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Vol 52, No 7 (2018)


Chondrichthyans from the Lower Carboniferous of Yakutia, Russia

Ivanov A.O.


Teeth of Cladodoides cf. wildungensis (Jaekel), fin spines of Ctenacanthus cf. angulatus Newberry et Worthen and Ctenacanthus sp. occur in the Lower Carboniferous Emyaksin Formation of the Vilyui River, Yakutia, Vilyui Syneclise, eastern part of the Siberian Platform. The assemblage includes widespread chondrichthyan taxa, along with endemic sarcopterygian fishes. The systematic position of Cladodoides is discussed. Their teeth possess some features characteristic of stethacanthids and ctenacanthids.Cladodoides is probably the basal taxon of cladodontomorph sharks.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):697-706
pages 697-706 views

Permian Nonmarine Bivalve Mollusks: Review of Geographical and Stratigraphic Distribution

Silantiev V.V.


Data on global geographical and stratigraphic distribution of Permian nonmarine bivalves, which have not included in generalizing works are considered. The continental Permian beds of Euramerican, Angarian, Cathaysian, and Gondwanan paleozoogeographic realms are compared with reference to the nonmarine bivalve fauna from the Late Kungurian to Permian–Triassic boundary. It is concluded that the family Palaeomutelidae Lahusen, 1897 and also the genera Anadontella Betekhtina, 1987, Prilukiella Plotnikov, 1945, and Concinella Pogorevitsch in Betekhtina, 1966 are of the greatest significance for correlation of particular sections.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):707-729
pages 707-729 views

Lower Permian Conifers of the Cis-Urals: Taxonomic and Morphological Diversity and Paleoecology

Naugolnykh S.V.


Lower Permian conifers of the Cis-Urals are reviewed, their morphological features are considered. The data on the investigated sections of the Artinskian and Kungurian of the Middle Cis-Urals are provided. The diagnosis of the species Walchia bardaeana Zalessky emend. nov is revised and emended. Paleoecological conditions of the Lower Permian conifers of the Cis-Urals and trophic preferences of some Paleozoic insects adapted for feeding on conifer and other gymnosperm seeds in western Angaraland are discussed.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):730-747
pages 730-747 views

Challenges of Gondwanan Marine-Nonmarine Correlations—A Palynological Perspective

Götz A.E., Wheeler A.


Marine–nonmarine correlations of the Permian of Laurussia are recently addressed using integrated sedimentological–palaeontological–geochemical signatures aiming to refine existing correlation schemes. However, for Gondwana such efforts are still in an early stage, with first studies on single localities and within distinct basins. Palynology is seen to be the key discipline to tackle this challenge and recent efforts to use climatic signatures recorded in palynomorph assemblages for cross-basin and interbasinal correlations of Karoo-aged basins in southern Africa are very promising. Their near continuous basin fill from the Pennsylvanian to the Early Jurassic captures the most prominent climate change in the Phanerozoic. Postglacial coal-bearing successions of Permian and Triassic age in the Main Karoo Basin of South Africa enable detailed studies of changing vegetation on land. Marine black shales capture changes in paleoceanographic conditions as reflected in marine phytoplankton assemblages and changing terrestrial input of pollen grains and spores, enabling precise correlation of terrestrial coals and marine shales. Ongoing research aims to establish the use of climate signals recorded in terrestrial and marine palynofacies for correlation on a Gondwana-wide, interregional scale.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):748-754
pages 748-754 views

New Data on Permian Bivalves and the Age of the Volcanogenic Beds of the Arman-Viliga Folded Zone, Northeastern Asia

Biakov A.S., Vedernikov I.L., Ivanov Y.Y., Kolesov E.V.


Taxonomic data on Permian bivalve mollusks and the structure of the middle part of essentially volcanogenic section on the Nyavlenga River in the northeastern Okhotsk Region, Armano-Viliga Folded Zone are reported for the first time. Fossil fauna is composed exclusively of Inoceramus-like bivalves of the genera Kolymia, Cigarella, Okhotodesma, and Maitaia, which frequently form shell rocks and date the Bocharian Horizon (upper part of the Wordian Stage) as the Middle Permian. Lithologic and paleontological characteristics of the beds are considered; it is shown that volcanites are widespread; turbidites and diamictites similar to those previously investigated in the Okhotsk and Ayan-Yuryakh basins are recorded. Permian kolymiids are figured.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):755-760
pages 755-760 views

Bivalves from the Delendzhian–Dulgalakhian Boundary Beds of the Middle Permian of the Lower Reaches of the Lena River (Northern Verkhoyansk Region, Northern Siberia)

Biakov A.S., Kutygin R.V.


Based on new extensive collections and revision of the previously known bivalve Inoceramus-like mollusks, the faunal characteristics of the Delendzhian–Dulgalakhian (Wordian–Capitanian) boundary beds of the Middle Permian of lower reaches of the Lena River (northern Verkhoyansk Region, northern Siberia) are amended. The upper part of the Delendzhian beds is characterized by abundant and diverse representatives of Inoceramus-like bivalves of the genera Kolymia, Evenia, and Okhotodesma. All of them became extinct at the Delendzhian–Dulgalakhian boundary. In the lower part of the Dulgalakhian Horizon, individual Maitaia bella Biakov occur; somewhat upward in the section, there is Atomodesma sp. From the upper part of the Delendzhian Horizon, a new species, Kolymia peregoedovi sp. nov., is described. Permian kolymiids are figured.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):761-767
pages 761-767 views

Revision of Late Permian Nonmarine Bivalves of the Genus Opokiella Plotnikov, 1949

Urazaeva M.N.


The genus Opokiella occurs in the Upper Permian (upper part of the Guadalupian–Lopingian) of the East European Platform, sharply differing from members of the Palaeomutela Fauna, which prevails in this territory throughout the Permian Period. Distinctive characters of Opokiella, such as the hinge with a tubercular cardinal tooth and individual pseudotaxodont teeth anterior and posterior to the umbo, thick opisthodent parivincular ligament, and mostly homogeneous shell microstructure, suggest that this group of nonmarine bivalves should be assigned to the monogeneric family Opokiellidae Kanev, 1983 (of the suborder Anthracosiidina Silantiev and Carter, 2011, order Cardiida Férussac, 1822). The genus Opokiella is similar in external characters to nonmarine bivalves known from the Lopingian beds of Tanzania under the conventional name “Carbonicola.”

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):768-776
pages 768-776 views

The Nonmarine Bivalve Permianaia gen. nov., the Last Member of Naiaditidae from the Terminal Permian the East European Platform

Silantiev V.V., Urazaeva M.N., Golubev V.K.


Large nonmarine bivalves, Permianaia gusevi gen. et sp. nov. (family Naiaditidae Scarlato et Starobogatov, 1979) from the terminal Permian (Zhukovian Regional Stage, Vyatkian Stage) of Vyazniki-1 and Sokovka localities (Vladimir Region) are described. The new genus is characterized by the Unio-like (oval rectangular), elongated, posteriorly expanded shell, duplivincular ligament, and absence of teeth in the hinge. This combination of characters distinguishes the genus Permianaia gen. nov. from nonmarine Naiaditidae and from Unio-like genera of Late Permian nonmarine bivalves, Palaeomutela and Palaeanodonta. Permianaia gusevi sp. nov. does not occur in the older Permian beds and, consequently, can be regarded as a biomarker of the terminal Permian deposits, the Zhukovian Regional Stage.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):777-790
pages 777-790 views

New Stage of Recovery of East European Tetrapod Community after Permian–Triassic Crisis

Novikov I.V.


New data on the taxonomic composition and comparison of the tetrapod assemblage from the Upper Sukhorechenskaya Subformation of the Buzuluk Depression of the East European Platform, previously described as “Selenocara–Syrtosuchus fauna,” are provided. This assemblage is dated Late Induan (Dienerian) and characterizes a new stage in recovery of East European tetrapod community after the Late Permian extinction, which is intermediate between the Tupilakosaurus and Benthosuchus faunas. Beyond Eastern Europe, a similar amphibian association is known from the Anodontophora fassaensis Zone (upper part of the Wordie Creek Formation) of eastern Greenland.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):791-795
pages 791-795 views

Early Kazanian (Middle Permian) Gastropods

Mazaev A.V.


Taxonomy and stratigraphic distribution of the Early Kazanian gastropods of the Volga–Ural Region are studied. The material previously studied by Netchaev and collections from the northern areas of the paleobasin previously described by Licharew are reexamined. The Early Kazanian gastropod assemblages comprise 31 species, 20 genera, 16 families; of these four species and one genus are new; 67.7% species are in common with the Late Kazanian assemblages.

Paleontological Journal. 2018;52(7):796-827
pages 796-827 views

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