
Metronomic chemotherapy in pediatric neurooncology: insight the problem. A review
Dinikina Y.V., Zheludkova O.G., Ryzhova M.V., Olhova L.V., Korneev D.Y., Belogurova M.B.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma
Nikitin E.A., Bialik T.E., Zaritskii A.I., Iseber L., Kaplanov K.D., Lopatkina T.N., Lugovskaia S.A., Mukhortova O.V., Osmanov E.A., Poddubnaya I.V., Samoilova O.S., Stadnik E.A., Falaleeva N.A., Baikov V.V., Kovrigina A.M., Nevol’skikh A.A., Ivanov S.A., Khailova Z.V., Gevorkian T.G.
Bevatsizumab v kombinatsii s khimioluchevoy terapiey u bol'nykh glioblastomoy
Smolin A.V., Konev A.V., Kobyakov G.L., Nikolaeva S.N., Shamanskaya Y.E., Gorbunov A.V.
A therapeutic-only versus prophylactic platelet transfusion strategy for preventing bleeding in patients with haematological disorders after myelosuppressive chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary)
Zhilyakova V.V.
Supportive therapy for ovarian cancer
Pokataev I.A., Tyulyandin S.A.
Combined and complex treatment options for patients with operable rectal cancer
Barsukov Y.A., Tkachev S.I., Mamedli Z.Z., Kuzmichev D.V., Aliev В.А., Kim D.F.
Znachenie taksanov v neoad\"yuvantnoy terapii raka molochnoy zhelezy
Bozhok A.A., Semiglazov V.F., Kletsel' A.E., Arzumanov A.S., Ivanova O.A., Semiglazov V.V.
Following in the footsteps of SABCS 2022: top 12 advanced breast cancer studies that could change our clinical practice: A review
Kolyadina I.V.
Current approach to adjuvant therapy for breast cancer (a review)
Conte P., Guarneri V.
Novel therapeutic strategies for patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
Ganshina I.P., Gordeeva O.O., Manukian M.S.
Adjuvant targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer
Laktionov K.K., Kazakov A.M., Gordiev M.G., Kononets P.V., Akhmedov B.B., Maevskaia J.N.
Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of an incomplete cytoreduction application in combination with systemic therapy and systemic therapy as mono-therapy in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinomas
Borisov P.S., Orlova R.V., Shkolnik M.I., Karlov P.A.
New aspects of the first-line chemotherapy in colorectal cancer
Artamonova E.V.
Personalized treatment options of refractory and relapsed medulloblastoma in children: literature review
Dinikina Y.V., Zheludkova O.G., Belogurova M.B., Spelnikov D.M., Osipov N.N., Nikitina I.L.
Triple-negative breast cancer: new options for systemic targeted therapy. A review
Andreev D.A., Zavyalov A.A.
CAR NK-сells for the treatment of hematological malignancies: A review
Gribkova I.V.
Experience of the usage intraoperative radiation therapy after neoadjuvant systemic drug treatment and sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer patients with clinical stage T2N0M0
Manikhas A.G., Grinev I.A., Oganesian A.S., Chikrizov S.I., Manikhas G.M.
First results of the Russian multicenter epidemiology project on the malignant gliomas
Smolin A.V., Bekyashev A.H., Kobyakov G.L., Sharabura T.M., Mufazalov F.F., Kanischeva N.V., Bumagina V.O.
Experience of like-SJMB03 protocolin treatment of children with medulloblastomain the age group over 3 years:results of an intercenter pilot study
Levashov A.S., Zagidullina S.R., Valiev T.T., Stroganova A.M., Khochenkov D.A., Grigorenko V.A., Mikhaylova E.V., Tyurina E.V., Ryzhova M.V., Horielyshev S.K., Kadirov S.U., Polyakov V.G.
Nutritional support in the perioperative period of treatment of cancer patients: Retrospective cohort study
Gameeva E.V., Stepanovna A.M., Khoronenko V.E., Gridnev O.V., Sviridov S.V., Shestopalov A.E.
Lenvatinib as the key component of first-line therapy for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
Bolotina L.V.
«Problema optimizatsii ad\"yuvantnoy endokrinnoy terapii na rannikh stadiyakh raka molochnoy zhelezy»
Semiglazov V.F., Poddubnaya I.V.
Hereditary forms of breast malignant neoplasms: prognosis, screening and prevention. A review
Sultanbaev A.V., Kolyadina I.V., Gilyazova I.R., Nasretdinov A.F., Musin S.I., Sultanbaeva N.I., Menshikov K.V.
Modern perspectives in sequential therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer with reference to the use of regorafenib
Sekacheva M.I., Nuriev R.I., Rozhkov A.A., Semenkov A.V., Bagmet N.N., Boroda A.M.
Tsetuksimab v lechenii ryada solidnykh opukholey: dostizheniya i perspektivy
Besova N.S., Khokhlova S.V., Romanov I.S., Gorbunova V.A., Matyakin E.G.
Bevacizumab in advanced ovarian cancer: when, what for and why?
Tjulandina A.S.
Dermatological toxicity in the treatment of malignant tumors in children: A review
Belysheva T.S., Shatokhina E.A., Komarova A.D.
Can musical interventions benefit patients with cancer?
Razumovskaya E.A.
The effect of antioxidant drugs on the self-assessment of clinical symptoms in women during radiation therapy after surgical treatment of endometrial cancer: Placebo-controlled randomized trial
Volchegorskii I.A., Vazhenin A.V., Alekseeva A.P.
The therapy for early relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia: the development of the problem The results of the project with the discussion concerning the possibility of optimization approaches for the therapy
Editorial B.
Erythropoietin or darbepoetin for patients with cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Lienhard D.A.
Vulvar cancer: brain metastases. Clinical observation
Ognerubov N.A., Antipova T.S., Kamneva N.A.
Modern ultrasound technologies in monitoring the effectiveness of chemotherapy for cervical cancer
Musaeva Z.R., Chekalova M.A., Mesheryakov A.A.
Clinical cases of the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer in Russia
Goldberg V.E., Hasanova A.I., Shkuratova V.V., Belevich Y.V., Popova N.O., Simolina E.I., Vysockaya V.V., Dudnikova E.A., Kravchuk T.L., Minnabetdinova R.R., Nekrasova O.V.
Current understanding of the role of insulin-like and vascular endothelial growth factors in development, prognosis and targeted therapy in patients with ovarian cancer
Knyazev R.I., Poddubnaya I.V., Barinov V.V., Bokin I.I.
Vulvar Langerhans cell histiocytosis: case report
Poddubnaya I.V., Razumova E.L., Kizhaev Y.E., Ukolova E.A., Teterin K.A.
Modern technology of radiation therapy: IMRT, VMAT using simultanting integrated boost (SIB) in the complex treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal
Tkachev S.I., Glebovskaya V.V., Rasulov A.O., Tsariuk V.F., Aliev V.A., Vodyanik V.V.
The Avastin application in clinical practice in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Second interim analysis of the observational AJAX program
Poddubnaya I.V., Bichurina S.A., Bobrovskaya E.V., Vladimirova L.Y., Gordeev S.S., Davidenko I.S., Emelyanov S.A., Zharkova O.V., Koroleva I.A., Krasilnikova S.Y., Maikoparova S.C., Malysheva T.A., Modestov A.A., Morozov A.N., Petrukhnenko V.A., Sivunova I.D., Stachenko G.B., Strygina E.A., Tlish E.K., Feoktistova P.S., Chichkanova A.S., Sherman N.Z.
Prognosticheskoe znachenie lokal'nogo i sistemnogo lecheniya pri rake molochnoy zhelezy I stadii
Kolyadina I.V., Poddubnaya I.V., Trofimova O.P., Komov D.V., Karseladze A.I., Ermilova V.D., Vishnevskaya Y.V., Frank G.A., Banov S.M.
Rol' pemetrekseda (Alimta) v lechenii rasprostranennogo neploskokletochnogonemelkokletochnogo raka legkogo
Poddubnaya I.V.
Ad\"yuvantnoe lechenie raka tolstoy kishki
Artamonova E.V., Podregul'skiy K.E.
Fulvestrant v sovremennoy terapii rasprostranennogo raka molochnoy zhelezy: farmakoekonomicheskoe obosnovanie
Komarova V.P., Komarova L.E., Poddubnaya I.V.
Osobennosti klinicheskogo techeniya i prognoz bol'nykh nekhodzhkinskoy limfomoy s pervichnoy lokalizatsiey v yaichke
Tumyan G.S., Kovrigina A.M., Timofeeva O.L., Probatova N.A., Sholokhova E.N., Tupitsyn N.N., Poddubnaya I.V., Osmanov D.S.
Sovremennye vozmozhnosti lekarstvennoy terapii operabel'nogo raka molochnoy zhelezy (po materialam St. Gallen, 2005)
Letyagin V.P., Vysotskaya I.V.
Radiation injuries of organs and tissues: mechanisms of occurrence, methods of prevention and treatment: A review
Balaeva D.A., Romanov D.S., Trofimova O.P., Gadzhibabaeva Z.Z., Gorchak Y.Y., Gariaev G.A.
Modern strategy of treatment of patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas: A review
Stilidi I.S., Nikulin M.P., Kalinin O.E., Abgiarian M.G., Vashakmadze L.V., Fainshtein I.A., Arkhiri P.P., Salimova A.A.
Multicenter prospective observational post-approval study of safety and efficacy of bevacizumab (Avegra®, BIOCAD) in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in real world practice: APOLLON-11 and SOYUZ-APOLLON
Tryakin A.A., Fedyanin M.Y., Moiseenko F.V., Mironov O.V., Stroyakovskiy D.L., Sokolov N.I., Orlova S.A., Mantsyrev E.O., Sultanbaev A.V., Teterich A.A., Babina K.G., Yukalchuk D.Y., Borzyanitsa S.M., Isyangulova A.Z., Saidullaeva A.F., Chernova Y.A., Bobrova E.A., Fadeeva N.V., Chobanu D.Y.
Anti-anemia drugs shorten survival for some cancer patients (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Ziganshin A.U.
The role of radiation therapy in the treatment of patients with pleural mesothelioma
Borisova T.N., Tkachev S.I., Ivanov S.M., Alieva S.B., Trofimova O.P., Glebovskaya V.V., Breder V.V., Laktionov K.K., Marinov D.T., Abdullaev A.G.
Opportunities for metastatic triple negative breast cancer therapy
Ganshina I.P., Gordeeva O.O., Manukyan M.S.
Effective use of the endoscopic vacuum system in the comprehensive treatment of a patient with a defect in the abdominal segment of the esophagus after gastrectomy
Abu-Khaidar O.B., Vodoleev A.S., Pirogov S.S., Khomiakov V.M., Riabov A.B.
Targeted therapy in pediatric malignancies treatment: Pediatric Oncology and Haematology Research Institute experience
Valiev T.T., Levashov A.S., Batmanova N.A., Senzhapova E.R., Turupaev K.A., Tomchik U.V., Aleskerova G.A.
Molecular genetic features of the head and neck (upper aerodigestive tract) mucosal melanoma
Ignatova A.V.
Efficacy of cisplatin-based combinations in chemoradiation therapy of cervical cancer
Bazaeva I.Y., Gorbounova V.A., Kravets O.A., Khokhlova S.V., Romanova E.A.
Quality of life is the fundamental criterion of the efficacy of targeted therapy in patients with metastatic Her2-positive breast cancer
Semiglazova T.Y., Dashyan G.A., Semiglazov V.V., Zhabina A.S., Osipov M.A., Kotova Z.S., Klimenko V.V., Krivorotko P.V., Semiglazov V.F.
Radiation therapy as an independent method of treatment in case of carcinoma of floor of mouth
Garbuzov M.I.
New horizons in skin malignancies treatment
Gamaunov S.V.
Targetnaya terapiya metastaticheskogo raka zheludka: klinicheskiy opyt uspeshnogo lecheniya patsienta s retsidivom raka zheludka
Tlish E.K.
Otdalennye rezul'taty khirurgicheskogo lecheniya gastrointestinal'nykh stromal'nykh opukholey zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta
Istomin Y.V., Evdokimov M.Y.
Erbituks – ratsional'no sozdannyy preparat dlya lecheniya zlokachestvennykh opukholey
Garin A.M., Bazin I.S., Nasyrova R.Y.
Sravnitel'noe issledovanie opredeleniya NER2-statusa raka molochnoy zhelezy metodami immunogistokhimii i in situ gibridizatsii
Zavalishina L.E., Andreeva Y.Y., Ryazantseva A.A., Bateva M.V., Frank G.A.
Rekormon i kachestvo zhizni onkologicheskikh bol'nykh s anemiey
Novik A.A., Ionova T.I.
Aromazin: printsip deystviya
Imyanitov E.N.
Faktory prognoza pri rake molochnoy zhelezy
Bozhok A.A., Semiglazov V.F., Semiglazov V.V., Arzumanov A.S., Kletsel' A.E.
How a significant increase in survival in pancreatic cancer is achieved. The role of nutritional status and supportive care: A review
Zhukova L.G., Bordin D.S., Dubtsova E.A., Ilin M.A., Kiriukova M.A., Feoktistova P.S., Egorov V.I.
Following in the footsteps of SABCS 2022: top 16 early breast cancer studies that could change our clinical practice: A review
Kolyadina I.V.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) targeting therapy for persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary)
Staroverova T.A.
Endoscopic esophageal stenting in combination with chemoradiation therapy: A review
Ivanov A.I., Popov V.A., Burmistrov M.V.
Pharmacogenetic markers of chemotherapy toxicity in gastrointestinal tumors: a preliminary analysis
Fedorinov D.S., Geidarov R.N., Shashkov I.A., Mikhailovich V.M., Lyadova M.A., Pokataev I.A., Lyadov V.K.
Durvalumab in the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer after chemoradiotherapy in a real practice
Sakaeva D.D., Ruchkin V.V., Goncharova O.V., Abbasova R.R., Mufazalov F.F.
Clinical and radiological evaluation the effectiveness of preoperative systemic therapy in different biological subtypes of breast cancer stages T1-3N0-1M0
Pavlikova O.A., Poddubnaya I.V., Kolyadina I.V., Abdullaev A.G., Komov D.V., Danzanova T.Y., Sinyukova G.T., Kozlov N.A., Ganshina I.P., Zhukova L.G., Aliyeva G.S., Kerimov R.A., Gordeeva O.O.
Prognostic factors in patients with disseminated gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Arkhiri P.P., Stilidi I.S., Poddubnaya I.V., Nered S.N., Nikulin M.P., Abu-Khaydar O.B.
Clinical case long-term care of the patient with mCRPC
Zaborskiy I.N., Karjakin O.B.
The effect of combinated treatment of a metastatic HER2-positive stomach cancer
Khvastunov R.A., Nenarokomov A.Y., Tolstopiatov S.E., Babina K.G.
Preliminary results of an observational program for estimating the duration of bevacizumab therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in daily clinical practice
Poddubnaya I.V., Bobrovskaya E.V., Vladimirova L.Y., Gordeev S.S., Davidenko I.S., Emelyanov S.A., Zharkova O.V., Koroleva I.A., Krasilnikova S.Y., Maikoparova S.C., Malysheva T.A., Modestov A.A., Morozov A.N., Stachenko G.B., Strygina E.A., Tlish E.K., Feoktistova P.S., Chichkanova A.S., Sherman N.Z.
Targetnaya terapiya rasprostranennogo raka pochki: problema vybora preparata na primere mul'tikinaznykh ingibitorov
Matveev V.B.
Effektivnost' ad\"yuvantnoy terapii anastrozolom i tamoksifenom u patsientok s rannimi stadiyami raka molochnoy zhelezy (analiz dannykh issledovaniya ATAC pri mediane vremeni nablyudeniya 100 mes)
Femara (letrozol) v ad\"yuvantnoy terapii raka molochnoy zhelezy
Stenina M.B.
Khronicheskiy B-kletochnyy limfoleykoz: faktory prognoza pri lechenii fludarabinom i khlorambutsilom
Nikitin E.A.
Mezotelioma plevry: sovremennaya taktika lecheniya
Bychkov M.B., Bol'shakova S.A., Bychkov Y.M.
Is maintenance therapy following previous treatment better than observation or placebo for treating chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in adults? (Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)
Editorial B.
Creating a story on the pages of a book about diffuse B-large cell lymphoma
Editorial B.
Modern possibilities of therapy for primary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas: the first results of the use of brentuximab vedotin in the Russian Federation
Gorenkova L.G., Belousova I.E., Kravchenko S.K., Kovrigina A.M., Sidorova Y.V., Ryzhikova N.V., Lepik E.E., Shneyder T.V.
Refractory metastatic colorectal cancer: challenges and solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sekacheva M.I., Fatyanova A.S., Meretukov D.A., Zhilenkova A.V., Rusanov A.S., Rozhkov A.A., Guryanova A.A., Bagmet N.N.
Multiple myeloma
Mendeleeva L.P., Votiakova O.M., Rekhtina I.G., Osmanov E.A., Poddubnaya I.V., Grivtsova L.I., Falaleeva N.A., Baikov V.V., Kovrigina A.M., Nevol’skikh A.A., Ivanov S.A., Khailova Z.V., Gevorkian T.G.
Therapy of Hodgkin lymphoma in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Poddubnaya I.V., Baryakh E.A., Vorobyev V.I., Demina E.A., Zhukov N.V., Kaplanov K.D., Konstantinova T.S., Motorin D.V., Ptushkin V.V., Sarzhevsky V.O., Tumyan G.S.
Unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: new opportunities and prospects for therapy
Abdurakhmanov D.T., Breder V.V., Bolotina L.V., Kosyrev V.I., Medvedeva B.M., Petkau V.V.
Hyperthermia is an additional option in the treatment of squamous cell cancer of the anal canal
Glebovskaya V.V., Tkachev S.I., Ivanov S.M., Nazarenko A.V., Rasulov A.O., Gordeev S.S., Bulychkin P.V., Besova N.S., Barsukov U.A., Trofimova O.P., Borisova T.N., Timoshkina E.V.
The role of regorafenib in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer
Tryakin A.A.
Neoadjuvant systemic therapy of HER2-positive breast cancer
Frolova M.A.
Radiation treatment of the primary vulvar Pagetʼs disease: case report
Razumova E.L., Kizhaev Y.E., Ukolova E.A.
HER2-positive disseminated gastric and gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: forecast, clinical course, treatment
Besova N.S.
The role of tamoxifen in the therapy of metastatic ovarian cancer
Davidenko I.S., Kazantseva M.V., Porhanova N.V., Ohanyan M.R.
Prolongirovannaya blokada angiogeneza pri metastaticheskom kolorektal'nom rake (novye dannye)
Artamonova E.V.
Tartseva (erlotinib) v terapii rasprostranennoy adenokartsinomy legkogo pri nalichii mutatsii retseptora epidermal'nogo faktora rosta
Orlov S.V., Dvorakovskaya I.V., Mosin I.V., Stel'makh L.V., Gorokhov A.A., Martynenko O.N., Poltoratskiy A.N.
Gertseptin: mekhanizm deystviya
Imyanitov E.N.
Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya Tsetuksimaba pri zlokachestvennykh opukholyakh tolstoy kishki i opukholyakh golovy i shei
Khokhlova S.V., Romanov I.S., Gorbunova V.A., Matyakin E.G.
Sovremennaya taktika ad\"yuvantnoy lekarstvennoy terapii bol'nykh operabel'nym (rannim) rakom molochnoy zhelezy
Perevodchikova N.I.
Nekotorye prognosticheskie faktory pri sovremennoy terapii khronicheskogo limfoleykoza
Byalik T.E., Grivtsova L.Y., Karseladze A.I., Zagoskina T.P., Bessmel'tsev S.S., Volkova M.A.
Rol' noveyshikh tekhnologiy v endoskopicheskoy diagnostike i otsenke effektivnosti lecheniya limfom zheludka
Malikhova O.A., Poddubnyy B.K., Kuvshinov Y.P., Frolova I.P.
Initial treatment for adults with advanced kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma) [Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review]
Melnikov V.D.
Own experience in the treatment of primary refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma. Case report
Gushchina E.E., Vernyuk M.A., Chervontseva A.M., Cherkashina I.V., Khayrullina L.S., Lunin V.V., Fedenko A.A.
ELEVATE-RR – first head-to-head trial of acalabrutinib versus ibrutinib in previously treated high risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Bialik T.E., Vorob'ev V.I., Ionin V.A., Ysebaert L., Kaplanov K.D., Mendeleeva L.P., Nikitin E.A., Ptushkin V.V., Samoilova O.S., Stadnik E.A.
Treatment of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma with lenvatinib. Case report and literature review
Menshikov K.V., Sultanbaev A.V., Akhmetgareeva K.T., Lipatov D.O.
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma of unknown primary site. Clinical follow-up
Ognerubov N.A., Antipova T.S., Gumareva G.E.
Treatment of children with medulloblastoma without metastatic involvement in the age group older than 3 years: international experience and results of intercenter trial
Levashov A.S., Zagidullina S.R., Stroganova A.M., Khochenkov D.A., Ryzhova M.V., Gorelyshev S.K., Kadirov S.U., Babelyan S.S., Grigorenko V.A., Sidel’nikov D.A., Subbotina N.N., Daylidite V.V., Mentkevich G.L.
Non-small cell lung cancer with the tracheal bifurcation involvement. Carinal pneumonectomy or chemo-radiation therapy?
Dadyev I.A., Davydov M.M., Shogenov M.S., Abdullaev A.G., Ibraev M.A., Filatov A.A.
Dural non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
Babicheva L.G., Baikov V.V., Leenman E.E., Vinogradova Y.N., Ilyin N.V., Ryabchikova V.V., Poddubnaya I.V.
Modern possibilities of targeted therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer
Gorbunova V.A.
Russian multicenter retrospective study: preliminary data concerning clinical and molecular genetic characteristics in long-term responders to erlotinib
Smolin A.V., Gorbacheva A.V.
Clinical example of the drug pazopanib as a targeted therapy in inoperable cancer of the kidney
Klimenko A.A., Ivanov S.A.
Results of preoperative antitumor therapy in combination with bevacizumab and KRAS status during liver resections for colorectal cancer metastases
Sekacheva M.I., Bagmet N.N., Polishchuk L.O., Glazova O.V., Zaklyazminskaya E.V., Skripenko O.G.
Aromazin v ad\"yuvantnoy terapii raka molochnoy zhelezy
Artamonova E.V.
Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya tsetuksimaba dlya lecheniya bol'nykh kolorektal'nym rakom
Orlova R.V., Tyukavina N.V.
8 let nadezhdy: novye dannye issledovaniya ATAS
Antiestrogennaya terapiya pri rake molochnoy zhelezy. Naskol'ko bezopasny ingibitory aromatazy?
Ptushkin V.V.
Limfoma Khodzhkina: prognosticheskie priznaki segodnya
Demina E.A.
Odnomomentnoe udalenie dvukh metastazov raka legkogo iz raznykh oblastey golovnogo mozga
Karakhan V.B., Aleshin V.A., Fu R.G., Krat V.B.
International experience by using of the SJMB protocols in treatment of children with medulloblastoma in the age group over 3 years (literature review)
Levashov A.S., Zagidullina S.R., Valiev T.T., Stroganova A.M., Khochenkov D.A., Grigorenko V.A., Mikhaylova E.V., Tyurina E.V., Ryzhova M.V., Horielyshev S.K., Kadyrov S.U., Polyakov V.G.
Prospects for the treatment of neurofibromatosis type 1: A review
Mustafin R.N.
Comparative analysis results of surgical treatment, chemoradiotherapy and chemotherapy with assessment of prognostic factors in cervical esophageal cancer
Radzhabova Z.A., Kotov M.A., Girshovich M.M., Ponomareva O.I., Tkachenko E.V., Mitrofanov A.S., Radzhabova M.A., Levchenko E.V.
Actual treatment options for locally advanced and metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Ignatova A.V.
ELEVATE-TN Study. New data of acalabrutinib in first-line treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Resolution
Poddubnaya I.V., Al-Radi L.S., Byalik T.E., Kaplanov K.D., Molostvova V.Z., Nikitin E.A., Pospelova T.I., Ptushkin V.V., Samoilova O.S., Stadnik E.A., Tumyan G.S.
Modern radiation therapy in part of treatment primary mediastinal (thymic) B-large cell lymphoma (results of 131 patients treated at N.N.Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Trofimova O.P., Zavodnova I.Z., Tumyan G.S., Pryamikova Y.I., Volkova N.V., Zaichenko O.S., Nazarenko A.V.
The treatment of patients with advanced lung cancer associated with EGFR mutation
Bolotina L.V.
Features of surgical treatment of patients with breast cancer receiving preoperative systemic therapy
Kolyadina I.V., Poddubnaya I.V., Pavlikova O.A., Komov D.V.
The role and assessment of morphological regression after neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients
Frank G.A., Ilatovskaia M.E., Andreeva I.I., Zavalishina L.E.
Keratoacanthoma: possible management approaches. Case reports
Teterin K.A., Kizhaev Y.E., Bolotova N.P.
Clinical cases of treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
Lazarev S.A., Mamontov K.G., Manihas G.M., Antimonik N.Y.
Garbuzov M.I.
The concept of resectability in the treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases: the present notion
Bagmet N.N., Bedzhanyan A.L., Polishchuk L.O., Sekacheva M.I., Shatveryan G.A., Skipenko O.G.
Press-reliz Na XIII Rossiyskom kongresse onkologov obsudili sostoyanie epidemiologicheskoy programmy skrininga HER2-statusa u zhenshchin, bol'nykh rakom molochnoy zhelezy (RMZh), a takzhe preimushchestvai perspektivy targetnoy terapii preparatami Gertseptin i Avastin
Gormonal'naya terapiya raka predstatel'noy zhelezy. Otsenka effektivnosti neoad\"yuvantnoy terapii bikalutamidom i gozerelinom v techenie 3 i 6 mesyatsev pered radikal'noy prostatektomiey
Rasner P.I., Pushkar' D.Y., Govorov A.V.
Targetnaya terapiya raka pochki
Alekseev B.Y., Shegay P.V.
Lekarstvennaya terapiya solidnykh opukholey s metastazami v golovnom mozge
Konstantinova M.M.
Molekulyarno-biologicheskie faktory prognoza pri B-kletochnom khronicheskom limfoleykoze
Nikitin E.A., Malakho S.G., Biderman B.V., Poltaraus A.B., Sudarikov A.B.
Experience with the combination of tixagevimab + cilgavimab for pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 in cancer patients: A retrospective analysis
Lyadova M.A., Fedorinov D.S., Kuzmina E.S., Antonova T.G., Sokolskaya V.K.
The third-line therapy for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: regorafenib or repeated administration of drugs? A review
Rykov I.V., Chubenko V.A.
The era of immuno-oncology in onco-urology: what have we achieved? The review of the symposium of the alliance between Merck and Pfizer held within the framework of the XXV Russian Oncology Congress. November 9, 2021
Editorial B.
Malignant neoplasms associated with HIV infection. Problems and solutions (problem outline)
Kaprin A.D., Voronin E.E., Rassokhin V.V., Rozenberg V.V., Nekrasova A.V., Falaleeva N.A., Ivanov S.A., Grivtsova L.Y.
Antiangiogenic therapy for breast cancer with triple negative phenotype
Ganshina I.P., Ivanova K.A., Gordeeva O.O., Arkhipov A.V., Zhukova L.G.
The role of second generation Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Resolution
Poddubnaya I.V., Bialik T.E., Glonina N.N., Kalashnikova O.B., Kaplanov K.D., Lapin V.A., Medvedeva N.V., Mikhailova N.B., Moiseeva T.N., Nikitin E.A., Pospelova T.I., Stadnik E.A.
The first results of the national programme for the diagnosis and treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Turkmenistan
Berdimyradova M.B., Khadjiev S.M., Khommadova D.N., Polatova G.O., Kakajanova A.O., Batyrov C.B., Penayev D.N., Agayeva B.G., Annaberdiyeva G.A.
The comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis of tyrosine kinase inhibitor Iressa® (gefitinib) with TKI Giotrif® (afatinib) as first-line therapy for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer associated with mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor
Ryazhenov V.V.
Klinicheskie sluchai lecheniya gepatotsellyulyarnogo raka v Rossii. Klinicheskiy sluchay 1 Bolee chem 3-letnyaya stabilizatsiya protsessa gepatotsellyulyarnogo raka na fone dlitel'nogo priema preparata sorafenib
Sheko S.S., Dem'yanova G.A.
The role of targeted therapy in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Shakhnovich E.B., Kerbikov O.B., Kulaga E.A.
Modern options in personalized therapy of metastatic cutaneous melanoma
Protsenko S.A., Novik A.V., Akhaeva Z.Y., Zhabina A.S., Imyanitov E.N., Semenova A.I.
Algorithm of treatment of patients with castrate-resistant prostate cancer: modern concept and perspectives
Alekseev B.Y., Nyushko K.M., Kalpinskiy A.S., Kaprin A.D.
Retseptor faktora rosta fibroblastov 1-go tipa kak mishen' tselenapravlennoy terapii pochechno-kletochnogo raka
Timofeev I.V.
Efficiency of radiotherapy for cancer of the vermilion border of lower lip in terms of balance between quantitative and qualitative results
Garbuzov M.I.
1 - 150 of 175 Items 1 2 > >> 

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