3-filiform Leibniz algebras of maximum length



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We complete the description of 3-filiform Leibniz algebras of maximum length. Moreover, using the good structure of algebras of maximum length, we study some of their cohomological properties. Our main tools are the previous results by Cabezas and Pastor [1], the construction of an appropriate homogeneous basis in the considered connected gradation and the computational support provided by two programs implemented in Mathematica.


L. Camacho

University of Seville

Email: lcamacho@us.es
西班牙, Seville

E. Cañete

University of Seville

Email: lcamacho@us.es
西班牙, Seville

J. Gómez

University of Seville

Email: lcamacho@us.es
西班牙, Seville

B. Omirov

Institute of Mathematics

Email: lcamacho@us.es
乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

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