stratigraphic Significance of the Dinocyst Genus Dingodinium
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article Chondrichthyans from the Lower Carboniferous of Yakutia, Russia
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article Permian Nonmarine Bivalve Mollusks: Review of Geographical and Stratigraphic Distribution
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article Lower Permian Conifers of the Cis-Urals: Taxonomic and Morphological Diversity and Paleoecology
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article On the Validity of the Conodont Species Mesotaxis falsiovalis Sandberg, Ziegler et Bultynck, 1989
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article Challenges of Gondwanan Marine-Nonmarine Correlations—A Palynological Perspective
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article New Data on Permian Bivalves and the Age of the Volcanogenic Beds of the Arman-Viliga Folded Zone, Northeastern Asia
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article Bivalves from the Delendzhian–Dulgalakhian Boundary Beds of the Middle Permian of the Lower Reaches of the Lena River (Northern Verkhoyansk Region, Northern Siberia)
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article Revision of Late Permian Nonmarine Bivalves of the Genus Opokiella Plotnikov, 1949
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article The Nonmarine Bivalve Permianaia gen. nov., the Last Member of Naiaditidae from the Terminal Permian the East European Platform
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article New Stage of Recovery of East European Tetrapod Community after Permian–Triassic Crisis
Volume 52, Nº 7 (2018) Article Early Kazanian (Middle Permian) Gastropods
Volume 52, Nº 8 (2018) Article Devonian and Carboniferous Brachiopods and Biostratigraphy of Transcaucasia
Volume 52, Nº 9 (2018) Article Devonian and Carboniferous Brachiopods and Biostratigraphy of Transcaucasia(Ending)
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Foreword
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article A New Cheiracanthid Acanthodian Species from the Aruküla Regional Stage (Middle Devonian, Givetian) of the Eastern Main Devonian Field
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Paleosols and Weathering Crusts of the Middle-Late Devonian in the Mikhailovskii Quarry (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly)
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Hardgrounds of the Ordovician Baltic Paleobasin as a Distinct Type of Sedimentation Induced by Cyanobacterial Mats
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Bacteriomorph Structures in Nodules, a Characteristic of Euxinic Conditions of Nodule Formation
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Cambrian Photosynthetic and Chemosynthetic Ecosystems in the Siberian Craton
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Life in Ancient Cooling Lava
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article The Biostratigraphic Paradox of Precambrian Cyanobacteria: Distinguishing the Succession of Microfossil Assemblages and Evolutionary Changes Observed among Proterozoic Prokaryotic Microorganisms
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Use of Morphology of Halophilic and Alkaliphilic Cyanobacteria as a Criterion for Detection of Soda Conditions in the Past
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Traits of Biomorphic Structure Formation in Kamchatka Geyserites
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Laboratory Simulation of “Proteolytic Bacterium–Cyanobacterium” Interaction in Alkaliphilic Microbial Community
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Microbial Communities of Soils and Soil-like Bodies in Extreme Conditions of East Antarctica
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article On the First Reliable Record of the Ichthyosaur Ophthalmosaurus icenicus Seeley in the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian Beds of European Russia
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Unknown Widespread Iron- and Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Gamma-IR Resistance of Bacteria in Soil and Permafrost
Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018) Article Effect of Gamma Radiation on Viability of a Soil Microbial Community under Conditions of Mars
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article A Scansorial Passerine Bird (Passeriformes, Certhioidea) from the Uppermost Lower Miocene of Eastern Siberia
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article Paleolithic Man of Denisova Cave and Zoogeography of Pleistocene Mammals of Northwestern Altai
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article Ovuliferous Organs of Trisquamales Gordenko et Broushkin ordo. nov. (Gymnospermae) from the Middle Jurassic of the Kursk Region, European Russia
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Complementary Transformations of Buried Organic Residues and the Ambient Sediment: Results of Long-Term Taphonomic Experiments
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Revision of Cretaceous Radiolarians of the Family Hagiastridae from Lipman’s Collection
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article New Upper Devonian Rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) from Transcaucasia
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article New and Little-known Nymphs of Gryllones (Insecta) from the Lower Permian of Russia
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article A New Genus and Species of the Damselfly Family Hemiphlebiidae from the Lower Cretaceous Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Eastern Transbaikalia)
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Digestive System of the Early Cretaceous Insect Saurophthirus longipes Ponomarenko (Insecta, ?Aphaniptera, Saurophthiroidea)
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Ants of the Genus Fallomyrma Dlussky et Radchenko (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) from Late Eocene European Ambers
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article A New Genus and Species of Scolytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Rovno Amber
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Locality of Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Vicinity of the Town of Vyazniki
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Comments on the Paper of B.P. Vjuschkov “Locality of Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Vicinities of the Town of Vyazniki”
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Diversity of Middle Jurassic Turtles from the Berezovsk Quarry Locality, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia: Morphology and Histological Study
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Morphology of the Coracoid of Late Cretaceous Enantiornithines (Aves: Enantiornithes) from Dzharakuduk (Uzbekistan)
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Article Fossil Wood of Ulmus priamurica sp. nov. (Ulmaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Darwinula vetusta nom. nov.—a New Replacement Name for the Preoccupied Specific Name Darwinula mera Starozhilova, 1967 (Ostracoda)
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018) Questions of Nomenclature Ponomarenkium gen. nov., a Replacement Name for the Stem Group Beetle Ponomarenkia Yan et al., 2017 (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Representatives of the Genus Trochammina (Foraminifera) from the Middle Jurassic of the Arctic and Boreal Regions
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article A New Sphinctozoan Species (Porifera), Colospongia lenis sp. nov., from the Upper Permian Reefs of Southern Primorye
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Revision of the Late Paleozoic Family Vidrioceratidae Plummer et Scott (Ammonoidea)
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Ammonites of Tethyan Origin in the Ryazanian Stage of the Russian Platform: Genera Transcaspiites Luppov and Karasyazites gen. nov.
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article New Atrypids (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Devonian of Northeast Russia
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Shell Microstructure of Rhynchonella loxiae Fischer (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) from the Upper Volgian of Moscow Region
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article New Data on Carboniferous Xiphosurans (Xiphosura, Chelicerata) of the Donets Coal Basin
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article New Ichneumonids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from the Lower Cretaceous Khasurty Locality
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Dencyrtus gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from the Late Eocene Danish Amber
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) from the Eocene of the Green River, United States: Part 1
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Neogene Deep-sea Smelts (Argentiniformes: Microstomatidae) from the Far East Russia
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article First Record of Fossil Ghost Pipefish (Solenostomidae, Gasterosteiformes) in Russia
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Craniology of the Plesiosaur Abyssosaurus nataliae Berezin (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Central Russian Platform
Volume 52, Nº 3 (2018) Article Devonian Spores of Kryshtofovichia africani Nikitin (Tracheophyta): Morphology and Ultrastructure
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article New Species of Crassatina (Bivalvia) from the Middle and Upper Eocene of Ukraine
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article Clausiuraloceras mechetlense, a New Ammonoid Species from the Kungurian of the Southern Cisuralian Region
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article On the First Finds of the Genus Djanaliparkinsonia (Stephanoceratidae, Ammonoidea) in the Upper Bajocian of the Northern Caucasus
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article New Brachiopod Species Leurosina katasumiensis (Chonetida) from the Kungurian Katasumi Limestone of the Kusu Area, Central Japan
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article Shell Microstructure of Kabanoviella obliterata Lahusen (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellidae) from the Upper Hauterivian of Ulyanovsk Region
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article First Fossil Xiphosuran (Chelicerata, Xiphosura) Egg Clutch from the Carboniferous of Khakassia
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article New Insects (Insecta: Trichoptera, Reculida, Eoblattida) from the Mesozoic of Asia
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article New Angarosphecidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from the Lower Cretaceous of Northeastern China
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) from the Eocene of the Green River, United States: Part 2
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article On Polymorphism of Protoceratops andrewsi Granger et Gregory, 1923 (Protoceratopidae, Neoceratopsia)
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article Northernmost Record of the Merck’s Rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger) and Taxonomic Status of Coelodonta jacuticus Russanov (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae)
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2018) Article A New Species of the Genus Phoenicopsis (Leptostrobales) from the Middle Jurassic of the Irkutsk Basin (Eastern Siberia)
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article New Species of Inoceramus-like Bivalves of the Subfamily Kolymiinae from the Middle Permian of Northeastern Asia
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article Some New Species of Crassatella (Bivalvia) from the Upper Eocene of Ukraine
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article Orientosirenites, a New Ammonoid Genus (Sirenitidae; Ammonoidea) from the Upper Carnian of the Boreal Realm
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2018) Article The Neogene Ostracod Genus Advenocypris from the Intermontane Depressions of the Southeastern Altai
Volume 52, Nº 11 (2018) Article Upper Eocene Bivalves from Dnepr, Ukraine: Crassatellidae
Volume 52, Nº 11 (2018) Article Taxonomic Composition of Gastropods from the Mandrikovka Beds of the Upper Eocene of Ukraine: Species List
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Vendian Macrofossils of the Yudoma Group, Southeast of the Siberian Platform
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Reconsideration of Dating of the Late Paleozoic Radiolarian Latentifistula crux Ecozone in the Southern Urals
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Revision of the Genus Pluristratoentactinia Nazarov in Nazarov et al., 1981 (Paleozoic Radiolarians)
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article A New Species of Paraseraphs (Gastropoda, Seraphsidae) from the Priabonian White Limestone Formation of Jamaica
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article New Stoneflies of the Suborder Nemourina Newman, 1853 (Insecta: Perlida = Plecoptera) from the Middle Permian Deposits of the Kostovaty Locality, Udmurtia, Russia
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article New and Little Known Cnemidolestid Insects (Insecta: Cnemidolestida) from the Middle Permian–Middle Triassic of Eurasia
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article New Records of Grammolingiidae, Saucrosmylidae, and Panfiloviidae (Insecta: Neuroptera) from the Jurassic of Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article A New Genus of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Lungfish (Dipnoi) Burrows from the Triassic of the Southern Cis-Urals
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article On Possible Trophic Adaptations of Some Rhytidosteidae (Amphibia, Temnospondyli)
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article New Data on Enosuchid Anthracosauromorphs (Amphibia) of the Middle–Late Permian of European Russia: Part 1. Morphology of Enosuchus breviceps Konzhukova, 1955
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article New Data on Early Triassic Lonchorhynchids (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) of Eastern Europe
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article A New Platynotan Lizard (Parasaniwidae, Anguimorpha) from the Late Paleocene of Southern Mongolia
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Bristle Scale As a Predecessor of Protofeather and Feather
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Morphology of the Petrosal in Late Miocene Baleen Whales of Northwestern Ciscaucasia
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article On a New Find of Megantereon (Carnivora, Felidae, Machairodontinae) from the Early Pleistocene of Trlica (Montenegro, the Central Balkans)
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Late Pleistocene Mammals of the Northwestern Altai: Report 1. Anui Basin
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Late Pleistocene Mammals of the Northwestern Altai: Report 2. Charysh Basin
Volume 52, Nº 12 (2018) Article Endophytic Micromycetes on the Leaves of the Genus Taxodium Richard (Cupressaceae) from the Lower Paleocene of the Amur Region
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Distribution of Atdabanian (Early Cambrian) Trilobites, Archaeocyaths, and Small Shelly Fossils in the Altai–Sayan Folded Area
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article The Order Anetshelloida (Mollusca, Rostroconchia): Origin, Patterns, Mechanisms
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article The Genus Delphinites Sayn (Ammonoidea: Neocomitidae) in the Lower Valanginian of the Russian Platform
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Variability of Relative Body Chamber Length in Jurassic Ammonites of the Family Cardioceratidae Siemiradzki, 1891, and Its Taxonomic Significance
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Pterygotid Eurypterids from the Upper Silurian of Podolia (Ukraine)
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article A New Record of Adelophthalmus (Eurypterida, Chelicerata) from the Devonian of the South Minusinsk Depression
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Ostracod Analysis of Callovian and Lower Oxfordian Deposits of the Mikhailovtsement Section (Ryazan Region): Methods and Results
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article New Stoneflies of the Suborder Perlina Latreille, 1802 (Insecta: Perlida = Plecoptera) from the Middle Permian of the Kostovaty Locality in Udmurtia, Russia
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Middle Miocene of the Stavropol Region, Russia
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Late Pleistocene Taphocoenosis of Insects and Small Mammals from the Upper Reaches of the Ob River
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article New Data on Enosuchid Anthracosauromorphs (Amphibia) of the Middle–Late Permian of European Russia: Part 2. New Taxa of Enosuchidae
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article New Data on Ornithischian Dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Transbaikalia, Russia
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Semantor macrurus Orlov, 1931 (Carnivora, Mustelidae): Morphology of the Hind Limb and a New View on Its Paleobiology
Volume 52, Nº 13 (2018) Article Diatoms in the Orgueil Meteorite
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Foreword
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article In the Memory of Academician E.I. Vorobyeva and Professor L.V. Belousov
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Genomic-Morphogenetic Correlations and Evolutionary Trajectories of Bilateria
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Evolutionary Trends in Hox Cluster Genes Utilization: Whether Common Genes Play by General Rules?
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Architectonics of Metazoa as the Basis for the Reconstruction of the Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Extinct Taxa
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Morphogenesis and Evolution of the Blastopore
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Algebraic Geometry of Icosahedral Viruses
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Biotic Crises and Giantism of Radiolarian Skeletons in the Late Paleozoic
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article From Regeneration to Coloniality: Multiple Buds in the Solitary Coral Bothrophyllum conicum Trautschold, 1879 (Rugosa) in the Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Features of Coloniality As a Basis for the Morphologic Diversity of Jurassic and Cretaceous Bryozoans of the Class Stenolaemata
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Formation of the Diversity of the Brachiopod Order Spiriferida at the Devonian–Carboniferous Boundary
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Morphological Diversity of the External Shell Sculpture of Paleozoic Cephalopods: How Did It Arise and What Does It Mean?
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Paleozoic Ammonoids: Historical Pathways of the Development of Morphological Diversity
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Morphogenetic Features of the Exoskeleton in Early Jawless Vertebrates (Osteostraci, Agnatha): Geometry of the Shield Sections
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article On Morphological Diversity in Directed Development of Late Carnivorous Dinosaurs (Theropoda Marsh 1881)
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article First Record of Stegosaur (Ornithischia, Dinosauria) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Chorological and Geochemical Factors of Morphogenesis, Using Deviant Forms of Rana arvalis Nilsson, 1842 as an Example
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article On the Systematics and Scale for Measuring Historical Pathways of the Development of Morphological Diversity
Volume 52, Nº 14 (2018) Article Embryonization of Ontogeny and Evolution of Life Cycles of Modular Organisms
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article On New Approaches in the Study of Evolution of Macrotaxa and the Concept of Econ
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article Distribution Patterns and Morphology of Islandiella norcrossi (Cushman) in the Upper Quaternary Deposits of the Laptev Sea
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article On the Taxonomic Composition of Mollusks from the Tavda Formation of Western Siberia
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article Shell Microstructure of Strophomenide Bilobia Cooper (Brachiopoda) from the Late Ordovician of Baltoscandia
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article Bryozoans and Brachiopods from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Central Russian Platform
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article New Species of Mischopterida = Megasecoptera (Insecta) from the Permian Deposits of the Vorkuta Basin
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article A New Species of the Genus Homocloeus Jordan (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) in Miocene Mexican Amber
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article Paleogene Turtles of Crimea
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article Lizards of the Families Eoxantidae, Ardeosauridae, Globauridae, and Paramacellodidae (Scincomorpha) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2019) Article Xenoxylon (Coniferales) Fossil Woods from the Jurassic and Cretaceous Deposits of Siberia and the Russian Far East
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article New Species of Spiral Nodosariids (Foraminifera) from the Lower Carnian (Triassic) Deposits on the Laptev Sea Coast (Russia)
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article Pathological Changes of Archaeocyathids
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article New Rhynchonellides (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Pragian (Soda Creek Limestone) of West-Central Alaska
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article Shell Interior of Semiplanella carinthica Sarytcheva et Legrand-Blain (Brachiopoda, Productida)
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article Ostracods from the Delingde Formation (Upper Ordovician) of the Siberian Platform
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article A New Tribe, Genus and Four Species of Lace Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Southwestern Kazakhstan
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article A New Species of the Family Smicripidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Rovno Amber
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article Hooked-Horn Sculpins (Pisces: Cottidae, Artediellinae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article Lizards of the Families Dorsetisauridae and Xenosauridae (Anguimorpha) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article Systematic Position of Palaeortyx (Aves, ?Phasianidae) and Notes on the Evolution of Phasianidae
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Article Further Interpretation of Wodehouseia spinata Stanley from the Late Maastrichtian of the Far East (China)
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Polygnathus sharyuensis nom. nov., a New Replacement Name for the Famennian (Upper Devonian) Polygnathus mawsonae Ovnatanova et al., 2017 (Conodonta)
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article To the 50th Anniversary of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article Archean Fossil Microorganisms
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article Bivalves of Northeast Asia at the Carboniferous–Permian Transition
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article A New Species of the Genus Bellazona (Gastropoda) from the Early Permian Reef Limestones of Shakhtau
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article Carboniferous Ammonoids of the Taimyr Peninsula
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article Taxonomic Position of Chivatschella Zavodowsky (Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda)
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article Ornamentation and Shell Microstructure of Orbiculoidea magnifica Mergl (Brachiopoda, Lingulida) from the Lower Devonian of the Timan–Pechora Basin
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article Description of a Larva of Kargalarva permosialis gen. et sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Schizophoromorpha) from the Kargala Fossil Site
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article New Insects (Insecta: Eoblattida, Reculida) from the Middle Permian of Russia
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article New Cupedids (Insecta: Coleoptera, Cupedidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Buryatia
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article A New Genus of Soldier Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cantharidae: Cantharinae) from Sakhalinian Amber
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article A New Primitive Therocephalian (Theromorpha) from the Middle Permian of Eastern Europe
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Article The Brain Morphology and Neurobiology in Armored Dinosaur Bissekipelta archibaldi (Ankylosauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature A New Replacement Name for Millerella symmetrica Postoyalko, 1991 (Foraminifera)
Volume 53, Nº 3 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Mongolothemis gobicus Pritykina et Vassilenko, 2014 Is an Objective Synonym of Paragonophlebia patriciae Nel, 2009 (Insecta: Odonata)
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article New Radiolaria Species from the Cenozoic Deposits on the Island Slope of the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article Revision of the Early Cretaceous Radiolarian Species Williriedellum salymicum Kozlova
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article A New Genus Perakella gen. nov. (Gastropoda) from the Lower Permian Reef Limestone of Shakh-Tau
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article New Species of the Genus Lambeoceras Foerste (Actinocerida) from the Upper Ordovician of Central Siberia
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article Classification of the Late Paleozoic Family Medlicottiidae Karpinsky (Ammonoidea)
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Devonian of the Central Devonian Field and Southern Timan
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article Brachiopods of the Superfamily Richthofenioidea (Productida) from the Permian of Darvaz Range, Tajikistan
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article Reconstruction of the Genesis of Faunal Assemblages of Insects (Insecta, Ectognatha) of the Raised Bogs of the Belarusian Lakeland
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article Dinosaur Fossils from the Upper Cretaceous of Crimea
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article A New Permian Therocephalian (Therocephalia, Theromorpha) from the Sundyr Assemblage of Eastern Europe
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Article New Material on Small Hyenodons (Hyaenodontinae, Creodonta) from the Paleogene of Mongolia
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Nadteia nom. nov., a New Substitute Name for a Permian Non-Marine Ostracod Genus
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2019) Questions of Nomenclature Devonavictoria nomen novum: a Replacement Name for the Preoccupied Devonian Bryozoan Genus Salairella Mesentseva, 2015
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article New Taxa and New Middle Famennian Natgorella hirsuta–Spinoalius melekessensis Radiolarian Ecozone of the Volga–Ural Basin
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article Cephalonega, A New Generic Name, and the System of Vendian Proarticulata
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article Morphology and Systematics of the Late Paleozoic Gastropods Deseretospira Gordon and Yochelson and Termihabena gen. nov.
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article New Data on the Biogeography of the Permian Ammonoid Family Perrinitidae
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article Craspeditidae (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Platform at the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary. I. Genus Praesurites Mesezhnikov et Alekseev
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article Shell Microstructure and Relief of the Primary Layer of the Late Jurassic Discinisca (Class Lingulata, Family Discinidae)
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article Magnofossacrinus, a New Genus of Cladid Crinoids (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Moscovian (Pennsylvanian) of Moscow Region
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article New Caddisflies of the Family Dysoneuridae (Insecta: Trichoptera) and Larval Cases (Incertae Familiae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article New Species of Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from V.A. Gusakov Collection
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article New Species of Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Dominican Amber
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article Tubesnout Aulichthys miocaenicus sp. nov. from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island (Russia): the First Reliable Fossil Record for the Family Aulorhynchidae
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article A Sea Turtle (Cheloniidae) from the Middle Eocene of North Caucasus
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2019) Article Stems of a New Osmundaceous Fern from the Middle Jurassic of Kursk Region, European Russia
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article Conservative Nature of Biomineral Structures as a Challenge for the Cladistic Method of Phylogeny Reconstruction (Illustrated by Two Groups of Dinosaur Eggs)
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article Trace Fossils from the Vendian-Cambrian Transitional Strata of the Igarka Uplift (Northwestern Siberian Platform)
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article Early Cambrian Tommotiids of Khairkhan Section (Central Tyva)
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article On the Upper Maastrichtian Oysters of the Genus Rhynchostreon Bayle (Bivalvia, Gryphaeidae) from the Mountainous Crimea
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article New Species of the Genus Chelotia (Pleurotomariidae, Gastropoda) from the Middle Eocene of Ukraine
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article Craspeditidae (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Platform at the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary. II. Genus Hectoroceras Spath
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Middle–Late Permian of Northeastern Mongolian Boreal Basin
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article A New Method for Description of Smooth Ostracod Shells, Using Permian and Triassic Ostracods from Eastern Europe
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article New Conodont Species from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Urals
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article The First Record of a Lungfish (Dipnoi, Sarcopterygii) in the Famennian Deposits (Upper Devonian) of the Tver Oblast
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article Turtles Protestudo bessarabica from the Late Miocene of Ukraine
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2019) Article Finds of Ruminants and New Data on the Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene Locality of Fortep’yanka 2 (Northwest Caucasus, Adygea Republic)
Volume 53, Nº 7 (2019) Article Skeletal Nets of the Ediacaran Fronds
Volume 53, Nº 7 (2019) Article Morphology and Systematic Position of the Cambrian Zooproblematic Torellella gracilenta Esakova, 1996 (Order Hyolithelmintida Fisher, 1962)
Volume 53, Nº 7 (2019) Article Revision of the Early and Middle Cambrian Acrotretids (Brachiopoda, Linguliformea) from the Siberian Platform
Volume 53, Nº 7 (2019) Article Synchrotron Tomographic Study of the Permian Kaninospirifer (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida)
Volume 53, Nº 7 (2019) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) from the Earlymost Eocene Oise Amber
Volume 53, Nº 7 (2019) Article Paleontological Characterization of the Triassic Deposits of the Korotaikha Depression (Northern Cis-Urals)
Volume 53, Nº 7 (2019) Article Carbon Isotope Composition and Concentration of Fe-Group Elements in the Sedimentary Organic Matter from Rocks of Different Ages
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Worldwide Distribution Patterns of the Planktonic Shelled Protists Radiolaria (Polycystina) and Foraminifera: Similarities and Contrasts
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article The Role of Self-Assembly in the Development of Complex Microarchitecture Patterns in Biological Objects
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Pollen Assemblages and Plant Macrofossils in Holocene Deposits of Maloe Olen’e Lake (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Vegetation Changes during the Holocene Inferred from Pollen Study of Lake Rubskoe Bottom Sediments (European Russia)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Distribution of Diatoms and Dinocysts in Surface Sediments from the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article The Stages of Gametophyte and Sporoderm Development in Pollen Grains
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article New Data on Diatoms from the Marine Cenozoic Section of West Kamchatka at the Kvachina Bay
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Rotaliida (Foraminifera) from the Upper Cretaceous of Western Siberia
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article The ParvicingulakhabakoviWilliriedellum salymicum Radiolarian Biohorizon in the West Siberian Bazhenov Formation (Berriasian–Valanginian)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Barremian–Aptian Assemblages of Microfauna and Palynomorphs from the North-West of the Yamal Peninsula (Biostratigraphy and Palaeofacies)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article New Insights on the Wall Structure of the Albian-Cenomanian (Cretaceous) Agglutinated Foraminiferal Species Sculptobaculitesgoodlandensis (Cushman et Alexander, 1930) from North-Central Texas, USA
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article The Recurrence of Parathuramminacea and Archaesphaeracea Representatives at the Tournaisian–Viséan Boundary of the Lower Carboniferous (the Kipchak Section, the Eastern Slope of the Southern Urals)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Kasimovian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Conodonts of the Shcherbatovka Section (Oka-Tsna Swell)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article The Kasimovian-Gzhelian Boundary and Associated Microfauna of the Transgressive Part of the Finis Shale Cycle (Graham Formation, Cisco Group, Pennsylvanian) in North-Central Texas, USA
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Morphology of the Families Editiidae Knupfer, 1967 and Adeditiidae Gramm, 1992 (Ostracoda)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Regularities in the Migration of Famennian Radiolarians in the Marine Basins of the Russian Platform
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Pathologies of Devonian Conodont Elements of the Voronezh Anteclise
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Biogenic Structures in the Silurian Stromatolites (Timan-Northern Ural Region)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Ancient (AR-PR1) Microfossils: Methods of Research
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Facies-Stratigraphic Distribution of Organic-Walled and Silicified Microfossils in the Early Billiyakh Basin (Lower Riphean, Anabar Uplift, Siberia)
Volume 53, Nº 8 (2019) Article Problems of Morphology and Classification in Bacterial Paleontology
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Benthic Protozoa (Foraminifera, Allogromiida) As Potential Indicator Species for the Sedimentation Record of the Azov–Black Sea Basin Bottom Deposits
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Changes in the Ostracod Assemblages of the Northeastern Black Sea Shelf during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article The First Find of Vestalenula danielopoli (Martens, Rossetti et Fuhrmann, 1997) (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Darwinulidae) in Holocene deposits of Western Siberia
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article The Importance of Foraminifera of the Family Cassidulinidae for the Late Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions Based on Sediment Cores from the Laptev Sea
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Nannoplankton-Based Biostratigraphic Subdivisions in the Reference Sections of the Taman Trough and Ciscaucasia
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Microbiota and Paleoenvironments of the Turtas Paleobasin, Late Oligocene, Western Siberia
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Shell Morphology of the Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera and Its Value in Modern Taxonomy
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Bazhenovo Formation (Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous) Based on Radiolarians, Nannoplankton and Calcareous Dinocysts
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article New Data on the Upper Jurassic (Middle–Upper Oxfordian and Middle Volgian) Foraminifers in the East of the Moscow
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Paleobathymetric Zonation of the Middle–Upper Jurassic Deposits in the Ulyanovsk–Saratov Trough (Russian Platform) Based on Benthic Foraminifers
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Species Interrelatedness in the Genus Lophocythere Silvester-Bradley, 1948 (Ostracoda) in the Late Callovian of the Russian Plate
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Distribution of Triassic Foraminifers in the Limestone Massifs of the Dalnegorsk District, Primorsky Krai
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Global Distribution of the Fusulinacean Genus Biwaella
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Conodonts of the Krevyakinian and Khamovnikian Substages of the Kasimovian Stage in the Type Region (Moscow Basin)
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Foraminifers from the Bashkirian Stage (Middle Carboniferous) Deposits of the Southern Part of the Cis-Uralian Foredeep
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Facial Features of the Distribution of Late Viséan Foraminifers in the Volgа–Ural Region
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Upper Devonian Radiolarians from the Zeravshan-Gissar Mountainous Area, Uzbekistan
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Microornamentation and Regeneration: an Example from Devonian Scolecodonts from the Voronezh Anteclise
Volume 53, Nº 9 (2019) Article Integrated Study of Microfossils in Stromatolites of the Vendian Chencha Formation, Central Siberia
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article A Summary of Recent Results in the Study of Taimyr Amber
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article A New Species of the Genus Eldermyrmex Shattuck, 2011 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Bitterfeld Amber (Late Eocene) with Species Key of the Genus
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article New Records of Upper Eocene Chrysidoid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) from Basins of Styr and Stokhod Rivers (Rovno Amber)
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article New Species of Malachite Beetles (Coleoptera, Dasytidae) in Baltic Amber
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article A New Genus of the Tribe Curculionini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Baltic Amber
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article A New Genus of Tooth-Nosed Snout Weevils (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae) in Baltic Amber
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article New Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Rovno Amber
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article First Findings of Gall Midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) of the Tribes Karshomyiini (Mexican Amber) and Bremiini (Dominican Amber)
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article Comparing Arachnids in Rovno Amber with the Baltic and Bitterfeld Deposits
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article Mosses from Rovno Amber (Ukraine). 5. New Findings and Comparison of Mosses from Rovno and Baltic Amber
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article Liverworts from Rovno Amber (Ukraine). 8. Frullania ekaterinae sp. nov. and F. schmalhausenii sp. nov.
Volume 53, Nº 10 (2019) Article First Record of Fungal Fruit Bodies on a Leaf from Late Eocene Rovno Amber (Ukraine)
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article Evolutionary Developmental Biology: the Interaction of Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Paleontology, and Genomics
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article Conical Thecae of Precambrian Macroorganisms
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article New Data on Jurassic Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda) from European Russia
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article Heterobranchia (Gastropoda) from the Jurassic Deposits of Russia
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article Ammonites and Stratigraphy of the Upper Bajocian Garantianagarantiana Zone in the Interfluve between the Kuban and Urup Rivers (Northern Caucasus)
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article A New Genus and Species of Lymexylidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Mid-Cretaceous Amber of Northern Myanmar
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article Protaxodioxylon from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Kota Formation, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, India
Volume 53, Nº 11 (2019) Article Middle Jurassic Plant Diversity and Climate in the Ordos Basin, China
Volume 53, Nº 12 (2019) Article Lower Permian Gastropods of Shakhtau (Asselian–Sakmarian Boundary Beds, Southern Cisuralia)
Volume 53, Nº 12 (2019) Article To the Revision of Freshwater Permian and Triassic Ostracods of the Genus Gerdalia Belousova, 1961

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