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Vol 53, No 9 (2019)


Benthic Protozoa (Foraminifera, Allogromiida) As Potential Indicator Species for the Sedimentation Record of the Azov–Black Sea Basin Bottom Deposits

Sergeeva N.G.


Allogromiida are soft-shelled benthic foraminifera protected by thin proteinaceous shells only. They lack rigid calcareous or arenaceous structures and do not undergo fossilization. Some species of the genus Psammophaga are known to accumulate crystals of certain minerals in the cytoplasm during the life cycle. Information on benthic foraminifera (allogromiids) that inhabit the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and accumulate mineral crystals of unknown nature inside the cells is given in the present paper for the first time. Information on these organisms is proposed to be relevant for the reconstruction of sedimentation basins that existed during the past geological epochs.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):879-884
pages 879-884 views

Changes in the Ostracod Assemblages of the Northeastern Black Sea Shelf during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene

Zenina M.A., Chepalyga A.L., Murdmaa I.O., Malgezini G.


Distribution of 57 ostracod species is investigated in the Quaternary sediment samples from the borehole RBH-16, drilled at the north-eastern Black Sea shelf edge off the town of Anapa. Among them, 52 species of the Caspian type and 5 species of the Mediterranean type were found. Four distinct assemblage zones are identified: the Caspian type one typical for Chaudian basin (Early Neopleistocene) (I) in interval 15.55–14.11 m; the Caspian type one dominating from the Late Pleistocene to the early Holocene (II), according to species composition closed to Khvalynian basin, at the depth 13.4–3.84 m (from 13.6 to 8.7 cal. ka BP), the mixed one of Caspian type and Mediterranean type species (III) in interval 3.84–0.95 m (younger than 8.7 cal. ka BP), and the assemblage with progressively increasing dominance of Mediterranean species (IV) in interval above 0.75 m (after 7.4 cal. ka BP).

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):885-888
pages 885-888 views

The First Find of Vestalenula danielopoli (Martens, Rossetti et Fuhrmann, 1997) (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Darwinulidae) in Holocene deposits of Western Siberia

Konovalova V.A.


Finds of the European fossil species Vestalenula danielopoli in the Holocene peat deposits of Western Siberia are reported. The age of the deposits is 8850 cal yr BP. The species first appeared at the beginning of the Atlantic period (5750 cal yr BP), and disappeared at the beginning of the Subatlantic period (2200 cal yr BP). Vestalenula danielopoli co-occurred with species typical for temporary shallow bodies of water.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):889-893
pages 889-893 views

The Importance of Foraminifera of the Family Cassidulinidae for the Late Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions Based on Sediment Cores from the Laptev Sea

Ovsepyan Y.S., Averkina N.O., Taldenkova E.E.


Three most common Arctic foraminiferal species of the family Cassidulinidae from the Laptev Sea sediment cores were analyzed for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. This paleontological study is focused on morphological characteristics of apertural elements and the wall structure. The species Cassidulina neoteretis is considered an indicator of the Atlantic influence in contrast to the Arctic species Cassidulina reniforme and Islandiella norcrossi.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):894-898
pages 894-898 views

Nannoplankton-Based Biostratigraphic Subdivisions in the Reference Sections of the Taman Trough and Ciscaucasia

Golovina L.A.


Integrated paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic study of the Neogene sedimentary sequences in the reference sections of the Taman Trough and Ciscaucasia allowed substantially new datings of biotic and biogeographic events in the Middle Miocene to be obtained, suggesting a connection with the world’s oceans in the Lower Miocene, a connection with the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean at the beginning and middle part of the Konkian and the beginning of the ecological crisis in the Sarmatian. Based on the study of nannoplankton assemblages, auxiliary biostratigraphic units—Beds with nannoplankton—have been identified. The age and range of some regional members and their correlation with subdivisions of the Central Paratethys are emended.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):899-905
pages 899-905 views

Microbiota and Paleoenvironments of the Turtas Paleobasin, Late Oligocene, Western Siberia

Oreshkina T.V., Aleksandrova G.N.


The Turtas Formation (the Upper Oligocene of Western Siberia), uncovered by the Zyryanka-1 Borehole, contain diverse assemblage of microfossils. The ecological composition (freshwater diatoms, spicules and gemmuloscleres of freshwater sponges, spores and pollen, as well as zygospores of Zygnematales algae) indicates the nonmarine nature of the Early Turtas Basin. In contrast to the assemblage of the Zhuravka horizon (southern regions of Western Siberia), the absence of Fagaceae and dinocysts of the genus Pseudokomewuia, as well as low numbers of Taxodiaceae–Cupressaceae and Betulaceae, are probably explained by local characteristics.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):906-910
pages 906-910 views

Shell Morphology of the Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera and Its Value in Modern Taxonomy

Kopaevich L.F.


Planktonic foraminifers in the Late Cretaceous developed by the way of biological progress. Their taxonomic diversity increased, the shell morphology became more complicated, the number of individuals in the population grew, and the territorial dispersal of the group was active. This process had an intermittently-continuous pattern, as there was alternation of poly- and oligotaxic stages of development of the group. Each of these stages was characterized by the predominant morphotype of shell structure, a certain type of life strategy (k and r strategists), as well as by a certain type of evolutionary process (gradualism or punctualism). All these events are reflected in the systematics of the group, which is regularly updated.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):911-915
pages 911-915 views

Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Bazhenovo Formation (Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous) Based on Radiolarians, Nannoplankton and Calcareous Dinocysts

Vishnevskaya V.S., Ovechkina M.N., Ustinova M.A.


New data on the taxonomic diversity of radiolarians, calcareous dinocysts and nannoplankton associations in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of the Bazhenovo Formation of Western Siberia are presented. Analysis of the distribution of radiolarians in the Bazhenovo Formation confirms the possibility of its division into five biostratigraphic units. The upper part of the Bazhenovo Formation, according to the calcareous dinocysts, includes five biostratigraphic units at the rank of beds with microfauna. The presence of the genus Parvicingula confirms that the Bazhenov Sea was a marginal marine basin connected with the Paleo-Pacific Ocean.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):916-921
pages 916-921 views

New Data on the Upper Jurassic (Middle–Upper Oxfordian and Middle Volgian) Foraminifers in the East of the Moscow

Ustinova M.A.


The Middle–Upper Oxfordian foraminifera were studied from the borehole section drilled in the east of the Moscow Region (Russia). The foraminiferal zones were distinguished in Oxfordian clays: Opthalmidium strumosum–Lenticulina brestica and Lenticulina russiensis–Epistomina uhligi. It was established that the distribution of foraminiferal assemblages varies throughout the Moscow Region.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):922-926
pages 922-926 views

Paleobathymetric Zonation of the Middle–Upper Jurassic Deposits in the Ulyanovsk–Saratov Trough (Russian Platform) Based on Benthic Foraminifers

Zorina S.O.


The environments, favorable for the development of benthic microfauna were predominant in the Jurassic Sea in the northeastern part of the Ulyanovsk–Saratov Trough (Russian Platform). Such parameters as the distribution and the taxonomic composition of the assemblage of Jurassic benthic foraminifers, their abundance, generic and species diversity, the occurrence of new species, a ratio of species with agglutinating and calcareous shells serve as a basis for developing the paleobathymetric zonation of the basin. The tracing of the variations in these parameters through the section enables us to construct a quantity paleobathymetric curve for the Middle-Late Jurassic and to distinguish the sequence–stratigraphic elements.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):927-932
pages 927-932 views

Species Interrelatedness in the Genus Lophocythere Silvester-Bradley, 1948 (Ostracoda) in the Late Callovian of the Russian Plate

Shurupova Y.A., Tesakova E.M.


The genus Lophocythere in Late Callovian of the Russian Plate includes the following species: L. karpinskyi (Mandelstam in Lyubimova, 1955), L. sp. A, L. sp. B and L. acrolophos Whatley, Ballent, Armitage, 2001. Based on similarities in sculpture and hinge structure, the first two species belong to the same phyletic lineage; the third belongs to the other lineage, L. propinqua Malz, 1975 (J2bt3) → L. scabra Triebel, 1951 (J2cl1–2) →? → L. sp. B. L. karpinskyi and L. sp. B invaded the sea of the Russian Plate from Western Europe during a transgression in J2cl1 (Koenigi Phase), and L. sp. A appeared there during J2cl3 (Athleta Phase). L. acrolophos also appeared in the same phase, but it probably originated from L. interrupta Triebel, 1951 (J2cl1-2). These species are the markers of transgression and indices of Pan-European correlative levels.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):933-938
pages 933-938 views

Distribution of Triassic Foraminifers in the Limestone Massifs of the Dalnegorsk District, Primorsky Krai

Vuks V.J., Punina T.A.


Foraminifer assemblages from five massifs of the Triassic limestones of the Dalnegorsk District have been described for the first time, and images of these foraminifers are provided. Foraminifer associations are found here on all the known stratigraphic levels, except for the Rhaetian. In the massif of Mount Verkhnii Rudnik, four foraminifer assemblages have been recorded within the interval from the Carnian to the top of the Norian. The foraminifer assemblages in the Dalnegorsk limestones are comparable to the coeval foraminifer associations of the Carpathians and the Alps. The research results make it possible, for the first time, to compare the foraminifer assemblage composition between various limestone massifs and different stratigraphic levels.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):939-945
pages 939-945 views

Global Distribution of the Fusulinacean Genus Biwaella

Read M.T., Nestell M.K.


The Late Pennsylvanian-Cisuralian fusulinacean genus Biwaella Morikawa et Isomi, 1960 has been described from a number of tropical to subtropical Tethyan and Peri-Gondwanan localities along with sparse occurrences from the Boreal and Midcontinent-Andean faunal provinces. The present study provides a synthesis of the known global distribution and migratory timescales of Biwaella and describes the first occurrence of B. americana Skinner et Wilde, 1965 from Nevada, USA.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):946-949
pages 946-949 views

Conodonts of the Krevyakinian and Khamovnikian Substages of the Kasimovian Stage in the Type Region (Moscow Basin)

Goreva N.V., Alekseev A.S.


The Kasimovian Stage is a stage in the Pennsylvanian Subsystem, originally recognized in Russia. Its type area, despite the stage name (which is after the town of Kasimov in the Ryazan Region), is in the vicinity of the Voskresensk Region in the lower reaches of the Moscow River for the Krevyakian and Khamovnikian regional substages and the former village of Dorogomilovo (Moscow Region) for the Dorogomilovian Regional Substage. The stratotypes of the subdivisions of the Krevyakinian and Khamovnikian regional substages were established in the Voskresensk Region and no longer exist. The conodont assemblages of the Krevyakian and Khamovnikian and the lower part of the Dorogomilovian were studied in the neostratotype of the Kasimovian Stage (Afanasievo Section) and the Perkhurovo Reference Borehole drilled near the town of Voskresensk.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):950-955
pages 950-955 views

Foraminifers from the Bashkirian Stage (Middle Carboniferous) Deposits of the Southern Part of the Cis-Uralian Foredeep

Kulagina E.I., Gorozhanina E.N.


The results of the study of the taxonomic composition of foraminifers from the Bashkirian deposits of the southern part of the Cis-Uralian Foredeep are presented. The material comes from deep boreholes drilled in the Akobinsk area (the eastern part of Orenburg Region). The characteristics of the foraminiferal assemblages of Plectostaffella bogdanovkensis–Semistaffella variabilis, Pseudostaffella antiqua, and Pseudostaffella praegorskyi−Staffellaeformes staffellaeformis zones are presented. Foraminifers are confined to the oolitic and bioclastic grainstones of the shallow-water shelf high-energy zone.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):956-960
pages 956-960 views

Facial Features of the Distribution of Late Viséan Foraminifers in the Volgа–Ural Region

Zaytseva E.L., Sakhnenko K.V.


The distribution features of foraminiferal assemblages in the Upper Viséan deposits of the reference wells 1 Melekess and 1 Buzuluk are investigated. According to the ratio of the structural components of rocks and their structural features 7 microfacies, characterizing the open shallow shelf and the coastal–marine depositional environments are distinguished in the carbonate sediments. The structure of benthic biota assemblages was revealed. The foraminiferal assemblages are described, taking into account the taxonomic diversity, frequency of occurrence and a degree of preservation.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):961-965
pages 961-965 views

Upper Devonian Radiolarians from the Zeravshan-Gissar Mountainous Area, Uzbekistan

Obut O.T., Izokh N.G.


The first finds of Upper Devonian radiolarians in cherty rocks of the Akbasay Formation, Zeravshan-Gissar mountainous area, are reported. Nineteen species of spherical and spiny forms were identified and assigned to 8 genera. Finds of co-occurring conodonts and radiolarians enabled the refinement of the proposed age of radiolarian associations.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):966-971
pages 966-971 views

Microornamentation and Regeneration: an Example from Devonian Scolecodonts from the Voronezh Anteclise

Kulashova T.A.


Five types of scolecodont microornamentation are recognized: striate, regular, granular, rhombic, and columnar. The connection between the type of ornamentation and the position of the scolecodont element in the jaw is analyzed. The ability of scolecodonts to regenerate is examined based on material from the Devonian of the Voronezh Anteclise.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):972-976
pages 972-976 views

Integrated Study of Microfossils in Stromatolites of the Vendian Chencha Formation, Central Siberia

Litvinova T.V., Sergeev V.N.


The study of stromatolites of the Vendian Chencha Formation (Ediacaran) of the Baikal-Patom Highland (Central Siberia) was carried out using an integrated approach: biogenic microformations were studied using a scanning electron microscope and the traditional method of optical microscopy. This approach made it possible to identify remains of communities of stromatolite-building cyanobacteria and morphologically complex eukaryotic microorganisms. Such a study eliminates the incorrect determination of biota and expands our understanding of the microbial structure and participation of microorganisms in the formation of stromatolites.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(9):977-982
pages 977-982 views

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