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Issue Title File
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) Effect of a low-temperature-grown GaAs layer on InAs quantum-dot photoluminescence
Kosarev A.N., Chaldyshev V.V., Preobrazhenskii V.V., Putyato M.A., Semyagin B.R.
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Effect of a Second-Order Phase Transition on the Electrical Conductivity of Metal/Semiconductor Structures
Nabiullin I.R., Gadiev R.M., Lachinov A.N.
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Effect of active-region “volume” on the radiative properties of laser heterostructures with radiation output through the substrate
Nekorkin S.M., Zvonkov B.N., Baidus N.V., Dikareva N.V., Vikhrova O.V., Afonenko A.A., Ushakov D.V.
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Effect of Ag in CdSe thin films prepared using thermal evaporation
Santhosh T.C., Bangera K.V., Shivakumar G.K.
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Effect of ammonium-sulfide solvent on the surface passivation of GaSb (100)
Lebedev M.V., Lvova T.V., Pavlov S.I., Sedova I.V.
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Effect of an increase in the density of collision cascades on the efficiency of the generation of primary displacements during the ion bombardment of Si
Karabeshkin K.V., Karaseov P.A., Titov A.I.
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Effect of anion and cation substitution in tungsten disulfide and tungsten diselenide on conductivity and thermoelectric power
Yakovleva G.E., Romanenko A.I., Berdinsky A.S., Kuznetsov V.A., Ledneva A.Y., Artemkina S.B., Fedorov V.E.
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Effect of Annealing on Luminescence of InGaN/GaN Structures Etched by a Focused Ion Beam
Sakharov A.V., Kaliteevskii M.A., Voznyuk G.V., Levitskii I.V., Mitrofanov M.I., Tsatsulnikov A.F., Lundin W.V., Rodin S.N., Usov S.O., Evtikhiev V.P.
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Effect of Bismuth on the Properties of Elastically Stressed AlGaInAsP〈Bi〉/InP Heterostructures
Lunina M.L., Lunin L.S., Alfimova D.L., Pashchenko A.S., Danilina E.M., Nefedov V.V.
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Effect of Boron Impurity on the Light-Emitting Properties of Dislocation Structures Formed in Silicon by Si+ Ion Implantation
Tereshchenko A.N., Korolev D.S., Mikhaylov A.N., Belov A.I., Nikolskaya A.A., Pavlov D.A., Tetelbaum D.I., Steinman E.A.
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Effect of cadmium-selenide quantum dots on the conductivity and photoconductivity of nanocrystalline indium oxide
Il’in A.S., Fantina N.P., Martyshov M.N., Forsh P.A., Chizhov A.S., Rumyantseva M.N., Gaskov A.M., Kashkarov P.K.
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Effect of Chemical Treatment of a Silicon Surface on the Quality and Structure of Silicon-Carbide Epitaxial Films Synthesized by Atom Substitution
Kalinkin I.P., Kukushkin S.A., Osipov A.V.
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Effect of Conditions of Electrochemical Etching on the Morphological, Structural, and Optical Properties of Porous Gallium Arsenide
Seredin P.V., Lenshin A.S., Fedyukin A.V., Goloshchapov D.L., Lukin A.N., Arsentyev I.N., Zhabotinsky A.V.
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Effect of coulomb correlations on luminescence and absorption in compensated semiconductors
Bogoslovskiy N.A., Petrov P.V., Ivánov Y.L., Averkiev N.S., Tsendin K.D.
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Effect of Deep Centers on Charge-Carrier Confinement in InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells and on LED Efficiency
Bochkareva N.I., Shreter Y.G.
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Effect of Deep Centers on the Statistical Delay of Microplasma Breakdown in Gallium-Arsenide Light-Emitting Diodes
Ionychev V.K., Shesterkina A.A.
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Effect of deposition temperature on the structure and optical properties of zinc-selenide films produced by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering
Kobziev V.F., Zakirova R.M., Kostenkov N.V., Krylov P.N., Fedotova I.V.
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Effect of Deposition Time on Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of PVA Capped SnS Films Grown by CBD Process
Devi P.M., Reddy G.P., Reddy K.T.
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Effect of Dislocation-related Deep Levels in Heteroepitaxial InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs pin Structures on the Relaxation time of Nonequilibrium Carriers
Sobolev M.M., Soldatenkov F.Y.
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Effect of doping with rare-earth elements (Eu, Tb, Dy) on the conductivity of Bi2Te3 layered single crystals
Abdullayev N.A., Jafarli K.M., Aliguliyeva K.V., Aliyeva L.N., Kahramanov S.S., Nemov S.A.
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) Effect of electric field on the ratio between the rashba and dresselhaus parameters in III–V heterostructures
Degtyarev V.E., Khazanova S.V., Konakov A.A.
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Effect of electrolyte temperature on the cathodic deposition of Ge nanowires on in and Sn particles in aqueous solutions
Gavrilin I.M., Gromov D.G., Dronov A.A., Dubkov S.V., Volkov R.L., Trifonov A.Y., Borgardt N.I., Gavrilov S.A.
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Effect of Electron Irradiation with an Energy of 0.9 MeV on the IV Characteristics and Low-Frequency Noise in 4H–SiC pin Diodes
Dobrov V.A., Kozlovski V.V., Mescheryakov A.V., Usychenko V.G., Chernova A.S., Shabunina E.I., Shmidt N.M.
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Effect of Electron–Phonon Interaction on the Conductivity and Work Function of Epitaxial Graphene
Davydov S.Y.
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Effect of electrostatic shielding on the photoelectric properties of heterostructures with deep QWs
Danilov L.V., Mikhailova M.P., Andreev I.A., Zegrya G.G.
226 - 250 of 1443 Items << < 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 > >> 

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