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Vol 51, No 11 (2017) Effect of the surface on transport phenomena in PbSnTe:In/BaF2 films
Akimov A.N., Klimov A.E., Suprun S.P., Epov V.S.
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Effect of the Temperature of Photonic Annealing on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Films Synthesized by Dual Magnetron-Assisted Sputtering
Zaitsev S.V., Vaschilin V.S., Kolesnik V.V., Limarenko M.V., Prokhorenkov D.S., Evtushenko E.I.
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Effect of the Temporal Characteristics of Modulated DC Plasma with the (SiH4–Ar–O2) Gas Phase on ncl-Si Growth in an a-SiOx:H matrix (\({{C}_{{{{{\text{O}}}_{{\text{2}}}}}}}\) = 15.5 mol %)
Undalov Y.K., Terukov E.I., Trapeznikova I.N.
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Effect of the Ti-Nanolayer Thickness on the Self-Lift-off of Thick GaN Epitaxial Layers
Yugov A.A., Malahov S.S., Donskov A.A., Duhnovskii M.P., Knyazev S.N., Kozlova Y.P., Yugova T.G., Belogorokhov I.A.
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) Effect of thermal annealing on the photoluminescence of structures with InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells and a low-temperature GaAs layer δ-doped with Mn
Kalentyeva I.L., Vikhrova O.V., Danilov Y.A., Zvonkov B.N., Kudrin A.V., Drozdov M.N.
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Effect of Thermal Annealing on the Photovoltaic Properties of GaP/Si Heterostructures Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
Uvarov A.V., Zelentsov K.S., Gudovskikh A.S.
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) Effect of Transverse Electric Field on Polariton Reflectance Spectra of Wide Quantum Wells
Loginov D.K., Donets A.V.
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Effect of transverse electric field on the longitudinal current–voltage characteristic of graphene superlattice
Kryuchkov S.V., Kukhar’ E.I.
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Effect of uniaxial deformation on the current–voltage characteristic of a p-Ge/n-GaAs heterostructure
Gadzhialiev M.M., Pirmagomedov Z.S., Efendieva T.N.
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) Effective Bi–Sb Crystals for Thermoelectric Cooling at Temperatures of T ≲ 180 K
Sidorenko N.A., Dashevsky Z.M.
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Effects of Doping of Lead Sulfide with Silver on the Lattice and Optical Properties of Pb1 –xAgxS Solid Solutions
Sadovnikov S.I.
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Effects of irradiation with 8-MeV protons on n-3C-SiC heteroepitaxial layers
Lebedev A.A., Ber B.Y., Oganesyan G.A., Belov S.V., Lebedev S.P., Nikitina I.P., Seredova N.V., Shakhov L.V., Kozlovski V.V.
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Effects of local photoexcitation of high-concentration charge carriers in silicon
Musaev A.M.
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Efficiency droop in GaN LEDs at high injection levels: Role of hydrogen
Bochkareva N.I., Sheremet I.A., Shreter Y.G.
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Elastic strains and delocalized optical phonons in AlN/GaN superlattices
Pankin D.V., Smirnov M.B., Davydov V.Y., Smirnov A.N., Zavarin E.E., Lundin W.V.
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Electric field effect on lowest excited-state binding energy of hydrogenic impurity in (In,Ga)N parabolic wire
El Ghazi H., Jorio A.
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Electrical Activity of Extended Defects in Multicrystalline Silicon
Pescherova S.M., Yakimov E.B., Nepomnyashchikh A.I., Pavlova L.A., Feklisova O.V., Presnyakov R.V.
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Si-Nanoparticle Films Deposited onto Substrates by High-Voltage Electrospraying from Ethanol Sols
Bubenov S.S., Dorofeev S.G., Kononov N.N., Davydova D.V.
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Electrical and Optical Properties of Unrelaxed InAs1 –xSbx Heteroepitaxial Structures
Guseynov R.R., Tanriverdiyev V.A., Belenky G.L., Kipshidze G., Aliyeva Y.N., Aliguliyeva K.V., Alizade E.G., Ahmadova K.N., Abdullayev N.A., Mamedov N.T., Zverev V.N.
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Electrical and photoelectric properties of n-TiN/p-Hg3In2Te6 heterostructures
Solovan M.N., Mostovyi A.I., Brus V.V., Maistruk E.V., Maryanchuk P.D.
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) Electrical and photoelectric properties of Si-based metal–insulator–semiconductor structures with Au nanoparticles at the insulator–semiconductor interface
Koryazhkina M.N., Tikhov S.V., Gorshkov O.N., Kasatkin A.P., Antonov I.N.
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Electrical and Photoelectric Properties of the TiN/p-InSe Heterojunction
Orletsky I.G., Ilashchuk M.I., Brus V.V., Marianchuk P.D., Solovan M.M., Kovalyuk Z.D.
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Electrical and Photoluminescence Studies of {LT-GaAs/GaAs:Si} Superlattices Grown by MBE on (100)- and (111)A-Oriented GaAs Substrates
Galiev G.B., Klimov E.A., Klochkov A.N., Kopylov V.B., Pushkarev S.S.
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Electrical and thermal properties of photoconductive antennas based on InxGa1 – xAs (x > 0.3) with a metamorphic buffer layer for the generation of terahertz radiation
Ponomarev D.S., Khabibullin R.A., Yachmenev A.E., Pavlov A.Y., Slapovskiy D.N., Glinskiy I.A., Lavrukhin D.V., Ruban O.A., Maltsev P.P.
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electrical Breakdown in Pure n- and p-Si
Bannaya V.F., Nikitina E.V.
301 - 325 of 1443 Items << < 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 > >> 

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