Impact of Gly389Arg 1-adrenoceptor polymorphism on the risk of chronic heart failure, the nature of its course, and on the efficiency of its treatment with carvedilol

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Aim. To study в1-adrenoceptor gene (ADRB1) polymorphism on the development and course of chronic heart failure (CHF) and on the efficiency of its treatment with the в-adrenoblocker carvedilol in patients with coronary heart failure.
Subjects and methods. Two hundred and twenty-six patients (149 males and 77 females; mean age 55.9±5.8 years) with CHF, who received continuous basic therapy: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, a diuretic, an aldosterone antagonist, digoxin, and a в-adrenoblocker, were examined; 68 patients were given for 24 weeks carvedilol (its starting dose was 3.125 mg twice daily with its further adjustment until an individually tolerable dose was achieved). Genotypes were identified by the restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of polymerase chain reaction products. A control group comprised 136 subjects (63 males and 73 females; mean age 55.9±5.8 years) without signs of cardiovascular disorders, as evidenced by the examination.
Results. In patients with CHF, the Gly allele of the Gly389Arg polymorphic locus of the ADRB1 gene in homozygous state was associated with the high individual risk for CHF, the severity of its clinical manifestations and the nature of its course while carriage of the Arg allele of the Gly39Arg polymorphic locus manifested itself as a protective factor. During long-term carvedilol therapy, CHF patients with the Arg/Arg genotype of the ADRB1 gene were observed to have a more pronounced decrease in the functional class of heart failure, a significant increase in left ventricular ejection, and a decrease in left ventricular end-systolic and end-diastolic sizes as compared with patients with the Gly/Arg genotype.
Conclusion. There were associations of the polymorphism of ADRB1 gene (the Gly39Arg polymorphic locus) with the development and severity of CHF and with the efficacy of therapy with в-adrenoblocker carvedilol.

About the authors

Aleksandr Trofimovich Teplyakov

Учреждение РАМН НИИ кардиологии Сибирского отделения РАМН

д-р мед. наук, рук. отд-ния сердечной недостаточности, НИИ кардиологии СО РАМН, тел.: 8-3822-55-54-04; Учреждение РАМН НИИ кардиологии Сибирского отделения РАМН

Sergey Nikolaevich Shilov

ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

канд. мед. наук, ассистент, каф. патологической физиологии и клинической патофизиологии, НГМУ Росздрава, тел.: 8-383-225-39-78; ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Berezikova

ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. поликлинической терапии и общей врачебной практики (семейной медицины) НГМУ Росздрава, тел.: 8-383-224-64-65; ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

Yuliya Yur'evna Torim

Учреждение РАМН НИИ кардиологии Сибирского отделения РАМН

канд. мед. наук, науч. сотр. отд-ния сердечной недостаточности; Учреждение РАМН НИИ кардиологии Сибирского отделения РАМН

Anatoliy Vasil'evich Efremov

ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

д-р мед. наук, проф., чл.-кор. РАМН, зав. каф. патологической физиологии и клинической патофизиологии; ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

Igor' Dmitrievich Safronov

д-р мед. наук, проф., каф. патологической физиологии и клинической патофизиологии, ГОУ ВПО НГМУ Росздрава, тел.: 8-383-225-39-78

S D Mayanskaya

Казанская государственная медицинская академия ГОУ ДПО Росздрава

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. кардиологии и ангиологии, КГМА ГОУ ДПО Росздрава, тел.: 8-843-233-34-88; Казанская государственная медицинская академия ГОУ ДПО Росздрава

Anna Aleksandrovna Popova

ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

канд. мед. наук, доц., зав. каф. поликлинической терапии и общей врачебной практики (семейной медицины), НГМУ Росздрава, тел.: 8-38З-224-64-65; ГОУ ВПО Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

Elena Nikolaevna Voronina

Новосибирский институт химической биологии и фундаментальной медицины СО РАН

канд. биол. наук, науч. сотр., Новосибирский институт химической биологии и фундаментальной медицины СО РАН, тел.: 8-383-333-35-71; Новосибирский институт химической биологии и фундаментальной медицины СО РАН

Rostislav Sergeevich Karpov

Учреждение РАМН НИИ кардиологии Сибирского отделения РАМН

д-р мед. наук, проф., акад. РАМН, дир. НИИ кардиологии СО РАМН, тел.: 8-3822-55-34-49; Учреждение РАМН НИИ кардиологии Сибирского отделения РАМН

A T Teplyakov

Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

S N Shilov

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Novosibirsk State Medical University

E N Berezikova

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Yu Yu Torim

Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

A V Efremov

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Novosibirsk State Medical University

I D Safronov

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Novosibirsk State Medical University

S D Mayanskaya

Kazan State Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care

Kazan State Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care

A A Popova

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Novosibirsk State Medical University

E N Voronina

Novosibirsk Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Novosibirsk Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

R S Karpov

Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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