
Genetic determinants of cardiovascular remodeling n Urbek patients with essential hypertension
Eliseeva M., Srozhidinova N., Khamidullaeva G., Abdullaeva G., Eliseeva M., Srozhidinova N., Khamidullaeva G., Abdullaeva G.
Association of polymorphisms of genes TCF7L2, FABP2, KCNQ1, ADIPOQ with the prognosis of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Mel’nikova E., Rymar O., Ivanova A., Mustafina S., Shapkina M., Bobak M., Maljutina S., Voevoda M., Maksimov V.
CYP7A1 gene polymorphism and the characteristics of dyslipidemias in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease concurrent with hypothyroidism
Zhaldak D., Melekhovets O., Orlovskyi V.
Association of the polymorphic marker Glu23Lys in the KCNJ11 gene with hypertension in Kyrgyz patients
Isakova Z., Talaibekova E., Asambaeva D., Kerimkulova A., Lunegova O., Aldashev A.
Catalase gene rs1001179 polymorphism and oxidative stress in patients with chronic hepatitis C and ulcerative colitis
Bulatova I., Tret'iakova I., Shchekotov V., Shchekotova A., Ulitina P., Krivtsov A., Nenasheva O.
Endothelial NO synthase and connexin 37 gene polymorphisms as a risk factor for myocardial infarction in subjects without a history of coronary artery disease
Balatskiĭ A., Andreenko E., Samokhodskaia L., Boĭtsov S., Tkachuk V.
Cytokine gene polymorphism in type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Europeoid women of Russia
Konenkov V., Korolev M., Shevchenko A., Lapsina S., Koroleva E., Zonova E., Prokof'ev V.
Polymorphism -930A > G of the cytochrome b gene is a novel genetic marker of predisposition to bronchial asthma
Polonikov A., Ivanov V., Solodilova M., Kozhukhov M., Panfilov V., Bulgakova I., Polonikov A., Ivanov V., Solodilova M., Kozhukhov M., Panfilov V., Bulgakova I.
Genetic determinants of hypertension in two national cohorts of Mountain Shoria
Barbarash О., Voevoda М., Artamonova G., Mulerova Т., Voropaeva Е., Maksimov V., Ogarkov М.
Role of polymorphic markers for the genes of hemostasis and platelet receptors in liver fibrosis progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C
Starostina E., Samokhodskaya L., Rozina T., Krasnova T., Yarovaya E., Mukhin N.
Association of Т174М polymorphism of the angiotensinogen gene with the higher risk of cerebral stroke in women
Stetskaia T., Bushueva O., Bulgakova I., Vialykh E., Shuteeva T., Biriukov A., Ivanov V., Polonikov A.
Behçet's disease: Clinical and demographic associations
Alekberova Z., Izmailova F., Kudaev M.
A protective effect of Gly272Ser polymorphism of GNB3 gene in development of essential hypertension and its relations with environmental hypertension risk factors
Polonikov A., Solodilova M., Ivanov V., Shestakov A., Ushachev D., Vyalykh E., Vasil'eva O., Polyakova N., Antsupov V., Kabanina V., Kupriyanova Y., Bulgakova I., Kozhukhov M., Tevs D., Polonikov A., Solodilova M., Ivanov V., Shestakov A., Ushachev D., Vyalykh E., Vasilyeva O., Polyakova N., Antsupov V., Kabanina V., Kupriyanova Y., Bulgakova I., Kozhukhov M., Tevs D.
Polymorphism ofclinical symptoms of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome
Makolkin V., Podzolkov V., Rodionov A., Sheyanov M., Samoilenko V., Napalkov D.
Pharmacogenetics of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review
Samoilova I., Vaizova O., Stankova A., Matveeva M., Podchinenova D., Kudlay D., Borozinets A., Filippova T., Grishkevich I., Partala A., Gerasimova D.
Analysis of the gene polymorphism of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 in patients with coronary heart disease
Shevchenko A., Golovanova O., Konenkov V., Tolkacheva O., Maksimov V., Voevoda M., Romashchenko A., Shevchenko A., Golovanova O., Konenkov V., Tolkacheva O., Maksimov V., Voyevoda M., Romashchenko A.
Risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Kyrgyz population in the presence of ADIPOQ (G276T), KCNJ11 (Glu23Lys), TCF7L2 (IVS3C>T) gene polymorphisms
Isakova Z., Talaibekova E., Asambaeva D., Kerimkulova A., Lunegova O., Aldasheva N., Aldashev A.
Association of the -844G>A polymorphism in the catalase gene with the increased risk of essential hypertension in smokers
Bushueva O., Ivanov V., Ryzhaeva V., Ponomarenko I., Churnosov M., Polonikov A.
The problem of rare (orphan) diseases in the Russian Federation: Medical and normative legal aspects of its solution
Novikov P.
TNF-α, IL-10, and еNOS gene polymorphisms in patients with influenza A/H1N1 complicated by pneumonia
Romanova E., Govorin A.
Genetic polymorphisms coding hemostasis protein synthesis and venous thromboembolic complications in Moscow population
Vorob'eva N., Khasanova Z., Konovalova N., Postnov A., Kirienko A., Panchenko E., Vorobieva N., Khasanova Z., Konovalova N., Postnov A., Kirienko A., Panchenko E.
Polymorphic markers of GNB3 (C825T), AGTR1 (A1166C) and ACE (A2350G and I/D) genes in patients with arterial hypertension combined with diabetes mellitus type 2
Karpov R., Puzyrev K., Koshelskaya О., Makeeva O., Suslova T., Efimova E., Falkovskaya A., Atroshenkov A.
Clinical effectiveness and pharmacokinetics of gliflozin from the point of view of individual genetic characteristics: A review
Golovina E., Vaizova O., Meleshko M., Samoilova I., Podchinenova D., Borozinets A., Matveeva M., Kudlay D.
Association of SOCS5 gene polymorphism with allergic bronchial asthma
Averyanov A., Chercashina I., Nikulina S., Maksimov V., Shestovitskiy V.
Role of AGTR1 A/C polymorphism in the development of atrial fibrillation
Kuskaeva A., Nikulina S., Chernova A., Aksyutina N., Kuskaev A., Cherkashina I.
The possibility of selecting optimal antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary heart disease in terms of CYP2C19 polymorphism
Bockeria O., Kudzoeva Z., Shvarts V., Koasari A., Donakanyan S.
Effect of original and generic clopidogrel on prognosis in relation to different gene polymorphisms
Mesitskaia D., Nikitina I., Lomakin O., Shchekochikhin D., Kopylov F.
Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 gene polymorphism and thromboses in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome
Reshetniak T., Ostriakova E., Patrusheva2 N., Patrushev L., Aleksandrova E., Seredavkina N., Volkov A., Nasonov E.
Population association features of interleukine gene polymorphism in khakases with gastroduodenal diseases
Ageeva E., Shtygasheva O., Ryazantseva N., Ageeva E., Shtygasheva O., Ryazantseva N.
Role of polymorphism of angiotensinconverting enzyme gene in development of metabolic syndrome
Roitberg G., Tikhonravov A., Dorosh Z.
Genetic aspects of type 1 glucagon peptide agonists clinical efficacy: A review
Golovina E., Grishkevich I., Vaizova O., Samoilova I., Podchinenova D., Matveeva M., Kudlay D.
Interrelation of cardiovascular risk factors with high albuminury among patients with arterial hypertension living in Mountain Shoriya
Mulerova T., Filimonov E., Maksimov S., Maksimov V., Voevoda M., Ogarkov M.
Association of ITGB3, P2RY12, and CYP2C19 gene polymorphisms with platelet functional activity in patients with coronary heart disease during dual antiplatelet therapy
Muslimova E., Afanasiev S., Rebrova T., Sergienko T., Repin A.
Matrix metalloproteinase 2, 3, and 9 gene polymorphisms in women with rheumatoid arthritis
Shevchenko A., Konenkov V., Korolev M., Ubshaeva Y., Prokofiev V.
Modifying effect of physical activity on genetic predisposition to obesity
Egorova É., Mustafina M., Gabbasov R., Borisova A., Akhmetov I.
Impact of angiotensionogen and angiotensin II receptor type 1 gene polymorphisms on the development and course of chronic heart failure
Tepliakov A., Shilov S., Berezikova E., Efremov A., Safronov I., Pustovetova M., Maianskaia S., Torim I., Karpov R.
Impact of Gly389Arg 1-adrenoceptor polymorphism on the risk of chronic heart failure, the nature of its course, and on the efficiency of its treatment with carvedilol
Teplyakov A., Shilov S., Berezikova E., Torim Y., Efremov A., Safronov I., Mayanskaya S., Popova A., Voronina E., Karpov R., Teplyakov A., Shilov S., Berezikova E., Torim Y., Efremov A., Safronov I., Mayanskaya S., Popova A., Voronina E., Karpov R.
Genetic determinants of hereditary thrombophilia in pathogenesis of venous thrombosis
Kapustin S., Blinov M., Kargin V., Filanovskaya L., Saltykova N., Belyazo O., Golovina O., Shmeleva V., Panshina A., Papayan L.
Polymorphic variants of glutathione reductase – new genetic markers of predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus
Azarova I., Klyosova E., Polonikov A.
Prediction of features of the course of chronic hepatitis C using Bayesian networks
Samokhodskaya L., Starostina E., Sulimov A., Krasnova T., Rosina T., Avdeev V., Savkin I., Sulimov V., Mukhin N., Tkachuk V., Sadovnichii V.
Polymorphism in the regulatory regions –С2578A and +C936T of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) gene in Russian women with rheumatoid arthritis
Shevchenko A., Prokofyev V., Korolev M., Banshchikova N., Konenkov V.
Association of adiponectin gene G276T polymorphism with the development of metabolic syndrome in ethnic Kyrgyz patients
Isakova J., Lunegova O., Talaibekova E., Asambaeva D., Kerimkulova A., Aldashev A.
Molecular genetic markers of predisposition to thrombosis in adolescents with essential hypertension
Dolgikh V., Bol'shakova S., Kolesnikova L., Mikhalevich I.
Role of methyltetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene polymorphism in the development of ischemic stroke in the dwellers of the Kyrgyz Republic
Kudaĭbergenova N., Moldotashev I., Aldashev A., Mukhanova A.
Influence of genetic factors on the development of target organ lesions in relation to age at diagnosis of arterial hypertension
Kuznetsova T., Gavrilov D., Samokhodskaya L., Postnov A., Boytsov S., Kuznetsova T., Gavrilov D., Samokhodskaya L., Postnov A., Boitsov S.
Polymorphism of FcyRIIIA-l58F/V and promotion region of IL-10 genes in systemic lupus erythematosus in Kazakhs
Guseva I., Omarbekova Z., Myakotkin V.
Features of genetic manifestations in patients with abdominal obesity during atrial fibrillation in combination with arterial hypertension
Hidirova L., Yakhontov D., Maksimov V.
Association of polymorphisms of HLA-DRB1 and TNF-308 G/A with radiographic joint damage in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis with high inflammatory activity, treated according to the principle of “Treat to target” (REMARKA study)
Guseva I., Smirnov A., Demidova N., Krylov M., Avdeeva A., Samarkina E., Luchikhina E., Karateev D., Abramov D., Nasonov E.
Analysis of an association of TNF –308G>A polymorphism with a risk for pulmonary sarcoidosis in the Russian population of the Republic of Karelia
Malysheva I., Topchieva L., Tikhonovich E., Barysheva O.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus: Clinical aspects of genetics, nutrigenetics, and pharmacogenetics
Ametov A., Kamynina L., Akhmedova Z.
Endothelial dysfunction gene polymorphisms and the rate of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C
Taratina O., Krasnova T., Samokhodskaia L., Lopatkina T., Tkachuk V., Mukhin N.
Immunogenetic predictors of a rapid virologic response to antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C
Iushchuk N., Znoĭko O., Balmasova I., Fedoseeva N., Shmeleva E., Dudina K., Klimova E., Petrova T., Trofimov D., Belyĭ P., Safiullina N., Pypkina E.
Effect of TT genotype of the vitamin D receptor gene on bone mineral density in dialysis patients
Shishkin A., Mazurenko S., Aseyev M.
The pharmacogenetics of hypoglycemia and the glycemic variability at the patients ith type 2 diabetes mellitus
Chernikova N., Kamynina L., Ametov A., Sychev D., Grishina E., Ryzhikova K.
Association of FOXP3 gene -3279 C>A polymorphism with the risk of pulmonary sarcoidosis
Malysheva I., Topchieva L., Tikhonovich E., Kurbatova I., Balan O.
The influence of STAT4 rs7574865 (G/T) polymorphism on the risk of clinical and immunological phenotypes of systemic sclerosis in a Russian patient population: Results of a pilot study
Krylov M., Ananyeva L., Koneva О., Starovoytova M., Desinova O., Ovsyannikova O., Aleksandrova E., Novikov A., Guseva I., Konovalova N., Varlamov D.
Assessment of the role of matrix metalloproteinase-2 gene polymorphism in the development of chronic heart failure
Teplyakov A., Berezikova E., Shilov S., Grakova E., Torim Y., Efremov A., Safronov I., Pustovetova M., Karpov R.
Polymorphism of ethanol metabolism genes in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
Gubergrits N., Kishenia M., Golubova O.
Pharmacogenetic features of the effect of metformin in patients with coronary heart disease in the presence of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus in terms of PPAR-γ2 gene polymorphism
Lavrenko A., Shlykova O., Kutsenko L., Mamontova T., Kaĭdashev I.
Clinicomorphological characteristics of renal disorders in patients with genetic thrombophilia
Kozlovskaya N., Bobrova L., Shkarupo V., Varshavskiy V., Miroshnichenko N., Kozlovskaya N., Bobrova L., Shkarupo V., Varshavsky V., Miroshnichenko N.
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