Список статей

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Том 51, № 3 (2017) Effect of energy density on the target on SnO2:Sb film properties when using a high-speed particle separator
Parshina L., Khramova O., Novodvorsky O., Lotin A., Petukhov I., Putilin F., Shcherbachev K.
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Effect of Epitaxial Alignment on Electron Transport from Quasi-Two-Dimensional Iron Silicide α-FeSi2 Nanocrystals Into p-Si(001)
Tarasov I., Rautskii M., Yakovlev I., Volochaev M.
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Effect of Epitaxial-Structure Design and Growth Parameters on the Characteristics of Metamorphic Lasers of the 1.46-μm Optical Range Based on Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs Substrates
Maximov M., Nadtochiy A., Shernyakov Y., Payusov A., Vasil’ev A., Ustinov V., Serin A., Gordeev N., Zhukov A.
Том 52, № 11 (2018) Effect of Features of the Band Spectrum on the Characteristics of Stimulated Emission in Narrow-Gap Heterostructures with HgCdTe Quantum Wells
Rumyantsev V., Kulikov N., Kadykov A., Fadeev M., Ikonnikov A., Kazakov A., Zholudev M., Aleshkin V., Utochkin V., Mikhailov N., Dvoretskii S., Morozov S., Gavrilenko V.
Том 51, № 8 (2017) Effect of free charge carriers on birefringence and dichroism in anisotropic porous silicon layers
Sekerbayev K., Taurbayev Y., Efimova A., Timoshenko V., Taurbayev T.
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Effect of gamma irradiation on the photoluminescence of porous silicon
Elistratova M., Romanov N., Goryachev D., Zakharova I., Sreseli O.
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Effect of H+ implantation on the optical properties of semi-insulating GaAs crystals in the IR spectral region
Klyui N., Lozinskii V., Liptuga A., Dikusha V., Oksanych A., Kogdas’ M., Perekhrest A., Pritchin S.
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Effect of Heat and Plasma Treatments on the Photoluminescence of Zinc-Oxide Films
Abdullin K., Gritsenko L., Kumekov S., Markhabaeva A., Terukov E.
Том 51, № 12 (2017) Effect of high voltage electric field on structure and property of PEDOT:PSS film
Zhang J., Liu J.
Том 52, № 9 (2018) Effect of High-Dose Carbon Implantation on the Phase Composition, Morphology, and Field-Emission Properties of Silicon Crystals
Yafarov R.
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Effect of hydrogen desorption on the mechanical properties and electron structure of diamond-like carbon nanothreads
Podlivaev A., Openov L.
Том 52, № 1 (2018) Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Static Permittivity of Germanium
Musaev A.
Том 52, № 9 (2018) Effect of Injection Depletion in p-Si–n-(Si2)1 –x(ZnSe)x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.01) Heterostructure
Saidov A., Leyderman A., Usmonov S., Amonov K.
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Effect of intercalated hydrogen on the electron state of quasi-free graphene on a SiC substrate
Davydov S.
Том 53, № 11 (2019) Effect of Ion-Beam Processing during RF Magnetron Sputtering on the properties of ZnO Films
Krylov P., Alalykin A., Durman E., Zakirova R., Fedotova I.
Том 50, № 13 (2016) Effect of ionic Ag+ transfer on localization of metal-assisted etching of silicon surface
Pyatilova O., Sysa A., Gavrilov S., Yakimova L., Pavlov A., Belov A., Raskin A.
Том 53, № 12 (2019) Effect of Irradiation with 15-MeV Protons on Low Frequency Noise in Power SiC MOSFETs
Lebedev A., Levinshtein M., Ivanov P., Kozlovski V., Strel’chuk A., Shabunina E., Fursin L.
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Effect of Low γ-Radiation Doses on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon
Bilenko D., Belobrovaya O., Terin D., Galushka V., Galushka I., Zharkova E., Polyanskaya V., Sidorov V., Yagudin I.
Том 52, № 10 (2018) Effect of Low-Dose Proton Irradiation on the Electrical Characteristics of 4H-SiC Junction Diodes
Ivanov P., Potapov A., Kudoyarov M., Samsonova T.
Том 52, № 8 (2018) Effect of Misorientation and Preliminary Etching of the Substrate on the Structural and Optical Properties of Integrated GaAs/Si(100) Heterostructures Produced by Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Seredin P., Goloshchapov D., Zolotukhin D., Lenshin A., Lukin A., Khudyakov Y., Arsentyev I., Zhabotinsky A., Nikolaev D., Pikhtin N.
Том 50, № 7 (2016) Effect of multicomponent InAsSbP matrix surface on formation of InSb quantum dots at MOVPE growth
Romanov V., Dement’ev P., Moiseev K.
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Effect of Nickel and Copper Introduced at Room Temperature on the Recombination Properties of Extended Defects in Silicon
Orlov V., Yarykin N., Yakimov E.
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of Zinc Aluminum Oxide Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering
Kumar B., Hymavathi B.
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Effect of Phonon Drag on the Thermopower in a Parabolic Quantum Well
Hasanov K., Huseynov J., Dadashova V., Aliyev F.
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Effect of Plasma-Chemical Surface Modification on the Electron Transport and Work Function in Silicon Crystals
Yafarov R.
251 - 275 из 1443 результатов << < 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 > >> 

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