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Vol 53, No 4 (2019)


New Radiolaria Species from the Cenozoic Deposits on the Island Slope of the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench

Vasilenko L.N.


Descriptions of four new radiolarian species from the material collected from the Cenozoic deposits of the submarine Vityaz Ridge (the island slope of the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench) are provided in the article. The descriptions of the new species Amphistylus gladiusiacus sp. nov. and Thecosphaerella tochilinae sp. nov. from the Upper Eocene–Lower Oligocene deposits are based on the criteria established for the class of spherical porous Sphaerellaria: the number of skeletal shells, the shape of the cortical shell, and the development of the system of spines and axopodial complex. The new species Stylotrochus bipedius sp. nov. and S. tripedius sp. nov. from the Lower Pleistocene are considered among stauraxon radiolarians of the class Stauraxonaria due to the discoid geometric shape of their skeleton. The history of changes in the systematic position of the family Spongodiscidae is reviewed, and a proposal is made to restore the name of the order Discoidea Haeckel, 1862.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):325-333
pages 325-333 views

Revision of the Early Cretaceous Radiolarian Species Williriedellum salymicum Kozlova

Vishnevskaya V.S.


Based on the revision of the radiolarian species Williriedellum salymicum Kozlova, 1983 (Nassellaria, fam. Williriedellidae Dumitrica, 1970), new description of this species was made. Since the holotype of this species is petrographic thin section with incomplete set of characters, we suggest to address the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature a proposal to distinguish the neotype. The distribution interval of Williriedellum salymicum Kozlova, 1983 is limited by the Berriasian deposits of the North Russia. The SEM and X-ray microtomographic 3D-images of this species from Zone Parvicingula khabakovi–Williriedellum salymicum of the Bazhenov Formation from the Gubkinskaya 651 and Aprelskaya 11 boreholes, correspondingly, are given in this work for the first time.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):334-340
pages 334-340 views

A New Genus Perakella gen. nov. (Gastropoda) from the Lower Permian Reef Limestone of Shakh-Tau

Mazaev A.V.


A new genus Perakella gen. nov. including two species: P. shakhtauensis sp. nov. from the Upper Asselian of Middle Cisuralia and P. batteni sp. nov. from the Middle Permian of Malaysia, is described. A unique find of this genus in the reef limestones of Shakhtau is further evidence of the presence of elements of Tethyan taxa in the Early Permian communities of the Uralian corridor.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):341-345
pages 341-345 views

New Species of the Genus Lambeoceras Foerste (Actinocerida) from the Upper Ordovician of Central Siberia

Barskov I.S., Marek J.


History of the study, taxonomy, and distribution of the actinoceratid genus Lambeoceras Foerste are discussed. Three new nominal species and one form in open nomenclature from the Upper Ordovician (Nirunda horizon, Katian Stage) of Central Siberia (Podkamennaya Tunguska River basin) are described.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):346-353
pages 346-353 views

Classification of the Late Paleozoic Family Medlicottiidae Karpinsky (Ammonoidea)

Leonova T.B.


This paper briefly discusses changes in phylogenetic reconstructions and in opinions on the system of the family Medlicottiidae Karpinsky. The most recent version of the classification, proposed in the revised Treatise … (Furnish et al., 2009) is critically reviewed. Based on revision of old and examination of new data, the classification accepted by the present author is substantiated; diagnoses of some genera (Paramedlicottia, Parasicanites, Miklukhoceras) and geochronological ranges of others (Neouddenites and Medlicottia) are emended. The phylogenetic reconstructions of some medlicottiid lineages in the subfamilies Medlicottiinae, Sicanitinae, and Episageceratinae are revised.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):354-365
pages 354-365 views

New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Devonian of the Central Devonian Field and Southern Timan

Oleneva N.V.


New spiriferid taxa Judinica gen. nov. with Judinica siratchoica sp. nov. and J. pseudodeflexa sp. nov. and Ukhtomica gen. nov. with Ukhtomica lata sp. nov. are established in the result of revision of Adolfia and Adolfispirifer from the Middle Frasnian of the Central Devonian Field (punctatajamieae Zones) and Upper Frasnian of southern Timan (Lower rhenana Zone).

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):366-380
pages 366-380 views

Brachiopods of the Superfamily Richthofenioidea (Productida) from the Permian of Darvaz Range, Tajikistan

Zhuravlev V.S., Pakhnevich A.V.


The Permian brachiopods of the superfamily Richthofenioidea Waagen, 1885 (order Productida) were obtained from the Gundara formation, Kubergandian regional stage of the Darvaz Range, Tajikistan. The collection contains Gundaria insolita Angiolini et al., 2016, Hercosestria sp., Coscinarina sp., and Proteguliferina sp. The peculiarities of the shell preservation are described. An individual age of the brachiopods is determined by the growth rings. The shell interior and exterior were studied using various techniques including the X-ray microtomography.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):381-388
pages 381-388 views

Reconstruction of the Genesis of Faunal Assemblages of Insects (Insecta, Ectognatha) of the Raised Bogs of the Belarusian Lakeland

Sushko G.G.


A putative scenario for the formation of insect assemblages of raised bogs of the Belarusian Lakeland is proposed. Early Holocene, when groups of chortobiont species trophically associated with cotton grass, as well as sphagnicoles and species associated with pine, were formed, is proposed as the time when insect assemblage formation began. The next stage occurred in the Atlantic period, when the relics of periglacial fauna and flora, including phytophages of ericaceous shrubs, apparently moved to the bogs. The formation of the core of insect assemblages with a set of characteristic stenobiont species probably ended in the subboreal period, since the main spectrum of ecological niches for the extant insect complex was present by this time.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):389-397
pages 389-397 views

Dinosaur Fossils from the Upper Cretaceous of Crimea

Averianov A.O., Lopatin A.V.


A new study of the holotype of Riabininohadros weberae from the Upper Cretaceous (upper Maastrichtian) of Crimea (Besh-Kosh) reveals previously unknown fragments of femur, astragalus, and calcaneus. This taxon is characterized by a complex of primitive characters found in Iguanodontia and basal Ornithischia and its phylogenetic position can be defined as Styracosterna indet. The second dinosaur record from Crimea (Aleshino) is represented by a fragmentary skeleton, including cervical and dorsal vertebrae. It may belong to a derived iguanodontian or a primitive hadrosauroid. Thus, at least two species of dinosaurs coexisted in the Maastrichtian of Crimea.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):398-410
pages 398-410 views

A New Permian Therocephalian (Therocephalia, Theromorpha) from the Sundyr Assemblage of Eastern Europe

Suchkova Y.A., Golubev V.K.


Lycosuchid therocephalian Gorynychus sundyrensis sp. nov. is described based on material from the middle Permian locality of Sundyr-1, Mari El Republic, Russia. Within the Sundyr tetrapod community, G. sundyrensis occupied the niche of a large scavenger.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):411-417
pages 411-417 views

New Material on Small Hyenodons (Hyaenodontinae, Creodonta) from the Paleogene of Mongolia

Lavrov A.V.


A new species of Hyaenodontinae is described from a horizontal ramus of the mandible, the smallest Asian species of the subfamily, Hyaenodon pumilus sp. nov. from the upper Eocene of the Ergilin Dzo Formation of southwestern Mongolia. New specimens of H. chunkhtensis Dashzeveg, 1985 are described from the localities Khoer Dzan (Ergilin Dzo Formation, upper Eocene) and Tatal Gol (Shand Gol Formation, upper Oligocene). The specimens of H. chunkhtensis can be divided into two morphotypes.

Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):418-431
pages 418-431 views

Questions of Nomenclature

Nadteia nom. nov., a New Substitute Name for a Permian Non-Marine Ostracod Genus

Kukhtinov D.A.
Paleontological Journal. 2019;53(4):432-432
pages 432-432 views
pages 433-433 views

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