Molecular genetic markers of predisposition to thrombosis in adolescents with essential hypertension

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AIM. To estimate the spread and distribution of genotypes and alleles of thrombosis predisposition gene polymorphisms in adolescents with essential hypertension (EH). MATERIALS AND METHODS. One hundred and thirty-seven 14- to 17-year-old adolescents were examined. There were 3 examined groups: 1) 37 EH patients with prothrombotic changes (PTC); 2) 60 EH patients without PTC; 3) 40 healthy adolescents. Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and the levels of fibrinogen and soluble fibrin monomer complexes were determined. The adolescents were assigned to a PTC group if they had changes by one or several above indicators. Polymerase chain reaction assay was used to type coagulation factor II (FII) and factor V (FV), plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), and methionine syntase reductase (MTRR) gene polymorphisms. Group differences were determined by qualitative signs, by using the χ2 test and Yates' correction for continuity and Fisher's exact test if one of the groups had at least 5 individuals. All differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. RESULTS. FV R506Q, FII G20210A, PAI1 -675 4G/5G, MTHFR A1298C, and MTRR A66G polymorphisms have not been found to affect the hemostatic system in adolescents with EH. MTHFR С677Т may act as a risk factor of PTC in adolescents with EH, by increasing the risk of thrombotic events at an old age. CONCLUSION. It is recommended that the determination of molecular genetic markers for predisposition to thrombosis be actively used in adolescents with EA to form a risk group for thrombotic events and to implement preventive measures.

About the authors

V V Dolgikh

ФГБУ "Научный центр проблем здоровья семьи и репродукции человека" СО РАМН, Иркутск

S E Bol'shakova

ФГБУ "Научный центр проблем здоровья семьи и репродукции человека" СО РАМН, Иркутск


L I Kolesnikova

ФГБУ "Научный центр проблем здоровья семьи и репродукции человека" СО РАМН, Иркутск

I M Mikhalevich

ФГБУ "Научный центр проблем здоровья семьи и репродукции человека" СО РАМН, Иркутск


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