Informaçao sobre o Autor


Edição Seção Título Arquivo
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article On the sub-Riemannian geodesic flow for the Goursat distribution
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article On one test for the switching separability of graphs modulo q
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Mp-supplemented subgroups of finite groups
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article 3-filiform Leibniz algebras of maximum length
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Homomorphisms onto effectively separable algebras
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Invariant affinor and sub-Kähler structures on homogeneous spaces
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article On the disconjugacy property of an equation on a graph
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Constant coefficient linear difference equations on the rational cones of the integer lattice
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Approximation of the expectation of the first exit time from an interval for a random walk
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Abelian normal divisors of soluble groups
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Unique solvability of the water waves problem in Sobolev spaces
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Prym differentials as solutions to boundary value problems on Riemann surfaces
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Sufficient conditions for the root-class residuality of certain generalized free products
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article On Wiener’s Theorem for functions periodic at infinity
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Killing tensor fields on the 2-torus
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2016) Article Shunkov groups saturated with general linear groups
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Characterization of some finite groups by order and length of one conjugacy class
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Residually nilpotent fundamental groups of compact Sol-3-manifolds
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Finite groups with generalized subnormal embedding of Sylow subgroups
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Multielement equations for analytic functions in the plane with cuts
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Sharp quadrature formulas and inequalities between various metrics for rational functions
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Perturbations of vectorial coverings and systems of equations in metric spaces
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article The real analog of the Jacobi inversion problem on a Riemann surface with boundary, its generalizations, and applications
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article On hereditary superradical formations
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Resolvents of well-posed problems for finite-rank perturbations of the polyharmonic operator in a punctured domain
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Maximal graph surfaces on four-dimensional two-step sub-Lorentzian structures
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article New metric characteristics of nonrectifiable curves and their applications
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Measure compact, almost compact, and integral operators of the first, second, and third kind
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article The portion of matrices with real spectrum in the real orthogonal Lie algebra
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Finding ein components in the moduli spaces of stable rank 2 bundles on the projective 3-space
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Universality theorems for zeta-functions with periodic coefficients
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Dirac flow on the 3-sphere
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Finite groups with abnormal and \(\mathfrak{U}\)-subnormal subgroups
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article A note on a class of p-valent starlike functions of order β
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2016) Article Best approximation methods and widths for some classes of functions in Hq,ρ, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, 0 < ρ ≤ 1
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article A criterion for the Fπ-residuality of free products with amalgamated cyclic subgroup of nilpotent groups of finite ranks
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Möbius bilipschitz homogeneous arcs on the plane
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Lebesgue constants of the Walsh system and Banach limits
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Geodesics and shortest arcs of a special sub-Riemannian metric on the Lie group SL(2)
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Optimal cubature formulas for calculation of multidimensional integrals in weighted Sobolev spaces
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Large deviation principles in boundary problems for compound renewal processes
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Light and low 5-stars in normal plane maps with minimum degree 5
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Finite widely c-supersoluble groups and their mutually permutable products
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Sidon-type inequalities and strong approximation by Fourier sums in multiplicative systems
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Geometric interpretation of the Wagner curvature tensor in the case of a manifold with contact metric structure
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Behavior of the Fourier–Walsh coefficients of a corrected function
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Symmetrical simple Lie sheaves of rank 1
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article On compact domination of homogeneous orthogonally additive polynomials
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Automorphisms of some subalgebras of the Toeplitz algebra
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article On 2-groups with finite subgroups of rank 2
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article On periodic groups with narrow spectrum
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Tabulating knots in the thickened Klein bottle
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Local solvability of the prime radical of a weakly artinian Lie algebra
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article On extension of abstract Urysohn operators
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2016) Article Linear homeomorphisms of spaces of continuous functions on long Sorgenfrey lines
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article The automorphism groups of compact homogeneous spaces
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article On spectra of almost simple groups with symplectic or orthogonal socle
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article The partial clone of linear terms
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article On subordination of some analytic functions
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article Countably categorical weakly o-minimal structures of finite convexity rank
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article Holomorphic extension of functions along finite families of complex straight lines in an n-circular domain
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article Large-time behavior of solutions to degenerate damped hyperbolic equations
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article On bounded solutions to weakly nonlinear vector-matrix differential equations of order n
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article Isotopes of the alternative monster and the Skosyrsky algebra
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article The commutator width of some relatively free lie algebras and nilpotent groups
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article On weakly SΦ-supplemented subgroups of finite groups
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article Study of degenerate evolution equations with memory by operator semigroup methods
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article The invariance principle for nonautonomous differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article A p-adic hard-core model with three states on a Cayley tree
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article On solvability of a periodic problem for a nonlinear telegraph equation
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016) Article On {2, 3}-groups without elements of order 6
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Quasiconformality of the injective mappings transforming spheres to quasispheres
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Theorems of comparison and stability with probability 1 for one-dimensional stochastic differential equations
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article A sufficient condition for nilpotency of the commutator subgroup
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Describing 4-paths in 3-polytopes with minimum degree 5
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Spectra of the finite simple groups E7(q)
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Lower semicontinuity of mappings with bounded (θ, 1)-weighted (p, q)-distortion
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Construction of almost periodic solutions to a linear delay system
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article On existence of a universal function for Lp[0, 1] with p∈(0, 1)
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Free Lie Rota–Baxter algebras
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Commuting Krichever–Novikov differential operators with polynomial coefficients
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Some pathological examples of solutions to a Beltrami equation
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Subcomplex and sub-Kähler structures
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article The structure of slices over minimal logic
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Composition operators in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Holomorphic factorization of polynomials
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Ihm-admissible and Ihm-forbidden quasiorders on sets
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article On some classes of inverse problems with overdetermination data on spatial manifolds
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Groups with the quasicyclic centralizer of a finite involution
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Boundedness of quasilinear integral operators on the cone of monotone functions
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article A criterion for embedding of anisotropic Sobolev–Morrey spaces into the space of uniformly continuous functions
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article Existence of radially symmetric solutions of the inhomogeneous p-Laplace equation
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2016) Article On fully quasitransitive abelian groups
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Fundamentals of the theory of varieties of nilpotent MR-groups
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Open waveguides in doubly periodic junctions of domains with different limit dimensions
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article F-projectors and F-covering subgroups of finite groups
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Exponential dichotomy of systems of linear difference equations with periodic coefficients
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article The logarithmic energy of zeros and poles of a rational function
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Simple Jordan superalgebras with associative nil-semisimple even part
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Intersections of two nilpotent subgroups in finite groups with socle L2(q)
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Euler–Dirac integrals and monotone functions in models of cyclic synthesis
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Sylow 2-subgroups of the periodic groups saturated with finite simple groups
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article The tabularity problem over the minimal logic
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Solvability of the regularized steady problem of the spatial motions of multicomponent viscous compressible fluids
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article The equivalence classes of holomorphic mappings of genus 3 Riemann surfaces onto genus 2 Riemann surfaces
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Finitely-axiomatizable superatomic Boolean algebras with distinguished dense subalgebra of finite width
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article On the Schrödinger operator connected with a family of Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian surfaces in ℂP2
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article An extendability condition for bilipschitz functions
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article Quasiendomorphism algebras of some quasidecomposable rank 4 torsion-free abelian groups
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2016) Article On Fourier transforms of functions of bounded type in tubular domains
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Centralizers of generalized skew derivations on multilinear polynomials
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article A monotone path-connected set with outer radially lower continuous metric projection is a strict sun
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Sub-Riemannian distance on the Lie group SL(2)
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article On DP-coloring of graphs and multigraphs
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article The height of faces of 3-polytopes
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article On quasivarieties of axiomatic rank 3 of torsion-free nilpotent groups
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article The Fω-normalizers of finite groups
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article On a system of entire functions of class A which is biorthogonal to a lacunar power system on the ray
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article On groups whose element orders divide 6 and 7
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article The index set of the groups autostable relative to strong constructivizations
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article The Riemann–Roch theorem for the Dynnikov–Novikov discrete complex analysis
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Sufficient conditions for the existence of 0’-limitwise monotonic functions for computable η-like linear orders
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Graph surfaces on five-dimensional sub-Lorentzian structures
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article k-invariant nets over an algebraic extension of a field k
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Existence of weak solutions to the three-dimensional problem of steady barotropic motions of mixtures of viscous compressible fluids
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article On pronormality and strong pronormality of Hall subgroups
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Narrow orthogonally additive operators in lattice-normed spaces
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Solvability of the inhomogeneous Cauchy–Riemann equation in projective weighted spaces
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Representation of the Green’s function of the exterior Neumann problem for the Laplace operator
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article To Favard’s theory for functional equations
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Separability of the subgroups of residually nilpotent groups in the class of finite π-groups
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2017) Article Gröbner–Shirshov bases for some Lie algebras
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Differences of idempotents in C*-algebras
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Sharp inequalities for approximations of convolution classes on the real line as the limit case of inequalities for periodic convolutions
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article On convergence of multiple trigonometric series with monotone coefficients
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article On semirings whose simple semimodules are projective
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article On a Frankl-type problem for a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article The polynomial sub-Riemannian differentiability of some Hölder mappings of Carnot groups
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Integral equations of the third kind with unbounded operators
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article On exponential stability of solutions to periodic neutral-type systems
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article On the supersoluble residual of a product of subnormal supersoluble subgroups
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article On some reducibility and existential interpretability of structures
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Estimates for a spectral parameter in elliptic boundary value problems with discontinuous nonlinearities
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Universal equivalence of some countably generated partially commutative structures
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article A 3-local characterization of M(24)
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Connection between holomorphic vector bundles and cohomology on a Riemann surface and conjugation boundary value problems
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Finite groups that are products of two normal supersoluble subgroups
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article On the asymptotics of the motion of a nonlinear viscous fluid
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Special series in Laguerre polynomials and their approximation properties
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017) Article Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for multidimensional difference equations in rational cones
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Quasiconformal extension of quasimöbius mappings of Jordan domains
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Comparison between the universal theories of partially commutative metabelian groups
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article An extremal problem in the Hardy space Hp for 0<p<∞
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article A characterizing property of CP-groups
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Spherical cubature formulas in Sobolev spaces
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article The removability problem for functions with zero spherical means
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article The problem of determining the one-dimensional kernel of the electroviscoelasticity equation
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Integral representation and embedding theorems for n-dimensional multianisotropic spaces with one anisotropic vertex
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Simple finite-dimensional algebras without finite basis of identities
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article On the pronormality of subgroups of odd index in finite simple symplectic groups
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article C-distribution semigroups and C-ultradistribution semigroups in locally convex spaces
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article A criterion for the convergence of the Mellin–Barnes integral for solutions to simultaneous algebraic equations
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Generalizations of the Wada representations and virtual link groups
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article The extended large deviation principle for a process with independent increments
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Some properties of solutions to a family of integral equations arising in the models of living systems
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Algebraically and verbally closed subgroups and retracts of finitely generated nilpotent groups
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article The root class residuality of Baumslag–Solitar groups
Volume 58, Nº 3 (2017) Article Minimal generalized computable enumerations and high degrees
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article On almost contact metric hypersurfaces with type number 1 or 0 in 6-dimensional Hermitian submanifolds of the Cayley algebra
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Well-posedness of a nonstationary axisymmetric hydrodynamic problem with free surface
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Parabolic spline interpolation for functions with large gradient in the boundary layer
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Solving a variational parabolic equation with the periodic condition by a projection-difference method with the Crank–Nicolson scheme in time
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Low and light 5-stars in 3-polytopes with minimum degree 5 and restrictions on the degrees of major vertices
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Influence of Mp-supplemented subgroups on the structure of p-modular subgroups
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Axiomatizability of the class of weakly injective S-acts
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Multidimensional exact solutions to the reaction-diffusion system with power-law nonlinear terms
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article On finite groups isospectral to U3(3)
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Properties of the quasilinear clones containing creative functions
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Regularity of the inverse of a homeomorphism of a Sobolev–Orlicz space
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Finite groups with formation subnormal primary subgroups
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article On the logical equivalence of functional clones
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Construction of Carleman formulas by using mixed problems with parameter-dependent boundary conditions
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Permutation modules of profinite groups
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Identities of metabelian alternative algebras
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article The problem of recovering the permittivity coefficient from the modulus of the scattered electromagnetic field
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article On Fh-supplemented subgroups of finite groups
Volume 58, Nº 4 (2017) Article Existence and relaxation of solutions to differential inclusions with unbounded right-hand side in a Banach space
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Dual automorphism-invariant modules over perfect rings
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article On the dynamics of stationary shift processes with Cantor structure
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Virtual link groups
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Peculiarities of the numerical realization of unsaturated quadrature formulas on a finite interval
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Lie algebras induced by a nonzero field derivation
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Conditional terms in semantic programming
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Universal geometrical equivalence of the algebraic structures of common signature
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article On the embedding of central extensions into permutation wreath products
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Area formulas for classes of Hölder continuous mappings of Carnot groups
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Knotoids and knots in the thickened torus
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article On systems of linear functional equations of the second kind in L2
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Characterization of simple symplectic groups of degree 4 over locally finite fields of characteristic 2 in the class of periodic groups
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Weak solvability of the generalized Voigt viscoelasticity model
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Nontransitive temporal multiagent logic, information and knowledge, deciding algorithms
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article On sharply 2-transitive groups with generalized finite elements
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Variational field theory from the point of view of direct methods
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article X-decomposable finite groups for X={1, m, m + 1, m + 2}
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Intermediately fully invariant subgroups of abelian groups
Volume 58, Nº 5 (2017) Article Some notes on the rank of a finite soluble group
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On the Normal Jacobi Operator of CR-Hypersurfaces in Conformal Kenmotsu Space Forms
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article The Generalized Davies Problem for Polyharmonic Operators
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On a Certain Sub-Riemannian Geodesic Flow on the Heisenberg Group
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On Subspaces of Cesàro Spaces
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Computability of Distributive Lattices
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On 2-Closedness of the Rational Numbers in Quasivarieties of Nilpotent Groups
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Lattices with Defining Relations Close to Distributivity
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On the Matrices of Clebsch–Gordan Coefficients
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Evolution of the Yamabe Constant Under Bernhard List’s Flow
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article A Generic Property of the Solovay Set Σ
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Negative Dense Linear Orders
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On the Chief Factors of Parabolic Maximal Subgroups of Special Finite Simple Groups of Exceptional Lie Type
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Slices and Levels of Extensions of the Minimal Logic
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Stochastic Equations with an Unbounded Operator Coefficient and Multiplicative Noise
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On Direct and Inverse Limits of Retractive Spectra
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Simple Poisson–Farkas Algebras and Ternary Filippov Algebras
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article Simple 5-Dimensional Right Alternative Superalgebras with Trivial Even Part
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article On the Inhomogeneous Conservative Wiener–Hopf Equation
Volume 58, Nº 6 (2017) Article The Rogers Semilattices of Generalized Computable Enumerations
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Uniqueness Spaces in the Overdetermined Abel Problem
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Recovering Linear Operators and Lagrange Function Minimality Condition
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article On Dark Computably Enumerable Equivalence Relations
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Geodesics and Curvatures of Special Sub-Riemannian Metrics on Lie Groups
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Describing Neighborhoods of 5-Vertices in a Class of 3-Polytopes with Minimum Degree 5
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Finite Groups with Three Given Subgroups
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Interpolation Problems for Entire Functions Induced by Regular Hexagons
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Unconditional Convergence of Fourier Series for Functions of Bounded Variation
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Limit Automorphisms of the C*-Algebras Generated by Isometric Representations for Semigroups of Rationals
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Transmission of Waves Through a Small Aperture in the Cross-Wall in an Acoustic Waveguide
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Alternative Proof of Mironov’s Results on Commuting Self-Adjoint Operators of Rank 2
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article On the Number of Vedernikov–Ein Irreducible Components of the Moduli Space of Stable Rank 2 Bundles on the Projective Space
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Global Solvability and Estimates of Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for the Retarded Functional Differential Equations That Are Used to Model Living Systems
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Sobolev Embedding Theorems and Generalizations for Functions on a Metric Measure Space
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Degenerate Linear Evolution Equations with the Riemann–Liouville Fractional Derivative
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Weakly Periodic Gibbs Measures for HC-Models on Cayley Trees
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Finite Groups with Given Weakly σ-Permutable Subgroups
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Controllability of Differential-Algebraic Equations in the Class of Impulse Effects
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2018) Article Recognizability of All WIP-Minimal Logics
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Generalized Angles in Ptolemaic Möbius Structures
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Algebraic Sets in A Divisible 2-Rigid Group
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Preservation of ω-Categoricity In Expanding The Models of Weakly o-Minimal Theories
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Estimates of The Fourier Widths of the Classes Of Periodic Functions With Given Majorant of the Mixed Modulus of Smoothness
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Solutions Almost Periodic at Infinity to Differential Equations With Unbounded Operator Coefficients
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Ideal Spaces of Measurable Operators Affiliated to A Semifinite Von Neumann Algebra
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article The Δ0α-Computable Enumerations of the Classes of Projective Planes
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Intersections of Primary Subgroups in Nonsoluble Finite Groups Isomorphic to Ln(2m)
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article On Products of F-Compact Spaces
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article On Shemetkov’s Theorem About The Complementedness of the Residual
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article On the Extension of Seminormal Functors to the Category of Tychonoff Spaces
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Contribution to the General Linear Conjugation Problem for A Piecewise Analytic Vector
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Complexity of the Isomorphism Problem for Computable Free Projective Planes of Finite Rank
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article A Semifield Plane of Odd Order Admitting an Autotopism Subgroup Isomorphic to A5
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article The Groups of Motions of Some Three-Dimensional Maximal Mobility Geometries
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article The Lower Semicontinuity of Distortion Coefficients of the Homeomorphisms Inducing Bounded Composition Operators of Sobolev–Orlicz Spaces
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Prime Algebras Connected With Monsters
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article On Open and α-Covering Mappings
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Abelian Groups with Annihilator Ideals of Endomorphism Rings
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018) Article Irreflexive Modality, the Dummett Logic, and Continual Chains
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Quasiequational Bases of Cantor Algebras
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Integro-Local Limit Theorems for Compound Renewal Processes under Cramér’S Condition. I
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article On the Centralizer Dimension and Lattice of Generalized Baumslag–Solitar Groups
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article On Minimal Isotropic Tori In ℂP3
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article On the Problem of Existence and Conjugacy of Injectors of Partially π-Soluble Groups
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Construction and Study of Exact Solutions to A Nonlinear Heat Equation
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Maximal Surfaces on Five-Dimensional Group Structures
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article On Nonnilpotent Almost Commutative L-Varieties of Vector Spaces
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article A Computably Enumerable Partial Ordering Without Computably Enumerable Maximal Chains and Antichains
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article A One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operator with Square-Integrable Potential
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article On Approximation Characteristics of Some Classes of Functions of Small Smoothness
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Phaseless Inverse Problems That Use Wave Interference
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Reduction of Weighted Bilinear Inequalities with Integration Operators on the Cone of Nondecreasing Functions
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Isomorphisms of Formal Matrix Rings with Zero Trace Ideals
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article On Splittings, Subgroups, and Theories of Partially Commutative Metabelian Groups
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Homological Resolutions in Problems About Separating Cycles
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Betti Numbers of Small Covers and Their Two-Fold Coverings
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2018) Article Finite Groups Whose n-Maximal Subgroups Are Modular
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Degrees of Autostability Relative to Strong Constructivizations of Graphs
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Integro-Local Limit Theorems for Compound Renewal Processes Under Cramér’s Condition. II
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article On Dominions of the Rationals in Nilpotent Groups
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article On the Pronormality of Subgroups of Odd Index in Some Extensions of Finite Groups
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article On Spectra of Almost Simple Extensions of Even-Dimensional Orthogonal Groups
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article On a Lower Bound for the Energy Functional on a Family of Hamiltonian Minimal Lagrangian Tori in ℂP2
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Positive Presentations of Families Relative to e-Oracles
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Three-Dimensional Graph Surfaces on Five-Dimensional Carnot–Carathéodory Spaces
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Convolution Integral Operators
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Extensions of the Minimal Logic and the Interpolation Problem
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Regularization of a Solution to the Cauchy Problem with Data on a Timelike Plane
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Generalized Rigid Groups: Definitions, Basic Properties, and Problems
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Multiagent Temporal Logics with Multivaluations
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Characterization of 2-Local Derivations and Local Lie Derivations on Some Algebras
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2018) Article Orthogonality Relations for a Stationary Flow of an Ideal Fluid
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Construction of the Lyapunov–Krasovskii Functionals for some Classes of Positive Delay Systems
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Σ-Definability in Hereditarily Finite Superstructures and Computable Analysis
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Generalized Angles in Ptolemaic Möbius Structures. II
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article The Local Approximation Theorem in Various Coordinate Systems
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Asymptotic Behavior at Infinity of Solutions to the Nonhomogeneous Sobolev Equation
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Characterization of Locally Finite Simple Groups of the Type 3D4 Over Fields of Odd Characteristic in the Class of Periodic Groups
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Basics of the Quasiconformal Analysis of a Two-Index Scale of Spatial Mappings
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article The Fourier–Faber–Schauder Series Unconditionally Divergent in Measure
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Study of Solvability of a Thermoviscoelastic Model Describing the Motion of Weakly Concentrated Water Solutions of Polymers
Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Polynomial Sub-Riemannian Differentiability on Carnot–Carathéodory Spaces
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Volume 59, Nº 5 (2018) Article Automorphisms of Formal Matrix Algebras
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Volume 60, Nº 1 (2019) Article Lower Bounds of Complexity for Polarized Polynomials over Finite Fields
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Volume 60, Nº 5 (2019) Article Multivalued Mappings with the Quasimöbius Property
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Volume 60, Nº 5 (2019) Article Isomorphisms of Sobolev Spaces on Riemannian Manifolds and Quasiconformal Mappings
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Volume 60, Nº 5 (2019) Article Estimates for Solutions to Neutral Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients of Linear Terms
Volume 60, Nº 5 (2019) Article On Brown Polynomials. II
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Volume 60, Nº 5 (2019) Article On the Class of Hölder Surfaces in Carnot—Carathéodory Spaces
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Volume 60, Nº 6 (2019) Article Application of Nilpotent Approximation and the Orbit Method to the Search of the Diagonal Asymptotics of Sub-Riemannian Heat Kernels
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Volume 60, Nº 6 (2019) Article Two Observations on Groups with Engel Elements
Volume 60, Nº 6 (2019) Article Best Linear Approximation Methods for Some Classes of Analytic Functions on the Unit Disk

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